Monday, June 28, 2021

I Was In An Accident On Saturday

 So... a lot of stuff has happened...

The main thing to talk about is on Saturday.

My family went to the Farmer's Market at around 10ish... While standing to wait for my dad... I heard people yelling for something... But by then, I was hit from behind by a car that was backing up too far.

I fell hard on the pavement... yes... that hurts. I landed on my left side... mostly on my legs... I got up because I was not going to lay on that ground... I had to pick up my glasses because it literally knocked them off my face because it was such a hard push/hit.

I am fine... no broken bones. Just badly bruised.

So... yea... I am having to rest a lot because of that...

I should be alright to write letters later in the day... since I am planning to take a nap.

Alright, shall get on with my day now...

I wanna mention something another time since I can only do one thing at a time...

Just know... that I am both a woman and a person.

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 21, 2021

Always Doing Something

 I almost got caught up... but I have to write letters that I received on May 24th now... and then after that, I will be caught up as I am going to do June's then.

I love writing letters but it's hard to get in a good mood to do so.

I am a bit behind today because I was putting out more shirts to wear as well as putting more shirts up.

I have a life outside of the online world and it sort of... sucks.

Plus the weather is going to suck in a moment too...

I really wish that I could stay home more often but I am always running out on Wednesdays and most weekends...

I hope that this weekend, I don't get to go anywhere... but you never know what might happen until then.

Alright, I am behind on some other stuff... and really want to take a nap before I go and help cook food.

See you all next week.

Until then.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 14, 2021

Just A Bit Tired But Must Nap It Off

 It's hard to write letters on a busy weekend. So I am going to try my best to write today at some point.

I have to admit... I like the idea of not scheduling a goal.. because... I don't think you should have a deadline for anything.

It just makes you hurry on everything.

So yea... I'm ditching the whole schedule thing.

I can keep up with challenges... so I might use the whole idea of writing as a challenge.

Alright, I am going to get to taking a nap for the day in a moment.

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 7, 2021

My Left Heel Has A Bone Spur...

 At first, I thought that I may have found topics to talk about... but the topic for today was... not a good answer for me to put on here so I'll skip it until I could find a good one xD

I have a bone spur on my left heel... my doctor on Wednesday said that I may have one so I done the X-Ray and it was confirmed on Friday...

But I went to Wal-Mart on Friday and went yard saling on Saturday...

So my weekend was a bit busy, if you're wondering.

As for this week... it's all about relaxing since it is raining a lot...

I am about to go take a good nap... and well...

I do hope this bone spur gets better soon... it hurts like hell every time I step on my left heel...

So... wish me well.

Until then... see you all next week.

With love,