Monday, February 29, 2016

Headache Comes To Those Who... Blah Blah.

Headaches comes to those who are always out to annoy the heck out of you. Blah blah blah...

I'm alright, just a little tad a bit annoyed. I had so much to do and so little time to do other things. So I never got to do any surveys... That might not even happen for the next two days because we are always busy busy...

Anyway, again, I'll be alright. Just be a tad annoyed.

Alright, I am going to relax and watch one episode of this K-drama... yea... I am watching them again. Sorry.

At least, it's keeping me away from YouTube for a bit!

Well, I am sleepy too but I wanna watch this so my nerves can calm down a bit... yea, it's my nerves that are bothering me. I don't want medicine like my mom has... I just want to find ways to calm myself down so that my nerves won't get the best of me.

So.. there you guys go.

That's all.

With love,


At Least, The Task In Hand is Done... For Now.

The task that I am talking about is...  put all my blankets in the dryer and then give all the dogs a bath.

Now all that is done, I'm gonna take a break from everything else... might take a nap in a moment too.

So... hopefully, tomorrow, I will have some type of break too, since there are storms coming in tomorrow. Yay for storms... not really.

Anyway, I am going to keep this first post short, sorry... really tired right now.

So everything is done... for now.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Tired and Wanna Rest Up Before Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday and Wednesday are gonna be busy days/nights... Since Tuesday is the first of the month so that means I have to help my mom pay bills. Wednesday is when my mom has to go up to Lexington to see her asthma doctor.

And knowing my mom... she'll be wanting me to help out tomorrow by taking my blankets off bed and put them in the dryer... since we don't have a washer... wish we had one so I would clean them too. Especially since Susie is now shedding like crazy.

Then... she did mention about having to give the dogs a bath too... oh, joy. I just have to hope that I sleep good in order to be in that good mood to help out!

So... all in all... busy busy few days.

And all in all, I kind of dread it all because I do not know if I feel up to anything anymore.

Oh, well... better fight out my negative emotions and do what I must do.

That's all.

With love,


It's A Late First Post... Here's Why.

So, this is a late first post... here's why...

We went to my grandma's and stayed for a long time. I never got to go to the book sale but was I sad about it? Maybe a little but not completely.

Then we came home and my mom called to have the computer that my brother built for her to be delivered... it's about the same size as mine. Hopefully, she won't be complaining about it... but that's just a huge hope because she does complain about every little thing... just wait until tomorrow.

So it took forever to finally get on my computer without any interruptions... yea, this is my only quiet time... not sure how long that would last...

I am going to watch this movie now and possibly... pass out early to bed tonight. After I post again, of course.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Finishing Anime on Hulu

I'm just finishing Himawari, Too. So by the time some of you read this, I may have already finished this anime. It's short so it doesn't take long to finish.

Anyway, this anime has a better story than the first one. In fact, it tells more about Himawari falling out of plane and more. So there you go... it's better to watch both anime in order to follow some sort of story xD

I'm just typing this because once I finish the very last episode (as I'm writing, I am watching episode 12 and there's one more after this one). So yay!

Tomorrow, there's a book sale that I wanted to go but I doubt I get to go because my dad keeps complaining about having to go out to Lexington although it's a month apart. There's one appointment in March and another in April. Both are my mom's. My mom is threatening to cancel the second one because of my dad. His attitude just makes you wanna... yea...

So, no book sale for me. If I go, I will be sure to let you all know.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


There's No Day Without Boredom

Boredom is a norm for me here. I want to go outside but I can't go nowhere without my dad being in a bad mood.

So... basically, I'm stuck here. All the time. So I am about to change that.

I need to save the money as much as possible because I want out of here. It's so hard to stand it anymore without somebody here putting you into a bad mood. So, welcome to my life.

While some days it's fun and games, other days just makes me feel like I'm missing out of things in life. Joy.

Anyway, I'm going to go now and find myself to be productive... by watching Hulu.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, February 26, 2016

Will I Run Out of Titles?

That's my random question for this blog. Will I run out of titles? Nah... since I am naming most titles after what I've done or been thinking about that day. So there's your answer.

Anyway, I ended up going away from Netflix so I never did watch the movie and show that came out today. The reason why? Well, how would I know? It's not like I have an addiction to Yo... oh...

Yes, you guys should know, that I have an addiction with YouTube. I can't seem to stop lately. It's not a good habit either because I keep wanting to see what happens next.

While I want to try to wait until weekends to watch YouTube, I seem to sneak on at some point of the day and just watch and watch... until the day is almost out. This is not really good.

I think that if I had a job, I could stray away from the addiction to once a week... It's not meant to be an everyday kind of thing.

So, yea... there you go for the random truth about me. (While deep inside of me is saying "Help me.")

Alright, will go now... hopefully tomorrow, I won't be sneaking on YouTube... then again, I might be lying to myself.

That's all.

With love,


It's Another Cold Friday... But Hoping It's The Last.

It's another cold Friday but I hoping that it's the last... because spring is just around the corner.

This type of weather in Kentucky is gonna fight against each other because once spring rolls, so does storms. That's what you get for living in Kentucky and other parts of USA that's located between north and south xD

Anyway, I am going to try to post this before 1... but it might not be until after 1 before I start sharing it xD

I realize that I have a thing for changing my style a little bit... since more and more.... there are options to have cute characters on dresses and stuff... so, looking forward to finding a way to get those in the future.

Alright, I am going to go now... Two things came out on Netflix today: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2 and Fuller House...

So yea, I am gonna disappear for a while to watch those.

That's all.

With love,


PS: I was gonna talk about something about being a woman and shaving but nah... that's a bit weird right now xD

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Today Has Been Cold But Nothing Was Done

Yes, guys, you have been reading the title right. Today has been cold... but nothing was done. I ended up doing nothing really. Not even watching anime xD

I played Minecraft with my bestie for a long time so it caused me to make a late post (not your fault, Rai!) Then after I posted that, I went on... you should really guess... YouTube. omg, this addiction is getting the best of me! ><

Help me!

Anyways, since I want to post an update type of blog here...

I have decided to go healthy with my life by taking out soda from my diet... kind of hard to do when you have parents that keeps bringing home soda drinks almost every week. Great. I have very good parents there =_= I want to be healthy!!!!

And on top of that, I want to lower my intake on sugar to moderation type... which means once a week or less. Then all of a sudden, dad brings in chocolate upon chocolate... yea, chocolate is kind of my weakness. =_= Thanks!

But so far, limited soda drinks to weekly bases as so far helped me a lot. Now only if... it's gone for good...

Also, I've been trying hard not go out and eat but so far... I hate the idea of getting anything with red meat anymore. Always makes me sick. So... I get chicken. I mean... that's healthy right? No... you're right, it's not. xD I really want to learn how to cook more foods from Asia but it's hard to do because I'm the only one that would eat it. My mom and dad hates it. No surprise there.

But... I'm losing weight! I just was almost at that border where I could've gotten diabetes. But I started to take measures and told my mom that I am losing weight. She was like "You don't need it." I looked at her and was like "This is for my health, not for my looks." So guys... if you want to lose weight, don't do for looks, do it for health... but don't be forced to do it. Because some people don't want to lose weight. That's okay! Just be yourself!

If I stop drinking soda completely, I'm sure the fat around my belly would go away completely. So... let's hope that eventually I can stop my family getting soda soon!

Now my second step... try to get healthy snacks. I love this cheese that I was introduced to in my high school french club... ever since then, I just want to buy it whenever I see it or feel like it... I think... I'm gonna start getting it from now on. There are a lot of sweet healthy snacks too for that sweet tooth I have. And chocolate is ok in moderation. Always remember that guys!

Alright, enough about healthy things xD

I have decided to start planning on saving money. No more unboxing blogs/videos. Sorry guys. I know you all want to see those more often but I need to save the money for a have to case. I am really tired of hearing my mom make fake promises or promises that will never happen. She wants to move but she keeps spending money on things that I think she should think before buying... Seriously guys... if you live my life, hearing these promises that are never kept can get old. So I'm gonna have to do it myself to prove that I don't belong here anymore. I really don't want to be unhappy for the rest of my life.

I know my family doesn't want me to go aboard in Asia, but I'm seriously want to. I feel like being close to 30 and all... I need to start a new life. I'm tired of being depressed over the weather, over not doing anything... especially, living in a town where nothing really happens. Sorry... if you think Mt. Vernon is an awesome town... you must be brainwashed or drinking that nasty lake water.

I'm babbling again... so it makes long blogs to type out and possible more people to snore over... Sorry.

I just hope... things will change for me. I'm tired of always not being happy. I want to see my dreams real. I have to work for it. No more waiting around for something to happen.

That's all.

With love,


Debates On Anime or Game...

I am trying to figure out if I want to play more of Skyborn or watch anime...

I might end up watching anime because my mood is kind of bland right now. Meaning, I woke up at 9, talked to my bestie for a long time, played Minecraft (he thought it was boring me but it wasn't xD), waited until he slept, checked email...

So... yea, the debate is on. I might just watch anime since around 3ish, my mom wants me to help her cook some food.

Yes, I know that I am late on this post but I am sleepy and therefore... I am not trying to sleep xD

Anyway, I will let you all know in the second post if I played a  game or not.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tired, Want More Books, And Movie

I'm tired from looking through more books. I think I am missing some books... I don't know why I keep thinking this but it seems like there's a book in there that's gone missing. I'm not sure if I accidentally gave it away or just misplaced it.

But after looking through those books... I kind of want more books. I doubt I'll be getting anymore books because of my dad. He seems to think I have too many but a person once told me that you can never have too many. But in seriousness... I just want to get more YA books. There's much fantasy books out there that are being missed out.

Then I finally watched Divergent. I had issues with the movie. Why do they skip parts? Like they gotten everything but a few parts. So that makes me sad that most movies are like that. Books should be added to these movies whenever they come out on DVD and Blu-Ray because I feel like people should read the books before they get into the movies.

If I was a script writer, I would make sure that the important parts should be added.

If the movie goes too long, then so what? A movie based on a book MUST at least go by the book just a bit more.

I'm just babbling over nothing now. So I will end this and continue to chat with my bestie online until either he goes out or if I fall over asleep. Yay!

That's all.

With love,


PS: Not everyday would be gaming day... but tomorrow, I'm gonna back to playing Skyborn. So... Yay!

Today, Gonna Be Productive... With More Books

Today, I am going to be more productive...  by taking some books down and looking through them. Get rid of the mystery and some sci fi books. Now I like a few sci fi books but not always.

I am hoping to find more doubles today... I have a lot of work to do because there's 5 to 6 crates full of books... I will not do much else. I am also going to take some things out of drawers of my filing cabinets and look through them...

I have so much junk that it's not funny. I mean that. I just... need to find more room for things.

Alright, I am going to end this now. I will update the progress later at the second blog tonight. I will be watching Divergent after I get done with everything as a way to relax.

So... wish me luck. And here I go...

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Updates and... Skyborn Game.

Updates... Updates... Well, sadly, I couldn't get the OBS to do any type of live streaming (both Twitch and YouTube Live) so I am just gonna not record any games for a while. I need the money to get a new program to record a game so I can post it on YouTube and none that I had seen for free... works that great for me.

If you would like to help me get a game, I think at the very bottom of this page still has a donate button to get that... I might be moving that donate button soon so that it would be on the side that way people who reads and are willing to donate can do so. It's just... only if you want to support. If not, just ask me for other ways to get items... I'll let you all know.

Alright, now to the fun part... Skyborn is the game that I ended up playing... now I didn't take much pictures but figure you guys would like to see a few of them... so...

Title Screen.

So, I started out the game with this girl...

Her name is Claret. Not sure if it's pronounced Clair et or cle ret... it's just my imagination on how it's pronounced but maybe somebody can help me with this... Anyway, she's a mechanic that works on those steam punk air things... yea, I already forgotten the name because my mind goes blank sometimes... don't blame me!

Then we continue on with the story where we meet this guy...

Which has a secret that won't be revealed on here because this game has a good story... However...
The Skyborn are after anybody who look like half-breeds... basically... a human and skyborn mix... Not good for them some reason. We find out later on when we... yea, like I said, not gonna spoil the story... xD

Then yadda yadda, brother wanted to sale the shop, but he made a deal with this guy that agreed to married Claret but she wasn't gonna have it and just... stole his airship... oh, there, I remembered it now... brain just farted xD

She took him to another place and well... this is the guy:

Sullivan. I don't really like this character. But since he has a picture here... I'm sure I'll be seeing him a lot more often.

I didn't screen shot a lot of pictures of each character that had pictures... because well, I didn't really want to spoil it too much.

So, what did I think of the game so far? I will be playing it more often. That's my answer.

If you're interested in the game yourself, you can get on steam at:

If you want more pictures, just tweet me. Now, I am taking a break tomorrow to watch Hulu... but will continue the game on Thursday.

But... if you have any questions, please tell me.

I am going to end this second post now... I will continue to write more tomorrow morning.

For now... that's all...

With love,


My Japan Crate Lucky Crate Unboxing

I received this box today early:

And so I preceded in trying the treats. I didn't really feel like making a video so I took photos instead:

Soda Mixing Beans: Really Yummy~ I like Soda Flavor Candies from Japan!

Grape Ribbon: Not my favorite taste in the world. Grape is faint but didn't like it.

Mystery Soda Balls: Like the Soda Flavor, these were actually good!

VC3000 Hard Candy: Just a normal Lemon Drop type... except healthy.
Glico Caramel: Just like the other caramel candies, just lovely indeed.
Purple Potato Sticks: A sweet potato flavor sticks... It was ok.
Pretz Sweet Corn: Not My Favorite. I didn't really like this taste at all xD
FullGurt: Just a crunchy candy that didn't really taste like Yogurt like the package said xD
Lemon Squash Tube: It wasn't a tasty drink but it was alright.
This came with the Glico Caramel. A small prize and kind of funny looking xD

Meiji Dice Caramel: It's really yummy like a normal caramel.
My mom loves this taste too!

And so... that's what came with the box. I had a good time looking at what's inside this box although, it had plenty of stuff I didn't like... but good thing, there's 7 our 10 that out weighs the goodness.

Was I lucky?  7 out of 10, I was. The other 3? Not so much xD

This was for $15 and lucky that it used paypal... It's so hard to find boxes that uses Paypal btw...

Alright, I am going to go now and hope this turns out right when it loads up.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Yes, I am still playing games but it'll be a little late... just hold on.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Need To Get Away

It's always something else to do. Always... but good thing... I skipped YouTube today!

I will let you all know if I am going to do anything game related tomorrow. I might be taking a break from other things too and get back into gaming full time.

I am also getting a Lucky Crate from Japan Crate tomorrow... so will be taking pictures of it. Will I be making a video of it? Yes. Yes, I will.

I am sleepy right now so I am just gonna head on to bed in a few...

Still not too sure what time I wanna start playing... maybe after 12 and played until 3... Yea... That's a good idea.

I will try twitch tomorrow too so keep an eye out on the game I am playing...

I will post a picture of it here tomorrow evening with the second post and tell you all about it...

So, that's how I am going to spend my day...


That's all.

With love,


PS: I feel like if I were to live alone... I might not be distracted as much... so yea... I need to get away from here.

Trying Not To Be Late But... Oops.

I was trying not be late at posting this but oops... it's already almost 1PM here. My bad.

Anyway, I am going to do some things and then watch Hulu today... hopefully I will be able to stay away from YouTube today...

I know this blog post might be a bit short but I am going to go do those surveys now...

So... will update after Scorpion come on tonight.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Gotta Start Working on Things

Here's how my schedule gonna be this week... well, I hope it would.

Mondays: Surveys, Hulu or Netflix or Crunchyroll (for anime), Blog for morning and blog for evening, break at 8 since Gotham isn't coming on until next week.

Tuesdays: Game Day! Recording or screen shots because each day will be different so that I can be mindful on how I will be doing it. So one day, it would be on YouTube, another day, it would be on Twitch. But I will be taking pictures of what game I will play and update it on my blog. Now, I will only play on twitch for a couple of hours since my internet isn't always the best. I will only be testing twitch out once, if it works out, I will be doing livestream silent (no mic, no vids) type of gameplays. Again, just keep an eye out on twitter for that. Um... yea... spent too long for this schedule so as always, blog updates morning and evening. But will be a day of gameplay... might do like half and half if I am in the mood.

Wednesdays: Surveys, then (depends on my mood) game or Netflix. But I might end up watching Netflix all day xD blog in the morning and evenings. I usually wait on these days to do a recording so I might be taking a break on games here.

Thursdays: Game day on either twitch or YouTube, again, depends on mood. Blog mornings and evenings.

Fridays: Break Day! Surveys, Netflix or Hulu or anything, blog morning and evenings. Then break at 8 since Tyler Oakley is on Amazing Race... so worth to watch it if you're in America xD

Saturdays: Depends on the day. If I'm not doing anything, it'll be game day.

Sundays: After coming home, I am heading straight to YouTube to watch videos all day. Then break whenever my favorite show comes on.

All the while, I will be keeping up with this blog for you guys. I might sound busy with these things but I need to do something in my life, you know... xD

Alright, I am going to go to bed and maybe let you all know if my schedule changes tomorrow... like always, I don't always like to have a set schedule in my life... but I really need to limit my time on YouTube to weekends only. xD

That's all.

With love,


Finally, A Day To Catch Up With Anime... And More

Finally, a day to catch up with anime and more...

Though I am a bit sleepy right now. My head hurts a little x.x But I'm sure that I will be fine though.

Anyway, went to grandma's and had a good day, got a pizza and ate what I could eat.

Then... watched the rest of Himawari and might get to watch the second season later.

I am going try to watch the new movie of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon this week when it's released. As well as Fuller House since that was my childhood xD

Alright, I will post again later, gonna get back to catching up with stuff.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, February 20, 2016

May Dreams Take Me Far Away

May dreams take me far away,
May memories of new come to me,
May my heart to feel love to stay,
May life bring something new to me.
Doubts grow but faded.
Hates can always be forgiven.
Fears can be shaded.
But we know what a heart has given.
May journeys take us far and wide,
May boats take us to many seas,
May adventures be wild and worldwide,
May hearts learn about birds and bees.
Love is everywhere we wish it.
We know when to never give up,
We know we can't always quit.
Even if life is what we setup.
May I be blessed forwards to a dream.
May I find a new life out there.
May I let myself be supreme,
May I belong everywhere and anywhere.

So, this is my new poem of the night. I don't write poems often but felt like I should today.

Anyway, I am going to be going to my grandma's again tomorrow. But I will not be spending anymore money for a while. There's things that I need to think about. I think it's time to move onward with life at some point.

Plans can change. Destiny can change. Fate can be hurtful but it'll be alright as long I know where I am heading to.

I'll be alright as long as I have my bestie and people who will understand me. And of course, you. You as a reader are part of my journey.

I will sleep now.and hope that my dreams will be nicer than the one last night.

That's all.

With love,


Long Day Doing Nothing Else But Semi Shopping

Semi Shopping? What? Well, I went back to Richmond to get money return on a pair of jeans I bought that didn't fit right.

Then went back to Walmart and just bought a random stuff. Then back home, I didn't had time to type this because we went to the grocery store. Didn't buy much...

Then from there, I took a nap at home. So tired...

Tomorrow, I will be going to my grandma's but will update for another blog before I sleep.

Since I got this movie... I will be watching it now. Then write on my blog towards 10.

It's been a long day. So it's alright... I think.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, February 19, 2016

Sun Shining Day But The Wind...

The wind was crazy today. But I was so happy to find a warm day finally... Too bad it won't last... because the weather is gonna be cold again next week. Great. Just great.

Anyway, I wanted to relax today by finishing Divergent and I did finally.

Although... I sort of fell asleep at around 5:20ish this evening... Yea, my life is just not fun at all right now.

I need to get out of here. Soon.

I am going to go to bed in a moment. So hopefully, my mood will get a little better when I'm awake in the morning.

I noticed Marzia, girlfriend to pewdiepie is doing a blog now. So far, it's interesting and I'm sure will have more soon.

I'm actually happy to read it so will be reading it along with other things in life.

I should get ready to go to bed now. Not gonna read tonight because last night... that book just made me dream about earthquakes although there was no earthquake in the book xD

Alright, that's all.

With love,

BDK (PS: Should I end with my real name? Nah... maybe in the future, I will.)

Working Habits Soon

I'm gonna develop working habits soon since I want to pass the time during the day more. What am I going to do? We'll see.

Anyway, I realize that I am getting sleepy so doing these silent gameplays might be a good idea because of how my mood is on so many days.

And plus, on nights that I feel like doing nothing, I can play games then. The recording might still be a bit off tho... so that just means I will be looking for a new program to record games in the near future.

I am going to go now and finish some surveys... but I might end up napping instead. Warm day, but bad mood... yay.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Before I Go To Bed...

I try not to forget my blogs anymore... so, I have a few things to mention here...

I am going to do silent gameplays... where I won't talk at all. Those are gonna be on twitch. And yea, I am not sure when I'll be doing those yet. I have no schedule nor planning to have one. So there you go. I might do those on weekends only. And put let's play videos on YouTube still.

So... that's an idea. What game should I do? Well, I have to test some of the higher games first... figured out the FPS is the big trouble of the lag... it's still there, sadly, but it's not half as bad as it was before. Yay!

But it also tells me that I need a better computer. .-. That's not yay.

Another announcement? Well, I am going to do a lot of silent gameplays and vlogs starting next week. Except on days that I don't feel good. You will know this by reading this blog and my tweets. I feel like my tweets are being read more than my fan page on FB :P

So, this is... another part of my journey...

Now for the poem of the night:

A journey to my heart,
It's not gonna break apart,
When I have a destiny in life,
With every emotion strong like a knife,
I doubt I will go down just yet,
For I have took another bet,
Time for a new story.
For this is my journey.

Short poem but that's just how I am right now. :D Now I might not have poems every single night but I have decided to start putting ideas randomly here so that you all can join with me on this lovely journey...

Oh, wow... deja vu moment there. Not sure why but I keep feeling like I wrote something like that above before. If you're active readers, let me know if you had read that before.

Tomorrow, I will start playing games and this weekend, I will figure out if I wanna do the streaming or not. I might start doing these on Saturdays only at first... then figure out what to do from there. Since I wanna take breaks on Sundays, Mondays, and Fridays to watch shows at night.

All of these will only happen at random times, so there won't be an exact schedule. Sorry guys.

We'll see what happens then. For now, I will go to sleep. Might end up reading again... Divergent is such a good book.

That's all.

With love,


Should I Write More Poems?

I wonder if I should write more poems in these blogs?

I just love writing anything that comes to my heart... so yea..

In a dire need of finding a new life... so yes, it's always easy to escape when I read or write things. I guess it's a way to be free from all the negative in my mind. xD

Anyway, I am not sure what's happening on my twitter but I am happy to be followed by people new to me. :3

I guess, I want to continue writing poems every once a while inside my blog. I used to post them on my Facebook but it seemed like that place wasn't right to place poetry in. So, yes, I am going to start writing them here.

I write random ideas for stories too on facebook and might move them here so you guys can kind of see what I do everyday.

And yes... play video games soon. I am sort of... stuck with another thing at this very moment.

Anime needs to be caught up... so I might do that now.

YouTube should wait for a while longer since I'm caught up with the gameplay Firewatch xD

Alright, enough of this and that... should get ready for anime and more.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

When Running Away From Nothing

When running away from nothing,
You get to learn about something,
Heart breaks a thousand times more,
You try to find the opened door,
Only it's closed again,
So you have to start again,
Only you're closer to the end,
You need the only help from a friend,
Waking up from the only nightmare,
Feeling like you should've been scared.
Taking on another dare to feel alive,
But your only goal now is to survive.
Bring you down, bring your heart.
You will never break apart.
A journey awaits you on the other side.
You take on the world to never again hide.
Breath in all the emotions to let yourself go.
Now, you have something go.
When you were running away,
You found somewhere to stay.

So this is just a poem that I usually write when I'm feeling down. It's not exactly dark this time.

I finally got my Asus phone activated. It was really easy, you know... but thankful, I can use that next month to add stuff to it.

Anyway, the poem... well, I always feel like I need to escape from things for a while. If something ever happens to my parents or somebody close to me, I will be finding an escape from things for a while. I believe... it will be a story worth writing for.

I watched somebody play Firewatch and it's a game that makes you think a lot. It has a lot of elements of a good story in it.

I doubt that my heart will go dark anymore... as long as I got my bestie with me to cheer me up, I'm okay. I just hope he knows that he's one awesome dude. :3

Well, I have a lot of things on my mind so the only thing that comes to my mind... is sleep.

Will you take on this journey with me? It's part of healing, learning, and more.

This is it. This is part of my journey.

That's all.

With love,


My Head Is Sleepy... But I'm Not Sleepy.

I think I wish that my dad would never went straight to Richmond. That... made me too tired.

I woke up fine but my head seems to not be here right now. I can type, thankfully...

Anyway, I am not going to do that again.

I am going to try to save a lot of money this time so that I can get away from things for a bit. Maybe... take my mom away from here so she can be in a safe place.

I am not sure what I am saying right now xD

No video will be made today since I am still in this state of zombie like... groaning and moaning like...

Just in all seriousness... I think I would be happy if I had a vacation from dad.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Now, the second post~ Richmond Adventures...

So, although, I was gonna wait to go to Richmond another day... Dad suddenly spoke up and said, "Let's go to Richmond... we won't be back here for a while."

And I wanted to wait until it was warmer and stuff to go back but he insisted... so yea...

Since my mom was having a spell, I didn't actually get to do much.

I bought stuff at JcPenney, Hastings and Walmart... those are the only three places I went to despite, I went into 5 stores xD

That was an okay trip. But then mom got sick so I had to hurry up to do the shopping and head out...

Nothing... I mean nothing is fun to have four huge pillows in your way on the way home.

So... now we're home... and I'm tired and might not exactly head to bed yet.

But I am happy to get a small keychain of Sailor Moon :D

I also got the sim card for my phone... so that's always a plus since I am having that installed tomorrow... so I will be having a service ready to roll for next month!

Alright, that's all for my small adventure today.

That's all.

With love,


Two Posts in A Roll? Yes.

Yes, there will be a second post right after this one. I went to Lexington with my mom and boy was she not a patient  person to be with.

It took 4 hours, maybe more, to finally see the doctor. She did had cancer but they were able to remove it all.  They did, however, told her that she needs herself to be monitor at least every 6 months or so due to crohn's disease. So... yea... She needs to obey this doctor as much as she could.

Seriously, though... my mom is just not patient at all. She was up and down, then she was hungry so had to help her get some food. Then she threaten to leave... and the doctor was like 2 hours behind as it was.

But to realize that she did had cancer remove from her bowels kind of made her change her tune a bit. So guys, don't be scared if something is told to you.

From now, my mom has to keep up with her appointments to make sure she didn't need any treatments or anything. So far, they just said that she just needs to keep that one disease watched because it's the big reason why she had emergency surgery.

I doubt it was bad cancer but just wanted to let you all know what was going on and why this post was late... well, that's gonna be explained in the second post... so...

That's all and onward the the second post!

With love,


Monday, February 15, 2016

Boredom But It's Alright

Boredom strikes again. But it's alright. I think.

I mean all of this snow then rain kind of gets to me... really, I hate this weather.

I know my mom does too. She is not feeling good but she has to go to Lexington tomorrow. I will try to update a blog before we head out. If not, it'll be later tomorrow.

Anyways, I am not sure what to put here. Was gonna do the surveys but some odd reason, this browser decided to call it a virus. x.x

It's ok... I think?

I will sleep now and hope tomorrow will be better.

That's all.

With love,


Problems On Top of Problems

I am always glad to talk to my bestie after I'm awake but then later, you face problems after problems...

So life is kind of... in the bind.

So, hopefully to fix these problems for me while my bestie sleeps away for a while. He needs to get away from things for a bit... so hopefully, his dreams could bring him ideas.

For me? I am just cold and watching it rain... yes, it's raining now instead of the snow.  The weather here is just too strange.

I am not sure what to do now... but I do know one for certain... I need to do surveys. :D

Also, my mom's phone keeps freezing up every so often... enough to drive me insane. Can't wait to get a service for my new phone though.

Anyway, I am mostly sleepy so I might just take a long nap and hope that after it, I'll feel better.

Just being hopeful... again, problems on top of problems...

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Another Snow~ Another Sleepy Time.

Well, it started snowing a lot around 2, then after my nap, the snow completely took over everything.

And the funny part... is people don't listen to the news when they told them to stay off the roads. Good job, people!

Anyway, had fun talking with my bestie... going to sleep now... hopefully, tomorrow, get to talk to him before he sleeps.

Almost forgotten about this blog, but good thing, I didn't.

After Tuesday, I am going to hunt down a book that I bought over a year ago to read first... since the movie would be coming in soon. I won't reveal the title of the book yet.

I will sleep now. Short post... but ah, well... it's a snow day.

That's all.

With love,


Snow day, snow day...
How you finally came today?
School's out for the young ones.
Work is hard for the older ones.
Shout as we throw snow.
Today, tomorrow, let it snow.

When People Sees Snow... They Panic.

It's true. I've been living here all my life so it's become a habit to know when a snowfall or a rainfall be the first thing to cause a wreck. Why does people panic during this time? I have no idea.

It seems to happen every single time there's a snowfall or rainfall.

Anyway, I am going to take a nap after I post this but what did I do today?

Well, had a chat with my bestie before he went to sleep. Then went to grandma's for a little bit...

And made it back home before the snow began to cover up the roads. And also... it's cold as heck out there.

I am going to relax today and tomorrow, since Tuesday, my mom has to go back to Lexington for her checkup.

So guys... Happy Valentine's Day. Now... to sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bitter Coldness Tonight

Tonight, the weather is bitter cold. Tomorrow, the weather is bitter cold. Monday, snow.

I am inspired to write a random thing... so read on if you wish to read it.

"I seek an answer for why I am alone. But then I realize... I am not alone. I have my family, my friend, my pets, my life to depend on... My hope and dreams to depend on. My desire to make my life change."

I get people to draw me down because they do not know think I am a writer. Believe me... I didn't mean for my blog to be a writer type of blog. I meant it to be personal journey... Big difference there.

I was told that I can write good. I just don't like to show it when it's something personal. Like I said, I am never good at a memoir type of thing xD

However... when it comes to writing stories... that's where I am different. Now... here's the thing, I don't think it's always necessary to add such big words in stories. Especially, in this generation. You have many words that are disappearing, sadly. Believe me, I want to be able to catch this generation by making stories simple for them to read but yet, at the same time, able to imagine themselves in another world.

So, come back and tell me that I am not meant to be a writer again. Then tell me what this year and this age has become. My mind may not be able to handle big words, but I know what I am doing.

It's my imagination that makes my stories great. I just... don't know how to tell people that who are so used to the correction of the context when they don't bother to read the stories. Read the story. Then worry about the context afterwards.

Believe me, I think that's what makes most writers feel left out anymore.

Also... I felt that choosing the path of self publishing is something that I would continue. I may not write long stories but I hope to attract people to read my stories.

Right now, my desire is to be alone, to write... to be inspire.

Makes me wonder why people judge you a lot. But there's got to be judgement on things sometimes... so it's alright. Everybody has their freedom. And that's... what makes writing fun.

Ok, I am going out of topic again... but I just wanted to say... I am writing again.

I wish to be taken away to that world again. Back when I got lost while writing stories.

I will go there. I will go where poems come from.

Speaking of poems... I might do a few and turn into a book too... Each based on a theme... like one book would be mainly about faeries or more. Another would be about mountains, etc. You get it.

I'm good now. I'm gonna sleep now.

That's all.

With love,


Each moment we wake up to a new dawn,
Each moment, we welcome a new dawn.
But each world is different than the other.
But without not but one to worry or bother,
I am not alone. I am with you and me.
I am who I am suppose to be.

Happy Birthday to my dog, Chloe!

She turns 7 today! She's the youngest of the dogs we have here.

She's always been the most hyper and the most sickly dog of all. But without me, she wouldn't be here. So, I'm sure as a dog, she's glad to have me around to be her master!

Anyway, I am going to stay in as much as possible today. The weather is not fun today because it's cold as ice outside. Really... it's below 20s now.

Suppose to get up to 22 F... but oh, well.

I am always wondering why America is like the only country that uses the F instead of C xD

I guess there's no way we'll be out today. So... be careful out there guys.

That's all.

With love,


PS: My mom wants to go out so bad so trying to convince her to stay in. It's too cold right now for her to go out for anything.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Finally... Anime... But... I'm Late At Watching Anime XD

I'm going to be watching anime for a while now... but I am still going to try to find the time to play games.

Since I can't record games, I am going to use screenshots and post them on my blog! Good news for guys who reads my blogs!

Then, as soon as, I get a software that records games, I am going back to that. And I might add little screen shots via on my videos so you guys would know what I am doing so that people who watches videos can go read my blog for more details... good idea? Hope so.

So... I am going in the order that I bought the games, so hopefully... this would be interesting to do.

All of the games are on steam so just wanted you guys to know that. I will be posting a link so you can buy the game too. I am only going to post the first few sessions of the game unless asked to do more.

Alright, right now, I am watching an anime called Himawari (this is the first season).

I might do a poll to ask if you all want me to do a review of each anime I watched and finished? Or... whatever you guys wish for me to do. Of course, all of the polls will be on twitter. Again, I will do a video every week talking about what I am doing that week. So... yay!

I am going to get back to MMORPGs too... again, ask me if you wish to see any pictures of those. I don't just play one MMO... I play a bunch... mostly the ones that has quests that are worthy... but there are some where the quests makes no sense at all. So yea...

If you wish for me to test a game... well... just go to my contact page and email me the details!

Alright, enough of that...

That's all.

With love,


Late First Post... Again...

I'm sorry guys! I keep doing these late posts without knowing!

Anyways, I haven't done much today even though I am now getting sleepy... but need to stay awake.

I am going to try to time my time online by playing games at a certain time... so I would have to figure out what to do...

Yea... I keep somehow... finding my way back to YouTube... Really need to stop that.

I am not sure what I am going to do tomorrow since the weather is gonna be coooooooold for a few days. And more snow... yea... more snow.

So... gonna go now.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, February 11, 2016

It's Gonna Be A Cold Weekend!

Just thought I'll give you all a heads up that the weather here in Kentucky is gonna be cold as hell. And full of snow. My phone earlier just gave me a winter advisory for this area... because it's gonna snow from early tomorrow morning, until really late in evening.

Then Saturday, it's gonna be cooooooold all day. Then Sunday, a small break... maybe. Because right on Monday and Tuesday, it's gonna be right back to snowing.

So... the weather is gonna be... weird again.

I really hope it won't be like the weather we had in January but it seems like it would be... a long winter.

March is getting closer and the weather is getting mean.

I am going to bed now. My mood is a whole lot better now. Watched RWBY and can't wait for the final episode soon!

That's all.

With love,


Food For Your Thoughts

I am going to get ready to eat in a few... if I don't forgot... but food for your thoughts though.

I guess my mood is getting better... in a way... I rather feel pain, emotional stress (depressed, sad, etc) rather than being a bitch like most are when they are on their monthly cycle. There, I said it.

But really, girls, when you're on your monthly cycle... don't say that you're a bitch because of it. Just say exactly how you are feeling because some girls react differently during their monthly cycle. Like me, it's pain and emotional stress. So, if you're more angry during this time, try to stay away from people as much as you can.

And guys, be acceptable to girls... make jokes, make things happen... because periods are not fun but afterwards, it can funny... Period. :D

Anyways, enough of that little thing about periods.

I'm just glad it's almost over now xD

Alright, I have been delaying anime for too long by watching too much YouTube... oops... my bad. ><

I am going to upload a video today now... next week on Wednesday, I will have an update video about my mom to record and upload on Thursday.

Yes, I am updating my first post of the day early... this... makes me feel better. :3

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Missing The Midnight Sky and Stars

During the winter, it's harder to stand outside and look up at the midnight sky and see the stars.

In case you all haven't figured it out, I'm always a night type of person. I hate mornings a lot xD

Anyway, my brother got my mom a nice surprise... I won't tell what it is yet. At least, it's for my mom since she's been wanting it for a while now.

I am not sure what to do with my phone yet. I am still waiting, I guess.

So for now, I am still using the service of this sucky phone that my mom let me borrow. Hopefully next month, I will be getting a service for my new phone.

I am going to sleep soon though  Well, maybe right after I post this.

I have a feeling my mom will be waking me up early in the morning with questions on something x.x

That's all.

With love,


In A Better Mood... I Hope.

I'm in a better mood today... at least, I hope so.

Anyways, I decided to skip today's writing prompt because it wanted me to use the last sentence in a book to begin with.

And well... right now, my mind is kind of blank because I wrote that quick short part to Moonbow Falls yesterday. Yikes.

I guess that I am just kind of out of it despite my mood being a bit better.

I am going to relax and watch anime on hulu today. So, if I am keeping my blogs short, it's because I am just trying to relax and more. If you're wondering even more, it's that time of the month for me.

Alright, going to step off the blog and update before I sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Very... Confused Moment.

I guess you could say that my emotions are all confused at the moment.

I hate this time of the month but it can't be helped. It's part of surviving so yea...

Usually, I don't get depressed but right now, I am not even sure if I am depressed or just being a weird person.

I might write out my emotions to myself and see where that takes me...

Memories flood my mind and makes me feel sad.

I am really not myself right now. Gotta try to escape this part of darkness soon...

So... I am going to disappear for the rest of the night here. I'll be back tomorrow with a better blog... I hope.

That's all.

With love,


It Seems That I Am Always Slow...

I am slow at updating again. Sorry.

I keep seeing a lot of things about memory and stuff... and it makes me want to write something about it... So that might be my first idea for a book.

Well, not sure though... because writing a memoir at this age and time seems kind of unusual for me to do xD

Anyway, I am not really feeling too good right at this moment. It sucks...

Since the thing is getting ready to start for this month.. I think I need a day off from things for a bit...

And continue with this blog.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, February 8, 2016

Then I Begin To Wonder... Why Am I Here?

I have to always think of why I am even here...

My mom is trying to get well but my dad is trying to be the same as usual.

He expects my mom to the way she is. But she's still healing in every way.

So... it makes me wonder... why am I here? Why do I have to be in the middle of all of this drama? I love my parents but I don't want to be in between their life problems. Especially when it's over something silly.

Anyways, enough of that... I am currently writing in my new black leather bound journal now!

I am writing in it at least, three times a day! Hopefully, using different color pens each time.

I got it categorized like this: Dreams or after awake thoughts, ideas or random things, before sleep thoughts. I am not the type of person that list ever single thing that I do in that day... really, I don't like to do that.

However... I do kind of want to plan out a starter book... So that I can get started on what to write for the first book to sale. Any ideas? I mean... I don't want to do poetry book right off the bat... so I might do a story type first...

Then based on every book on a theme. It would have a mixture of stories, poems and other things.

Then at the end... I would eventually have a novel come out.

Not sure if it's a good idea, but it's worth a try.

For now... I am going to bed. Haven't slept good for a while now... and doubt I'll be getting good sleep tonight...

That's all.

With love,


Tired For No Reason

I done the surveys for the day but I am too tired for some reason... or rather... for no reason at all.

I talked to my bestie before he went to sleep. Hope that he finds all the red envelopes in the world. :D

Anyways, I am not sure what else to do... I wanted to watch anime but some reason... I went to take a nap... then Chloe and Susie wanted to give me loves instead of sleep xD

I am looking for things to help me with some debts. Yes, I kind of need a job but will be looking for that soon. Right now, I am not into the winter stuff that's happening.

Snow has stopped so I have enough time to get out and get some stuff whenever my dad gets home.

Speaking of my dad, he's being a bit weird right now.

Alright, I am going to end this... will update again later.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy Chinese New Year: Welcome to the Year of the Monkey!

Since it's technically already happening in Asia, I will say this: Xin Nian Kuai Le! I am not good at using Chinese characters so please don't mind me.

I don't live close to Chinatown even though, I secretly wish I did because I would totally celebrate this holiday!

I guess you should know that not only do I have a liking to Japan but I like China too. More China than Japan, surprising. I guess because China has more history than any country in Asia.

If I really wanted to, I would totally live in China any day. I still want to live in Japan more because it's basically... anime/gamer zone.

So... I hope everybody has a good day today. And pray for the best of luck for this year of the monkey.

Tomorrow, I am going to do some more surveys, plan for my next video but it won't be posted until two weeks later, because after the 16th, I'm recording a video about an update on my mom. :3

Alright, I am going to bed now.

That's all!

With love,


At Home At Last

I was at my grandma's for a long time. I didn't mind it at all, since my mom hadn't seen her in two weeks at the most.

Anyways, I am at home, eating and going on YouTube for a while.

It'll be a month before I get to watch Once Upon a Time again... so... just wanted to say that.

My bestie is out celebrating Chinese New Year... kind of wish I lived closer to him or to Chinatown xD I really want to celebrate it too!

I'm gonna be keeping this a bit short and get back to eating as well as watching things.

Tomorrow, I have decided to watch some more anime. Then take a hour playing some MMO... not sure which one... Ah, well!

That's all for now!

With love,


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Wondering What To Do Next Week

I am wondering what to do next week... I bought a planner last weekend to help me put down things...

Only problem... I need to set up when I should take a day off to do surveys and more. I haven't been doing a very good job in that.

And I need to catch up on anime again, since March and April would be that time of the year for new anime.

I want to learn how to edit videos more often but knowing that my old windows live movie maker works finally! (it won't edit the videos that it let's me record and it has freezing problems... you will see my frustration when I show off the stuff I got from Tokyo Otaku Mode next video.)

I am going to record videos while my mom is here... I will be recording a video telling that she is well. That won't be put up until later... so I might wait up on that until after she goes to the doctor on Feb. 16th so that I can get full details.

I will be doing another video to show what I have for anime wise. xD

I really want One Punch Man related since that anime just gives me the giggles and more.

In case you are wondering... my favorite anime are: Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Digimon, Sailor Moon (old and new), Sword Art Online, Assassination Classroom, Akame ga Kill, One Punch Man, Madoka Magica, Clannad, all ghibi movies, all of Makoto Shinkai movies, Anohana, Cardcaptor Sakura, and much more. I just love anime a lot that my list of favorites are too long xD

I think I should take the time and just get on Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Netflix to watch anime and other things.

Anyway, I am going to go to bed soon... last night I couldn't sleep for a long time but noticed it was almost 1AM before I did sleep... oops.

I just hope tomorrow will be better. I am secretly hoping that my dad would give me money to go shopping next week since I want to end this service on my phone so I can get a new service for this new phone I have. I will do a video about the phone soon! I want to give you all my opinion about it and stuff.

Alright, I am just babbling for nothing xD

So... that's all.

With love,


My Awesome Bestie Is Amazing!

Yea, just wanted to say that to him so that he could smile when he reads it xD

He has been doing what you could say... a game tester of some sorts? And after he completes so much of it, he gets a free gift at the end of it!

And amazingly enough... the game is not only in Indonesian but in English so that's a plus for me since I can play it too.

I love games that shares a lot of quests but not those boring quests where you're suppose to go grab something the come back with it. These quests require to go into a mission or dungeon, do the quest all the way through, then you're leveling and grinding at the same time. So it's worth it.

The game is called Blast Breaker if you are wondering.

I'm not the tester so I am not going to do a review of it. xD

Anyway, I am going to watch some more videos then take a break... then might get back on the game before I update again.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, February 5, 2016

Finding Inspiration To Write

Yes, this is going to be a entry about writing. Sorry if this is a bit boring.

I gotten two books from Barnes and Noble to help me write more in journals and more. I really need to do that more often because I have been really lazy about writing inside my journals. Then I found a website that sends me writing prompts every single day. I hoping that will continue to get inspire what to write...

I already noticed that my type of books that I am writing or rather... genre that I am into writing is mostly sci fi (not good at explaining much tech but good at making a person play games and/or being a robot type) and mostly fantasy (in case you didn't know... I love faeries!) I am pretty good at end of the world type of stories but not great.

So... I might start writing a story randomly and just keep writing it every single day... I wanted to wait until I start writing more in my journal so that I can plan what would happen inside the story. I might not exactly go straight to a publisher after I write them...

I will still go to wattpad for idea short stories... if one of those ideas become better, I might be deleting them off wattpad to write them full time. But I doubt it. Because it might be a different story based on something different... Yea... that didn't make sense xD

Anyways, I just want to say that I am writing more, reading more, making more videos, being more... well, me. I have been down for too long and if I want to do something, I better do something.

Also, my bestie has not been on at all today. I guess he's been busy again xD If you read this, I'm sorry! :o

I am not exactly sleepy yet but I don't really feel like writing anything else besides this... so I'll just listen to music and go onto the great and wonderful world of StumbleUpon!

That's all.

With love,


Will Things Be Normal?

The question to my title... is interesting to say. And the answer is not really. Because things are gonna be changing this year.

I am not sure what that will be yet. Hopefully, many things.

Now that mom is home, things are gonna change. She needs to move out of this place. Mostly because of her health.

And second reason is because of how dad is being.

Not sure what to say though. Things are a bit odd. I am still on the goal of writing more and trying to get in more ideas...

My ideas switch from time to time... so I have no idea what will happen next.

It's just... a busy time during this part of the year...

I really miss my bestie but he's busy with life and more. Since Chinese New Year is on the 8th there. He will be busy with celebrations and more. Not sure what he will be doing next... will ask him later xD

Anyways, I hope he comes online after this holiday so we can chat and more. :D

Alright, I am just randomly talking about random things...

Might take a small break to do something else... then get back on here to do some surveys and more.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Good Things Come To Those Who Think Positive

So, think positive and good things will come to you.

Anyways, my mom is home finally. I am going to leave her Facebook alone and let her announce that she's home tomorrow when she's awake.

She's still healing from the surgery but she's able to do things. The paper says she can do anything she wants. She does, however, have to go back to the doctor on the 16th of this month.

Also, dad's being the way he is again. I have no idea what to say about my dad... he literally doesn't care about what anybody thinks. He doesn't care if somebody even loves him... yea... that's dad.

Alright, I will be heading to bed... recorded another video today and it will be up next Thursday. Now will I be having these random videos? No.

I am going to record whenever I am alone. Also, I might be having to go with my mom on several of her doctor's appointments for a short while. Hopefully, after a month or two, she'll be able to go to them on her own.

Alright, I will sleep now. Well, after I send a message to my bestie.

I hope that I won't be awake at early hours again xD I really need the sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Things Don't Need To Be An Hassle

Things don't need to be an hassle.

Looking at memories on Facebook is really strange and I noticed that I quit showing off anime xD

I might do that later after I start using in a moment.

Anyways, my video is up on YouTube... Thought I wasn't able to record another video but I was able to get it working finally... that video will be up next Thursday.

I am going to take some rest in a moment though because I have been up since 5AM this morning. I just couldn't sleep no more some odd reason xD

I will get back to playing MMORPGs soon... been taking a break too long.

I hope to get another video recording tomorrow... but not sure what the topic will be about yet xD

Alright, will take a short nap starting now.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Planning Things Ahead

I am planning things ahead of time. I am going to be making a video at least once a week. I am not entirely sure what they are all going to be about yet.

Also, my mom was able to move her bowels... so she should be able to get out soon. I am hoping that she will be able to get home. I really miss her a lot.

Anyways, I am missing my bestie really a whole lot. I wish he could just let me know how he is and what's up xD

Chinese New Year for him is a busy time. It's on Monday, the 8th. I really want to celebrate it myself but so far, it'll have to be online for me and my bestie. After that day, he should be able to come back online.

I am posting a video tomorrow... well, it's scheduled for tomorrow. So hoping you guys enjoy it.

The next video for next week will be me showing off the cute things that I have :D

Alright, just a hint for next week only. Tomorrow's video is just an update.

I am going to bed at 11PM my time... so... yea...

Who knows?

That's all.

With love,


I Might As Well Keep Making Weekly Videos

Yes, you guys are reading the title right! I am going to try to make a weekly video. Whether if I record twice a week but only to put up the video every week. I decided to use the day Thursday as way to upload videos. Thankfully, I can schedule videos.

Anyways, I am going to show who I am as a person in these videos. I will gather things for that day to record a video. Who knows what will be next...?

It'll be a replacement in the failed attempt to record myself playing games xD

I really want to record myself playing games tho... so if I can find a good software to do that, I will start recording videos.

The programs that I found so far always freeze the game while recording... for some odd reason.

Alright, I am going to go do some surveys since I had that planned out for today and Friday... yea... two days of doing something boring xD

But it's worth it.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

On The Second Thought... No Gaming Videos Until Further Notice.

Unfortunately, I cannot make any good gaming videos at this time. So, since I am not going to get a lot of items whenever my dad gives me extra money, I might be getting a game capture software. Where? Well, hopefully, online. And cheap too.

I can still make a good video though so I might do that soon.

Good news though: My mom might get out of the hospital by this weekend. But all of that depends on how well she handles whole food tomorrow.

Also... I think I might be doing some videos this week so that I have something to post on YouTube this week and so forth. I will not say anymore than that.

Anyways, I am getting sleepy so I might be going to bed now.

And Pandora has more Japanese radio stations now. It's awesome now!

This is helpful for when I start back to writing again. I am going to start writing a story that my bestie suggested to me. It's different than the one you know about on wattpad. :D

Also, I just started a new series on wattpad... right now, book one is started.

I am still writing the other book but things take time. I need somewhere to put up ideas and stuff.

Alright, that's enough... sleep now.

Writing tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Record of The Living Days

Yea, weird title. Anyways, just getting myself ready to record this video of a game.

I am not going to record for a long time and hopefully not all day. I will keep recording once a day until I get done with the game. Then the uploads will be daily only when I play a game. But I will have other videos to come.

I do however... want to tweet this out after I post this... But I am looking for a person who can design my YouTube cover thing. Gotta be big enough to list the times as well what to expect in the videos. I will explain more in details after I tweet about it.

Anyways, I am going to get started with the game playing after I end this post and send out that tweet.

So that's all.

With love,


Monday, February 1, 2016

Longer Days Ahead

Well, it appears that my mom will be staying for up to 10 days. That's almost 2 weeks for her.

It's alright, she needs to get well! While at the same time... I'm gonna sneak and learn to cook on this toaster oven of hers... it seems so simple to use and it has a timer! \O/

I made my first grill cheese sandwich... ok, that sounds lame for someone who's turning 30 in May xD

Meanwhile, it's normal everywhere else. So it's alright!

Things are gonna be changing since I am still planning to go to Japan, but first, family must first. Once I know she's well and away from this horrible place, I can start planning. But I am not really gonna live there automatically. I want to visit there to learn some things. Especially the language and more.

Anyways, like I said, family must come first. Once my mom is out of the hospital and well enough, I will be planning for my life.

I'm not sure if anybody would understand my concept in doing this but I still care about my mom, no matter what. She always come first.

Also, since I am alone during the days ahead... I might take this chance to record "Let's Play" videos of some games that I bought. I won't be posting them until I am finished with the games.

I am going to make a special cover for my channel so that people can see that it's not just one thing but many things :D

Alright, I am going to go now... I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow, but I do know one thing... I am going to be there for my mom.

That's all.

With love,


Monday's Are Blah

I'm not a morning person and Monday's are blah...

I have been pretty busy since I woke up this morning... well, after I ate this morning. But I let the dogs go out to use the bathroom, dried their blankets and more, gave them each a bath and now... relaxing until I get hungry.

I may not know how to cook but I can always learn something. I will be using the microwave and the toaster oven to do things for the next few days or possibly... weeks.

My mom says that they heard a noise in her bowels and kidneys... she's a bit worried but the doctor told her not to worry and they will make her pass her bowels.

Anyways, I am a bit cold now... so I might be putting on the eat to warm my fingers up.

I will eat when I get hungry... also, find stuff to cook online...

That's all.

With love,