Wednesday, July 31, 2013

212 of 365: Foggy Days, Signs of Early Fall

I was just walking down the street, taking the dogs to their final bathroom break of the day when I noticed something strange with the trees. They are changing color. Then I was like "It's too early for fall." But the summer we had... didn't felt like a summer. It had cool, wet and foggy summer... We only had a month or a few days of sunny days?

So... I am curious about how Winter would turn out. My bet... it would turn out cold by the end of September. Yes... September! I'm used to the end of October being cold. Not September... but we'll see.

We still got a long ways to go before the first day of fall comes around.

So... that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

211 of 365: It Takes Time

And so it takes a while to do YouTube videos... although I had free time, it took longer to edit the suckers because I was trying to do work wise things instead.

Anyways, it takes time but I enjoy it.

Also, busy busy for Thursday for me.

My journey is just getting started.... although I really had a rough start in the beginning of the year.

But I'm okay.

Anyways, let's get it started!

That's all.

With love,


Monday, July 29, 2013

210 of 365: Whistle Then Work It!

Just a random thought since there is a song stuck in my head called Whistle While I Work It.

Anyways, I'm not sure what to put in here because like I announced yesterday that I will be busy.

I will be recording another video tomorrow at around 5:30PM EST. The video will be uploaded hopefully by 8 or later. It's another game video... but I hope to get further on it than what I was doing. My goal is to get to level 15 by Friday. Level 12 for the tomorrow's video. I might do vlogs/poems/songs/covers on Fridays only. Do games on Tuesdays. How's that for you guys?

Though it will be at 5:30PM EST on those two days. So don't expect me to record any other time. I have decided on this schedule so that I can figure out what to do next. I can't edit but I can add music. Yay~ I might add a different opening and closing each vlog. I will only add music to vlogs. So... it'll be interesting... Anyways...

I welcome ideas. But like I said, I can only do them Tuesdays and Fridays at 5:30PM EST. And on days that I might have free time which is rare.

Anyways... that's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 28, 2013

209 of 365: Looking Forward to Fall

I am going to go out for a bit this week, trying to find a better answer to paying my college so I can go back, hopefully by next year.

Anyways, August and on forth until December, it will be kind of busy.

So here's my preview... Next week, I am going to go to a local fair that comes in town every year around the first full week of August (August 5th through 11th).

I may visit my cousin's college at some point, hopefully, because he's going to his first year of college this month. I hope he keeps at it!

Anyways, so I'm looking forward to fall and part of the winter of the rest of 2013.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, July 27, 2013

208 of 365: A Cry For Fun

As you could tell, there's nothing to do when you can't go out.

I don't have many friends to hang with and most of them are busy or out of county. I guess it sucks... Also my dad doesn't like people to come by to see me. Even just friends... so it's why I'm not a very social person.

Anyways... it's a cry for fun for me. Maybe I can enjoy things on my own. But right now, it's just a stay at home kind of night. Of course, watching Tomorrowland live on youtube. It kind of reminds me of Spring Break shows on MTV... my dad says it reminds him of woodstock. So I called it a modern day hippie spring/summer break extravaganza. xD

Well, if you guys want to watch it, this is day two of it:

Day three will be tomorrow. So... enjoy.

With love,


Friday, July 26, 2013

207 of 365: Friday Friday! What?!

So I made another vlog but mostly because I didn't feel like doing a game play. Also, I promoted two people... somebody special and also my best friend. So here's the link:

Anyways, it's been an interesting day today...

Also figured out that Chloe is in heat... Dogs being in heat is the most stressful time because you have to watch them like a hawk.

Alright, I'm going to end this blog for a bit...

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, July 25, 2013

206 of 365: After A Day At Grandma's

I never cried so much before in my life. Could it be possible that the world is where I need to be? I do not know. Just it's hard to stop crying.

And I am still sad even though I tried not to show my tears to my own family.

After an afternoon with my grandma, I begin to wonder... Could I be able to love again?

Hard to imagine but I really think I'm in love with somebody whom also talks on a radio show. If he reads this, he'll know who he is.

Anyways, I am sorry for today. I have been really emotional.

Seems like something has to change big time. Maybe it'll be with a relationship. Maybe it'll be a big move. Who knows.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

205 of 365: Hump Day Blab

Well, I decided to do a hump day blab moment and just say anything that comes to my mind.

I'm no longer having the feeling of being depressed. Took me a while to get over that and you know... I really hate to say it but some things actually did save me. So... I found my calling.

What's that? Well, you should already know what that is if you have been keeping up with my blog. If you are new, well it's writing poetry and uploading a few videos on YouTube. I actually have fun... So, I'll keep that up. But soon, I have to face the reality and actually do work on my dream.

Anyways, that's all for my hump day blab.

With love,


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

204 of 365: Calling For Rain

Although I really hoped it would rain again today, it didn't. So I'm gonna be wishing for rain for the next few days.

Anyways, uploaded my first vlog on youtube. Might be a bit odd... but I'll work on it the more I do videos.

Well, I'm going to keep my blog short for now because I am getting sleepy again. I might be going to bed early again tonight.

Well, that's all. Sorry it's short.

With love,


Monday, July 22, 2013

203 of 365: Mysterious? Me? Maybe?

Who knew that I could be a mysterious person.

Well, I have decided to do my first vlog tomorrow on youtube. It'll be a short blog and of course... I need to find out how to get a recording on my PC. I will have my webcam hooked and working so best be ready, guys. :)

It'll be short but I will introduce myself... and my channel and what I might be doing for a bit. So... that's that.

Anyways, I will go now and go try to play Monster 1 for a bit longer... maybe tomorrow if I don't have anything to do.

Well, that's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 21, 2013

202 of 365: Memories

It seems that today brings back memories of my aunt. Her birthday would've been today. And she would've been 58 today... May she rest in peace though.

We all have memories. And we all seem to want to forget but we can't. We can only move on.

For some reason... we are who we are because of what happens to us.

I'm happy though because I found a best friend... well, maybe two best friends. But I am happy because I found a person that doesn't mind me and the way I am. It's a rarity though.

Anyways, maybe I am going to end this blog for the night. Till next time and that's all.

With love,


Saturday, July 20, 2013

201 of 365: False Hope

There was once a song that I heard about broken hopes and false hopes.

I never understand why people wants to give you false hope. So it sucks to feel like you lost a promise.

So don't make false hopes or promises that you know you can't keep.

I may forgive one person but o can't always promise how I am with another break up.

So a warning to guys, if you date me, don't cheat on me, don't give me false hope and don't promise me anything unless you know for damn sure that you can keep it.

Anyways... That's all.

With love,


Friday, July 19, 2013

200 of 365: Happy 200th Daily Blog Update! (Even though there's more than 200 posts)

I finally made it 200 days of daily blog post. Despite there are more than 200 posts listed... These blog updates are different.

So next year, for 2014, I'm gonna continue doing the daily blog update. I might add that I may not be doing them in a special way now... But maybe random photos here and there.

But because I haven't been anywhere, it's been really lame. Anyways...

Let's see what I want to do ahead of me...

If I reach more than 100 views on any of my videos on Youtube, I will do a vlog. I'm not looking for subscribers... well, I don't mind about the subscribers as long as I enjoy doing what I love to do.

As for this blog, it will be continued. I may not get much daily views but I'm getting views from random people over time.

Things does not happen overnight. Understand that!

And after I finish playing Monster 1 and Monster RPG 2 on youtube, I will be going on and ask permission for games on there. Also, look for more indie games... well... RPGmaker is full of indie games anyways... but I want to have permission to do them.

And... I'm not worried about becoming famous. I'm not worried about getting rich. All I want is to follow my dreams.

So never give up.

So... that's all.

With love,


Thursday, July 18, 2013

199 of 365: Ready For Weekend

So you say that I am just a rolling with the flow...

Then my time is just wasted.

Actually, not really. I'm trying to figure out what I should do next. I would like to wait for the rain to fall on down so I can run out and reach up to the sky.

Today is a bit random blog post because remember when I said I'm suffering a mid life crisis? Well, this is one of those moments.

Maybe the answer will be somewhere out there. Who knows.

With that in mind... That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

198 of 365: Sitting Outside

Always curious about where my life stands right now. It's getting close to August and I need to find something to do...

Anyways, I am having another episode of a mid life crisis... So who knows what will happen.

So that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

197 of 365: Free Hugs

The meaning behind free hugs is nothing to be afraid of... actually, try giving free hugs to everybody you see out there.

Actually... living a hard life is not something people would understand... I guess you could say that I'm trying to make an excuse... but it's not an excuse when you're depressed and having to sit down and trying your hardest not to cry.

Really... this why if I get enough money, I will be traveling to who knows where. I will visit all my friends and I do own apologies to one or two of them. But I want to show my friends all over the world and of course here, that I am a nice person.

Although... there is one thing that does throw me off about guys that try their best to ask me out... I hate guys who says stuff about sex or something about a woman's attitude... Really... after having to deal with my mom's ex... I realize that my life could've been better.

Maybe there will be a lover for me... but you really got to accept that if I'm meant to be alone, then let it be.

It hurts being the way I am because I chose to be honest. I chose to forget my past. I chose to be a kind, loving, person. My motto is love always, believe in myself, never give up, and never too old to dream. Because... this is where the free hugs come in. I am no longer the type that looks at the world as a dangerous place... That's why I want to travel.

Sometimes... you got to take that risk.

I know some people are concern about my safety... but this is my choice... my happiness is there but I want more to continue my happiness.

So if love were there somewhere... I'll take a chance. But only when it's right and/or when it's time.

Right now... finding my own happiness is important. I found my passion in writing even though it's not stories... but I can always tell stories any other time. Right now, writing this blog and writing poems are my passion. I don't know why some people wants to try to take that away from me.

And making videos... well... I actually enjoy talking and playing games on there. xD Just wait until I start making vlogs. :)

I'm starting to break free from being shy... somebody actually changed my life by waking me up... to move on and to do what I want to do.

So... maybe a shout out to those people... So, thanks guys. And thank you also, for reading my blog... might not get much readers by the day but think... by the month, years to come... If I keep doing what I'm doing... maybe I'll be a step closer to my dreams.

By the way... you can have more than one dream. :) And a word of advice... if you're like me: lazy and weak... don't let that bother you... if you're passionate about something, do it... Well, want to thank Pewds (Pewdiepie on youtube), for that saying. Haha. And... well... you know... Time to end this now.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, July 15, 2013

196 of 365: Going Backwards Then Forwards

You can be anybody who you want to be. And I found my dreams... even though I still want to travel... Of course, I can't wait.

Anyways, I'll be doing more videos for youtube... even while my mom is here. Maybe... I wonder if anything is alright.

I'll be going forward toward my dream. I shouldn't give up on anything. So yea... I don't care what anybody says now. I'm breaking from my depressing life... it's slow but I'm happy.

And so with that thought in my mind...

With love,


Sunday, July 14, 2013

195 of 365: Mole Mystery

So, I was at my grandma's for the night and I slept fine... well, despite Susie jumping in and out of bed all night xD

She woke me up with lovely doggy kisses. Anyways, not sure what to put here because I mostly walked around all over at my grandma's. It was fun.

So... just for tonight, I will keep this short. I want to make my mom a youtube account and let her do her thing. :D

So... I'll let you guys know later!

That's all...

With love,


194 of 365: YESTERDAY (Grandma BOUND)

This was yesterday's blog but I'll update it now before I post for today's blog.

Anyway, so you're wondering what happened yesterday?

Let's see... I uploaded another video but I won't show you guys that one. Anyway, it started to rain and storm so I couldn't update. Plus, I went to my grandma's at 3PM EST.

And so that's all you need to know.

That's all (There will be another update in 3 hours).

With love,


Friday, July 12, 2013

193 of 365: The Monster Within

So you wonder why I put there there... it's something that has been bugging me ever since... well for a while now.

I have been getting the feeling that I am suppose to do something about this monster... ah, well...

Anyways, this may be a short blog again because I am getting ready to upload a video and I can tell there is a lag issue on here...

So that's all.

with love,


Thursday, July 11, 2013

192 of 365: Ideas Upon Ideas

Tomorrow is the day when I'll do another recording for Youtube. Usually after 5PM EST... so here's the thing... I need ideas.

I want to do another poetry reading, but not sure entirely... Anyways, enough of that.

I should say that I'm feeling a little better... not sure yet. I want to be just fine and not worry about a thing. But you know life is funny that way.

I have close friends now... so I'm ok. I am alright with being alone. So who knows what will happen.

Well, for now I will think of something since I am going to watch the movie from Netflix tonight... so we'll see.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

191 of 365: Um, right...?

There were times that you are curious about what to do next and how you should do that... Well, I'm gonna try out a few games and post them on youtube.

Of course, poetry will be there too. I might not do the poetry reading from my phone but actually do it so that you guys can read the poem along with me. \o/ It depends. :P

Anyways, I am excited to figure out what to do next on Friday... it might be another random moment, not sure. At least I get breaks after 5:30. Well... anyways, I got to go...

But um... right? Is it right? No, but it gives me something to do while waiting for some good or bad news...

So for now... That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

190 of 365: It Was Like A Nightmare

So does everything around me. I wish I could wake up from it and never have to feel sad or bad or anything. Truly, I wish there was hope for my heart.

Being alive and breathing makes me realize that life is better without people bringing you down. Maybe I could be happy if I travel. Maybe I could be happy if I had a job. Maybe I could be happy if I kept going with my dreams. Which I am.

I should stop blaming people and never blame myself either. Just there are faults in all of us. Whether it's right or wrong. We all got to learn from our mistakes. One thing I learn is never make promises that you know can't keep. I know I may had broke that one guys heart by completely blocking him, but he should give up trying to get me back... I know he kept saying he wasn't but each time I talked to him, he never let go of it.

I have been pretending that relationship for 4 years. There's no way I am going back to it at all. I want to be careful who I want to date from now on. I don't want to fall out of love again. But I want to love everybody. Everybody that reads my blog, watch my videos, and are my friends on facebook. We are all different and unique out there.

So, don't hate each other just because of what they like, what they do, what they believe, what they look like, or what they wear. We all talk different, we all do things different, but we are all special.

So don't let your life be a nightmare.

So with that in mind... that's all.

With love,


Monday, July 8, 2013

189 of 365: Well, Well, Look At This

Actually, there's nothing to look at. xD

This was a way to draw you guys into reading my blog. Lately I have been making short blogs. That's just because I've been having emotional problems. Don't worry, I am fine.

Tomorrow, At around between 5:30PM to 7PM EST, I will be doing recordings of a few things: My dogs, poetry reading, story reading, game recording, singing, etc. Eventually, vlogging too. The vlogs will be like my blog, just random thoughts. It may be reviews, talks, and about what I'm gonna do. Usually everybody has their thing to do on YouTube but I want to keep to my theme at being random as well as bringing in the A Faerie Journey into my youtube. What's the point of making two or more Youtube accounts? I'm not like that. I want one page. And one fan page, one blog, one twitter, one everything. xD

So, that is all.

I would like to do a special video but only if people starts subscribing to my page... Come on! Let's dance!

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 7, 2013

188 of 365: Riding Along Cumberland.

I didn't take any photos but it was only because my phone was dead. >_<

Anyways, glad to get out once in a while. Hopefully, I will go more places soon. Who knows what will happen later?

Well... That's all. Sorry for being short.

With love,


Saturday, July 6, 2013

187 of 365: Nothing to be done.

I wasn't trying to get him to love me again, I was only trying to make him happy... I guess... I know what to do and what I can't do...

So nothing to be done.

And so this is short for now... just too many thoughts and my heart is literally numbed right now. I still love you guys though... so keep reading my blog no matter how short or long it shall be.

I'll be this way until I am happy again... maybe my friend will help me on that. So thank you, Rai.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, July 5, 2013

186 of 365: Cold Fire

I've written another poem to recite on youtube. Just waiting for the upload to happen. I am going to try to do two videos. One will be my first game video...

I am only using The Sims 3 as example for now. I don't have a lot of games to play. But I may try playing more games to show and review at the same time. ^^

I could post the poem here but I want to wait until the video gets done uploading so I can put it in the description. Of course... gotta do other things to the description so I can attract people. The thing I learn... don't force to get known. If somebody wants to get to know you, start with something that you are getting views with... Which is Facebook and of course, here. So, you guys are getting a second look at my poem.

I do write other types of poems. They aren't always dark! Haha... Sorry about that.

Anyways, the upload is almost done so I'm gonna stop and post the website here so you guys can watch. I have random poems everywhere but I rather start with the ones that I write now. I am getting back to reading. Hopefully this will stick with me for a while.

Also, stories are under lock and key because I had run out of ideas again. Crap... why?!

Want to give a shout out to my special friend. He's encouraging me and I'm glad for that. I'm sorry for being weird also. So, thanks, Rai!!! I'll post your page too on here so people from my blog can view your games. :3

Alright, upload is done. Gonna add a few details and add the websites here.

Me reciting my poem:
Ankisal's site(Me!):
Raiken Jenova's site:

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, July 4, 2013

185 of 365: I Hate Liars.

Making a clear point here and now: I hate liars. They make me mad and they piss me off.

Having to live with a repulsive liar all my life, it does in fact turns me into a completely honest person. Basically, who I am today. Lying rips me apart so it does bother me. I can almost tell if a person is lying to me. I don't like for anybody to lie to me.

And hiding the truth is just as worse. I can tell, ok? So, don't hide or lie to me.

Anyways, I am not happy right now because of something. I don't really want to talk about, ok, it's just personal right now.

Whatever... just confused and want some answers to questions.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

184 of 365: Days of Long Hours

I like summer but only thing, summer seems like forever. Well, so does Winter despite we have three total months for each season.

I got three months to enjoy the summer that is yet to become a real summer. I mean... last year, it actually did felt like summer. This year, it's just rain. And more rain. I don't mind rain... if my dad didn't get a truck or if I didn't had to walk everywhere.

Oh, well. Anyways, upon checking my progress on that video... 4 views, no likes (only mine). But I will do more when times comes. It's not going to be an everyday thing... but I don't mind.

Anyways, I noticed that my blogs have been shorter lately but that's my fault... with fourth of July tomorrow, might be short again.

So with that in mind.... that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

183 of 365: I'm Happy And Sleepy

Alright, you know... I just know there will be good news coming. What that is, I do not know.

Anyways, I'm thinking of doing a vlog without video of a small reading. I might read a poem that I've written...

Well, it's just a test. So it's worth a try.

Time to go though.

That's all.

With love,



Monday, July 1, 2013

182 of 365: "How Can I Solve It?"

I loved giving advice, but I never too happy when it comes to giving advice but not sure if it's a good idea to say it or not.

That's my problem. I care so much about a friend, but when that friend has problems that hits me to another level... it makes me feel bad. I don't mind hearing about the problems... I just worried too much about that person. It's my weakness... and I want to hear it still... just protect myself from saying bad things.

Really... it does bother me.

And so... I have to figure out a few things about my life. Should I keep making myself feel this way or should I just be honest? I let that friend decide if I should be honest or not... Because I got too much to say... Just don't know how that friend would feel if I try telling them about what it makes me think and feel.

What am I suppose to do?

That's all.

With love,