Monday, May 31, 2021

Trying To Wait For Summer Sucks

 I am hugely delayed on my podcast... so I will publish that tomorrow and well, hope for the best.

I haven't been feeling my best lately but hoping that I can finally sit down to write back letters to several more penpals... because you never know how many are coming in tomorrow, xD

I really enjoy writing letters and getting to know people... the most fun part, is having some send me great tea to try out.

Over the weekend, it has been hectic... well, I wanted to go over to Berea for a bit, just to look around. Saw stuff but passed by them because they were books and well... don't have a lot of room for anything right now.

Sunday, we went to see my aunt and put flowers on my family's graves... I sometimes think about them but I know they are in a better place.

Today is a holiday... it is Memorial Day. It's a cerebration for all those who fought the war to protect America.

So yea... it's a good day today too... as the weekend brought a bit of a cooler weather.

I'll be glad when the weather does get warmer and dryer... no more long sleeves and more.

Alright, see you all next week... if these blogs get boring for me to write... I'll pick a random topic to talk about.

Until then...

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 24, 2021

Summer is Here and It's Usually Weird

 I'm gonna try my best to put out a podcast on Saturday... this one is... just a introduction one and might be a bit short... but I must try to do something.

Also, I am going to start writing everyday... not sure how or where yet... but I really need to sit down and just write... I want to do something like an inspiration of a video game... so yea... wish me luck though.

Anyway, I am going to be a bit busy for this summer... but most times, I am just going to try to catch up with the letters that are now a month behind... yikes... I wanted to be a week behind but things happened and I had to take too many breaks...

All because it's summer and my family likes to get out every other weekend... so yea...

And plus, the time that I chose to write is usually the time that my dad gets off work... and well, yea... I just need to find more time during the day...

Then I should be caught up once again.

Alright, I shall get on with planning for my podcast... I have it scheduled to record tomorrow but... you know how that goes...

Here's how my schedule really truly goes...

Weekends: depends on what my family wants to do. Mondays are a day off... but I usually wash my hair these days. Tuesdays mean that I do shaving... yes, tmi... but that's what I do on Tuesdays... and it's also when my dad does laundry... he goes to a laundry mat... since we don't own a washer. Wednesdays... we go to the grocery store... not sure why we can't do this on a weekend again? But yea... that's how my dad wants to do. Thursdays is another day that I wash my hair... but you have to understand that because my dad doesn't always work and he's off on weekends, I have to wash my hair Mondays and Thursdays... Fridays, my dad does the laundry again... and well... that's how my family is like. I'm okay with it... but sort of wished we had a washer and wished that I could just wash my hair every 4 days instead of the way I am doing it.

Now... why do I wash my hair like this? I have oily hair... so it needs to be taken care of every 4 to 5 days... or else, I'll be walking around with oily hair... You don't want to see me with oily hair xD

Alright, shall get back to life... I gotta finish up my challenges... then take a nap.

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 17, 2021

When You're Not Feeling Too Great But Life Goes On

 I hate to behind on letters but then again... I hope that most penpals don't mind... which so far... they don't mind the delay as long as I write back to them so that's a plus.

I had been having a rough week so far... well, for this week, not last week... so I'll keep little notes about my mood for everyday... I just know that my period or blah will start later this week so... yea... might be the reason why I feel like this.

Last week, I did get a lot of letters done... so hoping to get more done for this week... so do wish me luck and stuff.

Alright, I shall get to my daily nap since I am not feeling too great.

Just a lot of emotions going all over the place... really hope that I am in the mood for an anime... which is mentioned on the other blog of what it is.

Well.... see you all next week.

Until then.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 10, 2021

Pretty Much A Boring Time

 This past week had been pretty much boring.

I have been catching up on writing a lot of letters... so far... I'm at letters that I received at around April 7th... so yea... you can imagine how much I am behind.

Alright, I shall get to the past week events...

I think... I shall talk about Saturday since that's the only day that I did get to do anything... I went to Wal-mart and got a lot of stuff we needed for personal hygiene xD

And well... that's about all that happened.

We did took a little ride at some point to see what happened at the river... and well... it was bad. They are building back to where the damages was... to me... why?

Alright, shall get back to real time... and well... nap.

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, May 3, 2021

Rest in peace to my uncle.

 Well... I was going to tell you all that I am getting caught up with writing letters... I am... but... over the weekend, I took a break from writing.

I guess... life is funny like that.

I'm not sure how to say or talk about this... but let's just say it was sort of expected.

My uncle passed away on May 1st. He would've been 49 on May 5th but he never made it.

I shared the same birthday but I'll be 35 this coming May 5th.

Now... if you're wondering why I said it was sort of expected... it's not a bad thing to say when you realize why I said it.

My uncle was a big man... he always had trouble being overweight. At his death, he weighed at around 520 pounds. Translate that to anything of weight and you'll know what I mean by being overweight. After my grandma (his mom, my dad's stepmom) passed away, he just sort of... stopped taking care of himself. Actually, he never really took care of himself at any time... but that wasn't his fault.

He was always the mom's baby... He never married or had any children. But he was close to me and my brother more than my dad.

I could go on and on about him but... right now, I just want to give you a piece of advice... if you're overweight, please love your body... meaning, take care of yourself first.

Rest in peace, Uncle Gary.

That's all.

With love,