Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Rainy Tuesday~

Today, it done nothing but rain.

And I tried to record a game but the game itself ended up being slow because of recording it. I need to fix it soon.

I will do that tomorrow. Right now, my mind is somewhere else x.x

I should be doing more tomorrow to experiment and stuff.

I am going just gonna post one post today since I have been doing other things and stuff...

It won't be long until I get to bed either.
Just random there xD

Anyway, I think there will be severe storms rolling in by tonight and tomorrow. I hope it doesn't do bad either. I really don't like spring like weather because it can get really... bad. Since the weather being weird and stuff in the last years or so... I think we all need to understand that things can go bad at any moment of time.

Alright, getting some things done now so I can get on YouTube and watch vids.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, February 27, 2017

Found My Keys

It's kind of a... reply to my other blog.

I almost thought I lost my keys and ended up finding them in my coat pocket. Yay me!

I really wish my mind doesn't do weird things to me like this. It's why I need to get back into reading and stuff. I think I will have to do so ASAP. So... yea... reading soon.

Anyway, I didn't do anything that I said I was gonna do yesterday. ._. Thanks Monday again.

I hope that my mind won't be as weird tomorrow as today.

I hope that I can get back to being normal soon too.

Not sure what to do for the rest of the day yet... But YouTube seems to be on the top of the list xD

Alright, gonna go now.. and wait for sleep to come later.

That's all.

With love,


Losing My Mind

Today, I don't know what is wrong with my mind. I lost my keys and almost lost my phone. x.x Basically, I couldn't remember when I last set my phone down xD

Bad me.

My phone is safe but my house keys... not too sure because I am not sure where the heck they are at. I might have to do a hunt down for them but dang...

I am not having a good day at all. After getting that medicine from my doctor, taking it one time... then nope... not taking it again x.x

So many things left unsaid and my head hurts.

Thanks, Monday. Thanks a lot x.x

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Things Are Getting Better?

Things are getting better... I hope.

My grandma will be at her home this week. I will be fully better and able to do many things.

And my break of TV shows are ending on certain days. Hope things will be alright.

I hope tomorrow I get to record a video for YouTube. It'll be a gameplay and many things.

I have been busy today by seeing my grandma at that place for hopefully one last time. I then went on to Walmart to buy some stuff.

I will be busy to back to looking for online jobs. As well as back to trying to do my surveys. Things are hopefully to be back to normal a bit.

Right now, I will watch some videos and maybe some anime too. While at the same time, keeping an eye out for Netflix and stuff.

Yay for being busy again.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Busy Day? Who Knows.

I think we finally went out for the day. I got a few clothes but that's it.

I really want to save the rest of the money for things that are important to me.

I think my grandma gets out soon so that's going to be wonderful home welcome for her. So yay!

Tomorrow, I will see my grandma at that place. Hopefully, that will be the last time she will be there. Next weekend, I will stay home and rest for a bit.

I will start recording the games this week and hope that nothing goes wrong with them. I will, of course, view them all before I upload them later on. Hoping that there won't be anymore weird mistakes like before. Of course, I will be editing them because I want to show the first part without subtitles again... they were messed up but later on in the game, it appears the scenes will be fine. We'll see.

This is going to be a lot of work because the game is slow but the recording is not. Wish me luck because I will be recording a hour to a couple hours a day in order to get a perfect video xD Good thing, this game will let me save in different places.

I hope to finish the game to upload on my YouTube channel later this year. While they do upload, I will be recording another set of games. Of course, you all get to choose!

For now, I know this post will the only one for today since I was busy earlier. Tomorrow will be the same because I am hoping we go visit my grandma and stuff.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, February 24, 2017

What to do... When...

Not going into details that much but I somehow need to figure out how things should change on this personal spectrum scale.

My dad had came home today and we went to the store a bit early. We usually go to the store on Saturdays. Hope this doesn't put us behind on anything at all.

I really wish I lived on my own sometimes, because then I could get things done in a heart beat.

I am more focused when I am alone or around people that are close to me.

But to have to keep getting up and down only to do nothing, it's really hard to do anything.

Anyway, I'll deal with for now. Just have to keep trying to figure out some things.

Tomorrow, I am not entirely sure what I am going to do yet. I just hope it won't be another boring day.

Alright, I'm gonna go finish some videos and then get to bed soonish.

That's all.

With love,


Fell Asleep Before I Knew It

I went to bed early.

That's it xD

I was so tired that I forgot to post a second post. I hope you all don't mind.

Anyway, I didn't record the game like I was planning. Things were a bit weird. I can't really explain it.

Starting next week, I hope to start recording the game. Hopefully, things will be alright by then. No more health problems and more.

I still need to fix the lag problem with the game so there's that.

It sucks when you can't drive so yay...

Well, I am going to take a break today and get back to watching a movie. I am going to do other things later too... so hoping that things will be alright for me.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kirby Galore!

Today, actually, today... was a good day.

My bestie surprised me with a present on Line xD He got me Kirby stickers o3o

They are so adorable and cute! I'm glad he got me those and he is just so awesome. I can't wait to earn some more money to get him something too o3o Don't tell him that. xD

Anyway, I am just thinking about playing a game for a hour or less and record a video for that part o3o

I am feeling a little better today aside from a tummy ache and earache. Hope things are alright for me for the rest of the day.

I slept good thanks to a fan... some reason, I have to use a fan from now on. I don't want to be for a soft noise like that, I would need it. Plus, the weather is changing too so I will be needing it more often.

Alright, I will finish this one anime and wait for mom to get done with the phone and start recording. It's been delayed too long xD

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Lacking Things For Blog

I know these past few weeks even to almost a month, things have been really lacking...

It's not because I have been forgetful or lazy... It's just being sick for the first time in a long time has taken a toll with my mentality. Therefore, making it harder to concentrate on things that do matter. It's whether getting over a cough, only to end up with something else. Now my lack of sleep due to my ears have been reeking havoc.

I hope that tomorrow or so forth... with the help a running fan, I can sleep tonight. The weather has been better suited for a fan now so that's a plus for me.

My mind is still a bit fuzzy right now so I think I should just go to sleep and hope for a better sleep...

Tomorrow, I'll try to make these blogs a whole lot better... instead of my fussy mood that I know that I have been getting as of late.

That's all.

With love,


When Things Doesn't Go Your Way...

So, the unexpected happened... My mom was overdrafted... and yea, you know what happened there.

I won't go into detail because while I don't care to help but yea...

Anyway, enough of that. I know my mom read this more than I read my books and it's well... not good for me.

I really need to find a more private part of life to write my stories and stuff...

I could stop sharing this to on my twitter but then I would have less readers...

So it's really hard to do anything anymore.

I so can't wait to get a job online and more.

That part won't be reveal because again, she reads this! UGH!!!!!!

I wish some things are left private in my own head instead of them worrying about what I put here.

In the end, it doesn't even freaking matter.

I love you, mom. I really love you.... but you don't have to read everything that I put on here.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lack of Sleep And Headache of Heck

Two things that I don't really want to mix but sadly, they do.

I have been dealing with lack of sleep all day along with the headache from where they flushed my ears.

Never gonna get my ears flushed again.

Anyway, I took two naps today but not sure if that's enough. I'm hoping that later tonight, I will be able to sleep well... with no problems.

I did not record a game today. I just can't concentrate on anything with this huge headache.

I am not going to livestream either tonight because of this thing. So yay...

I am just hoping that tomorrow will be 10x better for my head and I hope that I won't have to do anything else weird to my ears for a long long long time.

For now, I am only going to post this one tonight. Hoping that tomorrow will be better for me.

Right now until I get sleepy, I am going to watch YouTube videos.

So... that's all.

With love,


Monday, February 20, 2017

Well, That Was Odd...

Today, I went to the doctor. I didn't had to wait long. I told the doctor about my ears and my personal problem.

First my ears, I had to get them "flushed" out... not a fun thing to do. And kind of regretted them doing it because it might end up hurting in the long run. So it's was a bit odd... Hint the title.

Second, the personal problem. Until I know what it is, I can't really talk about it much in full detail and more. I just know that it's a problem that possibly won't go away just yet.

Now, I am sitting here... ears hurting a little bit and thinking of going to bed early at around 10. Not sure yet.

I was going to record a game today but some reason the sound began to not work on the game. I will fix that problem later... hopefully. I just have to wait and see what happens next.

Anyway, I am going to watch some videos.

There won't be a second post tonight... and depends on how I am feeling tomorrow, I am not sure what to do yet.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Yay, What Am I Gonna Do?

Yay, what am I gonna do? Well, right now... sleep, of course xD

Tomorrow? Well, I am going to start recording a game. I might not record much of it tomorrow yet. Since I will be going to the doctor tomorrow at 3:30ish in the afternoon. There's just something personal that I need to find out what's going on and see if they can help me with it. My mom thinks it's medicine that's causing it but I done some research and it's not. So yea... something else is going on.

Anyway, I hope to record the game at around 12. Nap at 12:30. I will continue to play the game the next day. I hope you all would understand this.

I will make some videos silent and do them at night time when my dad is home from work.

I will not post these videos until after the game is done. I will enjoy the story at the same time. And playing the game only for 20 minutes to a hour, I know this will be good since I can't really figure out how to prevent my computer from making noises at 100% CPU usage.

Alright, gonna go on to bed soon. Listening to a few things on Pewdiepie cases.

That's all.

With love,


Things You See While Riding Around

I know this is a weird title but it's kind of true...

On the road going towards home, there's a dead cow in the ditch. It looks like it has been there for a day...

But why is it there? I have no clue.

So there's my daily dose of weirdness.

Anyway, I am going to watch some YouTube videos and then get a movie started on Netflix before going to bed.

Tomorrow, I should be able to get started with recording that game. I will start commentary but I will not comment anymore than that for most of the game.

It records good but it's the game that's slightly slow. I might have to go full screen. Which I will test before I do record.

I will keep playing the game until I beat it. So that's one good thing that I vowed to do now. So... yay!

Alright, back to YouTube. Should have another post coming up later.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Things Are Strange

Trump says media is enemies of America. Nope.

Pewdiepie says media takes out of context: Yep.

But that makes me lose trust with the media? No. And yes.

If I ever become famous, I don't want to be interviewed by any type of media. I just want to be a private type of person. If that poses negative media, I will speak out and say that this is not true and more.

I believe the media needs to change. They are humans making mistakes. And those three guys that made that post about Pewdiepie should be fired. They are going too far because they obviously didn't do their job correctly.

So... things are strange.

Anyway, I am going to watch this video then go on to bed. I am kind of tired now.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow yet but hopefully something. Who knows what will happen yet.

That's all.

With love,


Skipped Yesterday... But Here Today

Yesterday had been one of those days where your mind just drifted off and you had no idea why... but then by the time you went to bed, you realize that you forgot to update your blog... that's me yesterday.

Today, I am here. I am kind of tired right now and planning to watch a movie for about a hour and a half.

I have to say one thing... media might suck but they are not our enemy. This is what Trump trying to say. Wow, he really wants a fascist country to happen, doesn't he?

I think if we don't shut him up or tell him what his limits are at, we are in for a long, hard, strict ride here in America.

My mom might say deal with it but I'm not gonna sit here and let my life be ruined by a loud mouth president.

I will be happy once I get out of here and living in another country.

Anyway, I am going to go watch that movie. We had been out to see my grandma. She is doing really good. I hope that she gets to come home someday.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Awesome Choice of Game But Won't Say What It Is...

Awesome choice of game. However, I still need to lower it down some more because there still seems a bit of a lag. I will test the game out again without no browsers open and more tho.

However, what game am I playing? I won't say... but here's a small hint... It's an anime style game. That's all I am going to say.

I am going to start recording the game soonish. Right now, I just want to play a little bit of it on my own time to get the feel of the game and the story too... Just to get familiar with it.

Anyway, I am going to sleep now since I need to try to rest as much as I could.

Tomorrow, I will continue to play the game at some point without no recording. Then starting next week, I will play a new game and record for you guys.

Alright... that's all.

With love,


Resting Day!

I am going to rest a bit today. But after the poll is over on twitter, I am going to install that game and play it all the way while recording it. There will be some parts that will be silent. And some parts will have commentary. I will be able to record soon. I won't reveal the game that won just yet but I will do things to give hints so you all can guess and stuff.

Anyway, right now I am going to watch some Netflix shows or if not that... Maybe watch some anime.

Today, my mind is alright. Just a bit shaky but it appears that the more that I rest, the more that I feel better.

I am going to get this posted so that I can get on with the resting and planning and more.

I was going to watch a movie but have decided to wait.

Anime for now.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Minds Are Weird

Minds are weird. I guess you could say that we are empty boxes waiting to be explore for no reason.

Anyway, I am going to take a nap in a few minutes. I just wanted to update that after I take my nap, I will randomly pick 4 games to put on the poll on twitter so you guys can pick the next game I should record or stream. It's entirely up to you.

Right now, I think I will rest and hope for a better day.

I will continue on my search for jobs after my nap too... so yay...

I want to buy my bestie something in the future but I won't reveal what that is yet.

For now... nap time.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Now... That V Day Is Over...

I am happy to finally survive the day without staring at too many V-Day things xD

I am never worried about what I am getting. I grew up having nothing so it's just another day for me. I like to celebrate it by watching or playing games xD

Anyway, I am going to watch a few videos then head on to bed. I just know that this blog will be short xD

Tomorrow, I am going to do a poll for some games. I am waiting until tomorrow to release it since I am at the borderline of being sick and such.

Can't believe it's already gonna be a middle of the week tomorrow. o-o/

Alright, time to go now.

That's all.

With love,


Planning To Stream Tonight

I haven't been streaming for almost 3 weeks now. It's gonna be a month soon so I am going to stream tonight.

I might not be playing for very long but we'll see.

This time, I am going to use another program to stream but nothing will be opened besides that program and the game. So... wish me luck for that. There will be a lot of lag but I just want to test it out for a bit.

Anyway, not sure what to do after the stream but will figure that out.

I'm going to get things started and use that program to try streaming again. I have to figure out how it works again before doing it xD

Watch my twitter for the announcement. So... that's all.

With love,


Monday, February 13, 2017

Today Has Been Full of Literal Headaches

Literal... quite literally.

I have been trying to take care of these headaches and such with the medicine my doctor had prescribed to me a week and a Friday ago. So far, it's been helping out a lot more than anything.

I am not sure what I am getting now because it's mostly head hurting and a slight muscle pain... Mom says it's the flu but I don't know really. I don't feel really sick or anything so I just hoping it's not the flu.

I will know, hopefully, tomorrow if I am getting sick or not.

Anyway, I am watching YouTube while talking to my bestie. It's that time of the year again we get to spend forever alone...

I am not big on Valentine's Day as an adult like I was as a child. Too much pink and red for me.

I was reading up that there's a country that wants to abandon the whole idea of Valentine's Day. I can't say I don't blame them. Valentine's Day shouldn't be forced to be celebrated anyways. Although, the only thing I do look forward for V Day... is the plushies. I usually hunt for the cutest one and buy it. This year, I bought a dragon donkey... of some sorts... it's cute but yea... can't figure out if it's a dragon or a donkey or both... if you've watched all of Shrek, you would know.

Alright, enough of that... I mentioned on twitter that this will be my only post for today and that is true.

Tomorrow, I will continue on with the search of online jobs. It's a long process but I am not giving up.

For now, back to YouTube I'll go.

That's all.

With love,


PS: My bestie ish awesome. He rocks my world no matter what day it is. I might be forever alone, but at least I got him. xD

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Well, Today Was A Good Day

I went to see my grandma today. After what seemed like 2 weeks... well, it had been 2 weeks. The flu is not a fun thing to mess around with.

So far, I haven't gotten the flu since I have been drinking lots of warm water. Mostly room temperature water but that is what I like now. I cannot stand the cold water anymore.

Anyway, I finished Torchwood just now. I am going to watch YouTube videos now until sleep.

Tomorrow, I will resume the job hunting and such. I need to just check the new job listings too just so I can find something. So far, the only thing that seems to be easily to get.... is transcription jobs. I might be able to do them but not sure yet.

I will get on with the night now and hope that tomorrow, I will be feeling better.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Wish I Was Somewhere Else

I sometimes sit here and just think... I wish I was somewhere else. But where would I want to be at? Well, I wish that I was in Japan or Indonesia. Anywhere but here.

Anyway, I just have to work hard to make that dream come true. I really want to take my dogs with me. I know I should wait and see how I adjust in Japan or Indonesia first but I really want to do that.

Besides that, I am still hunting for an online job. I wish that I could find an easy one to do like typing and excel. I am really good at using excel now that I figured it out... Well, remembered it, thanks to my bestie helping out xD

I would've gotten one but the website kept slowing down because they needed a video. So yea... kind of hard to do when you have slow internet.

I will continue my search but I think I might have to do transcriptions jobs... most requires a foot pedal but I think I can do it no problem.

We'll see what happens next.

Tomorrow is gonna be another long day unless dad feels better. I know today he felt like crap.

For now, just wanna get some videos done and go to sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Nothing Else Better To Do...

My dad is sick. So when he's sick. He refuses to go absolutely anywhere x.x

Then I have to deal with hearing my mom saying this or that. So my day has been full of boredom.

I was gonna record a game but I didn't really feel like it.

All in all, this whole entire household is just sick and bored. Yay.

Anyway, I am going to watch a few YouTube videos and stuff. I might take a small break to watch some anime. Not sure yet. I have only been awake for a hour after a hour nap. Felt like I needed that some reason.

I think what's keeping me from getting totally sick is how much I am drinking warm water. Everybody else here wants to drink cold water. I quit that long ago. Warm water tastes better to me.

On with YouTube.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, February 10, 2017

Weekend Finally Here

One good thing about my dad being off from work for a week? We get things done early.

Next week, my Saturdays will be busy again.

Today, I took a break from almost everything just so I can relax a bit. That was after we went to the store this morning xD

I am not sure what we'll be doing tomorrow since we all are just getting over with sickness each x.x

I will let you all know by tomorrow.

This will be the only post since I am going to watch two shows in a roll in a few.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Where Is The Sun When You Need It?

While it's snowing up north, Kentucky is just getting the shittiest weather yet... Cold and warm temperatures with a chance of rain to come.

I normally don't cuss in my blogs but there you go.

Anyway, I am going to hold off any news but I may or may not be going to see Sword Art Online movie. Only because I've been dying to see it since the first announcement and yea. But I'm not making any official news yet. Like always, my parents treat me like a kid so I have to ask them first and then I have to purchase my ticket on my own. But I figured out that I could use my bluebird card. I can easily move funds to there if I need to.

I forgot that I still have a card that can be used to order stuff. Why does that happen to me a lot? xD

I will let you all know in a few days if I did get to go. Now about the money deal, I will do it whenever I go back to Walmart. I have the card somewhere but I need to check to see if I need to renew it or anything first. I don't think I have to.

Things to do, things to say. I hope that in the days ahead, everything will be awesome.

I don't want to jinx things so I will say nothing else more.

I am going to go sleep soon since tomorrow is gonna be a long day for me some reason. I just hope that I don't get sick.

That's all.

With love,


Everybody Is Sick At My Home

My mom has the flu. My dad has something. And I'm just getting over something. I might be having a set back if things don't go as well.

After yesterday, I am tired and worn out. Yay.

I am on the lookout of finding shelves for my room. Kind of hard to do when you have somebody who keeps saying no or wait or anything x.x This is why I want to get a job and move out asap.

I hope that things will be well for me later tonight... but doubt it. You can't do anything when people are being sick.

Anyway, I gonna go quiet for the rest of tonight so no streaming again. I really be glad when dad goes back to work next week. x.x

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Days Of Wonder

This will be the only post since I was outside of my home today. I am home now and really tired.

Anyway, I bought a headset finally. No pics but the quality is wonderful.

I am not sure when I am going to record games but it might be next week after my dad goes back to work.

What game will I be playing? I am going to do a random generator for that. I just hope that I can finish the game and add the videos soon. Tomorrow, I have decided not to do a stream. Sorry.

Instead, I'm gonna just make another account the game and record it too. So there will be two gameplays of Torchlight 2 on YouTube. Yay.

I will try to resume streaming next week so we'll see what happens next.

Right now, I am just searching for a few things. I won't say where I went today... but hope things will be alright for me.

For now... gonna wait for myself to get sleepy.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Nothing Is Changing... Yet

I am still keeping my goal of trying to do stuff. Later this month or the next, I am planning to buy a new headset that goes completely around my ears and for one hour a day or two, I am playing a game.

I don't want to speed too long on a game because I want to focus on finding an online job to help me with my life later on. This is a long process as it is so I just hope that one day, I can find something awesome.

For the videos to come on YouTube, I got ideas. But because I have been sick lately, I can't record those videos. I knew I was getting sick like two weeks ago, then a week ago, I gotten sicker. So right now, my main focus is trying to get better.

I am not worrying about my blog as much because I chose to update whenever I feel like it. The number of times is unlimited. Not limited.

I am going to do a different recording session with Torchlight 2 later on to add onto my channel eventually.

I will still do live streams whenever I feel better.

I haven't started writing stories just yet. I have ideas but I want to be able to make chapter cards so that I can add ideas through that way. With a climax to make things feel better for a story.

What happens if I do get an online job? Well, nothing will change. I will be working at a certain time part of the time. Not all the time. I will still focus on my blogs and other things.

The reason why I want to get a different headset is to make it less noisy to appear in the background. I can only find those either at another store or online.

I do want to play some Square Enix games but after reading up on some things... I have to be aware on those.

I guess I will have to wait and see what happens next before I do decide anything. I think the only thing that I did broke for my resolution is reading more. I will get back to reading soon. I hope!

Anything else... I think that's about it. For now, I want to focus on getting better completely. That means, no dizziness, no coughing, no stuffy nose, etc.

 Again, keep an eye out on my twitter if you want any news of anything. The way this year has been going... anything can happen suddenly.

Alright, sleeping time for me now.

That's all.

With love,


No Streaming Just Yet

I am still not quite well enough to live stream...

I am not aching which is kind of normal?

Anyway, just hope that things will be alright for me tomorrow or so forth.

I am going to rest for the most of the night before I go to sleep later.

My dad is on his vacation this week too so some things will be a bit slow for a bit.

Hopefully, everything will be alright by then.

I hope to write again before I sleep. If not, don't be surprise.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, February 6, 2017

Onwards Back to Daily Life

Onwards to being back to daily life...

I am still not feeling up to par but we'll see for the later days ahead. Wednesday would make it a week for me being sick. If I get better by then, I'll be knocking on wood.

I think I deserve a bit of a short break for the rest of the night by reading... I haven't been reading for a while because of being sick and such.

I hope tomorrow will be a good day for me. (Today for my bestie) because we both have been sick for far too long.

Anyway, I am going to keep this post short. I'll know tomorrow if I am able to stream or not. Being sick literally sucks a lot.

Keep an eye on my twitter if you want. I know I have been using my twitter to say things so don't mind me there.

Onward with... our daily lives.

That's all.

With love,


Pretty Much Out of It... (Dizzy and Mind Drained)

I am literally not feeling good right now. I am pretty much out of it... well... my mind keeps floating away for no reason at all.

I sure hope the doctor is right about letting whatever I have run it's course. It sucks because it makes me (and my bestie) suffer a lot. My bestie is having problems with his stomach and such. Mostly the virus thing that you get that's not fun at all. I know the feels.

I really hope we both get better soon and stuff.

Tonight, I have no shows coming on. So I guess I will have a movie night all by myself? Yea... let's do that.

I wish I was where my bestie ish... then we both be like sitting or resting and watching random movies and anime. Always have to include anime xD

Anyway, I think I will get to the movie. I really hope that I feel like writing another blog later.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Another Day of Sickness

Just another day of being sick. I have been resting all day and was thinking of what I could write on this blog but my mind is disappeared.

I hope that I can get over this soon. I really want to try to finish Torchlight 2 xD

I am going to watch this movie and later watch some videos on YouTube.

This post might be really short since I really don't have anything to say at this moment.

I can't be sure if there's gonna be another post for now. I am really not feeling too good right now... ah, well. Just another reason to try and feel better soon.

For now...

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Welcome to The Sick Stage

So today, I am still sick but I have a feeling that I am close to getting better.

Just a few more days to go.

Anyway, we didn't go see my grandma today because she's ill and my mom really doesn't want to get sick again. The nurses there has asked us to avoid going there.

I really don't want to go through another cycle of getting sick after getting over sick again. It's not a fun cycle to have to go through.

I am going to be stopping with the travel ban deal for a while since there's been a lift temporary but who knows for how long.

Also, I think somebody just spoke up about what the president can do and can't do xD Hilarious xD

Alright, in the end, it doesn't even matter, okay?

I am hoping that tomorrow I will feel better because I really want to watch more of Torchwood and finish it soon. I want to be able to watch some movies and other stuff just to get things done.

Also, finish an anime too.

For now, I will just figure out if I should sleep early later.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, February 3, 2017

Things Were A Mess But It's Alright

There was a moment that I was hoping to have more than 2 posts today but that won't happen.

Things were a mess. I only arrived home late and I was tired. I am still tired so words might get a bit messed up because of it.

I do have acid reflux. But he said to come back in case I wanted to get checked for a gallbladder. I might end up going to another doctor though.

Anyway, I am really tired but I will stay up just a bit longer to finish the rest of Final Fantasy 15 by Cry. I also heard that FF15 might be getting a PC release so that would be awesome to try out.

Alright, that's all. Sorry for having no two posts or a longer post tonight. Thanks though.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Headache so want to be quiet...

I seem to develop a headache due to this sickness. So I rather want to be quiet but that's kind of hard to do.

I might not be exactly going to bed early tonight but I will be going to the doctor tomorrow early. Not really for the cold but for something else. However, if I am still sick, I might ask get some medicine for this cold.

Anyway, I will let you all know tomorrow if I have to do any tests or what nots.

Wait, what am I going to the doctor for in the first place? My stomach. Remember before that I said I will take care of my health. That is the reason. I want to make sure it's not my gallbladder that's causing me to feel sick to my stomach. Because I seem to develop a mysterious acid reflux symptom and it's not pleasant.

Alright, this will be the only post for tonight but I will try to update twice tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sleepy Because of Being Sick

I am sleepy because I am sick. Yay.

I think I caught this cold from my mom. But the weather has a huge factor on it too. Can't the weather just decide what temperature it's gonna stay on?

I'm not sure what time I'll be awake tonight so this will be the only post for this blog tonight.

I won't be live streaming this week because of this sickness. I didn't do any last week because of my ears. So... it's annoying as heck.

I do know that this cold might be lasting until past this weekend. Who knows what will happen next. One good thing, is not having a sore throat. At least I hope it doesn't happen.

This is gonna suck for the first few days of February.

Anyway, tomorrow might be worse than today for this cold. I just hope it doesn't.

For the rest of tonight, I will get on YouTube.

And maybe sleeping early tonight.

That's all.

With love,