Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A Very... Early April Fool's Jokes...

Yep... today has been full of pranks... and I am like *facepalm* What just happened today?

Anyways, expect me tomorrow to be hiding... well... not really but revenge is coming guys... I tell you now.

I am still in the process of finishing anime. Learn that Log Horizon is still continuing but in another season or movie... whatever it will be, I will be waiting for it.

Also, there's a couple of anime that I am looking forward... so will keep that for another time.

So... that's all for now.

With love,


Monday, March 30, 2015

Tiring But Worth It...

Tiring day. But it's worth it. Because I want to try to lose some weight. (I am doing it for future health reasons)

Anyways, after a while, I was watching anime... And just realized... Log Horizon just might have another season... either that or a movie. Whatever it may be... I will be watching for any updates about it.

I will continue on walking and exercising tomorrow... and try not to sleep xD I sometimes have this habit of taking a nap... it's why I'm not sleepy during the night sometimes... So I avoid taking a nap today. Now I'm sleepy... yay.

I just got a couple more of another anime to watch before I do sleep. And if my bestie comes online before I sleep, I will be playing more Unturned.

Don't worry guys... I will be trying to keep you updated twice a day... For now, please enjoy the once a day blog.

I should update one for when I wake up... and another for before I sleep xD

Whatever happens, I'll just say to keep a watch of my blogs.

For now that's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saw Something Interesting...

I saw this quote "If Traveling Was Free, I wouldn't Be Here" and it made me think... yea... that would be me.

I mean it with all my heart that I would get away from here one of these days. Even if it means a chance to go back to college, a chance to get a job over in Japan or Indonesia... Anywhere but here.

So it's an interesting quote.

Anyways, I'm gonna get off here since today is once again the night my favorite show comes on.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Changing Lifestyles to Chasing Dreams

Soon, the weather will be warm again and it's high time that I do something to my life.

Firstly, I am changing my lifestyle... no soda intake at all. Just water. All water. Also... slowly lower my sugar intake... Then lastly, my fat intake. It's a slow process because I'm addicted to chocolate and chips. (sorry!) But cutting the soda out of my life made me feel 10 times better than before. So... it would help a whole lot for having no sugar and bad fatties in my life.

Secondly, put more exercising to my life. Essentially, I hurt really easy... so I'm gonna do more exercising such as dancing, walking, and many many easy exercises... especially any that does not require a twist... or else, I'll be yelping in a thousand wonders of pain in my right hip. (It hurts even when I'm on my period... so a must on not twisting on my hip... even if people does say it helps in certain exercising... just twisting is really painful for me.)

Thirdly, trying to get the heck out of here before something else in my life brings me down. Seriously... having a dad that tries to control your life is really bad. I mean really really really bad. I dealt with as a child and I don't want to deal with it now. Having controlling parents is almost the same as abuse but more mentally.

I might talk more into what controlling parents are later on in another blog... Just depends on how I feel about it.

Actually... there are many things that I felt like I need to talk about... so a topic would be interesting.

Also, I'm planning to do a separate blog for nothing but anime... so... kind of looking forward to that. That doesn't mean that I would add it here... It just means that the anime blog would be all reviews, opinions, and spoilers... Which I would add before each blog. And the anime that I do happen to watch will also be listed here. So... just an eye out for it sometime in the future.

For now... I want to make my journey and my life better... one slow step at a time. One step at a time...

That's all.

With love,


Friday, March 27, 2015

And I Thought I Was Done Seeing Snow...

Yep... it snow but it's not too bad since it's not gonna last long and not sticking on the ground. So a plus... I guess?

Anyways, too many things happening around... I think I am going to go ahead and try to find a part time job somewhere. No full details yet.

Also... I think my dad is trying to control my life again. He did before... and I don't have many in real life friends. Most of my friends... well, just one friend is online. So... I'm ok with that. xD

I'm too shy... I never knew how to speak to other people. I am not sure why. I guess I just have social problems because of how my dad strict me from having friends. Sadly, I think this might have a huge affect to my life.

I don't want to stay here and let my dad try to ruin things. I know he keeps saying he wants to leave but some reason, he seems to waiting for something. So... must do something.

As an adult, I don't think my dad should try to control my life anymore. He taught me enough to know what I should do in case of something goes wrong (he was a coward so it taught me that I should learn to defend myself more often.) I don't want to be controlled anymore.

So for now... that's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wait... Where's The Storm?

Today, the weather has been a bit calmer than expected. They were giving storms but I think it turned out better than what they predicted. So... yay for no storms!

Also, the good news... I am feeling a whole lot better. Still running a small fever here and there but it's not bad fever. But at least I am feeling better.

I think I'll be busy for a while with loads of anime so my blogs will be later at certain days. Or earlier. Depends on the day.

Anyways, I wrote a new story but it's not complete yet and it might take a while to complete. So you guys just have to sit back and just smell the roses while waiting xD

So for now... that's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Weather is Gonna Be Strange...

So starting tomorrow, the weather is gonna turn cool and storms are coming in. Yay for confusing spring.

Hopefully it won't be that bad.

Also, the weather is gonna turn cold for a few days... hopefully it won't be too bad either.

Anyways, I will be going now... still a bit sick but getting better each day.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Why Can't This Fever Go Away?

It seems that I take fever spells every other hour. Then I feel better.

Tonight, I don't really feel good atm... so I might end up going to bed early in a moment.

For now... I seem to have an inspiration for a story... but it's a secret for now.

So... That's all for now.

Hope I feel better soon.

With love,


Monday, March 23, 2015

A Journey To Feeling Better.

It's been 3 days since I went to the doctor. And still fighting this cold. Hopefully, I'll feel better soon.

Anyways, I am going to change things in my life... since Spring is here now. I just hope that this fever doesn't try to make me feel any worse than I am.

So... I will let you guys know. That's all for now.

With love,


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day Out... and Nothing xD

I finally got out today but only to came back with nothing.

But it's alright. At least I got out.

Anyways, this is a short blog because in 10 minutes, I will be watching Once Upon a Time... wonder what will happen on that show.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Nothing to do on weekends...

Seriously... on nice days, I much rather see myself out traveling to see things. But my dad doesn't want to. I don't know why he doesn't want to enjoy things.

Ah, well.

It might be a good thing I didn't go out. I still feel ill but getting better as I take my medicine. Should be fully better tomorrow. No fever atm so that's good news.

Anyways, I am not sure what we'll doing tomorrow as it is a nice day out too. But only time will tell. Also, will let you guys know too.

So, that's all for now. Should sleep soon.

With love,


Friday, March 20, 2015

Sick with Fever

So I didn't even know I was running a fever until I went to the doctor with my mom. I knew that I was getting sick because of cough and runny nose and seriously headache. I got medicine and hopefully be better soon.

Anyways, I am going to be busy for the next few weeks because in 2 weeks from now, there will be new anime coming. So I will be busy watching those xD

So again, you guys will be getting a list. So keep an eye out for it!

I will be reading too and just almost done with Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian. I am begging the world for a movie for these books. They are so awesome to read! And yes, there should be a movie.

Well, I am going to end this and watch some shows before bed. I went to bed really early last night and I guess that is why... bad fever.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fighting For Dreams

I have noticed people are hateful towards dreams... especially if one wants a new home or a new way of life.


Anyways, I'm learning that I don't care what haters are gonna say. I will be fighting for my dream and I hope there's more fighting for their dreams.

Well, this blog is awfully short... hopefully someday, I will write something worth reading.

For now... that's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What Does Depression Look Like?

It seems like everybody thinks that a smile means that you're not depressed... but there's a story hidden behind every smile that people makes.

Mine is annoyance and depression. I had been known to stop eating due to depression because I was so sad and hating on myself. There are different types of depression and it affects people differently.

I am slowly fighting away from this path of depression (it happened twice to me, once when I didn't eat much at all and lost weight and felt like a loner should have been. Then again during college where I kept eating too much. I had too much going on with my life that depression does have a huge impact to how I feel and act). For many years, I lived inside away from the world around me. To only live in the world that became my home, which was the internet.

The internet is not safe anymore because of cyber bullying and people who tells the truth a little too much. Depression almost tried to take over then. But then I remember.... it's my life. Not theirs.

So I fought over depression and became who I am... but there are moments, that I do break down and just cry... sometimes even think bad things. So, it's still a daily struggle.

I wanted help but here's the think... I hate talking. I also did and always will. So I turned to typing it out. So this is why I came up with idea to write stories and poems and this blog. Geez... I really need to stop those run-on sentences xD It became a habit as a child and it still stuck on me.

But it shouldn't matter how you write. It should matter on what you have to say. Don't take that away from me at all.

So that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Searching For Something

I love history but sometimes, history leaves a trace of the unknown.

Many secrets happened here in this small town... and many are left to be unsolved. Who knows what would happen next...

Anyways, this blog is short because my head hurts x.x

That's all.

With love,


Monday, March 16, 2015

Upside Down, Totally Weird.

So I watched a movie called Upside Down about two different worlds, Top Side and Under World. The movie was interesting because it shows a forbidden love that became real at the end. So much real that the girl was able to live with the guy (since she got pregnant xD)

Anyways, that's all for that movie. Now I'm listening to music until I get done with this blog.

Not sure about you guys, but skipping this blog is bad xD

So bad that it made me remember not to skip it again.

I will be here more often and try to update more again xD Kick me if I skip again, guys! I'm not kidding.

Alright, I'll be ending this and someday this week, I will continue my story... will give off more detail as part 2 ends. Yes, depending on the ending, it may continue. Just have to wait and see.

That's all for now.

With love,


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Almost Forgot Again... But Didn't!

I almost forgot to update again! But good thing I reminded myself before I went to sleep.

Today, we went to my grandma's and stayed there for a hour or two. Then we went for a long walk...

I love going on walks with the dogs. xD

Anyways, I will sleep now... so this is a short blog. I WILL KEEP MY PROMISE TO UPDATE THIS EVERYDAY! Even I am dying. o.o jk jk

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Omg... I forgot about this.

And all it took was a nightmare to remember. Wow.

It's still my bedtime but I promise and it slipped a say out of my mind. I guess I didn't want to remember yesterday.

So here's a belated blog for yesterday.

Went to two flea markets and didn't buy anything.

So that's all.

With love,


Friday, March 13, 2015

I Love Rainy Nights

Not only do rainy nights help me sleep but they sometimes help my mood.

It reminds me of the rebirth of life. Always awakening to another new day. Living through the night...

I am a fairy. :D

Anyways, I am still working on part 2 of Lost Hopes. It seems to come to an interesting turn of events... Will not reveal until I am done with it. I am taking my time writing it though because I do not have any private moments here... I sometimes wish to be in a room all by myself with a laptop and just type. I can't do that here because of my mom.

Well, I am going to go now... hopefully be asleep by 11:30ish. I feel like something is about to happen... and can't figure out what it is yet.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Upcoming Ideas

It's been over a year since I wrote my story about Lost Hopes... so... I am currently part 2. Called Lost Doubts. It's still a working progress due to always busy irl...

Spring is coming here and it means busy extra busy with my dogs (They need it! Being in all winter drives me insane with cleaning up after them!) Really want to live somewhere it's not cold at all xD

Anyways, I am going to get back to gaming...

Which means I am getting another idea for another story. That will not be worked on until after part 2 to Lost Hopes.

As for the idea... it's too soon to figure out what it is. I am turning my writing into both a hobby and a career... :D

Also... still need to my surveys xD

For now... that's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

New Game To Try Out!

The game is called Lucient Heart... it has something to do with a relationship/solo type... and zodiac.

So I will try it out after I get done listening to Pewdiepie and Ken's podcast. They are going out of place xD I thought they were reading their email. <_<

Anyways, I will do a review of this game after I play it for a bit. It's anime style and cute. So look for any reviews for that game.

So for now, I will be finishing this podcast and hope to laugh a lot.

Also, I want to do a podcast type video someday. I need to catch up with my youtube and do more videos xD

Alright, time to go and listen to this... and maybe hopefully, my bestie will be on at around 9 or 10... maybe... if not, I hope he sleeps well. :3

That's all for now.

With love,


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Lot of Things Happening.

First of, I have a new member to my family. My cousin and his wife had their baby yesterday, about 15 minutes before midnight! Can't wait to meet him soon.

Second of, life is strange. We seek answers to many unanswered questions. Fate is weird to those who must pass on. And yea... life is strange.

Anyways, right now I am slightly annoyed because of an old friend that's not really a friend... long story.

I can't stand people who makes fun of people. I'm very... fair and not judgmental about people. That's why I have a thing against people who tries to say something because a person looks different. So don't forget... people are not always what they seem.

Well, that's all for now.

With love,


Monday, March 9, 2015

My Story Update And More!

First thing, I am only showing this because it's a free website to write random stories, especially for ones that I am willing to share to anybody who wishes to read it: http://www.wattpad.com/user/Alastabdk <--- there are two stories, but the recent one is called The True Reality.

The story came to me as a dream and I was just thinking about it all day yesterday until I mention it to my bestie. He suggested that I should write it so I did while he was away being busy. I kept at it until I put in 5 parts into one short story.

The ending is quite unexpected but you guys just have to read it to see for yourself.

Anyways, I am also going to say that I am going to try to write random stories every once in a while to gain my inspiration back.

Also, I am planning to get videos up to promote more readers. Free readers means more inspirations. :D

And I'm gonna make a lesson plan for you guys to start learning English xD

Well... I'm gonna take a quick nap and get back to watching and catching up with anime and more.

That's all for now.

With love,


Sunday, March 8, 2015

An Idea For A Short Story.

It's a secret but I dreamed it last night. It's gonna be a bit hard to write it because it's real life and sci fi and fantasy and horror and there's too many ands... dang my run off sentences xD

Anyways, I will not tell you guys because it's a secret for now. Until I write it, it will be interesting to see how people will react to it with something is going to come out in November. So... here goes nothing...

Oh... it's not going to be here. xD That too will be a secret until I complete it.

Well, time to end this now and get to writing... hopefully I get the words right for it.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 7, 2015

An Awful Day To Sunny Day!

So today began an awful day, then it began to get better after I took a nap.

Then my bestie came online. We're both downloading a gaming development program called Unreal Engine. :o

Anyways, I went to walmart and got some food.

Also, tomorrow is Daylight Savings... being a hour ahead.

Good for the kids out there when warm weather comes. Might go out more often during the Spring and summer to try to take some pictures.

We're gonna wait for two weeks before we plant flowers here. So, yay spring!

Anyways, gonna go now.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, March 6, 2015

The Haunting

There is a sense of hate,
In those eyes that stare,
The stranger ready to take away my fate,
Slowly, reaching for him with a certain dare.

A uncertainty creeps on my arm,
As it passes through the stranger,
Making my instincts very alarmed,
For I sense an eerie danger...

Breathing slowly, in and out,
Wondering if I can escape from this,
Wondering what this haunting is about,
Wondering if this ghost was his...

My lost lover of another time,
A danger reaching a new hype,
My breathing skipping each time,
I was secretly praying, don't let me die...

Then the haunting disappeared in a blink of an eye...
My tender legs slowly drifting to the ground...
Oh, how I wish that I was only blind...
For I hope that is all for this time around.


I just always sit at a moment and write what comes to my mind. Today, it's a haunting. Who knows what else will come next.

My bestie wants me to start youtube again xD I have long since haven't figure out what to do since then... It's been too long...

Should I come back? I do not know just yet. I had plans but haven't set out to do them just yet.

I don't have any alone time anymore due to my mom staying home all the time. x.x

I could do a vlog while she's here but she always try to butt in xD That's my mom for you. But I'm learning more about vlogs now to the point that I can add and take things out... So... I'm gonna do that!

Anyways, I will let you guys know if I get back into vlogging soon.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 5, 2015

At Least My Mood is Better.

At least my mood is better today... besides the snow driving me nuts xD

Tomorrow will be a cold cold day. So I will be staying in for most of the day. Saturday will be a busy day since there's no snow or rain on that day.

Anyways, they are saying that this might be the last snow we'll see here... I hope.

I don't know about you, but seeing snow more than 2 weeks is a bit tiring... yes, there are people that are used to it but seriously... not me.

Well, wanna go play a game or two before sleep... might not play forever because I am sleepy right now.

That's all.

With love,


More Snow?!

Well, there's more snow...

I hate to complain but geez...

This is the shortest blog entry ever.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Always Something... Then Another Something On Top of That Something...

We always seem to have problems after problems... and it affects me greatly for no reason.

I have my own world to think about but then they force me to join them in this thing called reality. Always something then another something on top of that something, you know?

Oh... that was because of shows that I add all those "somethings" xD

How can I even lift my mood anymore? It keeps getting worse by the day and week... I really want to get away from it all.

How can I endure it all?

Maybe the peace will come one day... I dunno.

Just sometimes, I wish that I wasn't here at all. Somewhere else. On some island... on my own or with a friend. Just... wanna get out of it all.

And all I can do is stand strong and hide my tears until at night. Just say nothing. Just let it go... wait... did I say to never let it go forever to someone? Hmm... maybe...

Maybe it's the end of our minds as it is, you know? If we keep letting it go... it will eventually break our minds... to the point that all we can think is doing something that I know we will regret forever.

Don't do it.

At least, I shouldn't.

Maybe there is a place where I can lay my head down and sleep without no worries.

That's all.

With love,


Anime Getting Closer To End!

That means... Spring anime is getting ready to come out...

Also, meaning, I have lots to catch up with movies, shows, and anime to empty my library for new ones to come.

Also, when the new anime comes out, I will give out a list to you guys again. So you all can figure out what is out there and what I'm watching. So in 30 days, I will start announcing the anime for you guys!

Plenty of time to catch up with any anime that you guys haven't seen. So good luck!

Anyways, I'm kind of bored so I guess I'll end this blog for now... I will be catching up with anime for a bit as well watch more Korean Drama... o.o'

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Addiction...

My new addiction is... korean shows xD

It might not be forever but since most of the shows are ending soon, I might as well watch them.

Anyways, not much to type here... haven't been playing games much and my bestie has been sick so don't wanna bug him while he's sick... Hopefully after everything is alright, we get to play again.

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


Monday, March 2, 2015

I Need A Job Now!

So it seems that as winter is getting ready to come a close... well... I hope it does...

I am in need of finding a job. Whether it's to write for a travel blog or book or magazine, or to take photos of any kind...

Or I can stand in for faeries! >:D

I can also type really fast with no to little mistakes. I have good researching skills (I am not kidding there... I can find almost anybody that you need me to find, not really that hard for me to do either). I can do modeling.

But here's the thing about me, I know who to trust and not... so if you are asking for more than what I want... I'm gonna immediately shove you away. Too many scams in this world to trust. So why trust writing a blog about it? Because it's worldwide.

But... I will not post my pictures here just so somebody in the world can pretend to be me. Ha.

Alright, if you know an awesome job, you are welcome to comment me about it. No, I will not give out my email to anybody. Also, since I am good at researching... I will find out if you're real or not. So be legal about it and be good about it.

Anyways... maybe I'll find a job locally or one that pays me to travel. We'll see.

That's all.

With love,


History of Scary Things...

Today would marked three years since a terrible tornado outbreak here in Kentucky. One being in another county close by here. It sure does hit home when tornadoes happen because of one that happened when I was a child. It didn't hit here but it did hit another city close by. And it affected all of us greatly.

It seems that weather has been a bit nicer this time but that doesn't mean we'll get tornadoes anytime soon. So, anyways, winter is still here until it stops being cold!

Alright, not much to talk about here but I am hoping to find something to do so I can pass the day without too much boredom xD

My bestie went to bed and he was telling me about a game machine at his country which sounds awesome xD

Alright, hope he sleeps well... and I should find something to do now.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Grandma's Then Sleeeeeeeep!

So I went to my grandma's today. Didn't do much there.

As the day went on,  I thought that I had to go to the hospital but my ears and jaw got better... as long as I don't open my mouth wide or gnaw too hard. Oh I took a nap too.

I got the popcorn nuggets at KFC and they were good... yum yum...

Next time, I wan Taco Bell again xD

Just found out that Once Upon a Time is coming back on... so will be off to watch that show.

That's all for now.

With love,