Monday, December 30, 2019

Save More While Driving

I don't usually search for useful sites... but since today's post came up as random website... lucky for you... it's useful.

This website let's you track and compare your vehicle... and the miles... mostly, your miles usage for gas.

The site is here:

You can check it out for yourself and see what you can do about how much gas you are using in your vehicle and such.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

My 2020 Resolutions Are Here

Wow, it has been a long time, hasn't it? Well, if you've read the blog from last Sunday... I decided to take another weekly break.

This time... it's because I wanted to change on how often I write my blogs now...

I will reveal all that in my hobby section of my resolutions...

So... let's get started with my resolutions, folks...

My Realistic Resolutions:
  • Eat Healthier - Basically how this is... I wanted to change how I eat and try to add more veggies and fruits and much more... just wanted to lose weight... that's all.
  • Exercise - While I have been doing this correctly... I am going to do more random exercises per week... whether watching YouTube videos while doing them or just finding something new to do.
  • Limit My Time Online - This will have to do at night... Especially after 8, 9 or 10 for each night. I will not limited to what time because I want to watch a show or finish something up before the end of the day... after that, I will meditate or read... without having to go on any social media until the next day.
  • Saving Money - I noticed that 2019 was such a money waster for me... I wanted to change that for 2020 and only spend money every once a while instead of every month or so... I am still going to buy games but only as they get closer to the release day... that way I should still have money left over to save. 
  • Paying Bills Off - Not my resolution but my mom's... we have decided to start paying off some of those credit cards off... we are no longer going to go in debt for everything using those things so I am helping my mom out with that.
  • Enjoying Life - This goes for everything... planning out my bucketlist even if I don't do them yet. Enjoying the smallest things in life... just wanted to change how every seems to me... even on a rainy day when I don't have anything to do... I still want to find that joy to have in my life.
Hobby Resolutions:
  • Read More - I hate to admit but I am really behind on reading... I have noticed this in 2019 and only started reading more during the summer just after my surgery... I want to read more for 2020 and try to finish almost all of the books that I have left laying around that's been left unread. At first, I wanted to do a reading challenge by reading different books outside of my comfort zone but decided that it would be best to just read what I have and get those out of the way first. I will take a day or two breaks in between and try to read a book every day or night and not skip it like I have been doing at this moment xD
  • Write - Last year, I took up the challenge to write everyday... I realized that I don't want to do that anymore... because I took on too many challenges at one time. I just want to write everyday again and not get burnt out of it. 
  • Making Videos - Every year, I tend to not do this... this time I think I will try to make videos more often and only try to get something up at least once a month... might forget this but it doesn't have to right off the bat.
  • Blogging - I love writing on my blog... just a month or two ago, I've decided to change my blog... the problem is... I don't think I can do up to 5 posts at a time... so I'm gonna go 0 to 3 posts per day... again, 0 means no blog and 3 means 3 different posts... either for this blog or the other... it might be all 3 for this blog or all 3 for the other blog... and it can either way... so who knows. Also, I won't be blogging on certain holidays.
  • Finish TV Shows, Anime or Movies - I am really behind on things so I want to take my time for 2020 to catch up on any entertainment... I will be posting all reviews on my weekly update or whenever I get a review post to come up. 
  • Play Games Every Once A While - The only time I will be playing games full time is when they come up as something to do... except for the games that are coming out in 2020... Kingdom Hearts DLC, FF and one other game... which I will reveal later on. Now I have no decided whether or not to record any of the games... but I would like to... so just have to wait and see what 2020 brings first.
  • Challenges - Those are only every once a while... Around the time I had surgery... I needed a break from all challenges... and soon after... I just wanted to do them every once a while... so that's gonna be the way they will be... of course, I am letting a site choose what I am going to do so that in itself is a challenge xD
Those are my resolutions of 2020... my motto is... "new decade, new me" meaning who knows what might happen for this year... but... the rule is... I will not be starting all of this right off the bat... some of them are already starting and others are in the works... so... keep that in mind.

Right... I shall get going... I got another blog update to write up... for my other blog... just scroll over to A Faerie Pop on the right and you can read it yourself whenever the post comes up.

See you all later

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Here's Why I Decided To Take A Break From Blog

I was tired. I mean... literally tired.

When you are tired... like me... your emotions get screwed up and stuff... you don't feel like doing anything at all.

I just needed a mental break from blogging and figure out what to do next.

Next weekend, I will be posting my resolutions...

I've decided that 2020 should be something else...

This year had been a bad year for me and my family...

We couldn't even get presents for everybody... and that sucks a lot.

2020 is all about paying bills off and saving money...

And yes... that's one of my resolutions revealed... Ta da...

Alright, I am taking another short break until after Christmas... so see you around Thursday maybe... but if I am not up to anything... I will let you all know on my Twitter.

See you all when I am able to write again.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Best Week Ever

I've been thinking about what to write for my weekly personal update and nothing comes to mind.

This week has been the best week ever... learning that Kingdom Hearts Remind DLC will coming out next month... watching the Game Awards... those I will explain in more detail later.

As for my personal self... nothing going on... but I have been dealing with aches and pains of my right hip again...

This seems to only happen on cold damp days... which I do dread for the rest of winter because if this is true... it's just about to get worse... great.

Anyway, I think this is all I am going to say...

But I do have a busy week this coming week... I won't go into detail until next Sunday...

So... see you all again on this weekly personal update on Sunday.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, December 12, 2019

My mood today

Sometime, you feel like you could be alone and life would be perfect...

I am having problems finding random blogs so instead... I will find random websites in the future and only use blogs that I've read to share...

So... my mood today is all in that gif.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A City of Tomorrow: Busan, South Korea

Here's more info about this city:

This city looks like it would be an interesting place to go...

I will share videos of what you can do there.

I would like to go here someday... so... you never know what you might see.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Today's fitness of the day: Jog in Place

I have been waiting to start doing these fitness things... but again, it would be set at random.

Today... we are gonna try to jog in place... you do not have to move around or anything... just stand there and jog in one spot.

Just follow the video and you can do it for a while and rest... then do some more... be sure to be hydrated all times and not to go overboard.

Stay safe when you do this and it's an ideal thing to do when indoors during the winter.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Been A Really Weird Week

I just have to say....

Things had been really weird this week.

I almost made it but then my monthly blah came right when I needed it... not really... because it caused me to skip the blogs on two days. Oh, well...

I am sore all over... but I think I will be alright xD

Like I said before... this week has been weird... I just sort of took an unofficial break from blogging because of my blah...

If you are new... blah... is my period.

Anyway, I am going to get ready to go make something to eat... so... see you all sometime.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Happy Giving Tuesday

Just want to remind you that today is giving Tuesday... celebrate it by giving something to somebody...

Whether it's donating money to a charity of your choice or you do something good for somebody.

But don't wait for this day to come just because it's the holidays and such...

In fact, you should learn to give anytime of the year... help others out anytime of the year.

Kindness is the best thing in the world.

Keep that in mind.

Laugh of the Day... When Black Friday Doesn't Go Your Way

So this is kind of funny... because you expect Black Friday be awesome.

But this guy was just disappointed because there's nobody waiting in line at that hour.

Well, he just gave up xD

This was meant for this personal blog because we need a little bit of laugh.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Well, Now I Lnow What's Wrong But... Eh... I'm Alright.

I am glad that I know what is going on with my breathing... but that doesn't mean I would have to be better anytime soon. I may not be better until after June. Only then... I will know if I have any problem with my lungs.

The problem is... where I had surgery... they had this tube down my throat and it may have cause some problems with my breathing... it may take time to heal... especially since I gotten sick twice after I got out of surgery... mostly my dad's fault because he refused to ask for a second opinion when he was sick.

I do need to do more exercising inside since winter is finally here for good.

Oh, yea... I didn't go to the doctor but will be going in January since I knew that was the problem with my breathing and such.

I may need to set up a date to get an annual next year... so I can have the doctor do a lot of checking up on me.

Anyway, I am alright... my left knee is in pain... but it's only because it's getting harder now to walk my dogs out. Boo... I'm scared of falling, okay? I can't risk any type of falls since I had one last September and that made me... felt weird. Long story which I don't really want to talk about.

This week... I am gonna relax but do more exercising and such... Also, my challenge on my other blog is done... that means... more breaks from blogs now.

It doesn't mean I will be taking a break every single day...

I just got done scheduling my blog for the whole week and well... it's no blog then 5 blogs in one day... every single day xDDDDD How random is that?!

Alright, I will go and make an announcement on my other blog now... because it's not the end of challenges just more blogs will be coming every day or every other day now.

See you all over there if you wish. But for now... see you all later.

That's all.

With love,