Monday, March 31, 2014

Fever Sleep

Fever sleep is something that you get when you have a fever and it needs to be controlled by sleep...

Yea... I get sick this way and it's nothing serious. I mean, I almost had Dramatic Fever once upon a time... and that thing is not fun to deal with. It's the whole shebang... fever, dizzy, sleepy, headache, etc.

I dare not to get it again but I know one day I will and it will cost me to go to the ER to get some type of medicine to control it.

For now, let's hope that I never get it.

I don't want to get that badly sick.

That's all.

With love,


Understanding Things...

In life, there are things that you have to understand.

But most times, people are too young to understand it.

So regretfully... this kind of hurts relationships. So I do hope that all things work out for the better though.

Alright, time to go...

I haven't been feeling the best all day. So, yea...

That's all.

with love,


Sunday, March 30, 2014

So... The Empty Feeling

I am having this empty feeling again. Like I feel nothing but want to feel something.

Anyways, I'm gonna make this a short blog and keep a silent prayer for about 10 minutes for a guild friend and family.

Although I don't know him, but he is possibly the best for somebody out there. So... that's all.

with love,


I Hate Days...

Well, I do hate day time because when I really want to be happy, there's nobody around. I usually tough it out but some reason I can't right now.

You see... anytime I see something unexpected... it makes me sad. I am respecting their wishes.

Not many people wants to know this.

And so, yea...

It's hurtful because I know people who hated this person. And it's just not the time, you know?

Alright, time to go.

That's all...

With love,


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Late Blog Post...

I'm still at my grandmas and I was told that my dogs miss me. Wish they were here with me.

This is a late and short post.

So that's all.

With love,


Friday, March 28, 2014

Another Night At Grandma's Place

I didn't really do anything today. We went out for a bit but didn't really do much.

I want to actually go find a job.But the weather is gonna be awful tomorrow. So things are to be delayed until Monday... I hope so.

I have never heard of a laptop that the battery wastes away while it's completely off... does anybody know what causes that? My brother says it is normal but I don't think it is.

If I'm gonna be traveling to Indonesia someday, this laptop better not be dead.

Oh, my mom agreed to help me get a laptop bag next time we're going to London or Richmond...

I love this laptop though... it's something that is worth taking with me now since I can pick up the internet really well with it at my grandma's home.

Speaking of which... we will be staying one more night. I bet my dad will try to come and get us because he just doesn't think we should stay too long at a place. Really, dad? Unless you're going to go somewhere else on Sunday, what's the point of coming to get us tomorrow and then coming back here again the next day?

It's sounds like a waste of gas to take two trips to one place.

Also, it's that time of the month again... booooooooooooooo...

But I've learned to take over the counter medications to ease the pain so that's what I've been doing.

Still... you guys can see that if I'm not in my own home that I am better? Less emotional and much more...

I mean... I hate being there and I don't really want to live here because I can't get a job unless I know how to drive...

Seriously... what is this girl gonna do?

I'll figure something out... even if I have to bug the heck out of somebody to find a place to stay.

But the only reason why I never went on to Lexington like that is because I don't really know anybody living there. I have trust issues with staying with strangers, so yea... I followed my heart in odd reasons, I know. But listen... you can't just trust everybody. Unless you're sure, then you know.

So... that's all.

With love,


Warm Weather Soon... But Not Tomorrow.

I just heard on the news about a few minutes ago that the weather is gonna be bad tomorrow... dang...

This weather is just too strange...

But the good news... the day after tomorrow is gonna be better.

So... tomorrow might be the last winter day.

I hope so.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sitting in the Dark...

The silence is just enduring... sneaking into my deepest part of my soul...

Slowly... seeping... to escape, the darkness wants to consume my entire body.

But only the dimness of a blue light appears... the words appear... Windows 8.

And a soft tapping noise comes from that light...

Tip... tap... tip tap...

The girl keeps tapping...

And on she writes this blog as she sits in the dark.

Oh... that's me.


That's all for now.

Might hit the hay soon... but I will be back online in the morning no probs...

That's all.

With love,


Off to an Adventure

I'm heading to my grandmas for a bit. I will try to keep you guys updated though. For now...

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Beautiful Spring Please Come...

Spring is the time of blossoms and such... I wish it comes soon... but darn winter keeps fighting and taking it away...

It's driving me insane...

Ah, well...

I'm not sure what is going on but seriously... I feel confused.

That's all.

With love,


The World Changes with... Facebook?

Well, the news is facebook bought out Occulus Rift... what else is next?

Also, Disney bought out a company on youtube... ok, odd?

So... what else is going to happen? Facebook bought out Instagram, Whatsapp and now the VR occulus rift...

So... let's all take guesses on what Facebook will by next.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Minecraft is Awesome!

I mean... despite some of the things are actually cute (and creepy), I actually enjoy Minecraft...

Although I am just lost without a doubt of wondering what to do next...

I have come to conclusion that winter and winter weather is what makes me very emotional... if only I could drive and stuff...

Oh, well...

I can't give up yet, right?

That's all.

With love,


=_= More Snow...

It just don't want to go away... seriously...

I think that's why my mood is the way it is. During spring and summer, my mood is better but during days like this, I hate it.

So... I'll be happy once it's over.

So please be over soon!

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Monday, March 24, 2014

Hurting Shoulder

Seriously... I have a hurt shoulder where I can't lift anything... if I tried, it hurts like heck.

What I'm curious is what should I do with a hurt shoulder? If I can't lift anything, does it mean I have to go to the doctor for it?

Well, I'll figure out once it warms up... seriously... this weather is getting to my head and it's bothering me... WHY CAN'T THE WEATHER JUST STAY WARM AND STOP BEING AN ASS?

Alright, enough for now... it will bring bad weather soon so better to hope that nothing bad happens.

That's all.

With love,


Motivation to Move Out!

I have decided... If my mom isn't going to move out, if my dad doesn't want to move out... I'll do it myself.

Who knows where I'll be going once I get a job and of course... if it takes it, I'll work my way out of town.

Anyways, all I need is motivation and that means keeping this to myself... because it seems that every single time I mention it to my family, they bring it down and making me feel down.

Also, I figure out something... I have bad neighbors... don't know why or who... but seriously.. I just want to get out of here before something bad happens. I mean, I do have a bad feeling for this place!

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's Always The Same Every Weekend...

I really want to go on trips more often... like go to museums, go to parks, take hikes, many many things. I know there's places that I never been here in Kentucky and my dad ALWAYS complain about going to them and even don't want to go.

So... I just don't know. I'm not happy here anymore.

I wish my dad would know that. Every time I do talk to him, all I get is silence or in manga the "..."

It's not fun. To have a silent dad.

If he truly does care about me... he better hope that I don't blow up and cuss him out. Of course, with tears. I hate arguments... and it brings me to tears every single time.

So, seriously... learn me to drive one day like a good father. And learn to let go. I don't want to be sad... it's hurting me enough just to watch you suffer because you know yourself that you won't be able to keep me here.

So.. seriously... why? What's the point?

I have dreams. I have expectations. I have you to encourage me, not tell me that I can't do it. That's wrong.

So... that's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 22, 2014

News and Reviews of Anime Log Horizon!

Those that have been reading know that I have been keeping up with an anime called Log Horizon... well, it ended today with the 25 episode. Most epic ending ever. Not going to spoil.

But I will give you my best review without spoiling it.

The anime Log Horizon is nothing like Sword Art Online like people thinks. Sword Art Online is virtual realty only while Log Horizon is literally a MMO. So don't get confused and claim that it's just like SAO. It's not and it will never be alike. As it turns out, magic is really what caused them to be there (little bit of a spoil but confusing unless you watch all the way through of Log Horizon). And it seems to only affect to those who play the MMO (again not virtual... get that through your butts). So, you know... it's really interesting... once you see them sitting in front of the computers, they are just like people who plays MMOs... like me. So, it's different than what I can imagine.

Still, there has been conflicts about how the idea is about like Sword Art Online... wow.

Anyways, my review for this anime... the art is quite nice. Glad it was done by the same artist who made Log Horizon. Different person. So don't mix the two different authors with Sword Art Online. And they kept the race option in the anime just like you have a race option with a true MMO. So that's a plus.

The classes are a plus especially keeping it as a true MMO.

The idea of the story is slow but it's easily to get into if you really know the game (not the game on the anime). But you get what they are talking about each time they mention HP and MP. And revival  So, all in all this anime is really interesting.

Although the anime wasn't a big hype as anybody would thought but it was enough to make a second season. So I will say that this anime is worth watching and waiting for the second season in the fall too!

So that's all.

With love,


Friday, March 21, 2014

Me Want Something Different

It's useless when you can't hear but it's more useless to try to tell your family that you can't hear.


Why does this happen to me every time?

Anyways... I am just curious... why does the weather have to be a troll again?

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Itchy Thoughts

So today, we found out that my cousin has scabies.

So the trip to my grandmas was canceled in a heartbeat.

That's all.

With love,


When You Need A Break?

I think I need a break from the computer for a while... so I'm hoping that if my mom gets my aunt to wake up, we will go over there.

But if not, I'll just find something else to do.

Don't worry, I'm not quitting anything just yet.

I'll still figure out a way to update my blog while there. :P

Alright, this is short so that's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Why We Sigh?

I can't complain on here too much because you know who.

But... I'm curious... why do we sigh?

Here I am sighing and then all of a sudden, they get the idea that I am feeling bad or my mood is down... W...t...f... seriously?

No, I don't sigh for feeling bad. I sigh for other reasons... but geez...

And that's my complaint without telling who or what happened...

*sigh* Geez... now I am in a bad mood.

That's all.

With love,


Weather Lies!

The weather is a freakin' liar... I'm not blaming the person who told the weather, I'm blaming the weather for telling lies.

Anyways, I am just sitting here and doing random crap... and you know what... I need a bike. A moped. I wonder where I can find one really cheap at?

I will find out somehow.

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Under Cover Dog~

Well, I just needed a random title and so I came up with "Under Cover Dog" xD

Actually, Chloe is under the covers... so that's why. xD

Chloe is my dog in case you guys are new here.

So, welcome if you are new.

Alright, this is short so... ta!

That's all.

With love,


Applying Online...

Most jobs require to go online to apply anymore...

Though it makes me curious... why? I already applied to a bunch online and none have called me. I can't get out of town because I can't drive...


But I am trying that then once the warm days are official, I am going around to ask for jobs.

Alright, I'm gonna go now and look for more jobs to apply online.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, March 17, 2014

7 Days Of No Snow? Make It More!

I heard on the news that the weather is in for a change. Since spring is this week, it could be a good change for me since I've been waiting for this weather to over already!

Anyways, how about you guys? The weather changing for anybody?

I'm curious about Japan for the Sakura season. It should be soon. Last year, it was early... but I knew because things are early and cool last year that we would had a bad winter.

I don't know how I knew but you know... that's how I am.

Alright, you guys better not get sick tomorrow!

That's all.

With love,


Happy Saint Paddy's DAY!

You gotta be a little Irish sometimes... I know I am a little on my Gadd family side.

Though it's curious to wonder about how the world goes round... and how legends are coming to be one.

If only things were different though...

Anyways, I guess I hope everybody worn some type of green today... If not then somebody is out to pinch you!

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sundays Are Too Long Sometimes

Although, I love Sundays for being a good day. Today was a sleepy day.

I don't know about you guys but Sundays felt like they are just long days, trying to bring in sleepiness on purpose.

Ah, well. Life is different for everybody. Yet some experiences try to be the same in some ways...

Guess I am just imagining things.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 15, 2014

"Hello, Goodbye and Hello" - I don't want to forget you.

Many times, I wonder if you are alright. Many times, if you don't mind. Many times, what would you do if you did know me.

How I would said hello for the first time and be like "Nice to meet you!"

Then suddenly, only to say goodbye unexpected...

But each waking moment, we always say hello even though you're not there.

So, I wonder... what do you think of me?

This is to somebody who is no longer with us... so it makes me curious... maybe I will know when that time comes for me to truly go to somewhere new. For now, I will keep living. And I don't want to forget you, ok?

Don't forget me.

So I leave you guys with this video to watch. The song comes from an anime movie called Children Who Chase Lost Voices... so worth it to watch. So I do highly recommend it.

That's all.

With love,


Anime Weekend!

For those that don't know, every year around this time, Crunchyroll has this thing called Global Shinkai Day... and they show movies by this guy.

So... I love them and enjoy watching them over and over.

Alright... enough of that, I am going to go now.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Pi Day!

And not the pie you eat, but the math pi. xD

Anyways, so just wondering what everybody is doing and going to do.

There are many events this weekend due to Saint Patrick's Day... so it would be interesting to see what happens next.

It's suppose to be a good weekend but me? I have nowhere to go and yet my dad gives me extra money... I am lost at why he does this... but I will save it no matter what.

That's all.

With love,


There is a War in the Weather

Just something random in my mind.

Since the weather is changing finally, it's still struggling on whether it should keep being cold or if it should just warm up.

So... you know...

Here's a random poem for you guys:

There's a war in the weather,
Though we find our hearts turned to ice,
But our minds are warm like a feather,
And yet we turn to others with advice,

Only to be shattered in the snow,
The warmth is around the corner,
There's nothing we could do
As we can't disturb the mourner.

The sun shines through a cloud,
Only to brush by a cold stiff wind,
Making things seem so loud,
Making our hearts seem blind,

All we need is the warmth to come,
And so we hope for one blossom,
From a simple plum,
For things should be awesome,

But this war rages on with this life,
For our weather is confuse,
As we slowly take out a knife,
To cut through our winter blues.

And that's all... and so I hope this war with this weather will be over soon and bring spring in with all the pretty blooms... but beware, it might come suddenly at the most.

With love,


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Do You Trust The News?!

Today's topic is an interesting so I am curious about what you guys think about our news channels and news sites lately.

I'm getting confused by what they are saying. It seems every day, the same story gets a different theory, a different idea, etc... and it just irritates me with using information.

Investigations are just as bad... so what is right or wrong anymore? Anybody knows?

I am starting to make my life neutral from wars and politics and now news...

So... that's all.

With love,


Winter Go Away, Please?

Today it has been cold. Hopefully this weekend the weather will be better.

Anyways, just curious... I am always a sad person... so why does people always want to keep talking about things?


I am going to let that one go.

So let's hope the weather will change for the good soon.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I found something~

In case people don't notice about how I am weak and such... I found this website that explains more about people like me.

As it turns out... all of that is true on that list and I am surprise that nobody notices it but me... wow... just wow...

I'm more sensitive to emotions and I notice things around me... and more prune to depression... so you know what shock me the most... the decision part. That's when I realize it's me. Now I know my friend is like that too.

But who all else are like this? Read this link and tell me:

That's all

With love,


Night Time And Second Post!

Alright, here is the second post. Finally...

But if it weren't for my internet being a bit screwy, I would've easily forgotten this blog post again. But thankfully I remembered also.

There are moments that you can't help but be sleepy.

I wonder what I should talk about.

Should I keep using the random topic generator? I hope so.

Anyways, have you guys ever been curious about succubus and bad dreams?

Nightmares are not something that happens often but when they do, anything can happen. I always heard that if you die in your dreams, you'll die for real. So be aware of what dreams you have.

Well, I think it's time to go for tonight and start a new day.

By the way... is anybody else tired of all of this snow here in America?

I am.

That's all.

With love,


Oops again

I keep forgetting to do two posts per day.

I don't know why I keep doing that. xD

Anyways, trying not to forget this post just in case I don't do a second post.

Today is a cold day. So is tomorrow... so don't be surprise if I don't update only but one post per day...

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Forgetful Again?! Oops...

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry... I forgot to update last night before bed. I was busy with a few things and just completely forgot...

But at least, there is one post. As long I get that one post in per day, it's alright.

So, it's another spring like day and my stomach hates me.

Seriously... I keep getting sick for no reason at all.

I don't know if it's where I live or what but I do need to get out of here before anything gets worse...

Anyways, that's all for now.

With love,


Monday, March 10, 2014

Expecting Spring Already

I'm expecting spring to be here already. We just heard there will be a few more snow days (noooooooooooooo) but it can't be helped. We don't control the weather.

Anyways, I'll be trying to post twice on weekdays and at least once on weekends so don't worry... I'll still be here.

Alright, I'm going now and I won't do another blog until later tonight... hopefully before I go to sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 9, 2014

DST Insanity?

DST means daylight savings time... and it's already seeming like the time took forever to pass off...

And now it's fast...

Alright... I'm just confused.

Hawaii doesn't use DST so that's awesome. And many countries don't use it either so that's even awesome.

But we use DST to have an extra day in the harvest seasons. Something that has been around for a while now.

I can get used to it but it will take a while and maybe a few complaints... so... I am now 11 hours behind my best friend.

Also, I am still planning to travel but things are put on hold until I know things are safe and sound. Will tell more later.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Once Upon A Time is coming back tonight so I will be glad to watch that once again!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Done Complaining for Now

Yep, I've been having a long fits of being aggravated by family problems. But I know what to do now. So no worries there.

I have been given instructions on certain things and I will start job hunting soon~ I may not drive, but I can walk.

Having a brother that will help me out too is a plus for me. He told me that they are having a new job service here soon and they provide transportation for the workers... so that's also a plus.

I'm tired of listening and letting myself become a NEET... I'm not going to tell you guys what that means.

Alright, let's go! Let's do this!

Also, there are some sad news and we don't know anymore than what's going on in Asia. An airplane has disappeared. The question is what happened?

I really hope they find this plane soon... each passing day... the results would be slim... heartbreaking...

That's all.

With love,


Friday, March 7, 2014

Most Unique and Unexplored Places That The World of Tourism Should Know About?

I'm looking for ideas to what the title says. Does anybody know?

I find that many places are unique. It's why I want to visit Japan and Indonesia sometimes. Well... all parts of Asia is really where I want to go.

I don't really want to live here anymore since I just feel like my life is one big hole... I need to fill it up with something new and different. A different atmosphere. A different lifestyle. A different culture. I don't want to stay and just not be curious anymore. I want to explore.

I want to have a new home. Right now, I only wish to go to Indonesia. And from there, my life will be better.

Then I'll be able to seek new adventures and many more.

This life... I don't know anymore.

Well, I shall go and seek a way to get out of here.

For now, still recovering from winter.

That's all.

With love,


Warm warm day

It was a good day but despite that I am sleepy and sort of sick... I couldn't do anything.

And it's Friday... so yea... I did get hot really easy...

Alright, about time for me to take a break.

Also, met some EE peeps on AK... so that's a plus for me.

Well, that's all for this short post.

With love,


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Down Power Line, what?

So, apparently, a power line is down and across the road on main street here.

And it caused every thing to go out.

Now I'm curious on why that even happened since there's no ice on the lines to cause that to happen... I'm sure we will find out soon.

Also... I hate annoying habits... once as such as when a person doesn't drink water like they should. Instead they swish the water about in their mouth and then swallow... ok... that's a bit annoying. If you're gonna do that... at least do it when you're brushing your teeth or when you have to clean your teeth... Don't do it every time you drink water. You don't have to. Geez... I never seen anybody who does this... But really... geez.

Anyways... enough complaining... just I hate the sound. Dunno why...

Alright that's all.

With love,


Headache Go Away

I love doing home remedies on simple aches and pains... one example is to be in a dark cool place with a warm soaked cloth over your eyes. It soothes the pain and also can help you sleep a little better.

I'm not sure if it works for everybody but you never know. If it does work. let me know! And share home remedies too.

Alright, enough of that... I have some news about anime:

Anime to watch for Spring 2014:

Atelier Escha & Logy ~Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi~
Black Bullet 
Blade & Soul 
Captain Earth 
Gokukoku no Brynhildr
Hitsugi no Chaika
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
No Game No Life 
Seikoku no Dragonar
Selector Infected WIXOSS

Maybe I would watch:

Akuma no Riddle
Break Blade
Isshuukan Friends 
Kamigami no Asobi ~Ludere deorum~
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
Majin Bone 
Mekaku City Actors 
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
Sidonia no Kishi 

With this list, I know it would change but so far with the PV and first looks. I am pretty much excited for some of those anime.

As the ending is slowly coming to some of the anime, I will be happy to do a review for each one of them.

And with that thought in mind...

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Done napping for a while

I guess I just have to sleep like I normally do. Seriously... napping is what made me feel bad. Now I feel a bit better.

Also... lay off sugar for a very long time.

Alright, that's all.... so hopefully tomorrow goes well for me.

With love,


Not Alone.

I'm just want to mention that I am glad that I am not alone.

Anyways, I am trying my best to stay awake today but it's a bit hard...

Ah, well...

I am not giving up just yet.

So... let's go!

That's all.

with love,


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Afraid That I Am Getting Sick

Well, I took care of myself all winter without being sick but then as it happens... I always get sick towards the end of the winter season... why is that?

Well, there's many reasons but I think it's just... we forget that the weather changes suddenly during these times that we forget ourselves just a bit.

Ah, well.

Anyways, just hope that I am not getting sick but if I do, I'm sure you guys would know first thing xD

That's all.

With love,


Am I Forgetting Something?

I guess not. I hope not.

I'm still trying to find my escape.

Just I hate how much worse it has caused my emotions to be. I'm tired of hearing the same things over and over. And it seems that this year is just the worst for me. Dang the year of the horse...

Well.... we'll see what happens as soon as this thing called winter is over.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, March 3, 2014

Pointless Truth or Lie?

Whatever. The question is there. I really just don't know what to do anymore.

Too much emotions going on at once and it's because I'm here at home.

I can't tell much because some of it is really something that I don't want my mom to see since people has been telling my mom about this blog and yes, she does read this blog... so I have to keep these emotions hidden from her.

Just... really...

I don't like how my life is so it's just stupid to tell me what to do.

Alright, enough now...

That's all.

With love,


Waking Up, Snowed In, Nap Day

It's just a bad day to be out. My dad couldn't go to work, we can't get out period.

So snowed in is the worst of anybody's problems... well... if you count the ice that's under the snow.

So since I didn't feel good and was sleepy because my dog woke me up at 4 in the morning having a seizure, I slept more. Then mom was like "Get out of bed."

I know what she means... because if you lay in the bed too long, you lose your energy.

So, I got out of bed and walked around a bit. Since ice is the biggest problem about going out, I didn't dare.

I really... don't want to be here anymore.

Anyways... too much complaints but oh, well...

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ice and Snow

I don't mind the snow... but the ice before snow is normally something that you don't want to see together.

I mean come on... weather just make up your mind... rain? Snow? Not ice?

But it can't be helped.

And so... cookies and a movie night...

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Trying to find reasons...

And you know... there are stories that are worth to be told and there are some that doesn't need to be told. But yet... sometimes there are reasons.

And you just don't know what to expect in the next hour. Next day. Anytime.

So... I shall go to bed soon with hopes that all will be fine.

That's all...

With love,


Couch Surfing

Well, not literally... but I was always wondering what the term couch surfing means until I saw a website and realize that it's not a couch on water xD

Anyways, somebody gave us a couch so we're trying to figure out how to get help to bring the couch here.

Hopefully things will be alright...

So... that's all.

With love,