Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Living Day By Day

Here's what's going on with my life right now:

My grandma is in the hospital. She has been in three different places for the past month, today marks a month since it has happened. She's been in a rocky road of recovery. But the place she's in now has been helping her a whole lot.

But it's making me stress a whole lot. It shouldn't cause me to stress but it does because my mom is constantly on the "bug-me" notion since then.

So it's kind of making me not sleep until really late. Now I am trying my best to stay positive through the day but it causes me to be stressed by the time bed time rolls around. When I usually go to bed at 10:30 or 11... I don't sleep until midnight and sometimes not until 1AM.

I wish this can change but it's summer time and there's always a sunny day that's missed out upon because I can't drive which in turn adds more to my stress because I am here to hear my mom complain every single day. Do you hear me complain about living here? Yes, but not as much as she does it.

Then because my body is so used to waking up between 7 and 9, I get up and get sleepy by the time 2pm comes around. Not today, body, not today.

I really miss the idea of silence at a certain time everyday.

I will try to record a video during this silence time but I can't promise long videos anymore. It sucks. I need a room for where I can use the computer without no disturbance from the TV that stays on all day. Mom claims she can't stand silence so it's hard to keep it turned off because then she would turn on some music.

So... I am living day by day with positivity but know that this is my situation right now.

Hopefully, things will go normal. But no, once my grandma will be out, my mom will go straight over there to take care of her. And my laptop kind of sucks a lot. I can't get Minecraft on it... I think the policy says one place? So... I will have to download one of the games that I bought to record a video if I want one.

So... we'll see.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Hope my mom doesn't read this but she can't barely see so I'm good. I just hope all goes well with my grandma and my mom. So... living day by day!

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