Friday, June 29, 2018

Getting Things Done And Busy Weekend Ahead

I gotten those things done today and I'm quite happy about it.

I shall get to finishing some videos on YouTube and hope for a good night's sleep later xD

Also, check out today's random tv show challenge today:

It's kind of odd and I didn't really like it... but that's all part of a challenge.

Since I don't update this blog on the weekends, I will wait until Monday to share both pages on the first post. So you should look forward to that by then.

Saturday, I guess we are gonna get some groceries and personal items done.... hoping that we can make it through the day since it's gonna be extra hot.

Sunday, I really hope that this time, we get to see my aunt. We haven't seen her in almost two weeks so it would be nice to see her.

Anyway, I shall get on with the videos and hope everything will be good for me this weekend.

That's all.

With love,


Got Lots To Do, I Think

So... I got lots to plan to do xD

I am going to fix things around in my room because I bought a new box to put my necklaces in... so yay for this.

Anyway, I am going to keep this fairly short since I only got a short amount of time now xD

Today, the weather is gonna be hot... so we be expecting a lot of hot weather through out this week and so forth.

It's not fun but I don't mind it at all.

Right, I shall get to work now and hope that I will be good with the day.

I might have a short post today but it will be alright since I gotta do some things xD

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Didn't Get Much To Do With Surveys

Wanna do this since I got more videos to watch on YouTube.

I did get to do some surveys today but sadly, didn't get much out of it. Ah, well.

If you wish to see today's show challenge, you can go view my review here:

It's a show made from Taiwan and it's kind of cute. I will have to watch more of this show soon.

Anyway, I hope tomorrow will be good since I am taking a break from surveys and such.

I will explain tomorrow on how I am going to share the posts for the daily challenge... so check that out tomorrow.

I do know the weather is going to be extra hot for a while now so... wish me luck for this.

Alright, I shall get on with the videos and hope that everything will be good.

That's all.

With love,


Always Have A Plan B In Case Things Do Happen

I am back! And I don't know what to say about going to that place xD

It's my old family doctor. He's alright but just more conservative? He doesn't want to give out medicine when you needed it... so yea... my mom still goes to see him since he gave her some medication for her nerves.

Anyway, I hope that the electric will be good today so I can get back to doing a few surveys today. Next week, I have a lot to catch up because of too much happenings this week went through xD

I wonder what the next challenge is going to be like later.

Ah, well... I still need to do some jumping jacks too... yay for a challenge.

I shall get on with the day and hoping for a good day.

Always have a second plan in case things do happen xD

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Didn't Do Surveys But I Did The Challenge

Well... I never got the chance to do much surveys since the electric went out twice in a roll... that's fun. Not really.

Before I go on to talk about other stuff, you can go view day 3 of my random tv show challenge here:

I wish the shows the Netflix Roulette weren't all Netflix Original but it can't be helped for now.

Anyway, I am feeling a bit better but I am kind of tired and sleepy too.

I am okay so that's a good thing, I guess.

It really did sucked that I never got to do any surveys today but hoping that after I come back with my mom tomorrow, that I would have time to do surveys. There's not really any promises...

I really need to get my mind set into reading again after taking a break from it for a week.

Things are just kind of strange right now and I need to fix it back to being straight and narrow for a bit.

Tomorrow will be weird too so I will try to update after I come back.

Right now, I shall continue on with YouTube videos and possibly chat with my friend before going to bed... that's only if I don't pass out or anything xD

That's all.

With love,


What I Learn About Meditating For 30 Days?

I am feeling a lot better today than the days before... so it's kind of nice to finally get over with whatever is going on with my sinuses.

Today, it's back to doing surveys and more.

Also... let's talk about 30 days of meditation up to 10 minutes....

I was glad to do this challenge but something that did surprise me... I could only do up to 5 minutes (which is good) and it's okay to not do this everyday.

I did research some things or rather sometimes an email would talk about it... meditation is not for everybody and that's okay too.

If you suffer from panic attacks, don't meditate. It just makes the attacks worse.

So will I be continuing to meditate? Yes, but not every single day. It gets harder to do when you're sick, sleepy or anything that runs along the lines of feeling depressed.

I am now in the third day of doing jumping jacks per day... at least anywhere above 10 to 50 per day. While doing 50 might be harder to do, I shall do my best. I won't keep track of how many I do because I already lost track of that from day 1 xD So... I shall let you all know when the 30 days are up for this challenge.

Anyway, today, more surveys... then hoping that the weather will be nicer for us today.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Always Remembering To Fix Titles

I realized that the title for the challenges on my other blog needed to be clear... so I added: Random TV Shows Day... then whatever day it is.

This is by far the most interesting task that I ever gotten into.

Anyway, today, I was quite surprise by the show that Netflix Roulette has picked for me.

You can view the whole entire post here:

I am hoping that after this one is done, I'm gonna do a Why I Drop It type of posts too... since I dropped the show Reverie. I really wanted it to be good but some reason, it just didn't kept to my interest by the second episode... so yea... That should be coming soon, I think.

I think tomorrow, I should be back to doing surveys again... hoping that I would get started by 10 in the morning.

Things are being slow because of my congestion and stuff... but I'm hoping that I will be feeling better soon.

Also, tomorrow... I will be talking about the 30 day challenge of meditation and more. So keep an eye out for that on this blog!

Alright, I shall get back to watching some more YouTube videos before going to bed... so... night for now.

That's all.

With love,


Trying To Find "Free" Things To Do

Today, I can tell a little bit of a difference but I'm worried that all that yuck at my sinuses are going to my ears. And as you can tell... ear infections are not fun at all for me.

Today, I take a break from surveys despite that I did get sick yesterday and couldn't do anymore. Hoping that today will be different for a different set of surveys.

I think I will be getting into some "free" things to do. So yea...

I would love to start back my YouTube channel one of these days but right now, it just has to wait because of certain things.

I think tomorrow, I will be doing a special post about meditation and what I learned in the 30 days of doing it xD

Anyway, stay tune for tonight's post with me sharing another tv show. I did learn something though... some shows on Netflix had been taken off so that website is not entirely updated. I hope they fix it to where it is updated.

I might do a random thing for anime too eventually... but right now, I just gotta get through this one first.

Each challenge is a way to get me to figure out what I could like to do or not.

Who knows what could be interesting for me to do next.

For now... I gotta get through the day. xD

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 25, 2018

Made It Through The Day

I made it through the day but I'm still congested :v

Anyway, I did try to do some surveys but I decided to just go on to bed because my head started to hurt and yea...

It really sucks a lot when you are lacking sleep and being a bit sick.

Alright, I shall share the page to my first challenge on my other blog:

You are welcome to follow along with this challenge with me if you wish to.

Right now, I will finish more videos on YouTube and possibly go to bed early tonight.

I just really really hope that I would feel a lot better soon. I'm beginning to think that I have more than allergies now because it's just not going away that easy. Ah, well... doctors are funny in this town.

Hopefully, tomorrow, the storms and rain will be calmer so that I can get some other stuff done.

For now... hoping that I will be feeling better soon.

That's all.

With love,


Being Deeply Congested Sucks A Lot

I'm still congested... but hey, I'm getting there somehow...

The weekend was mostly full of going to either Richmond or London. Richmond on Saturday and London on Sunday. We mostly went because dad wanted to find a rug to put under his chair. :v

I think I should stop buying stuff sometimes xD Ah, well... gotta enjoy life for a bit anyways.

However, last night was hell... the power went out sometime in the early hours of this morning and it sucked... I hate being deeply congested and being hot... I ended up snoring because my nose was stopped up :/

It was not a pleasant night at all.

I'm gonna be taking an early nap today because I am still not feeling too good.

I hope that all of this congestion would go away pretty soon!!! It's literally driving me insane.

Anyway, I loved having my dad at home because it seems to make him feel better when he's here. I'm really glad we got out both weekends and stuff... just hoping that sometime, we would go to the water falls.

Alright, today, I shall get back to doing surveys again.

Also, need to try to read since I didn't do any of that all week when my dad was off :v

Ah, well...

Keep an eye out for a second post and a post later this evening... I'm doing a challenge on my other blog... so yay for this. I will share it here when I get done with it xD

That's all.

With love,


Friday, June 22, 2018

Hoping That I Feel Better For The Weekend

I hope that after taking some allergy medications that I would start feeling a bit better.

Anyway, I am typing this early because they are giving thunderstorms all through the night and I might not exactly feel like typing later xD

I just finished the strangest movie ever... called The Congress? It's just strange and that's all I can say about it.

I am going to try to catch up with some videos on YouTube before it does try to storm. Since I am not so sure what it will do by then.

The weekend might be good or bad... just depends on what my dad wants to do.

I think he wants to do something on Saturday so only time can tell by tomorrow then.

Sunday, I am hoping to see my aunt again.

I will let you all know after the weekend how things are.

Also, I will be updating on Sunday with my other blog for a new 30 day challenge... And sometime next week, I will be talking about meditating for 30 days and let you all know what I found out and stuff... this part will be on this blog only.

I am going to try to get started with jumping jacks (I hate jumping because of the fear of hurting my hip so I am going to try to overcome this fear by jumping jack everyday for 30 days.)

Alright, just keep an out on those things either this weekend or on Monday and next week.

That's all.

With love,


It's Just Allergies...

It turns out it's just allergies... Ah, well.

I hope that some rest will help me a bit.

Kind of glad the doctor's visit is over.

Anyway, I am going to take a nap after I eat a bit.

All this rain just makes me too darn sleepy xD

Today is just a bit slow so I will be able to update another post later.

Also, glad my aunt came by... so that's a good thing.

Alright, I shall get to eating and get to napping later.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 21, 2018

It's Hard To Do Anything When You Are Congested

I think I have congestion and it's annoying the hell out of me. I have been sneezing like crazy all day long and so far... it's let up but for how long, I don't know.

I think I am glad that I got that doctor's appointment tomorrow so I don't have to worry about that.

Hopefully, I am able to update a blog before I go out tomorrow. Especially since my doctor's appointment isn't until midday. Yay for this.

Anyway, I shall go back to watching some videos on YouTube... also, instagram has longer videos so I'm looking forward to watching some of those on my phone soon.

Alright, I might be ending this blog post short but can't be helped when you are congested and wish your nose would stop running.

Hope tomorrow will be better!

That's all.

With love,


Full Day Of Rain And Resting

Today, we didn't go anywhere. But we are resting a lot. Also, it's raining a lot here.

My blah decided to start today. Good timing x.x not really.

It seems like my period loves to start about the time I have to do other stuff like going to the doctor and the store and more.

Ah, well.

Yes, I am going to the doctor tomorrow for a medicine refill... but apparently, I developed a running nose and a slight cough with a sore throat... hope I am not getting sick :/

Anyway, today, I shall watch a movie and then go straight to YouTube soon after.

But I should have a second post today.

I hope that things will be good for me for the rest of the day.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

I Had To Rest But It Was A Lazy Day Too

I had been lazy today both with my day and my blog... but I hope that I won't have to be sore by tomorrow.

Apparently, tomorrow, my dad doesn't have to go to his eye doctor tomorrow xD But I doubt we are going anywhere because they are giving storms all day tomorrow so that kind of sucks.

Yes, I am mentioning tomorrow because I am not going to update again today. But tomorrow, I will try to update twice.

I think all that hard work yesterday just made me realize that... I needed a rest xD

Anyway, I will let you all know tomorrow if we did happen to go anywhere which I doubt it.

My mood has been becoming better lately but who knows how long that will last.

Alright, I will get back to my lazy day and hope I will be good for tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Very Long Day Of Hard Work

Today had been nothing but hard work. My dad decided to buy a flooring type of thing.

We had to move all the furniture around... the tough part was my computer desk. I am in need of a new computer desk since I hated this one from the very start. I just hated it because the drawers and the place to put a computer are all on the same side which completely imbalances the whole entire desk itself. Maybe one day....

Anyway, I am tired as heck and might end up sleeping early tonight.

I am glad we have a new floor because it was getting tiresome to have a plywood as a floor.

And today has been a very long day.

Alright, this will be the only post for today and tomorrow I am going to rest so I am not sure what time I am going to post any blog posts yet.

I will get off for now.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 18, 2018

Maybe An Awesome Idea

I think today was an okay day. My dad had to wait a while at the doctor so we ended up staying home while he waited. He went on the laundry mat and well... that's all xD

Anyway, I do have a cool announcement that I am going to do on my other blog... I will be making the announcement on there too later because the idea will be hugely delayed at this moment xD

Remember the 30 day challenge I was doing? Well, this one is gonna be starting next week and it's gonna be on that blog every day until the 30 days are up.

The first challenge for that blog will be... watching one episode of a random show on Netflix. Yay!!! I will explain how I will do the challenge on the other blog in about 5 days or more... well, about Sunday.

I hope that I will be able to do this challenge with no problems xD

Alright, wish me luck folks!

I just wanted to say that.

Tomorrow, I am not sure what we will be doing so hope for good things to come.

That's all.

With love,


My Weekend? And Doing Research For Something Today

I might just try to update this early while my dad is at the doctor. He is off this week. I doubt we will go anywhere but who knows.

The weekend was actually okay even though we didn't go anywhere. I'm okay with that xD

Saturday, I just went out to some yard sales... found mostly nail polish and a journal xD

Then we ate some stuff... yum yum.

Sunday, we went to see my aunt and everything is awesome there. I want to take some pictures next time I go there... so keep an eye on that.

Anyway, I won't be doing any surveys this week because you never know what my dad might have in his mind since he is off this week xD

Alright, I will get on with the day... there's something I want to research since my dad wants to put down some flooring stuff xD More details will come if that happens.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, June 15, 2018

Who Knows What Might Happen This Weekend

Once again, the weekend is here. This time, it's the weekend where my dad has a longer week since he's on vacation next week.

Tomorrow, I'm sure that we are not going to be doing anything at all. I might be getting the dogs their flea stuff because they do need it. When you walk dogs as much as I do, you have to protect them from fleas and ticks.

I hope that tomorrow will be a good day despite we might be staying home xD

Sunday is going to be hot... basically, it's gonna be humid, muggy and more. I can't be sure what my dad will be planing on that day. Might see my aunt, who knows.

Alright, I am going to continue to watch some videos and if we are not going anywhere this weekend, I will be watching anime.

July will be premiering the summer anime. I am not entire sure what will be available yet so I might need to find out xD

Anyway, see you all on Monday. Remember, my posts will be random next week... so who knows what might happen.

That's all.

With love,


Some Little Bit of News About Next Week

I guess I should tell you now instead of waiting for tonight to say it xD Because I might forget to mention it or then again, I might repeat it.

My dad is on vacation next week. Meaning, I will not be posting on this blog as much. I will be doing all the other things as normal... like surveys and more. I hope that I will be able to post some moments.

Plus, there's no telling what my dad might do next week either.

Anyway, today, I am taking a break from surveys and try to catch up on some videos on YouTube later. Right now, I am going to watch Baby Daddy muaha.

Right, now you all know... hope today will be awesome for me!

I will be posting again tonight with more idea what the weekend will be like. I can't say for sure just yet so keep an eye out on that post.

I will get on with the day..

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Making The Decision!

So it's finally decided... I will be selling books on ebay starting soon... I won't be listing any damaged books because I will be inspecting every book that I have. And the listing will only be once a week on each book that I read. And it means that I could be getting more books in the future. So yay for that.

Anyway, I am going to get to bed soon but not before I watch some videos online.

Hoping that things will be alright for me because tomorrow is once again a break day from surveys... although, to be honest, I didn't do any because I wanted to watch Steins;Gate 0 episode 10 xD

I will let you all know of anymore details later on and I have some reading to do on some online business thing. So yay for that xD

Alright, I don't really have anything else to say but I do want to say this before I forget...

My posts for next week's blog starting on Monday will be random so I can't really tell you what days will have two blogs or what days will not. So just be sure to keep a watch on my twitter or wherever you choose to read my blog from xD

Now until tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Should I Sell Books Online?

Today, I decided that instead of giving my books away... I am going to start selling them on ebay.

But only the books that are not damaged or anything. I also have a bunch of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books to look through too. I was just telling my mom that I just want the books that were made for YA xD I will explain more about this later.

Anyway, I am going to still plan for that on a later note. Because I still need to get ink to do all of this.

Good thing, shipping isn't on me xD I just have to print the label and pay a small percentage afterwards.

Alright, enough of that... until then I just need to get the ink for my printer and more.

I will get to doing surveys again today while listening to an episode of Baby Daddy in the background :v Don't ask what that is about... if I get it done, I might add it on my other blog.

I hope that I find a good book that is worth talking about on my other blog too since so far, I have not found a good book yet.

Ah, well.

I hope that thinks will be awesome for me.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Planning For Some Things Again xD

I guess this weekend is set even though it's not Friday yet xD

I hope I will be good for some things. I did do some surveys but they really did took all my time because some of them takes forever :/

Hoping that tomorrow will be different. I really want to try some more.

I really wish Wal-Mart would start getting in more journals because I keep thinking that I need more when in reality, I don't need anymore. xD I try to keep at least 10 on hand because you never know when you might need to write something down.

I'm thinking of going to the local dollar stores and getting a new journal to add in ideas for my blog and my other blog and more.

I really want to get into photography a bit more too... basically getting random objects and take pictures of them.

Anyway, I shall watch a few more videos on YouTube and hope that tomorrow will be awesome.

Also... I will find other random websites to go on to find something to do... since I want to get into a bit more DIY type of thing too.

Who knows...

That's all.

With love,


Having A Lot of Things Planned

I guess I am going to get a lot of things planned ahead of time :v

I need to get some flea stuff for the dogs. Then I need to get some other stuff.

Alright, I will be doing some surveys for a bit. Then figure out from there.

Last night, it was storming but I got to talk to my bestie. That was awesome xD

Anyway, I will get on with the day and hope I can be able to do some of the surveys good.

I am still waiting for it to decide if it is going to rain or not.

Today is not gonna be slow because I need to get some stuff done.

I noticed that my blogs had been really weird lately but that can't be helped when you almost run out of things to talk about.

It will be alright xD

Hope things will be awesome for me.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Just Tired and Sleepy

While I was taking a break from watching about games, I got to thinking about what I should really be doing xD

Anyway, things are not always what it seems. Ah, well.

Just a random thing to say xD

I am having a bit of a problem with my browser right now to where it seems to be loading but it stops for a second and then it works for for a bit longer. So yea... thinking I might just get off the computer a bit early tonight since I am tired and sleepy.

Tomorrow just makes the week seem like it's almost over. I will resume the surveys tomorrow too.

I might have places to buy a steam card this weekend since the sale is starting next week... but I might wait a week before doing so.

Right now, I am just tired and sleepy... yes, I repeated this but it can't be helped when you are really that tired and sleepy xD

Well, I will let you all know for any news...

Oh, before I do end this blog post... Stumbleupon website is ending very soon... So sad to see it go because it was my go to site to look upon new websites. Ah, well.. I got a new site to go to even though it's not completely my favorite.

Well, now it's time to go. Until tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Seems Like I Have A Lot To Do Today

I just have a lot to do today... and I really don't have the time to watch the Nintendo conference today xD

Anyway, I hope that today will be good for me.

I keep wondering why a website doesn't work for me but I realize that they are still working on it xD

I should be fine for now.

I hate how some things are schedule because I always have something else scheduled at that time. Ah, well. Things can change at the last minute.

I should be waiting for some news today on some other stuff xD Who knows what news could that be xD

I will get with some things and hope the day will be good for me.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 11, 2018

Excited For E3

I've done my best on the surveys... mostly because I wanted to watch some E3.

I hope tomorrow will be good for me. So I will be taking a break from surveys and do them on Wednesday.

Anyway, I hope the next E3 conference will be awesome. It will start at around 9. So yay for that!

I think I am mostly excited for Kingdom Hearts 3 xD

Alright, I don't really have much to talk about because I hope that I will get some sleep tonight xD

This morning, I was rudely awaken by my dogs barking at my dad and stuff.

Well, I hope that things will be alright for me soonish.

And I hope that I can get this post halfway and get more ideas to think about on here.

That's all.

With love,


It Was An Awesome Weekend

The weekend was awesome.

Saturday, we went to some yard sales but ended up finding nothing. Ah, well.

We went all the way to Berea and still didn't find anything at all xD

Just a little side note, I love Berea, KY. It's such an artsy place and that's what I like about it.

Anyway, it was a good time.

Then Sunday, I went to see my aunt. She gotten me some books that are what I am into. It's so awesome.

I have been watching E3 too so it's awesome to watch that too.

I am going to get ready to watch it at 1PM and hope things will be awesome later.

I will be doing surveys off and on during this time.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, June 8, 2018

A Break From The Internet Finally!

Well, it's finally that time again. But I think this weekend might be worth to talk about.

The weekend might consist of going to some yard sales tomorrow.

For those that don't know what yard sales are... they are not yards for sale :v In fact, they merely a place that sells junk or clothes and they usually have them on lawns xD

I think my aunt may had bought some books for me... who knows what else.

I just hope that tomorrow will be a good day for me. I can't really tell you until Monday if it was xD

Anyway, I hope that this weekend will be good for me. I will continue on with surveys and more next week and kind of glad I am taking a break from the internet.

Alright, will get to watching YouTube and more before I get to sleep later.

Also, I might talk about an interest of mine on Monday if you all don't mind.

Well, time to go. See ya all on Monday.

That's all.

With love,


I'm Feeling Better Today!

Hey, I'm feeling a bit better. What do you know... I am actually in a good mood. Things are okay now.

And I'm okay now.

I'm just listening and previewing for Dierks Bentley's new album. And it's actually good.

Hope my mom gets this CD someday xD

Anyway, I am going to try to get busy with some stuff and hope the day will be good for me.

I am not sure exactly what to say on the first post anymore... but I should just say that I slept good and glad that I woke up feeling better this morning.

The weather is really hot right now so I'm staying in just because I burn easy.

Alright, will get on with the day and hope that I will have something to talk about later xD

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 7, 2018

It Sure Felt Like It Has Been A Long Day

Today, it seemed like it was a long day. Sadly, I am still not feeling too good and stuff... I am trying to figure out whether to sleep early or not...

I am not sure why I am still not feeling too good but I'm still hopeful for the next day no matter what.

I finished a few surveys today and will be taking a break tomorrow.

Just a lot of things is happening and I need a break from stuff... I will be glad when the weekend comes because I am planning to not come online at all.

I just need to take a break in order to take a refresher. My dad will be off the week after next... so yay for that, I guess.

I know that if I can get over some of the things that is going on with my mind, I will be better.

Right now, I shall repeat... it sure has been a long day.

That's all.

With love,


Just A Bit of A Slow Day

Things are a bit slow for me today... since I am still not completely feeling better... so I just have to take it easy today.

I will try to do some surveys today but no promises xD

Anyway, I am not sure what else to talk about today but I just know that something that I had eaten made my stomach hurt x.x

I am going to try to do my best for today since I am not feeling well again xD

I need to try to read too.

Things just have been slow the past few days so I will just try my best. I need to finish the books from the library soon since they are due next week.

Alright, I will get on with the day and hope things will be alright for me.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Hoping For A Better Night's Sleep.

I'm still not feeling too good so I am going to wait a while on some things...

At least, until I know for sure that I am feeling better and stuff.

Tomorrow, I will try again with surveys since today I didn't do them at all.

It has been a very long day with stomach pains and more. I rather not go into details because it's something I dealt with when I was a child and more.

Anyway, I don't think I will be watching Reverie despite that I really enjoy it... well, I could still catch part of the show since I do go to bed at around 10ish.

Alright, I shall get this post up and running and hope that tonight will be better than last nights.

That's all.

With love,


Not Feeling Good But Will Try To Get Through The Day

Of all the days in the entire year, today, my stomach decided to hurt like crazy. I know it's something that I ate because well, things happened that I don't want to explain at all.

Anyway, I am not sure what I am going to do today since I have been resting for most of the day today.

I still haven't decide whether to do any surveys or not... I might try to do some of them... hopefully.

Alright, I will not be talking too long on this post but I will try to make it longer than just a few short sentences xD

Just I was really hoping for a good day but then woke up at 6 in the morning with stomach pains and yea... haven't been feeling good since then.

Here's to hoping that I feel better later or tomorrow at least.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Stories Are So Good That I Cried.

I don't know why but I cry at video games. I guess it's because they have good stories.

I love it when the story at the end of games, movies and books always make you think that it's a damn good story.

Anyway, I know that I am late but I wanted to finish watching NieR: Automata played by Cryaotic. Damn this game is too good.

I will be getting off soon after I get this updated.

Today, it was a good day. And again, those thoughts are back but they are making me happy for some odd reason xD

Alright, hope things will be alright for me tomorrow since I am back to doing surveys once again.

I hope that I will get wonderful dreams tonight like I gotten last night xD

That's all.

With love,


I Will Be Alright Now And A Strange Dream

I think I will be alright now. Just a lot of thoughts running amok and it's not good.

Now that's gone out of my head, I think I will be alright now.

Last night, I had a dream about this town that was obsessed over this statue that they thought would protect them at all times but in reality, over 100 years ago, it was a real person and she died protecting them with magic. Then one day, while the people were worshiping over the statue, a young girl came into town... they thought she was evil when she finds out a group of bad people were going to take over the town. She made a few friends that believed her. She ended up finding out who she was and she dressed like the statue and saved the day. There's more details here and there but I think that's all I can say about it for now xD It was an interesting dream, ya, know?

Anyway, I am going to do some stuff on the free sites and hope for good things to come.

Not gonna be too busy so I should have time to do other things.

For now... let's get on with the day.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 4, 2018

What Should I Do With My YouTube?

While I haven't put up a video on YouTube in so forever... well, in the beginning of the year xD

I have not abandoned it yet. I'm still trying to figure out what I should do on it. I know I might still do gaming still but I might do other videos too... Such as unboxings (to go with my blog posts), vlogs, maybe beauty? Doubt that part will happen xD

Also, other random videos... I might actually do some book reviews too. I read a book at least a week... but I want to read more.

Anyway, the whole point is... I want to do more stuff for YouTube. I just don't really want to be in a rush about it.

Right at the moment, I am active on Instagram if you want to follow me there... It's the same username as my twitter: Alastabdk.

Right now, I am watching some videos and just trying to calm my thoughts down. You just have no idea...

I also... got some surveys done today! Yay for me!

Well, going to go now... hope I can catch up with my sleep because lately, I have been feeling really down due to lack of sleep and more xD

That's all.

With love,


Things Are Gonna Be Okay

So it has been a long weekend. I gotten a lot of things to think about but it's passed over time xD

I hope things will be alright for now.

Saturday, we didn't really do anything much but went to a few yard sales. Then we stayed at home most of the time. Later I think things are a bit complicated so I will avoid talking about it xD

Sunday, we went to see my aunt. We stayed for a long time. Anyway, we went to the Wal-Mart. And more. I'm glad to be out because it makes me feel better.

I have been doing surveys for a while today since today is the day xD

Not sure what else I'm gonna do later since I am due for a nap soon.

Things shouldn't be complicated but ah, well... I just have to work out thoughts in my mind right now.

Anyway, I hope to get some more surveys done after my nap... hope things will be good for the rest of the day.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, June 1, 2018

Yay For The Weekend!!

So today, I didn't really have to do much catching up on since most of the stuff is fairly good enough now.

I am going to be doing day 5 to meditation tonight... wishing myself the best of luck on trying to get up to 5 minutes or more.

Anyway, let's see what I think the weekend is like... not entirely sure just yet.

I think I will finish a book tomorrow... so yay for that!

I am not too excited for this weekend some odd reason but I guess that is somehow normal?

I like the idea of taking a break from the weekend with my blog because stress is just no good for me since the passing of my grandma.

Alright, I shall get this done and up... and hoping to have a good weekend...


Yay for the weekend!!!

That's all.

With love,


Cats Are Evil

Cats are sometimes evil. xD

It's just a long story to explain since I have been in the shower while it was trying to steal my towel :v So not gonna go into detail about this.

Anyway, I am not sure what to do today... might update some of the free pages and see what I could get xD

Today is the first day of June... no surprise there xD

I hope to enjoy the summer and more things to come.

I hope to go on more journeys but I doubt it as long as my dad refuses to learn me to drive :v

Alright, I shall get on with the day and stuff...

I will continue on with Baby Daddy... it's a good show. Go watch it before Netflix takes it off on the 21st of this month xD

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,