Sunday, August 30, 2020

What A Strange Week...

 Well, I could've gotten this done earlier if things didn't come in the way.

So... I am alright with that.

This past week has been a weird one since I didn't write a blog on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday... Mondays and Saturdays are days off anyway... but yea...

Tuesday, I went to see my doctor for my missing thyroid xD My blood work so far is wonderful. He's waiting for the other one. So I don't know if that one is good yet or not. He should call me by Tuesday if they did get it... if not, I may have to call to make sure that they got it.

Anyway, I think this week, I am going to start writing everyday... it might be hard to do but... even if it's just a hour or less a day... I will try to write something,

Alright, I got lots of other stuff to do. Who knows what this week will bring but I will hope it will be all good news.

See you all whenever.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats? (Cats Are Cool Too)

 Oh, boy... this is gonna be... odd to write or type out...

But... dogs are better than cats.

Well, they are loyal and can listen to you when you need to talk.

They don't run away from you when they go out (unless it's my dog, Chloe... that's... um... a different story). They are easily trained (Again... Chloe is different).

Come to think of it... cats are cool too... because at least, they are not all like my dog Chloe.

Chloe runs away when she's out on her own. Chloe doesn't listen when I try to tell her to sit or get off the table while we are eating.

I wonder... if Chloe was supposed to be a cat instead? Who knows.

However, Susie, my other dog, is a different story though. She's more a listener than a runner... except when she gets jealous of Chloe... well...

You know what... Cats are cool too. Dogs are cool because they do still love you in the end.

Blog of the Day: Adventurous Kate

 I have been holding it off but I have decided to share blogs from other people.

I miss the days where you could use the random blog button on blogger... but now... it has changed a whole lot.

Today, I am sharing a blog that is about a solo female traveler.

Now before you go and say what it's about... I don't know either... but that doesn't mean that I won't share it anyway...

So... here's the site:

I like blogs like this about women and travel... so I am going to save this blog and in the future, I might share my favorite posts from these different blogs.

So... go on... you can go ahead and read this blog yourself.

Maybe, it will inspire you to travel in the future.

Well... I had to put in the future for a reason because of what all is going on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Grateful For Doctors

 Most people have trouble believing in doctors... but I did. And well... I'm grateful for them.

It's been over a year since they discovered that nodule on my thyroid.

Never expected it to be cancer... and never expected to live for the rest of my life without a thyroid.

Sometimes, it takes a lot to actually listen to your doctor.

I am glad that I listen to my doctors instead of people online. Most people really expect that you should almost always have a second opinion. While I agree... but if the numbers are above 50%, then yea... it's best that you should listen to them.

I am the type that never waits because of how the world is right now.

Afterall... life is precious to me.

I may had change some things in my life but I hope that I continue on letting people know that you should listen to your doctors... and you should be grateful for them no matter what.

Are you grateful for your doctors? Or you really don't rely on them at all? It's up to you.

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

 It seems that it's important to thing about all the blacks who brought us inspiration.

Today, we shall honor Martin Luther King Jr.

His words will forever be in the history books and much more.

I believe the blacks deserve to have their voices raise above.

And I was just telling my mom that while she may not agree with the burnings and such... sometimes, it takes something to make something listen.

Whatever happens, I just hope there's no violence involved. Crime doesn't always solve crimes. Always remember that.

Riots can go so far... but what will you do if there's nothing left to burn? You can't go around and burn people's homes... Not at a time like this.

I hope that one day, we will get a leader that would actually listen and make things right for all the blacks out there.

So... let's honor Martin Luther King Jr. once more.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

What Happens When The Internet Goes Out

 Well, I'm gonna try to hurry up and type this up before the Internet decides to go out again...

Yes, the internet went out for almost 3 to 4 hours...  I would've gotten this done earlier... but nope... the internet outage had other plans...

Anyway, I am going to get back to doing what I was gonna do earlier but might take me a while to do so.

So... this week is gonna be a busy week for me because I gotta go see the Endocrinologist on Tuesday... which is simply a Thyroid doctor.

Then I am resting for most of the week...

I can't say much of what is going to happen since I am not writing on these blogs for Monday, Tuesday, Saturday... and who knows what else day because I will always pick at random from 0-2 every day that I do write a blog... so it would be nice if I happen to get a break all week but... It would be alright to write on those days I do want to... so we shall see...

See ya when I can.

That's all

With love,


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Finding A Good Reason To Start My Podcast

 Often, I love writing but I love talking too...

The thing about podcasting... is it's hard to do it alone.

But I would love to start it back...

Now to find a good reason to start my podcast back...

Well... I just need to find time and the topics to talk about... And only release it weekly...

I rather start it back and talk about something that's about a journey or story... that is books, video games, movies, tv shows and much much more.

A Faerie Journey doesn't mean just one thing... it means different things.

So... would you like to see me start my podcast again?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

What's Important Right Now?

 We all know what the current events are right now.

The election is in a couple of months... this is the big one.

The virus and race for the vaccine of the virus.

The wait for something that might not ever pass.

Then you got the events that involves the video game world.

Just too many stuff going on at the same time and it's hard to figure out which one is more important than the other.

All I can say... who knows what might happen next.

And with all the bad going on... I really hope that we can fix all the problems.

The police officers should be charged with murder for killing people who don't have weapons... yep... you are reading that right.

Everything needs to be fixed right now and it's hard to figure out what current event is relevant for our lives right now.

Do you know anything that's important to talk about? If so, you can comment or contact me...

I will be making an announcement on Sunday... so keep an eye out for that.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Setting Up A Somewhat Of A Schedule

 I am always late on some Sundays with these... it's because there's always something else to be done...

But I am in no hurry to talk about what's going with my life and such.

Anyway, I am going to be setting up a small schedule... it's not gonna be that exact schedule but something close to it? I'm not sure how to explain it all xD

I guess what I'm saying... is...I am writing down what I want to do in the day... and try to check it off if it's done or not.

I will be doing free sites and surveys all through the week but only in the order that I have them saved.

Alright, I shall get back to doing other things as well as catching up with a lot of things through this week too.

I will let you all know all of that in the other blog.

For now... see you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, August 14, 2020

This Is Why I'm Socially Awkward

 I'm always... weird when it comes to being social.

I'm quiet... don't really want to strike a conversation out of no where... unlike my brother who would be talking to a stranger almost anywhere... I mean... he could be talking about anything... And it makes me feel awkward!

But what made me socially awkward?

Well, one it might be how I was raised... but another...

I think... it was because of the social blunders that happened to me in my life xD

It all started with me... accidentally punching a guy in the nose... because I threw my hands up in a fist like because I didn't get anything from Santa... that was when I was 7 or 8 years old. I'm sure the guy who got the punch didn't feel great either.

Then I can never find anything good to talk about.

This is me... I'm the one who goes into tears if I lost somebody.

It's been an unusual time when that first happened to me.

I do freak people out too... back in the day... I used to stare at people while my legs were... yea... let's just say I lived an awkward life growing up.

What were your social blunders? Most of mine were growing up... and... it made me the way I am today.

I think I'm glad to be an introvert sometimes...

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Worship With Caution Seems Weird For This Title

 We all know people who worship somebody... or something.

There are anime, game and more fans that literally worship a character or idol.

But since I am not going to talk about those... maybe on the other blog, I would... let's talk about worshiping in general.

Where I think it's okay to worship? Churches, places of worship, stuff like that.

Where it's not okay to me? That's a hard question to ask... but rather let's ask what is not okay to worship...

Leaders in political should not be worshiped. They are not a god. They are not something you should go around, begging people that this person or that person is awesome and they should be worshiped. I mean... it's okay to idolize them but to go beyond that you would literally pray over this person is a bit... crazy. I mean... you see dictators who are being worshiped. You see these false prophets being worship... you know what I am talking about... There are cults out there where the person that makes the rules that are being worshiped.

It's okay to worship religion and more. But... be sure it's not the one that restricts and makes strict rules... like many types that are hidden.

I have no doubt that... worshiping should be something that should be tread lightly...

What's okay to worship? Preachers, real prophets, pope... etc.

But with that idea in mind... it's okay to worship people as long it's not for the evil or... as long as they are looked at like a god.

Do you worship something? If so, what is it?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Why I Don't Search For Templates Often?

 I know there's a lot of great ones out there. I won't share them because I only saved them for myself to try out first.

Most of the time, I rather not use templates... but if they make sense for me, then I would be using it.

So... why I don't search for templates often?

That's an interesting question to think about. I would say that... I don't like to. I just feel like it might be something that I may not be interested in.

Would you?

If you do, then you could always comment to my page here and let me know what you think would be best for me to use.

Alright, I think I will keep in mind that if I ever want to find any templates to just find out if it's the one that I want.

Again, comment if you find any that would work for me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How Would I Interview My Family?

 I often wonder why I never got to interview some of my family members before they passed away.

My grandfather would've been fun to interview with. So would my grandma.

Actually, every one of them would've been interesting to interview with.

But life always got in the way.

One of these days, I may just sit down to talk to my mom and dad about their lives.

I often wonder what questions I should ask them. The stories they may tell me.

Then again, who would have the time to tell me everything that I would ask them?

How was their childhood? Was it good? Was it bad?

I already know the stories of how my mom lived and how my dad lived...

So again, it would be interesting to see how they answer certain things.

If you all have ideas or questions for me to ask my parents, you are welcome to comment below.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Thinking It's Time To Keep A Journal For Blogs

 Hi, it's that time of the week where I talk about what I've done this past week...

Let's just say... Friday, I was in a hurry to get the last two posts done and they ended up short... which is not good if I want to do a good job with my journey.

So I will try my best to start the idea of keeping a blog journal just for blogging and such...

The thing is... I haven't bought many journals lately because there hadn't been anything that's caught my eye. I do have notebooks which I could be using as a way to keep up with my blogs and such... so I will think about that in the future.

Really, I just need to write down my ideas.

Or rather... supporting the topics that are picked at random xD

Alright, I am going to get to picking out the journal and then well, I should be doing nothing today but help my mom cook later on.

It's one of those Sundays where we don't have to do anything at all... but things can change... so you just never know.

See you all sometime this week.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, August 7, 2020

Why Things Should Matter

 So... let's talk about why I did what I did with unfinished stories...

Sometimes, you never know what your day is like.

After my surgery for over a year now... I was always having a bad day.

I still do have bad days... and that kinda of sucked a lot.

I should really try to get up and be proactive on a lot of things... I should just get stuff done and not worry about what matters to me...

Life does matter... so does listening to what matters to my life.

So... why... why are some of the things you do are the way they are?

The question should matter especially when you have a lot to think about towards life and much more.

What I Start Should've Been Finished

I think I had so many projects that were left unfinished. I always start with one thing but never to finish it. This topic asks for only one... so I will start with the big one.

It is writing stories... I always start writing them but never really finishing them.

Half of the stories that are written out there were ones that I loved and enjoyed.

As for why... that's for another time.

I think I will try to complete the stories because I should have a plan of what might happen or comes next.

Alright, let's think about what the whole question for this topic...

What projects or stuff that you started but never finished?

I know some of you want to try to finish something so let's think about how for now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

5 Things That Make Me Happy Right Now

I might have a hard time to think about what is making me happy right now... but... here we go.

1. My Family
I am happy with my family right now with the state we are in at the moment. We are living in the moment and hoping for good things to come in the future. While right now, it's all in the planning stage, I'm in an alright place.

2. My Friends
I have a best friend and many other friends that are mostly online. While only my best friend that I talk to the most, I am alright with that ideal life. We are fine and I'm happy with how much we do talk to every once a while.

3. My Layout in My Room
This is a funny thing to add to the list but you had no idea how stressed I was feeling because I was not happy with my room... After getting rid of the table and adding more shelves... my room began to feel a lot better. I am able to move around in there with no problems.

4. My Future Plans
This adds to my family more... we have an idea of what we want. I may not talk about it much because it involves with moving and much more. There's no exact plan yet but I do have ideas of what to do in case we do move.

5. Understanding and Being Open-Minded.
Might not be an object but this... makes me enjoy life more because it makes me feel happy that I stand by more people no matter what skin they have, no matter what sexual orientation they are, no matter what they do or think... life should be more acceptable... and more forgiving instead of always worrying about the past.

So... what 5 things are making you happy right now?

Sure... we can't always be having happy days every single day... and I know this... because I don't always have to pretend to be happy... just have a good day and that makes me alright.

Being happy shouldn't be forced... and I don't wish for people to try to tell you how to be happy... because it's not okay... only you can find what makes you happy.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Is It Okay To Hate Football?

I hate Football... I'm talking about American Football...

I am not sure why I hate it... but I find most sports boring.

Even though I wanted to watch Tokyo Olympics before it was delayed.

I guess I am just a weird person... hope I don't get hate on for hating football xD

I was never into that whole school spirit back when I was in high school.

So... that's how my life has been.

What sport do you hate?

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Giving Myself A Pat On My Back

Whoo... what a wild ride this week... but I've got the blogs planned out and done... so I should pat myself on the back.

Things are interesting though because I am going to continue to make up my journey as I go forth.

This week will be the same... with random times for no blog days... However... Thursday will automatically get a day off from blogging because I got an eye exam and stuff...

So gonna get back to my normal timing with stuff.

I will plan out my week like usually... until a challenge says to do it for the whole month xD

Alright, I shall get back to doing what I do best... well, you just have to read that part on the other blog.

See you all sometime this week.

That's all.

With love,