Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Christmas Event Starting Tomorrow!!!

I have been resting all day and getting distracted with YouTube or Nana on Netflix.

Anyway, not gonna talk about that right now.

Tomorrow is the first day of the Christmas Event on my blog!

What am I going to do? Each day until 25th, there will be a random Christmas Song Title as my Blog title. Might have a slight difference to the exact song. I will talk about that song and add either videos of the song or pictures based on that song as well as add lyrics or talk about the history of the song.

I will hope this event will be fun not only for you but for me as well. I really enjoy the Halloween one so that will be something interesting to look forward to.

When Are You Going To Post The Blog Posts? There is not exactly any set time but since time is different in different countries, I will post all the Christmas posts before 12PM EST every day.

I wanted to do a vlogmas thing but sadly that might have to wait until next year~ I can't make no promises on videos so be aware of that now xD

Alright, gonna head to bed now. So keep a watch of the upcoming posts for the next 25 days! This is gonna be longer but hopefully it will be worth it. I might even do a 12 day event for Christmas along with the Christmas song title thing. We'll see!

No promises on the second event but Christmas Song Blog Title is on!

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

When Time Draws Near...

Soon it will be 25 days of Christmas song titles as my blog event.

I am just curious how this is going to turn out and I hope it will be well.

Right now, I am watching YouTube until I get sleepy.

Having a sprained ankle and knee, you realize that moving a lot is not fun. So I am resting and walking very slowly to make sure no further damage can be done.

I think one more day of rest will be fine for me. I was giving Ibuprofen to take care of the pain when needed. I might be taking one before bed... it says to take with meals but that never bothered me before.

Ah, well, I just wanted to give you all a heads up that time is drawing near.

I hope that listening to Christmas music while doing the event doesn't drive me crazy xD

Anyway, I will get back to YouTube now.

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


When Wildfires Become Deadly

I have been keeping up with the news of a tourist destination called Gatlinburg, TN. Yesterday, there was a report of wildfires in the Smokey Mountains. Then towards the night, wind had caused the fires to get worse. It has spread to caused devasting damages through out the whole city of Gatlinburg and parts of Pigeon Forge.

I read so far over 100 homes and businesses had been destroyed by fires. Just recently, I have heard there are 3 deaths caused by this wildfire.

My prayers go out for these people. Gatlinburg is home to many people as well as a tourist destination to many people all over the US, including Kentucky.

If you are looking for a reason to give on this Tuesday, donate to the red cross and more for Gatlinburg to start help for the recovery. For this will be a long journey for them recover over.

As of right now, there is a high wind gust warning and even more people are being evacuated due to this warning because there could be a potential more wildfires to spread.

Be safe out there guys.

And if anybody that lives close by to the shelters there, please help the pets and people there.

I am glad that many people thought of their pets and had brought them with them.

Tennessee is known as the Volunteer state so they welcome anybody to come and help. Please do not go until they announce for help and such.

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


Monday, November 28, 2016

Fall Down and Strain My Knee/Ankle

I always helped out my mom by walking her dog too. Today, I somehow misstep and tripped over my right foot. I must had fell hard because my glasses flew off my face and landed close to me. I was somehow able to find my glasses with no problem. But my right ankle and my left knee were left with huge amounts of pain.

I was afraid of it being broken because of the seriousness of the pain.... so I decided to go to the ER/hospital. I had been up there from 5:30ish until 8:50ish. I was happy when the doctor said there was nothing broken but only a strain. He did said to make sure to keep an eye out on the pain and stuff.

I guess I am beyond clumsy xD

Anyway, I think that's all for this blog post since I just wanted you all to know what happened.

Thursday is still on with the Christmas event. :D

Tomorrow, I have to make sure the phone lines are call free because there's an important call happening at some point tomorrow.

Alright, time for some YouTube and then sleep.

I hope tomorrow will be less painful than today... but might be more painful. Yikes... Hope not.

I won't be taking the dogs out for a few days but hopefully, I can watch where I step more closely next time.

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Oh, Forgot To Explain Something

We tried our best to have a Christmas tree and other Christmas goodies... but this year, due to other things, we are not having a Christmas tree and other such things.


It's just my mom doesn't really have the mood anymore. I mean, she would love to have a Christmas tree and everything else... It's just the location where we live has been driving us slowly into depression that we just lose our spirit into holidays anymore.

Plus, we really can't afford anything. We try to get Christmas gifts and such. And I only have enough money saved back for emergencies or for special occasions (not gonna mention what those are).

But while we are not doing that at home, I am still going to get into the Christmas vibe. I am going to do the events on here to entertain my readers.

Anyway, just wanted to mention that before I forgot something else again xD I mention it on twitter yesterday that I was going to explain why my home is not getting into the Christmas spirit but forgot to do it until now.

Sorry for that guys.

Well, back to what I was doing which was YouTube.

Oh, yea... special video coming soon for Eternal Senia. Then after that, no more gaming videos until after a game is completed. I won't even announce what that game is until it is completed. So yay!

For now... I will go now.

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


Not Forgetting To Blog

I am not forgetting to blog xD I just changed at how many times I have been posting.

I just don't want to get into those very short posts again because they seem to only attract a few readers. So I am changing mostly how many times I updated. I would update more than once a day again but due to stress and always forgetting that I had to update something, I just well... decided it was best to update whenever I feel like it. I've done a poll about it before and it appears that if I update anytime that it is alright.

Meaning, it can be 1 or 2 or 3 or even all the way up to unlimited times that I would be updating a blog in a day but anytime. I won't have no schedule set for when I update a blog because who needs that? xD

Just wanted to make that clear that anytime means any number of blogs. I will be updating daily like usual but the number of posts will vary. I might have something else to talk about and will talk about it for one blog post. Then I will talk about things that happen to me. Then if I am really bored, there will be a post.

I just don't want to make short random posts anymore. So having to update anytime is the best solution. I hope you all can understand that.

I am going to plan to do an end of the month type of blog that will talk about the good things of the month and the bad things of the month with a maybe on links to each blog that explain that stuff.

I am going to add more stuff into my personal blog slowly but surely, to make sure to bring in more readers. I am also going to plan to associate YouTube in some form into the blogs.

I already mention about doing more reviews and events. I am also going to be doing more gaming type blogs and just talk about a random game and my thoughts about it. The same goes for anime, movies, t.v. shows, books and more.

Now you all know how my blog is going to change in the next year or so. I won't be leaving just changing up on how I post and stuff.

This post is one example of why I like long posts because I can talk more. If a blog post begins to sound short, I will not post it. But if the blog is long, I will post it.

This will be my 2017 resolution for this blog. Try to make it good and add more readers to it.

Who knows what this year will bring?

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Things To Acknowledge

Firstly, I didn't get to write that story like I was planning. I have been distracted with life and more. I should be getting a break soon to write some stuff down. I won't tell you that yet.

Secondly, I didn't do anything today. I was home all day long. Which can be really boring to deal with.

Thirdly and Lastly, I finished Bleach. I will be watching two movies tomorrow and get right into another anime called Nana. I know it's about a girl whose name is Nana and she meets another girl whose name is also Nana. So interesting... Now drink for each time I mention Nana. :D

I need a strategy  on how to write more and get on with it. I guess one of those would be reading more. I have been lacking my reading department as of late. So I will get on with that soon.

I think after all those binge watching shows, I will get back into another K-Drama... Does anybody have any to recommend to me?

Anyway, I will be getting to sleep really soonish. Hopefully, I will be able to sleep early enough...

Also, don't ever say Dada to Indonesians... long story.

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


Friday, November 25, 2016

Planning For Christmas Posts~

Starting on December 1st, I will be titling each daily post a song. There will only be one post a day that will have a Christmas song title. Do not be alarm if there's more than one post per day that does not have a Christmas song title. I like to talk about other stuff sometimes so that will be random. Just know if the title doesn't sound Christmasy, it's not part of the Christmas event.

The post of that day will be partially about the song and my thoughts of the song. I will try to keep the personal stuff out of it and get those into another post if I have to.

I will not be doing a poll of what song to use for that day via on Twitter. There are too many Christmas songs to think of so I will be doing this thing where I am just listening to a Christmas song station online. xD Simply, the first or second song (as long as it's not the same song or same title) will be the post.

I will then precede to do a small research of that song and why it was made. Even if it's a newer song for this year about Christmas. I might even find a YouTube video of that song.

At the end of the event, I will do a poll on whether or not, you guys would like to see this event again. Each year, will be a bit different.

And because not everybody says Merry Christmas, I will end all the posts as Happy Holidays~ instead of With Love xD

This will start from December 1st until December 25tth. I am committing to this like I did with the Halloween one. I would do the polls and let you vote but I might do that next year.

I do welcome comments and tweets because I will reply back! Share my posts if you wish for others to read.

I'm gonna make this year seem fun and awesome. Look forward to December 1st~

So from now on until after Christmas, I will end with Happy Holidays and my initials BDK~

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


My New Desk Chair Finally Came In!

My new desk char finally came in! It's a gaming chair with the colors of greenish/yellow and black. 

It's nice to have a better chair for once. Although, I had to get my dad to help me put it together. Not hard to do but only one screw out of 24 of them didn't really want to fit. So my dad had to improvised it.

I get why these type of chairs are the best... they are comfy and huge. I can sit back and not complain about my back hurting each time.

Since my dad is here, I am going to wait until Monday to take pictures of the new chair. Sorry for that if you're thinking that I am going to post pictures of this lovely chair.

Chloe still fits beside me like always xD Which is strange but awesome at the same time.

Anyway, I will get on YouTube for a bit and watch a few videos until I get sleepy.

Now I don't have to worry about hurting in my back all the time.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Is Black Friday Sales Worth It?

The question that comes to my mind every year... is black Friday sales worth it?

I know the idea of it is to draw in customers to buy items that goes on sale a whole lot so the demand for it at that time would be high even though the price would be super cheap therefore making it possible to sale something for the store to earn money.

Strange concept but it works out somehow.

Now days, Black Friday has become Black Thursday for when the stores deciding that they should open on Thanksgiving even to sale really cheap products.

The thing is... during these times, people tend to get all evil and stubborn. When there's a limit on something, that person would make sure to get that limit. When something is really cheap, they would go crazy over it. Then there's the person who grabs and knocks everything else to the floor.

Lately, there's been more cops and security at these places to make Black Friday sales safer.

I have no idea what happened at tonight's Black Friday deal but I do know one thing... I am so freaking glad they have those sales online now xD

The question still stands... is Black Friday sales still worth it?

Anyway, not sure what we will be doing tomorrow. I just thought I want to put this post out there to tell you about Black Friday and stuff.

That's all.

With love,


Happy Thanksgiving~

Today has been a good day.

I went to my grandma's for Thanksgiving. I ate mostly turkey and rolls. xD

I would've ate more but my stomach said to stop. So I gotta watch how much I eat or how fast I eat too.

Anyway, I am going to watch some videos on YouTube until I get sleepy...

Sorry for the late post. I was going to update as soon as I got home but got distracted by things xD

This will be a short post and no Black Friday for me either. Just sit home... and relax~

Happy Thanksgiving and have a safe Black Friday, everybody. 😃

That's all.

With love,


PS: Why haven't I discovered that I could add emojis now? Oh, well... Here's some hearts: 💙💚💛💜

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Worst Night Ever

I have been up almost all night long due to sickness. I was puking my guts out for three times in a roll.

Lucky, the last time, I got to feeling a bit better.

Today, I have to be careful about how I eat and stuff. I cannot eat a whole lot and eat fast. I am going to sit around, watching Bleach and more.

Relaxing type of day.

There are other things that I wanted to talk about but due to personal circumstances, I will have to wait on that.

For now, I will rest and hope today will pass by with flying colors.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so I really have to be careful what I would be eating and stuff.

I will be going to the doctor next month to get some tests done. I will keep you all posted on that when the time comes.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Another Interesting Thanksgiving?

Two more days until Thanksgiving here in America. I'm sure that we might be going over to my grandma's but there's no exact plan yet.

It's just my dad has been silent about the whole ordeal so I am not sure what I will be doing yet.

Tomorrow, I am sure that I will know... maybe. It might not be until Thursday, the day of Thanksgiving before I find out what we are going to be doing.

Also, a bit of a tiny update... I have not been writing. I promised that I would but some reason, I kept getting distracted and my mood is always down the drain at certain moments. So writing just haven't been getting to me yet.

However, I do want to sit down and write down chapter ideas someday so I will do that soonish.

If I end up getting another journal or two, I will be using it as a character/idea bible. So that I can keep ideas and stuff in that journal without taking anything out of it.

I want to get back into writing more with stories, songs, and much much more.

I think this is going to be an interesting Thanksgiving. I hope that we learn to enjoy each others company this holiday season.

Maybe I will start writing soon and let you all join in with my adventure of writing and more.

Also, I am going to look up jobs to do at home more because I really want to earn something to make something.

Someday, in the future, I want to design shirts for you guys. They would be something about faeries and awesome words that bring about good vibes and more xD

Anyway, I will get on YouTube for the rest of the night. Ideas are spilling all over my head so it's crazy to think right now.

I will try to keep on updating when I can. If you all wish to read a daily blog for Christmas, just lemme know! I will be doing 25 days of Chrstimas song title (It won't exactly be the same in all of them but will be interesting). I won't be listing the lyrics but mostly add a random part as a title either different but based on the song or just the song itself. We'll see because it'll be interesting to see. This won't be happening until December 1st. No poll because I am doing this myself!

Alright, that's all for now.

Sorry for the randomness.

That's all.

With love,


Problems With The Media

I never watch or read the news a lot lately because it seems like they love to target certain things. I noticed the local news always seem to get the dumbest or weirdest person ever to talk about something that happened. Then they stand at a location that is so run down that you're like "Wtf."

Now I am not going to stop watching or reading the news because there are some things that I do want to watch out for. Then there's the target group of race or religion. You ever noticed when a terrorist attack, they target all of that one religion? Then you go on Facebook and see all the people post things against that targeted group.

I just shake my head and just go "Stop."

Yesterday, a man of color is jailed because of reckless driving and charged with 5 counts of vehicular manslaughter. Yes, he deserved the charges but then the media targeted his skin color because of this incident. Get on Facebook and see this "What the heck, what's he doing driving?" I'm like... "Well, maybe that's the only job he had to do... but his stupid act is speeding, not being black."

Guys, welcome to America. I really wish media wouldn't try to target a certain group of people because it shows the true colors of certain people.

I just think the media has a problem with how they show things. I can understand that they have to tell about a terrorist attack or a serious accident. But they should really add that not everybody in that group are like that.

It saddens me. And I just want to tell the people who attacks that group of people based on one news outlet to stop and get over it.

We need to wake up. But we need to stand up.

I know you can't change a person but you can convince a person.

Now these people should just stop and get over it.

Alright, enough of my little rant here. Just want to mention this because since Rump winning, things seem to be getting out of hand.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, November 21, 2016

Winter Is Here!

I know I haven't been updating as much as of lately, but I had decided to lower the time that I will update. So it will be alright.

I am typing fast because I will be watching a show in  a few called Gotham. Which is a good show to watch if you love Batman.

Anyway, my grandma came up today but she didn't feel too good. She is doing good at walking around so I'm happy for that. I just hope she feels better soon.

Not sure what else to put here because I am trying my best to type fast so that I wouldn't miss my show in a few xD Oops... might typed this a wrong time too, but oh, well... Already started.

Winter is here finally and it's cold at night here... I mean really really really cold. I'm not used to it right now but should be able to get used to it soonish.

Alright, I might not update again later but will be watching my show now.

After my show, I will be on YouTube land for a while. At least, until I get to sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Need To Change My Sleeping Patterns x.x

I really need to change my sleeping patterns again... Either sleep early or get up later. I might do the sleep early part first since I kind of want to be able to my bestie at certain times xD

I will keep working on finding ways to earn so that I can move out of here. I just know our old neighbors being back will be annoying as hell for a long time.

I am really sleepy right now but don't want to sleep yet because I know that if at any point that I do try to sleep, I won't be sleeping good. Oops.

Anyway, the show I am going to watch tonight doesn't come on until next week. Yay.

Today, I went to see my grandma's for a bit. I think we are going to go there for Thanksgiving. As for the other thing, I am not sure what my dad will be doing yet.

Tomorrow, I have to go to the bank, I think, to put some money in for my mom so that she can pay off the desk chair. I should be getting it after Thanksgiving at some point.

Also, going to try to finish up Bleach either this week or next week before December 1st.

Time is passing by faster than I thought so hopefully things will be well for all of us.

Right now, I will get back to watching YouTube until I get sleepy at anytime.

I am going to try to find programs to record my webcam only :v The recorder that I bought doesn't record webcam by itself.

I could use my phone but I cannot upload directly from my phone unless I move the file to a different location. Which I can do. I will only record on my phone at some days.

Anyway, since my mom is going to the doctor this week, I will finish Eternal Senia... maybe. Then start another game. But this time, I will not upload any games until after I am completed with the game. Something I learn from a long time ago xD

Alright, time to go... Hope that I can get to sleep early tonight.

And hope tomorrow will be good for me.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Getting My Desk Chair Finally~!

I have been saving for a long time and finally gonna get my gaming desk chair. It might be an off brand but it'll do for a while.

Thankfully for things being on sale now.

Today, I have been sitting around, just thinking about things.

Earlier, we went to London to grab some stuff since my dad gets this random bonus from his work xD

My mom made her chili today... though the crackers she had given me are kind of... bleh.

I don't really have anything else to say but... to wait for my desk chair to come in the mail. Of course, my mom helped to get it... so I have to pay her back for it.

I will let you all know when I do get the chair.

For now, I will watch YouTube until I get sleepy xD

That's all.

With love,


PS: I thought I was gonna talk about something more but some reason, my mind went blank as I typed this.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Is YouTube Hurting Older YouTubers?

If you do not know what I am about to talk about, then you must watch Ken's video about it. Link is here:

I'll wait here until you are done watching this.





Done? Alright, YouTube is constantly changing. So is the whole world of social media and more. There's Vine closing it's app just this year. There's Twitter changing, Facebook changing, and much more. So, yes, you would be expecting YouTube to do the same.

Except there's a slight problem. In the video, that Ken talked about... YouTube is killing off older YouTubers slowly. The views are dwindling down to almost nothing to the lesser known YouTubers who have close to 2M something subs.

It used to be it's the ad clicking way of getting people to earn you money. Then there's the idea of making 10 minute or more videos. Now... well, we do not know what is going on. It's been going on since early 2016.

We do not know what is going on. And yet, the fear of certain YouTubers quitting forever is happening. I am big fans of such YouTubers.

Cry already said that he is going to stop playing a lot of games and just abridge or play the ones he is sponsored by. Cry is a YouTuber himeself. He's the type of person who doesn't give a crap of what goes on but he notices things that YouTube is not doing right. So does Pewdiepie. Yet, other YouTubers are doing awesomely well. Namly Jack and Mark. They are awesome people.

I do not know what is going on with YouTube but I fear the worst each passing month and year.

YouTube had been phenomenally awesome for the past 4 to 5 years. But with each passing year, there's always something YouTube fails at. This time, there's an unknown failure that we would like to seek out why.

I don't use YouTube a lot but I am planning to upload videos. Not for the views or subs but rather as a hobby. If people do happen to sub or view my video, that's awesome for their part.

And there's something else that does bother me...

Could adsense be changing too? Could the whole idea of Google messing with us? I do not know.

Some things need answers. Especially YouTube. We need to know how to bring in more people to view videos. The same goes with blogs. We need to know how to make people notice us.

I really do hope YouTube gives these YouTubers answers soon because I will miss them a whole lot if they just suddenly vanish because of a mistake YouTube could be making.

Now... to go...

That's all.

With love,


PS: YouTube needs to be saved, guys. Help them realize things are hurting people. Help them find or give us a reason why.

And It Begins... The Loud Neighbors

I never liked these neighbors because of their rude kids. They have no respect towards elders and more.

They are now going in and out, disturbing the dogs at this very moment. I have to keep a watch of the dogs and cats because they change when there's kids around.

This is going to be annoying time because who knows for how long they'll be living here. Hope it won't be forever. =_=

Anyway, for the rest of tonight, I am going to be watching YouTube until I get to bed. I really hope that I can sleep as well because of those darn kids.

Yes, these are bad neighbors. And no, we are not going to get along with them. That's why my mom told me to close the door fast on them as they were slowly making their way down here. It's rude but it sends a message that they should not try to be friendly with us because they are already annoying as heck.

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


The Story of Our New "Old" Neighbors

The new "old" neighbors are moving back in. These people, I do not like. Their kids misbehave a lot. They love to taunt my dogs. And they try to think we would look after their kids for free. Nope.

Me and my mom have decided to be the bad neighbor. We had dealt with them before and just tired of them being annoying as hell.

I know they said to be good to your neighbors but after living by them for almost 2 years, you learn that who the real bad neighbors. It sure ain't us.

I mean no harm to the neighbor, it just we don't need them to annoy my dogs or us.

Anyway, I am not sure what else to talk about because I am just being lazy. I will get back to writing more just as the time comes ahead of us.

Thanksgiving is just in a week now. Hope we get to have a good time either way.

I will be talking about that when the time comes.

For now, tonight, I will be watching two shows called MacGyver and Hawaii Five-O.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Fires Have Started

In case you all are wondering, they have put out a fire advisory for all of southern Kentucky. And there are multiple burn bans everywhere. I was just getting over talking with my mom how people would ignore these bans and start fires.

I will be comparing the days ahead to Silent Hill. So we'll be seeing a lot of hazy areas.

Anyway, I am doing the blogs anytime from now on. I took a break from updating it this morning and this might be the only post that will be updated for today.

I have not been feeling too great at all today. It's just that time of the month. Worst pains ever. I keep forgetting that I have over the counter medicine to take. I just try to deal with it instead. Yea... I do take after my dad for that.

Well, for the rest of the night, I will watch YouTube. Might take an early break to read, not sure yet.

I just hope tomorrow will be better than today.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Alright, Why Do Dogs Bark?

I wasn't gonna update tonight because I was gonna try that anytime is good thing but the thing is... Why do dogs bark?

So far, twice tonight, my dogs had bark. I do not know why. I don't see anybody outside.

Just there's one thing that does bother me... Why the eff does the electric company not want to fix this street light across the road from my home? I mean... this gives a chance for anybody to do anything stupid at the middle of the effing night. Seriously tho... Why do I live in such a lazy town?

"But maybe they are busy somewhere else?" Where? There's no outage at this moment so why don't they just come here and fix the damn street light?

Called them once about it. "Put a string around it." They say. Me: Whaaaaa... Just mother effing come up here and fix the dang street light... it's right across from my home... Not too hard to find.

No. They rather fix another light just down a hill rather than this one.

Then the dogs will always be barking because people be like "It's lit as eff! We're gonna be sneaking in this yard tonight! And see if the dogs bark!"

Yea, sometimes, I think people just gets the enjoyment out of making my dogs bark.

Alright, I am going to get to my room now. And guys... don't do anything stupid. Because these dogs might be small but they do mean business. :D Like.... Waking us up so we can grab our weapons and beat the crap out of you. Yea... enough of that.

Here's to hoping the dogs would stop barking tonight.

That's all.

With love,


A Change of Pace

I am always worrying about what my future holds because of my age and because of my parents age. I know that I can't always be living with them forever. I wish they would know that too but for now, I will let it go.

I need a change of pace in life. I feel like the years are just getting shorter and shorter... And what makes it worse is having to sit here and worry about it. I should stop worrying about it.

I chose to keep writing my blog but with the moment that I should not worry about it because I didn't want to stress my life out. I think the idea of writing it anytime will be good for me.

I'm glad somebody is actually enjoying reading my blog whenever I release something. The only reason why I want to release it now... I just have something in my mind and wish to write it down before my mind starts worrying about it. Something that I wish my mind would stop.

When you are level 30 (or 30 years old), your mind begins to think about how you are going to live into your seniors, how you going to enjoy your life, and your health does matter then.

I also learn to hate Facebook for personal reasons. I might do like Pewds... block everything to have a clean newsfeed on there. xD No joke, he has no notifications or anything. He says that he had to keep his Facebook clean because he already feels stressed out. He doesn't need to be stressed out over what the news say or what people say. Good for you, Pewds.

Alright, for today, I will ease my mind and watch Bleach. While at the same time, I will find an online job. I should've took that one from Amazon even if my internet did sucked :v

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Calling For The Moon~

Tonight, I'm calling for the moon~ Hoping that tomorrow and the days ahead will be fine for me. Who knows what each day will bring. A journey awaits for all of us. We just have to take it in our hands and hold it close to our heart.

Alright, I am not exactly being weird at that opening but I have always been in that creative way of thinking. I want to fight what's inside of my heart and live.

I have been reading and well, dreaming a lot lately. Just hoping that things will be alright for me.

Earlier today, my mom was sick and had to go to the hospital. She's fine now but she needs to be careful on how she works.

Taking a short break and listening to music. It has been a while since I listen to music. Clinging to the only hope while I feel the urge to write a new story. Should I go? Should I keep holding on? Should I believe in myself more?

Calling for the moon tonight... As it raises high in the midnight blue sky, with the light yellow glow. Beautiful.

I will get back to YouTube for the rest of the night since I will get back to Bleach in the morning. I think things are kind of getting to me. Yikes.

I will update my blog anytime so keep on watching out for the posts on my twitter. Yay!

That's all.

With love,


PS Linkin Park ftw because I put my trust in them... but in the end, it doesn't even matter. :D Just kidding. I love their music always.

The Poll Is In

Alright, I guess you all want me to do my blog anytime. So I will do it anytime. I am going to it anytime I want to and hope that things will be fine.

Today, I was thinking about how I want to do some stuff. Like play games, watch anime, etc. And realize that I do need to take it one step at a time. I should do that to my blog still so that if I do forget to update, I wouldn't have to be worry about it. Since you all think that anytime is good.

Anytime that I feel up to updating my blog whether it be once a day or more than twice a day, even down to if I skip a day. Those will be only if I am not feeling good or if I am not home at all. I want to go on trips more but right now I am just in that process of trying my best.

As of now, I will be updating my blog anytime. I want to ease my mind a bit and do more reviews too.

That way, if my blog does seem too short or boring, I will delete the post unless it's something important to post about.

I was seriously thinking about doing an end of the year type of video in December, just talking about 2016 and what were my favorites of that year. As well as sad memories of the year too. I will figure out what to do and get that out for January or end of December. xD

Anyway, I think I have babbled on a bit too much. Just keep a watch on my twitter if I updated my blog or not.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, November 14, 2016

News? I Don't Know Yet.

I have decided that every other week, I am going to try to upload a vlog or a game. Since I have more time on my hands and sometimes alone, I will sit and record a video.

Anyway, I am not sure how we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving yet but when it happens, I will be sure to let you guys know.

Now... what to expect? I am going to start wearing makeup more. Wait... what? Me? Wearing makeup? Yes. I am not going to be wearing often or everyday. Just on days that I feel like wearing it.

I want to experiment with the ideas of wearing makeup and see how it would effect people's views. Nah, just kidding xD

I look good without makeup so yay!

I am really not sure what next year will bring with Rump in play and stuff. I just hope he does good for America. I will keep saving money and find ways to make money just to have a back up plan.

As for my blogs? I am slowly gonna change on when I write them but daily blogging is kind of my goal still. As for the idea of writing it twice a day... this has proven to be hard. So sometime next year, not right off the bat, I will be blogging... Whenever. Meaning, there might be more than one blog a day... Sometimes two, sometimes three... Sometimes, it just something that comes to my mind and I save it as a draft on my phone to talk about it later. Yes, I want to get into more reviewing, more into pictures (using Google Drive), making videos at random times, posting about games and much much more.

I will be going back to writing one blog every other time slowly, only because I felt like some of my blogs either on the first or second post seemed a bit off.

I am just sitting here, thinking... maybe I will slowly progress back to that but if I feel like something interesting, I will write more than once that day.

I should twitter poll it! Yea... Gonna do that right after I post this.

Alright, gonna go now. I think I've said what I wanted to say.

YouTube for the rest of the night... right after the twitter poll.

That's all.

With love,


Mondays Will Be Hard To Recover

My bestie figures out what "I hate Monday" ish all about. So yay or boo, not sure. He has went back to sleep.

I am kind of sleepy despite that I slept more after waking up early this morning. Yay.

I am going to start watching Bleach today on Netflix. This has 60+ episodes, I think... so it might take a while to watch them all. But since I am starting now, I should be able to get it done before the 1st of December.

As I would say most days... "On with the day!" Even if it's just a blah kind of day.

I have been feeling blah lately so I think I will be needing the rest later.

For now...

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Did I just Hear Kids Outside?

So it's really dark outside and I just heard kids outside screaming. Weird.

Ah, well. That's what you get for living in a trailer park.

I guess the people from Turkey has stopped reading... Awww... Come back, please? I love it when you were reading things.

Anyway, I just got done watching Once Upon a Time. So far that show is just getting interesting. Hope you all watch it too.

I had asked a question on twitter if you all would like me to do a weekly vlog but I doubt there was any answer... I might be wrong so gotta check that after I get this done.

I am going to start writing ideas for a new story tomorrow... I know what I want to write... Just need to write down the chapters and line them up by how it sounds... Then write from there.

Yay for starters!

Alright, for the rest of the night, I will watch YouTube and hope to get sleepy soon.

That's all.

With love,


And So... I Am Home Finally

I am home finally.

Where did I go? Well, I went to my grandma's this morning... then my dad took me to Walmart to pick up some stuff. Again, I forgot the Index cards... So I'm just gonna use what I got and make notes now.

Anyway, I am going to take time to watch a little YouTube then watch a movie.

So this post will be a bit short today. The second post will come later.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Faeries Are Awesome

I am just sitting here, watching a video on YouTube of this girl who makes all things faerie... She is awesome.

Anyway, I didn't go anywhere today. I might go somewhere tomorrow but I might not post anything until later tomorrow.

However, I did go to the grocery store this morning after my dad got done with whatever he was doing.

Yay for food.

Right now, I shall watch more of YouTube and hope to sleep well.

And hope the mysterious hand print on my window doesn't appear again. Long story short... I woke up this morning to go use the bathroom... Saw the hand print and kind of freaked out a bit. How did that get there, I do not know... Also, I never touched the window so it makes it much more ominous which is a word that I don't always use. Freaky.

Alright, hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Night and that's all.

With love,


Yawning Because It's Gonna Be A Long Day

I am just trying to wake up because I know today will be a long day.

Not sure what I'll be doing today either. I'm waiting for dad to get done so we can figure out what to do.

Just two more weeks until Thanksgiving. I will announce on what we will be doing as a family.

So far, no word here but my grandma wants to have a Thanksgiving there. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, I am still taking a short break from anime but starting on Monday, I will get back to anime by watching... Bleach!


Alright, I'm being random now so I should go now. Once I'm done with everything today, I will either play a game or watch YouTube. It would be most likely be YouTube. I will let you all know in the second post.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, November 11, 2016

That Moment When The Calm Comes Slowly...

That moment when the calm comes in slowly... creeping up you like a good monster.

I am glad of this peace. But earlier, it wasn't too much peaceful. After finding out that Facebook claim that I was dead xD

It's a huge error by Facebook. Dang you!

Anyway, I seem to be having a blah day but it's slowly calming down, thankfully.

I am kind of hungry but not that bad. I will be watching YouTubes (which change their just watch feature to something a bit confusing) Dang.

Alright, short post... but should be sleeping soonish.

That's all.

With love,


Nothing To Do?

Today, I am going to watch the rest of Rosario + Vampire. However, that will not the be the end of anime watching because I am going to watch Bleach soon after. Yay for Bleach anime!

Anyway, nothing to do other than that, I guess. I might take a break though later.

I hope today will be alright.

Also, I would like to mention that I am making all my pages hate free. As for Trump, I do not support him. I am willing to give him a chance but if I see anybody giving hate towards a race or a religion or a group, you will be blocked and deleted.

Alright, enough of that now. From now on, no more of this or that.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Things Are Not Hard Afterall

I think things are not hard afterall. Life, however, is hard. But if we fight, work and more, we can do it.

Anyway, I have been watching YouTube for a long time xD Oops...

I hope this doesn't become a habit forever.

I will finish the rest of Rosario + Vampire season 2 tomorrow. I hope next week will be good for me. It's getting close to that time... Yikes.

I think I will be alright. These past few days have been a bit hectic. About time to let go (always have a second plan just in case).

Alright, time to go now...

My mind is still confused on how things are.

That's all.

With love,


Enough Should Be Enough

I know we should do something but I just wish people would move on Facebook. Enough should be enough. We get it.

I'm sure people are truly showing their true colors now. And it hurts me. I'm literally ashamed to be called an American right now.

Now I don't want you all to think that I am living in fear. I am not.

So enough is enough.

Anyway, I watched more of Rosario + Vampire. I've completed Season 1 yesterday and just started season 2 today.

Anime is awesome!

Alright, gonna go now and start watching YouTube for a bit. Waiting for other daily videos to start soonish xD

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

When You Read Things.... You Dread The Next 4 Years.

I really wish my newsfeed on the lovely page called Facebook would stop already. Since Rump (my nickname for Trump now because it goes rump rump rump every time he talks) got in yesterday, it's been non-stop statuses, news, etc. Nothing but about his ass. Geez...

I am slowly losing hope for the America people alone.

I think eventually, I will be living my dream in Japan or Indonesia. Which ever comes first.

I do dread the next 4 years of my life. I dread it not only for myself as a woman, but for the others around me. To my Muslim friends, I do dread things for you. Just keep strong and fight for your rights.

Right now, I just want to burn away the newsfeed of Facebook. I haven't even once dared to look on twitter. Should I dare? Nope.

However, there are things I am going to support... I am going to support that California should Exit from the union. Because if we are going to make things right again, this would be the place to do so.

The other thing I am going to support? Our right to free speech and more.

This is what this blog is about. This is my freedom right now. If that's taken away, then there is a way to lose hope in all eternity.

I respect your decision, America people... But know this, you will never convince me, not even a hair line, that he is the greatest.

Also, I will be that person that would say "I told you so." for ever complaint that comes out of these Rump Supporters.

I know that I said earlier that I am not going to keep talking about politics but I promise after this one, it would be the last. The only other time I am going to bring it out is when I see something wrong. So expect that to be happening over and over for 4 years. That is... if the government doesn't try to take my right away.

Alright, now that's off my chest... I will live on tomorrow as if nothing happened. For that's how I am. I will complain as my right. And I will be myself.

Right now, I am going to watch some more videos on YouTube and hope nothing bad happens to the good people and of course, myself.

That's all.

With love,


Fight For The Rights

I am going to just post this one post for politics but as a way to remind everybody that we can still fight for the rights of our own.

I hope that this puts people to thinking before they vote. When he does become president in January. Anything we felt is wrong, we must be able to speak louder than actions.

For we cannot let fear control our fates. We must fight for what is right.

Let Trump do his thing while we go on living and figure out what to do.

I will never support him and his ideas. But I will respect anything.

Anyway, enough of that. From now, I will only talk about politics for the things that are not something I do not like.

All I wish for people is to stop complaining... in which will happen in the coming years. It will be the same for each president we vote.

So with that in mind... good luck.

That's all.

With love,


PS: I am not endorsing Trump and his ideas. I do respect but never support. Big difference here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


That's gonna be my title tonight. Because right now, it's a race for Trump being ahead. So yea... that's so far.

I am going to watch YouTube for the rest of the night and hope to sleep soon. I am a bit lazy and kind of dread what tomorrow will bring. I just hope that whomever is the winner that it would be a peaceful victory. Yea...

I just want you all to keep in mind... Because Trump wants to do that to the Muslims... doesn't mean all of America is like him. I am not like him at all. I love Muslims because they are awesome people.

Anyway, I am going to go back to YouTube world and hope peace would come either way.

That's all.

With love,


Yes, I Know I Forgot To Post

I am slowly cleaning out my to-read list on Goodreads. As well as checking if there should be more books to add on there. So my list might or might not be longer :v

Anyway, I am sorry that I forgot to post the first post. I am trying to stay away from anything about the election.

I will post another post later and take a break from the book thing too... Need to make a self note that I stopped at this so that I can get it started for tomorrow. Another round, another load of books to look through x.x But I do need to do this.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, November 7, 2016

When Things Don't Go Your Way

When things don't go your way... you simply just close out of it and get frustrated that you have to click and surf through all the things.

I am not sure why adobe flash is being the way it is... It doesn't like any browser I am using so far. So what gives?

Anyways, I am going to try again with YouTube. I should sleep at 11 again and more. xD I bet I'll be awake again at 6:40 in the morning again xD

I am going to keep this short.

Also, today has been a bad day of some sorts... Due to forest fires from other counties, the smoke has been rolling in by the wind... So it's not too great going outside. Now I know how my bestie felt when he had haze problems last year and the year before. So good job to whoever caused these fires.

That's all.

With love,


Again, Woke Up Too Early...

I woke up at 6:40 instead of the normal time.... but I think this will be the time I will be awake from now on. Yay.

I might be taking a break from watching stuff today. YouTube is not part of this break but I won't be going there until later on today.

I have decided against watching Soul Eater. I don't have anything against it... it's just too long to complete by the 15th of this month. However, I am watching Vampire & Rosario which is a good cute anime xD

I am going to delay the writing and write when I get those Index cards... I need to set up a way to connect the ideas for one story. So yay!

Anyway, today is going to be a long day because I was waiting forever to update this xD

As for what I am going to do today? I am going to figure out if I wanna play Sims 4 or an online game. I wish I could play a new game but for now... I will stick to what I have.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Time Messes My Mind Up

Normally, I would be sleepy about now but since it's the time change so I will try to stay awake a little while longer.

Ah, well.

Anyway, I am going to watch YouTube until I get sleepy... but it seems that is already too late. Yikes.

I am going to watch Netflix tomorrow but I am not sure if I want to continue Soul Eater... So might not end up watching that.


I will go now. Short post because I didn't really do anything besides went to my grandma's and that's all.

With love,


Daylight Savings Time Ending and Time Changes

I am posting this now because it would seem like it's not early to you but it is to me. My post times will be a bit different for until next summer in which another Daylight Savings Time starts once again.

My posts are gonna be at odd times because I am slowly adjusting to this time change which is normal if you live in the United States.. Fun fact though, there are two states that do not follow Daylight Savings Time which are Arizona and Hawaii.

And there are other countries that follow the Daylight Savings Time method too. Asia does not use Daylight Savings Time or nor does other countries. So keep that in mind.

Anyway, I just thought that I would like to give you all a heads up for what's to come.

I always seem to forget to mention about Daylight Savings Time begin or end in most of my posts so there you go.

I will let you all know what I did today in my second post of the day.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Always Forgetting Something

Remember yesterday that I said that I was gonna buy large index cards... Well......

You guessed it. I forgot to buy them today. But when you're busy with other things, you do kind of forget.

Anyway, I am going to go on to bed soon since I am going to try to read a bit before sleep. I am not really going to tell what book I am reading yet.

Tomorrow, I will continue on with other things so hope things go well for me.

I'm thinking of what to do next year for my blog... and the idea of limiting it back down to one blog a day might seem like a good idea. But... we'll see.

I'm not really forcing things out but mostly telling how I feel about things every single day. But I think next year, I will try to update my blog only when I feel up to it.

Especially on the weekends, when time seems to be more hectic than any other time. Then there are the days that I don't do anything at all. Yikes.

I will do a twitter poll towards the end of this year to figure out what my readers think. Of course, I will still try to blog as much as I could so don't worry about that.

I mean...  I like to write a lot of stuff but I do realize that I might just wanna write on days that I feel like writing.

Especially on the weekends, when I am usually busy for most the days.

We'll see. I'll keep writing what I can do for now. Then figure out later on what I wish to do.

That's all.

With love,


We Were Out And Got Stuff

I woke up early to go to the grocery store. Kind of left Rai asleep xD Not sure what's going on with him since he's been busy and stuff. :D

Anyway, after we got the food, we went to London, KY for a bit. Dad gave me and my mom Christmas money early.

So I bought a pair of shoes by Sketchers. I really love the brand sketchers for their awesome colors and comfort. I switched from Nike to Sketchers back when I was in high school. Ever since then, I was in love with the brand Sketchers. :D

I also got some other stuff but I am happy with what I got. Yay!

Alright, gonna eat some chilli now. My mom makes the best darn chilli out there.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, November 4, 2016

Making A List

Making a list for tomorrow's day. If I happen to go anywhere besides around town, I might be getting some things to involve writing such as large index cards and other things. I got plenty of pens so I just need those cards.

I haven't been writing because I am lacking ideas at this moment. My bad.

Also, I have been curious about the person that is from Turkey... whomever you are, I hope you are enjoying reading my blogs. You so far have been on every single day since October 31st. You are awesome for sticking with my blog this long.

Anyways, gonna watch YouTube until I get sleepy... but since I am going to be busy tomorrow, I might be heading to sleep soonish.

I hope to write soon and keep going at it for as long as I could.

I will let you all know tomorrow what I've done in the second or first post... depends on when I do anything.

That's all.

With love,


Everything Is Fixed... Knock on Wood.

Everything is fixed now. Knock on wood, as my mom would say.

It was all the switch's fault on the air conditioner unit. And the repairman fixed it.

Anyway, I am not sure what I am going to do for the rest of the day. I might be watching some stuff on YouTube as well as Netflix.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day because we have to go to the grocery store and more.

Alright, time to go now.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, November 3, 2016

When One Thing Happens, Another One Happens.

I guess I should say that when one thing breaks, another one breaks afterwards.

Basically, our air conditioner unit broke. My dad came home fussing and it made my mom cry. Then, my dad calm down. But sadly, we have to wait for the repair man tomorrow. We are going to ask him to do it all.

Life is hard. :/

Anyway, I finished Ouran High School Host Club today. I am going to watch another anime tomorrow. Basically, leave it running in the background while we are waiting for the repairman. Yay...

My bestie is working today so I hope he does good at his new job. o3o

I will get on YouTube until I go to bed. Not sure what else is going to happen tomorrow yet.

So... that's all.

With love,


Never Give Up, Never Give In

Life is meant to be hard. The harsh truth is there and it's not meant to be a lie.

I have been raised up tough but my mind always been different so I keep going.

So I am never gonna give up and never gonna give in.

I will be watching Ouran High School Host Club until my nap comes later. Then after nap, I will be going right back onto YouTube. Depending on how much I've get done, I might watch more of Ouran.

Thanks to Netflix saying that they are going to take it off. :v

I am so not ready for binge watching but I must.

Alright, gonna go back to the show now.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Things Do Not End Well

Things do not end too well. I was writing but like I mention earlier... I knew I would be interrupted.

Oh, well. I will try again tomorrow. I got some of it done.

I will rewrite it later since it's just a rough draft.

Anyway, for the rest of the night, I will be watching YouTube and go on to bed later.

This post will be shorter than usual.

Also, I am planning to use large index cards to write down my ideas for my stories. I mention before that I already know what the plot is. I will write everything and then put them together in order so I can figure out what to write next.

Hope things will be well for me when writing these ideas.

Alright, back to YouTube now.

Wish all of us good luck.

That's all.

With love,


"Hooked on a Feeling" Song stuck in My Head.

I am not sure why that song is stuck in my head. Ah, well.

Anyway, I am not so sure what I will be doing today. I am going to be a bit slow at writing my blogs.

I had decided to start a writing journey for this month. With only a hour of each day and nothing but silence... writing something for a new story that I have planned.

Not sure if I can do this because of how much I get interrupted here. Oi.

Alright, I will start the day with... Netflix. Although, the day is almost half done because it won't be long until noon gets here.

Time changes this weekend so yay...

On with the day, I guess.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Not Sure Why Things Are Weird.

I am not sure what to do. So things are a bit weird. Ah, well.

Anyway, I have been distracted all day. It kind of feels like a Monday although it's a Tuesday. So confusing.

I am a bit lazy at writing things.

So... since busy day is gone, I think I will get on with the rest of the month by writing for a hour each day. I think I will do that National Novel Writing Month thing. Yay!

For a hour a day, I will sit and write some words down. Yes, I will have a stop watch type of thing to tell me when to start. I will just sit here and type and type... Hopefully... I just need a day of silence.

Also, I must watch what I put on my blog now because yea... nowhere is safe anymore x.x

I need a private home and stuff.

Alright... tomorrow will be day 1 for my attempt to write. I really hope that nobody makes me answer the phone every single hour or minute x.x

Ah, well.

Time to go.... YouTube until I sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Sleepy First Day of November =3=

It's a sleepy first day of November for me.

I guess I couldn't sleep early enough last night that I forgot what time I went to bed xD

Anyway, I enjoyed yesterday and hope that many of you enjoy the 13 nights of Halloween creatures! I am going to do the 13 days of Halloween again next year. Might be a different theme but still base on Halloween xD

Today, I will watch some more anime on Netflix and do other stuff.

Tonight, I will be helping my mom get some stuff at the local store.... Mostly cat food, dog food, personal stuff, etc.

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,