Thursday, March 31, 2016

Embarking A New Journey

I am embarking towards a new journey in my life. I may... may not have the best thing happening to me tomorrow.

All I can say is that you just have to look forward to the news tomorrow on my new blog.

I don't like to give out too much right now. All I can say, it's something that is happening to me and it's gonna be awesome.

I will go to bed now and hope the storms doesn't wake me up. I will be getting up early but the blog might be written a little late...

So, just a heads up, ok?

That's all.

With love,


It's A Rainy Day!

It's becoming the day where I am going to watch movies on Netflix and relax...

While my period is driving me insane because of the intense pain (no joke)... it's no wonder we women sometimes get mean during this time. Men just don't sense our pain that we have to endure during this natural time.


Anyway, I have ordered a google cardboard... should be getting that in soon... hopefully, in time that me and my bestie can go to a virtual amusement park xD

I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow yet, but today is what counts for me... because without Netflix, my mind would be thinking of this pain and how much I wish I didn't felt the pain... yea... my day...

But it's a rainy day too so much more Netflix to come...

Also, going to take small breaks to squat so my legs stop hurting. Muahaha...

Yes, I should stop now.... and write again later.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Need Determination!

I need determination to get some things done. I wish I can really convince my mom and dad to not worry about how to take care of my pets and just let me go to that free program. The deadline is in May... but I cannot do anything about it.

Ah, well. Since I can't do anything about that, I will be starting to write again. This time with determination and much more.

I can't really do anything alone but I can try my best from now on. I will try to be polite to my mom when I am in a bad mood... and ask her to hold on then take a break from writing and help her out.

I will keep writing until I finish something. Then I will proof read it and let somebody else read it to correct the mistakes and ask questions... to improve the story more. Then once the questions have been answered and the mistakes are done, I will let somebody read it... then publish it.

I've started so many stories but to no avail... never complete it.

Enough is enough...

Also... I am just wondering about something... can't we all love kid type of things and still be an adult? I mean... we all grow up. But we should learn that we shouldn't waste our time... in fact, we should be able to manage out time.

I am turning 30 in May. That's not a long time from now.

I want to get out and move into my own place. I want to live in Japan eventually. I want to be awesome.

So... it's gotta take a lot of hard work and determination to do this...

I will keep writing!

No more thinking that I can't write because of my mom... no more thinking that I am useless. I need to get this idea of a story out and into a book!

So... I will sleep now and dream up with many ideas... and hope tomorrow will be better than the last.

That's all.

With love,


Hump Day Type of Day!

Today is hump day type of day! I will be watching more shows on hulu... should get finish today even if I skip some episodes... :o

Anyway, I will do some surveys towards at night so that I can get sleepy more. Lately, I've been going to bed between 10 and midnight... so... yay!

I might be expecting some things tomorrow... and yes, might have a video to plan for.

Any idea...? Oh... I know! I will try to record with a new software... but can't be sure if it works yet.

So... bare with me.

Alright, I will write again tonight.

So that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

More Things To Do Tomorrow, Again.

I will be going to bed like usual. Been trying to go to bed early so that I can sleep better.

Last night, Chloe kept me awake. But it's alright.

I ended up taking a nap earlier then after I woke up...

My bestie was on! So we played Minecraft for a few hours. He built a roller coaster and I built... a pond. :v Sowwy, just didn't really know what to build xD

I might be more productive with building soon.

After he went to sleep, I watched more shows on Hulu... almost done but might not be able to make it by the 31st xD

Ah, well.

Tomorrow will be awesome.

So... that's all.

With love,


It's Gonna Be Alright?

I think it's gonna be alright. I hope so.

Each day, we wake up, try to live the same old way. But once in a while, we want to change our way of life. So we embark a new challenge to try to force ourselves out of the same action of each day.

Yes, days that have no change can be so bored. That's what I'm looking forward to doing one day. Doing surveys like crazy can be a tiring job but I will keep doing them no matter what.

Hoping good things to come soon.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, March 28, 2016

Survived Another Day!

I just survived another day... well, another Monday.

I'm going to go to sleep in a moment. I have been watching more shows on hulu... just a few more days... then I can go and do more work on surveys and more.


Alright, I am not sure what will happen next but hopefully, things will go well.

I will post again tomorrow... so yay for posting! Don't worry, I actually do enjoy doing this.

That's all.

With love,


Ah, Run! It's Monday!

Yea, I am always bored and just do random titles. Since today is just another one of those Mondays that you just want to run away from.

Anyway, I must try to complete all the tasks today at hand and hope for a better tomorrow.

I will keep this blog short for today because it's one of those days that are gonna be weird.

So... that's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Closer To Something When There's Nothing Anywhere

Yea, I like making weird titles... but what I meant was... closer to having a goal when there's nothing to worry about anywhere.

Things are seriously changing here. The days of the past is gone and we are going into the future.

I need to leave from here and get a job soon. Like I mention before, I would go and do that program but my mom's (and dad's) attitude toward it seems to be so negative that I've decided that it would be best to find a job instead.

Really sorry about that.

Anyway, I am going to go to bed in a few... hoping tomorrow, I can catch up with more things. There's also anime called Ef series... but I'm not entirely sure if I want to watch those yet or not... might wait another time... since Hulu might accidentally bring those back a later time.

Alright, I think that's it for this post. Until tomorrow, guys!

That's all.

With love,


Happy Easter Guys

Today is Easter. So, we all know how this is.

Anyway, I am home from my grandma's now. Not sure what to do now... might be resting a lot.

I am kind of sleepy which is the bad part. x.x

I will watch a movie then rest then watch Once Upon a Time at 8 tonight.

So... short post. Will post again later.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 26, 2016

It's Been A Hot Day...

It has been a hot day today. With the weather really warming up. Spring and Summer is here! Yea... might as well add Summer in it too xD

Anyway, tomorrow is Easter and I'm going to my grandma's for the day.

So not entirely sure what to do there yet...

I was gonna wear my dress but... the weather says rain later in the day, so I'm gonna wait on the dress part.

However, I am going to take out some of my shirts and wear them. So... if you follow me via twitter or instagram... be expecting lots of shirt pictures for a bit.

I love graphic shirts so... yea... when I see one that I know that I really love... I'll get it. Today, my mom helped me get one that has many symbols on it... I thought it was cool because... well... if you know me, you would know that I love many different things with symbols from around the world.

Alright, I will be going to bed since I am super duper tired...

Hoping tomorrow will be an awesome day for me...

That's all.

With love,


Being Outside For A While

So, I was outside for a while today... And I bought stuff...

I went to London for a little bit of shopping. Bought three things at a clothing/jewelry store. Basically, a headband that has little puff balls on them xD Then, a ring attached bracelet type of jewelry... kind of hard to explain about those but they are awesome... Lastly, I bought a moon necklace... since I love the crescent moon. I won't say much more about this so yea...

Anyway, I am home now and will be resting for a bit. I will get back to hulu now.

So... I guess I will end this blog for now and will write again later.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, March 25, 2016

It's A Good Friday! (Also, Easter Weekend!)

No, really, it's a good Friday. Because today is Good Friday. You don't know what that is... look it up for Easter and more.

Easter is basically the day that is celebrated when Jesus came back. So, it's a passover weekend really. Little religious thing talk although, I'm not that religious. I just love history about religions.

Anyways, I might get that wrong but don't hate or judge me for it.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing this weekend since it is Easter weekend afterall... but I will let you guys know tomorrow at a late blog... as usual for every weekends.

Right now, I am just getting ready for bed in hopes to have good sleep.

So... have a Good Friday, guys.... wait... nvm, it's almost over... so... have a good weekend. :D

That's all.

With love,


Weather Just Fights Against Spring and Winter

Yea, the weather just fights against Spring and Winter, but that's Spring weather for you.

This weekend will be Easter here in the US. If you celebrate it, awesome!

I remember when I was little, that every Easter, we go to my grandma's and hunt Easter eggs.

That was one of the finest moments of my childhood.

Anyway, I am grown but still enjoy the holiday because it seems like the first holiday of Spring xD

I will be watching more stuff on hulu. Only 5 more days until they end.

I am just going to choose which ones that are worth watching now... And watch the ones that are fun to watch.

Alright, I will go now. Tonight, will write another blog.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Early To Post But... Life Is Good.

Early post tonight but I finally got to talk to my best friend... even for a little bit, I'm glad.

I'm hoping that this weekend would be a better weekend for me because I am tired of having nothing to do. My dad won't take me anywhere and it makes me more depressed... people say "be happy that you are home." I hate this home... so yea... but life is good, that I do know.

I don't care what lessons you tell me or what to do... life is good. Life is made of mistakes and we learn from them. So, we grow from these mistakes to become better people.

So, always learn from your mistakes.

Anyway, I will be alright. But I have to ignore a lot of people because they do not understand me. My best friend is my best friend for a reason, he knows how my life is and understands me. I'm grateful to have a best friend that knows this. We are only best friends and we will always be best friends. That's all. No reason being jealous over it.

Alright, I am talking to much about things... so I will be ending this now and get on YouTube for the rest of the night xD

That's all.

With love,


Just Waiting

I will wait to talk to my best friend to the ends of the earth. No joke.

I am just waiting to talk to him and more. I felt like we need to talk normally every once in a while. Not in a bad way. So I'm typing this in case he does happen to read my blog before he gets online anywhere.

Anyway, what will I'll be doing today? Well, more stuff on Hulu.

Then a weekend break from everything.

Since Easter is this weekend, I really wish my dad would take me somewhere instead of having to stay home all the time. It really gets to me in the most depressing way.

I found a few apps to help me learn some Japanese... and realize that I can remember some Kanji and some Kanji are harder to remember. Yikes.

So... since today is Thursday, I will continue to wait for my best friend forever. :P

I will get back to gaming after I caught up with these shows both on hulu and Netflix.

Also, April is going to be the month of new anime. Crunchyroll already has their eyes set on certain anime. I won't list them until I watch the first episode of each. That's how I work.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Thinking Again

So, I have been thinking again and it made me wonder what to do with my life...

Some things are... well... passed up because I've been listening to my family a bit too much. I need to stop this.

I am going to keep doing surveys until I am able to get enough money to purchase a trip to Japan.

I have been feeling guilty all day because I've done something that caused a reaction on something.

Anyway, I will go to bed now... still not hopeful about sleeping much tonight, sorry.

I need to read more of the things I've saved about online jobs and more and get into that more.

I am tired of everything as it is... and why let it bother me more?

Yea... I felt like my life is useless the more I let people try to take over me.

You get the drift... so I will sleep now, I hope.

That's all.

With love,


It Was Warm!

Today was warm but then all of a sudden, it got cold again...

Strange weather these days.

Anyway, I am going to do some more surveys and watch a movie that came in from Netflix... not sure what it was called xD

Oh, wait, I think it's called "Heaven's For Real."

So, something to think about again. Yay.

Alright, I will go now and get ready to do things.

Will write again later.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I Will Survive!

I will survive for this year. I will continue to do surveys and do without things for a while.

I need to do this. For those that are saying that I am not, shut up.

I am tired of not being happy all the time. I need to go out and do what I need to do...

So... if I can find a job that would let me work part time and still have moneys left... I am saving up for Japan.

Not only for that... but for a way to stay there for a while to learn Japanese and it's culture. So, yes, I want to go to one of those schools that they have.

It might take me a while but... I kind of secretly applied for a job/type of thing... Doubt I'll get it but if so... I have until Fall. So, saving now!

Anyway, I am not sure what to do... but I was able to survive the day without no bad mood.

That's a first.

Anyway, I will watch one more video on YouTube (and no, I didn't watch YouTube all day, since I have been stuck on Hulu, watching all those K-Drama... some are actually based on anime... which was strange...)

So... that's all.

With love,


PS: Fight-O! My bestie. :D

It's Been A Long Day Again

I've forgotten to update before 12 today but I was half asleep too... and wanted to start with the shows on Hulu for a bit.

I am too poor for anything so yay... I will be going nowhere but here...

More surveys tomorrow and yea... will update again later.

I will continue to watch these shows on Hulu until 8 or 9, then get on YouTube for the night.

So... that's all.

With love,


Monday, March 21, 2016

1 for the Mood, 2 for the Money...

Random title, I know.

I wish people stop bothering me sometimes... I know I will be 30. But if nobody offers to take care of my dogs for three full weeks, I can't do anything.

I can only just do a week thing first... then yea... it's just gonna be hard. I can try my best to move out on my own... hoping that my dogs will be alright for a little while.

I am tired of the negativity of my mom... and tired of being told of something that I already know about.

I don't really have time to complete the application but I don't really want my mom to be the sole responsible to my dogs. There's nobody else to help her so yea...

So... don't bother asking me again. Talk to my mom instead about it for now. I don't really feel up to talking about anything right now... especially something like that.

I am trying to stay positive though so I hope tomorrow will be a better day... I really do hope.

I just... close to breaking down and screaming into my pillow again.

Don't want to do this again.

So... stop.

That's all.

With love,


Mondays Are Blah

I really hate Mondays.

I am going to watch the rest of "The Devil is a Part-Timer!" then watch some more drama on Hulu.

I am trying my best not to be in a bad mood but sometimes, it's the family that causes it.

My cousin's wife shared the NOfW program and says that I could try it but... here's the thing... my mom almost always comes up with excuse why I can't go... so what's the point of trying? I have two dogs that need help but not daily and my mom won't be able... well, you can tell she can't because of her health... so yea... but the thing that bothers me the most is my dad.

So... I figure that I would just not do that program and figure out how to get out of here first. I am done with the mouths of people saying negative stuff... it's bothersome already.

So, it's useless to show me things unless you know a way for somebody to help me take care of my dogs.

Alright, back to doing surveys and watching anime.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Time Here!

Spring time is here! I am lazy to fix the title sooooo... "Spring Time Here!"

Anyway, I ended up napping for a long time... except... Chloe, my dog, tried her best to wake me up at the cutest way possible...

So, I finally woke up from that nap. Still don't entirely feel too good because of my ears.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day... well, maybe.

It is to be expected that I will be doing surveys and more tomorrow too...

I might have to do one survey at another browser because this browser just hates it.

I really need to just sit down and do those surveys... if those stupid K-Drama weren't ending on hulu anytime soon... Believe me... there's just too many.

Anyway, I will go now... sleep soon... if I can sleep.

That's all.

With love,


It's Just First Day of Spring?

Today... marks the first day of spring and it sure doesn't feel like spring yet.

But that's to be expected when it's still in the early stages of spring.

Anyway, I went to my grandma's and sat around and read... though... the book is not really that interesting but still want to read... guess you could say it's easier to read.

Alright, I am going to take a short nap in a moment since my head is hurting... because of my left ear hurting like crazy earlier... left me a headache x.x

I will tell you guys more later.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Silence To Come...

I am wondering about the silence that is coming... but I am also wondering if I could make any money in time for March...

Surveys are so annoying to do because they always go "you are not qualify" or "Thanks for doing the survey but sorry, we already have what we need"... After doing ALL of the survey.

So, yea, it's so annoying to do them.

Anyway, I am just going to bed now. Tomorrow will be another long day...

This time makes things go faster and I don't really like it.

That's all.

With love,


Bought Two Dresses

I bought two different type of dresses... I won't post a picture or make a video of them because I'm not the type of person that cares about fashion too much xD

Anyway, I am going to go watch some anime on Netflix and then rest... a movie to watch tomorrow that came in from the mail from Netflix.

Yea... I am kind of out of it.

I will update again later... since I was going to update before but we kept going in and out here... will tell more later.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, March 18, 2016

It's Just Red Bud Winter...

So, just so you guys know... Red Buds are blooming trees that blooms every year here in Kentucky and I'm sure everywhere else... but some reason, in the recent years, give or take, my hometown has been using Red Bud trees as a way to "promote" tourism... which is not working out too good.

Anyway, there's a thing that if you see Red Bud trees blooming, and the weather is just fighting to stay warm... that's it's "redbud winter". It's not a real thing, just something you would expect in the old time to figure when Spring officially has come.

This weekend is going to be a bit boring so I might not be doing anything other than anime... since I have planned to watch an anime on Netflix. I will tell you all the title tomorrow.

I was distracted for most of the day so... yea...

Watched my best friend played his favorite games and laughed with him about how fun it was. Hope he does more like that.

Watched more strange K-Drama on Hulu... there's still more to go... Not even sure if I will be able to watch them all yet.

But... I will figure it out eventually.

Anyway, I will sleep at 11 my time here...

So... that's all.

With love,


An Odd Day~

Today is an odd day. I am not sure what to do yet, but I should be doing some surveys in a moment.

Hope all will be well. I am still catching up with shows... while my bestie has interduced me to an odd show about a bunch of girls fighting. xD

It's an interesting show though... so should continue it.

I'm going to try to do a survey for now... really need to try to get some more money into my paypal xD

It's so hard because one website says it's malware and another says it won't accept it x.x

Alright, will write again.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Day of Green

Yea, I didn't really want to call the title "The Day of Saint Patrick's Day" because it sounds too long... so I'll call it "The Day of Green" because there was green everywhere.

I watched more weird shows on Hulu but still have a long way to go... hopefully tomorrow, I can more done...

Tomorrow is gonna be a semi busy day because my mom will be watching my nephew while my brother goes to a doctor's appointment. I am not entirely sure what time he'll be back yet so hopefully, before my nephew arrives, I can get some things done.

I am going to go to bed in a moment. Right now, just wanna watch one more video on YouTube... Before you go asking about it, I am simply just watching these a hour before I sleep... hoping they would help me sleep... so far... good.

Alright, I'll post again tomorrow twice daily, like usual.

That's all.

With love,


Color The Skys~

Today is a little bit cooler but it's still a nice day.

I am not going to do much today since I am relaxing now. I was coloring but got tired because my head was hurting a lot.

Might go lay down for a bit until my head stops hurting.

I almost lost the days and thought today was Wednesday but it's Thursday instead... wow... where have the time went?

Anyways, will update later with what I've done.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

It Was Actually A Good Day

Yea, I think you guys would like the title today. Since today was actually a good day.

I went to the grocery store and got some food. I think my mom wants too much water. Ah, well.

I think it'll be alright.

Anyway, I done some surveys and watched a movie as well as more K-Drama... I will be watching some anime this weekend so that I can get that done. Should do some more shows tomorrow.

I will be going to bed in a few since I am a little sleepy.

I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow yet but hopefully more shows and stuff.

After I get caught up for two months (doing it all this month), I will get back to gaming.

I will do more reviews and post pictures of games... mostly events that I think would be interesting to put here.

I will go now since I am getting sleepy now...

That's all.

With love,


A Beautiful Day~

Although, I am nowhere near a park, I did took my daily walk. This weekend is gonna be a little bit cooler so I can't take a walk.

I was gonna do a video today but I need a better plan on doing videos... so I'm gonna spend a week on a video just like Marzia does... speaking of her... I need to read her blog. Haven't read it since she shared it. Wonder what her lovely adventures had been with pewds lately xD

Anyway, I am going to surveys and watch a movie and more for the rest of the day.

Hopefully, I can keep up with this good mood for a while. As always, my family makes me feel bad so I need to get out of here soon.

Also... I think my bestie is spying again. >_> I see you.

Well, was spying xD He's asleep now.

Alright, enough of that. Being weird now. I should get to the movie now. Surveys also.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Might Be Another Long Night

I guess you could say... I feel guilty for some reason but I don't know why xD

Anyway, might be another night so in order to find the solution... I will watch a couple of videos on YouTube then get to sleep...

This is something that I need to try to figure out myself. I won't say much after that.

Alright, short post but need to try to sleep soon.

That's all.

With love,


A Better Night, Hoping for a Better Day

I might not be as productive but I will enjoy the day. At least, I had a better night.

This is something that I don't usual talk about on my blog but have anybody been noticing things being weird?

I mean, like something has been moved but you didn't move it. Or you take a walk and there's something you've never seen?

Sometimes, I feel like that maybe, I am still asleep but living in a dream world. And somebody out there is manipulating what goes on in that dream... That's why everything seems to be different or misplaced somehow.

Dang this philosophy type of thing. I had read many things about how reality vs fiction things. I even read things that are stranger than fiction.

You ever watch that movie called "Stranger Than Fiction"? About this guy who has a normal day then all of a sudden, he starts hearing this person who was literally narrating his life. Then it gets even stranger when things started changing and the guy started noticing it. Yea... that's about how I feel but good thing, no strange voice has come... really hope not! xD

I keep thinking I'm going crazy but I know I am not the only one. Things are changing and it's easier to accept them than to question them.

Alright, I will get to watching an anime on Netflix called "Devil Was a Part-Timer"... I think that's what it's called xD

That's all.

With love,


Monday, March 14, 2016

Think I Will Sleep Better

Last night was a rough night. It appears if I get aggravated by my family, I won't sleep.

I will sleep in a moment. Just watching some videos before then...

I know my bestie might be sleeping a long time. Something about something makes him have trouble sleeping... so I hope that something goes away soon.

I think tomorrow, I will sleep a little more than usual... since I can talk to my bestie anytime he's awake.

I can't wait to visit him one day.

Alright, I am just talking randomly now... so sleeping time soon.


That's all.

With love,


Early Post But Eye Doctor Later

Early post today but have to go to the eye doctor for a yearly check up. It's a bit early to do it but I kind of want to get it over with since my mom is going anyways.

Her eyes are getting worse because she has glaucoma in one eye and a cataract in the other. Now she can take care of the cataract but he's just giving her medicine to watch for it. And for the glaucoma, she has to stay on these eye drops for the rest of her life.

So, today, her eyes are bothering her because of allergies. That's what I'm gonna be hearing all day.

Anyway, I hope my eyes are just the same as they were always. I can't afford another pair of glasses and these that I got on, are just fine. I still can't see far away but that's to be expected from a person who has severe nearsightedness.

I am writing this early to let you all know that... hopefully, when I'm back that I will be doing surveys part of the day and Netflix is later... before Scorpion (a show I am watching).

Hopefully, I can get the time to watch shows today.

So... that's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Need A Break From Things

I would put "need a break from life." but then somebody might freak out.... so I put "need a break from things." because it makes more sense.

I'm gonna be saving up money to take weekly vacations. Some of them will be a secret and some of them will be a surprise.

I still have to do loads of planning and writing and videos... But... I'm done with how I am treated here.

It's so tough to be able to stand strong without breaking down. I need alone time and I need to get away from here. I literally... need a vacation. Away from hearing the voices and phone calls that are constantly up to me to pick up... -_-

Yea... if I had something else in mind or have this computer in another room, I'm sure I can things done in no time. To add on top of that... Netflix.

Anyway, tomorrow, I have an appointment with the eye doctor. Then I'll be "blind" for the rest of the day~

Yea... I am not really happy right now. Not where I am at. So, it's time for a change, you know...

Alright, time to go to bed. Night guys.

That's all.

With love,


No Alone Time?

Yea, I wanted to write a story since I was at my grandma's but I want to listen to music at the same time...

But there's a slight problem...

A mom. And the location of the computer.

Seriously, this is happening right now. My mom talking so loud that I can't concentrate on anything.

I need to write in order to calm my mind. And she's not helping any at all. Always going in and out, yelling at me... and it's nothing. Nothing I want to answer.

I really don't need her mouth right now. I really need alone time and typing in my small little world.

Sometimes, I wish my other aunt was alive so that my mom would have something to do... like talk to her and more.

This is not a good time for my mind to do anything.

I Need To Write... Before my mind breaks.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Now Time For Bed!

I have decided that I will be saving money on my paypal and more... but I will not say much since I am getting ready for bed.

Tomorrow, I will be going to my grandma's once I'm awake...

Time goes back at 2AM, so everything will be ahead one hour. Yay!

I'm going to finish this show then head off to bed... well, it's getting ready to end now.

Sorry that this is really short now... night now!

That's all.

With love,


It's A Nice Cool Day!

I have been playing Minecraft and looked at the house, my bestie, had built. But I didn't get to stay on long...

Me and my parents went to Berea for a bit. We stopped to drop off my cousin's son's birthday presents. Then we went on to Walmart.

I wanted a dress but at the same time, I wanted to save my money. So I bought nothing.

The rest of the day, I am going to watch a movie and more.

So... that's all.

With love,


Friday, March 11, 2016

Inspired For The Darkness

Inspired for the darkness tonight. When I come close to having a break down, which truthfully, I almost did last night. But I was saved. I hope my bestie keeps on saving me.

Anyways, I am not writing this on wattpad or anywhere else but here tonight. Because it's something different that I want to write.

I want to show you all, the writer side of me.

Stories like this comes and goes... and I kind of promised that you all that I would write it. Note: if I find this story on another page, I will ask kindly for you to take it down. If you do not, I will do other measures. But if you do share it, please do not forget that who wrote this story and where you saw it. Thanks. Please help out the writers and artists, ok? Don't steal.

"The smell of the cherry blossoms was faint when the morning sun shone through my open window. I forgotten why I had the window opened. It was the silence that got me to slowly get out of my bed and go towards my window. I looked out and noticed nothing the wind blowing lightly, the coolness hitting my face. 
I leaned out of the window a bit and tried to figure out why there was silence. Forgetting that I had moved out into the country, I stared at the meadows of the cherry trees, the blooms were there. Spring was here finally.
I breathed a sigh as soon as I realized that I was at peace. Nowhere near the cities that bothered me. Then slowly, memories flowed through my sleepy mind.
I moved out here to get away from the dangers. War was coming inside those cities and my home was part of it. I slowly closed the window after thinking about things. 
I was glad to move out here. I felt better. I found my peace.
I walked away from the window to my bathroom. It was time to enjoy the day outside."

And so this begins a new story. What do you guys think? I didn't say it was gonna be complete because it's a story that's just beginning.

So now you guys see the writer side of me. Like I said, how I write in my blogs does differ than how I write in stories and poems.

Alright, I might not continue this story anytime soon but I do like ideas...

I really should turn these ideas into longer stories. Although, this was only the beginning, I might have other plans for it later on.

What you guys think?

I am writing this blog early because I might end up hitting the hay early tonight after the show.

So... that's all.

With love,


Everlasting Days

So, today and tomorrow is the last day to feel the need of this unusual hour. Everlasting days are ahead of us.

I will dread the daylight savings time but I am kind of glad for it... maybe.

I just want to get away from here... and hoping that someday that this wish will come true. I will keep doing those surveys and many more to get money saved back.

I am feeling a little better but some nights can be kind of tough for me.

It'll be alright. I know it will.

Anyway, will be watching more movies and shows today through Netflix and Hulu... not sure when those will be done but hopefully soon.

I got loads of anime to catch up and also, Digimon came out today too... so gonna look forward to that!

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Rain Finally Came!

Rain has finally come! So, it's a good day.

Anyway, I figure out that my upload speed is the main culprit to why I can't stream or anything. So that kind of sucks a lot.

I watched two movies on Netflix and will continue on with K-Drama on Hulu soon. Hopefully, things would be alright.

I'm not sure what's going on with my family but so far, silence is there... hopefully nothing bad is happening. I guess it's alright.

I will be alright too. I think tomorrow will be another long day... but I really need to do some surveys.

My mom is letting me save money finally... I just hope that nothing else happens because I secretly want to save it for a passport. Don't ask why.

I guess it's time for things to change soon.

Anyway, I will sleep soon... hopefully, I can sleep well... Lately, I have been waking up earlier than usual... so... that should change when the time change this weekend.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Misinterpretation Day!

Yea, I know this big word because it's a meaning that comes to my life every day almost.

When you try to explain something, it ends up the wrong way that they think. Ah, well.

Anyways, I am not sure what to do. I might have to check out what shows that I would be watching on Hulu and hope that it does not begin my life that way xD

My bestie is alright now. He knows what he is doing so I trust him and his decision. :)

Besides, there's something about him that makes the world be awesome sometimes even during the bad times xD

Alright, well, gonna go watch a show.

And trying to tell my mom that some things aren't as easy as she thinks.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ears Hurt Now x.x

I am getting sleepy but both of my ears are hurting now... so don't really know why. I don't think it was the wind that done it but you never know.

Anyway, I hope that my ears would get better tomorrow when I'm awake... or better yet... I hope that I can sleep.

Sometimes, having congestive hearing loss sucks a lot. They bring pain every once a while.

Ah, well... best to live like this for a long time.

I will keep this post short. Also, I am finally done with that show on Netflix. And just when I thought I was done with watching K-Drama... there's more on Hulu. Yay... I will not be watching them all. Only watch the ones that are interesting to me.

Alright, will sleep now.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Hope to talk to my bestie soon... letting him sleep and more today.

It's About Time for a Change

So, just thought that I would let you guys know that it's about time for a change.

Anyway, I am not sure what to do for a bit but hope that all would be well. I might be taking a short nap in a moment.

I guess these few days has been a bit tough for me. But I think I'll be alright.

I will finish this show on Netflix then hope for a better day.

At least, I hope for peace for my bestie. I will be waiting for him to wake up later. Right now, he's having problems which I will not say. I just need to be there for him at least.

Alright, time to go. I will post again later.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Plans Changed, It Seems

So, today, I was planning to watch this show on Netflix only to go outside with my mom, aunt and grandma.

We went everywhere but some reason the thing about hospitals freaks me out.

I'm like my mom... hospitals are something that I want to try to avoid as much as possible. Especially, seeing somebody in a state like that.

So... I kind of wish things were ok now. But they are not right now. I am not sure when everything will be alright again... only time will tell.

Anyway, I will see soon but might end up crying myself to sleep. Yay.

That's all.

With love,


Let Our Dreams Be Free

So, things are to be expected today... a small delay no longer.

Today, I will write this blog early and then continue on with the day.

Let our dreams be free so we can choose what to do.

I feel like since today is International Woman's Day, that as a woman, that all women should be able to dream of anything they wish. They can be equal with the men one day.

So, let's continue on with this dream and hope it will come true.

Anyway, I am going to go now. My wallet case came in finally so my phone is nice and safe. I want one of those blanket type of covers for a phone so might look for that next and get it.

Alright, I will go and write again later.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, March 7, 2016

Dreams Come Near~

I have decided to never give on my dreams just yet.

You are never too old.

Anyway, I am going to skip Gaming Tuesday on my blog until I'm all caught up with this show on Netflix. The show ends on the 10th so hopefully after that time, I can get back to playing games again... but then again...

It's hard to get things done when you're not alone here. It's kind of heartbreaking. But I have to make do with what I have right now. Hopefully, this mood will change soon.

Alright, I am going to sleep soon because apparently, when my mom wakes up early tomorrow, I have to too. Great.

That's all.

With love,


Spring Around The Corner

So, I think the cold weather is almost breaking but I cannot speak too much about it because it might jinx it.

Anyway, spring is around the corner... well, in two weeks. Time goes back this weekend, which is something that I kind of dread a lot xD

I am going to get ready to go and do some surveys. I really need to find something else to do... this town is driving me nuts and more.

I do kind of dread the months ahead... but trying not to let my mind take over my heart and my goals.

I will get to the surveys now. Hoping that today will be better. I will get on Netflix soon.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Going to Dreamland

Today has been a long day, been walking around all day long at my grandma's.

But I enjoy the company of my cousins and my brother.

So... that's good.

Anyway, this post will be short because I am too tired to talk or think...

So night guys and will post as normal tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


A Very Delightful Day!

I have taken a long time to post this but this will be short because in 2 hours, I'll be watching Once Upon a Time.

Anyway, today was a delightful day!

My cousin and his wife came by with their child. My brother and all the kids came by.

So it was a good day.

Alright, gonna go now... will post again later.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Found Something To Do!

I've already done two things but wanna get back to it later. What is it?

Well, since I wanna do more YouTube videos weekly or biweekly, I wanna learn how to earn more audiences to watch my videos.

So, this is a boot camp until March 18, so gonna try to spend on there everyday and hope to learn more about what I should do to make my videos or channel better. I'm good at learning and hoping that this will pass the time more often.

I'll be doing a video this week around Wednesday and hoping to upload it by Thursday or Friday or so forth. The last video I've done came in really late because my phone is really slow at uploading... well... my upload speed is really slow... at less than 1Mbps... what is up with that? I already asked them and they were like it's 1mbps but nope... it's less than that.

Anyway, I am going to do a small talk about "What Game Am I Playing Now?" type of video and direct you all to my blog talking about it. It's not something that I don't usually talk about but I want to make sure you all are watching it :D

Now... I can do screen shot type of recordings on OBS, but I can't record games... so that sucks a lot.

Alright, I wanna learn more but tonight, I will watch more of... yes... wait for it... YouTube.

That's all.

With love,


It's A Gray Saturday

It's just a dull day. No color in sight with the sky and the grass is just a dull color.

So everything is gonna be boring today. How's that for a Saturday?

Anyway, I guess we are staying home now. But I knew this would happen because we went to Walmart on Wednesday and stuff.

Ah, well...

At least, it's not as depressing as I thought it would be.

As I was saying before dad asked to take us out to eat...

I am going to watch YouTube today, then tomorrow, take a break because of my favorite show which is Once Upon A Time! YAY!

Alright, now that's all.

With love,


Note: Yes, I edited and added more to this post. Now... enjoy it.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Give Me A Sign~

Give me a sign that tomorrow won't be so boring as heck.

Anyway, I have a few things to complain about but rather do that somewhere else for now.

I am a bit sleepy right now, but I felt that things are just going out of balance for this moment now.

I finished one show on Netflix, will be watching another one. Hopefully, within a few days.

I finished one book. If I get too bored tomorrow, I got coloring books and more to do.

Alright, I should go now. So give me a sign for a better day.

That's all.

With love,


Woke Up Not Feeling Good

I woke up not feeling good this morning. So I slept more and still ended up feeling worse than ever.

Then the culprit is there... My body, my hormones, my monthly period.  I'm not afraid to talk about it because it's something most people feels gross about but when you're having pains and other stuff with it, it's something that needs to be talked about.

I am moody but it's because I don't feel good. I am not grouchy but I have to be when people keeps bugging you. I just want to be left alone and lay around until this passes.

And I refuse to be put back on birth control because it damaged me already and I don't want to anymore damaged that what I am already.

Anyway, I will distract myself by watching those shows on Netflix... so if I don't reply to anybody, that's why.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lazy Type of Day

Today was a lazy type of day... didn't really do much at all.

I watched the show on Netflix a bit late and then my attention turned to YouTube but I wanted to watch the new let's play playlist by pewdiepie... he was playing a game called Layers of Fear... though, the game didn't seem too scary but it had an interesting story, I think.

Tomorrow, I hoping that I won't be that too tired to do some surveys... but you never know...

Also, give a chance to watch more of that show on Netflix so I can start on another one.

Anyway, playing Minecraft right now for a bit... then sleep comes later.

That's all.

With love,


Still Sleepy But Awake, I Think.

So, today, I am still sleepy from yesterday.

For some reason, I am awake... I think.

Anyway, my dad is in his mood again, always threatening to leave and more. All words, but never any action. It really sucks a lot.

I'm a bit annoyed by his attitude. So annoyed that I ignore anything he tells me. Because his attitude bothers me a lot.

Oh, well... maybe one day....

Right now, I might take a nap when 2 comes. Hopefully that it would help me.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Sleep Rules!

Sleep actually rules tonight because I am super tired...

And I might be snoring before my head hits the pillows.

And so, this blog will be ultra short because I'm sleepy.

Also, tomorrow is gonna be my rest day. I am going to finish a book called Story Time. As well as a show on Netflix... hopefully... will get that done within tomorrow or Friday.

Anyway, will sleep now.

That's all. Night now.

With love,


Lexington on a Cold Day

This will be posted twice in a roll because I forgot to post earlier. Sorry. I would've done it at 5PMEST but again, kept forgetting.

Anyway, I am a bit tired now because I went to Lexington with my mom and dad. Then after my mom got done with her appointment, we went straight to Walmart. Then right after we got there, we went home to rest for a little... only for my dad to ask if we want to go to the grocery store. So... that was fun... not really.

So now you all know why I am super tired. I might not be busy anymore for a while.

I got done watching Rio 2 on Netflix DVD... then gonna continue on with that K-Drama tomorrow since I am really tired right now.

I might not be sleeping until later tonight since I've been out almost half the day.

Tomorrow... my rest day with Netflix and more.

Friday, is my back to surveys day.

Yea, I haven't done surveys in a whole week but who can blame me? For being extra busy all week, it's not fun at all.

Anyway, that's all for now...

Second post coming at 10.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Rain All Night? Nope. Wind!

Yea, that was a random title xD

Anyway, just waiting until I get sleepy which is around 10:30pm EST xD

Chloe scratched me on my knee and left a mark on there that almost bled... but I stopped it. Still hurts though.

The rain is slowly stopping here now but kind of wish it kept raining all night. But sadly... there's gonna be wind gusts until I go to bed x.x

Alright, I have been keeping my blogs short but it'll be alright. I am just trying to get adjusted to a new month of blogs xD

I have been using a program on my phone that let's me karaoke anytime I want to. I doubt I'll be staying on it long.

Since I am going to Lexington with mom and dad tomorrow, I might not make another video until next week. Told you all that it would be weekly or biweekly on my lovely YouTube channel. And amazingly... I am getting loads of views on one or two videos... one of them is my Tokyo Otaku Mode Kawaii Lucky Bad haul! WHAT?!

Anyway, I am going to end this now and watch a few videos on YouTube... don't worry, I deserve this because I've been watching Netflix since I woke up. Yikes... so this is a much needed break.

That's all.

With love,


Bracing For Change of Weather

Bracing for a change in the weather... since spring is around the corner, that means tornadoes are coming.

Now I hate the idea of being in a tornado alley weather but during early spring, we are usually in that type of weather.

But it's best to always be ready for the change in this weather. Kentucky always seem to get sucked into tornado type of alley during the spring times. Am I repeating things? I'm not sure... still sleepy. xD

Anyway, I am just hoping that the weather doesn't do bad tonight. I will keep you all posted no matter what.

Today, I am going to relax a bit since tomorrow is kind of a busy day for me. Getting up, get ready and go out with mom and dad to Lexington.

I noticed that this is the first time in a long time since dad didn't take us out to eat... it's sad because he thinks that my mom can't go out to those fancy restaurants anymore due to her sickness but she can. She just has to watch what she gets. So, you can't really tell my dad anything.

Alright, I'm going to watch something on Netflix now.

That's all.

With love,