Monday, October 28, 2019

Day Lilies Are Beautiful

I would love to have these flowers... they grow every year.

Here's some information about them:

Some more info about them:

The next two tells you how to plant them.

Day lily symbolizes motherhood... which is interesting to know but you can find more information about that here:

I love flowers and wanted to keep them here on my personal blog so you can know more about different flowers and plants and trees out there.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Just A Semi Busy Week... But Oh, Well.

I don't want you all to think that I am not updating... I am.

I am getting ready to go take a long nap of some sorts... then I will... not sure what else to do for the rest of the day.

I had been at my aunt's earlier and just got done watching the horror TV show challenge.

I know this week is going to semi busy... only on Wednesday.

I am going to the doctor finally. I am going to figure out what is going with my health and stuff...

Also, get a medicine refill xD

Friday, I am starting a different challenge on my other blog.

Once that challenge is done on A Faerie Pop, I am going to take a holiday break from challenges but still update on that blog with other stuff... like reviews, something random and such.

I am changing the background on A Faerie Pop because what comes with change is everything else.

I originally thought about changing the name but realized that A Faerie Pop should stay.

Alright, I am going to get to that nap time... I will update my personal life again next week unless something else comes up sometime this week...

Especially after seeing my doctor on Wednesday.

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, October 25, 2019

Trying To Figure Out Where Alta Vista, New Mexico is...

Not much is known about this place called Alta Vista, NM so I just want to assume that it's a small town.

There is a lot google can find but not a Wikipedia page for this place.

So if you wish to see what google searched for, just go here:

I think this town may be in the middle of nowhere... but if I am wrong, please let me know.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Listening to bass guitars for today.

Have you listen to those music with that interesting sound in the background? The Bass Guitar is interesting for many and can sometimes be enjoyed to listen to by itself.

Bass is important in most songs so you can feel it... almost at the same time as you hear it.

I enjoy the bass guitar and today, we will listen to a few samples of it.

But first, here's more info about it:

Now here are the different videos for it.

Hope you enjoy all these type of bass guitars examples... if you know more, you are welcome to share them too.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why this blog? My thoughts tell you.

Well... I just like to say that I am slowly writing a new story... based on my blog, of course.

Anyway, today's thought of the day is... why I made this blog?

I made this blog because I wanted to share my experiences to other people... even if it's random.

For a long time, I thought that I had to keep updating the blog everyday... last year, I decided to only write when I can... and this year, only to skip the weekends...

But after my surgery... I have decided to go random... it's still personal. Just limited about my life to once a week unless otherwise xD

I hope that you don't mind about what I've done lately...

It's still a work in progress... I may limited to certain topics on this blog... where it still feels personal to me.

So yea...

Things change... and I like that for myself.

That's all.

With love,


Facing my Fears... A day of questions.

Time for another moment of questions... Again, questions are in bold and answers are in italic.

What do you think of homeschooling?
I think its okay as long it's correctly done and are able to show the kids the world better than they do in schools.

When was the last time you felt you had a new lease on life?
Actually, this was just recently... it's why I chose to change how I blogged now. It's still personal but limited to not everyday personal but rather... stuff that makes me... me.... it's gonna be random from here on out... so will my life changes... exercising more, eating better, etc. All of that is my new lease on life right now.

If you had intro music, what song would it be? Why?
Um... maybe Face my Fears by Utada Hikaru. Because it's something that I have been lacking and I really feel like it's time to face my fears... since I want to take on my journey more.

An epic feast is held in your honor, what’s on the table?
 It'll be of their own choice... because I think I am too picky to choose what I want on the table... so should everybody else... they should pick what they want xD

If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity?
 Don't give in to any disease or disaster... really, you may see this as something bad but it can be something good if you keep looking forward for the good outcomes. Sure, things can get worse but why worry like it's your last day when you can see the good at it all in the end?


Monday, October 21, 2019

Dogs Are Lazy... Cats Are Crazy

It seems like a lazy Monday for my dogs... they are all laying down.

However, the cats are all playing some odd reason... it's really strange how it's the opposite for the cats when it comes to Mondays xD

I think I will start taking pictures the next time this pops up... at least, in advance I know when to be prepared to take pictures of either the cats or dogs...

Stay tune for when that comes in the future, okay?

See you all until then.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Rest And A Change

I know... it's hard being me sometimes... but I fixed my blog's random list to where some things will only be on my other blog and the rest that feels personal to me will be on this blog.

I have been adding and taking stuff of the list... it's not fun but it makes me have something to do in the day.

I should add a rest day for my random list... which is what I do in the day... so I can take a small break from the computer sometimes xD

I kept forgetting to make Thursdays a free day... the reason? I am going to add some monthly things to each of my lists... so that... well... I have something to do too.

I already planned for a month because of the exercise month thing... which begins sometime this week. Yay me...

Anyway, I have this week off before I have to go see the doctor next week. That means... there's no update on that until the first Sunday of November. Sorry... but I'll keep in mind to make announcements if it's important... but if not, I'll just let you all know.

I do know... after this week, I do have to take another blood test... that's fun... because no thyroid means... blood check every 6 weeks until it's regulated... and after regulated... it's every so often in a year. Fun... fun... it's not fun, okay?

Anyway. I have added the last challenge to my other blog... and in December, I have decided to take a break to make changes to my other blog... it's no longer gonna be about challenges all the time... but... you know... it's gonna be different. Hoping to have the name A Faerie Pop changed too... so yay... I hope.

Alright, I am going to go now... Watch the horror TV show of today... oooooo... spooky... yea... spooky.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, October 18, 2019

5 Questions That I May Answer For You

Here are the questions... Questions are in bold... answers are in italic.

What's Something You Tried Really Hard To Like But Just Couldn't?
Well... this one is... well... hard to say... I like everything almost but there are a few things that I tried to like but just couldn't... Wrestling, sports..... and stuff like that. I hate baseball... because it's too boring to watch. I can stand football, soccer, basketball, and more... but very rarely.

What Movie Would Be Greatly Improved If It Was Made Into A Musical?
That... I don't really know... Disney has too many musicals as it is... so... I would choose a game... That would be Kingdom Hearts... I really think it would be an awesome musical some odd reason xD

If You Received A Salary To Follow Whatever Passion You Wanted To, What Would You Do?
Writing... well... I'll update my blog to a real website and do more writing for it... by adding topics and make it interesting to read... as well as make a monthly thing so others can follow it too. 

What Inscription Do You Want On Your Gravestone?
That... I don't know yet... but something about finding my faerie journey xD

What's The TLDR Description Of Your Last Relationship?
I don't really want to say... but it's not something that is bad... it's actually a good person. It may had last a short time but it's not that bad. 

That's all for the questions... I'm open to more questions later in the future and I will add them on a notebook to answer them when time comes. Thanks!

That's all.

With Love,


What Language Attracts You?

Me... it's many languages... Japanese is number one. Mostly because I like how it looks easy but also hard to pronounce and say it fast.

Then the next language would be Spanish... then French...

I like all languages in fact... after learning about what Indonesian sound like... I like that language too.

Whatever attracts me next... might something that I would very much enjoy for my life... and maybe for my stories ahead in the future.

Mustang Horse... Beautiful Horses

This is a mustang... not a car... but the cars are named after these horses because they are fast and fierce.

If you want more info here:

What do you think of these horses? They are beautiful.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What if today was National Edge Day? Yep... it's real.

This looks like it would be an interesting holiday to celebrate... would you think so too?

I have been thinking about what holiday would be like if it was official... oh, boy...

Who knows...

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Today's Word: Genial

This word is an adjective.

It means:

1 : favorable to growth or comfort : mild
2 : marked by or freely expressing sympathy or friendliness
3 : displaying or marked by genius

You can view more of the word here: 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Do You Have Problems With IOS 13.12? You're not Alone

According to this random website... it states that people are complaining about the issues that IOS is having problems...

Not sure what they are gonna do yet but... keep reading that and maybe we find solutions.

It's Beautiful? Meme time.

Here's the meme:

It's interesting how this became a meme and it's interesting to look at xD

I think it's beautiful too... but kind of weird how they do this.

What meme do you like? Comment on tweet me some.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What To Expect In A Few Weeks

Oh, hey... it's my second personal update...

And it's late... well, it's just perfect timing because I am always napping late on Sundays... always a busy weekend....

During the weekday... I only nap once and not very long... during weekends... my nap lasts from a hour to two... so yea...

I should say.... I finally went to Five Below... a store where everything is below 5 dollars... and that store has become... my favorite. Just like Ollie's... it's a store with random stuff...

Also... they have Japanese stuff at Five Below... I may take pictures of those items one day... but nah... too lazy.

I did finally got my planner... only to find out, they had one cheaper at the local Dollar General... wtf... but I did get a pocket planner because I like to have those around whenever I need something in a hurry.

In two weeks, I will have my doctor's appointment... I will ask for a check up on my lungs.

Not sure if you all know... but I have been coughing really strangely lately... almost like my mom does when she has an Asthma attack... but I don't get choked up for very long... very strange... and need to get it checked out,

As for my health... well, I'm alright but I still think they need to raise my medication... all I can say... have to wait until after the blood test in a few weeks... possibly next week or so.

Also... three weeks, I will be going to the hearing doctor...

Something that is needed but I couldn't make it because of stuff...

Yea... things are happening in the weeks ahead and I will continue to talk about it next Sunday...

Keep an eye out!

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Athena, The Goddess who broght both war and wisdom...

She's kind of a badass... and well... she's the Goddess of Wisdom and War... what else do you expect?

I actually quite like this Goddess because of her teachings and more.

But if you wish to read more about here, you can do it at these sites:

From what I read... you do not really want to piss her off... but that's just a fantasy aspect of how this Goddess is.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Celebrity to talk about... Sienna Miller

This is an example of what my other blog will be about.

This is the first time I've heard of her... so I will share about her.

Here's some sites about her and what she plays in:

Also, I am going to add celebrities that play on movies and tv shows to my bookmarks so that I can see how the celebrity is... well, see if I enjoy the movie or show xD

Again, this is an example of what I will be adding to my other blog because I am ending 30 day challenges on that page and only do them whenever it pops up on my random thing xD

See you all tomorrow.

Don't You Remember Halloweentown? Here's some gifs

Gifs are funny... so are memes... I have to check and see if I had random memes so I can add them on here and the other blog too xD

Here's the site full of Halloweentown gifs.

I am still not sure how to add gifs on this blog yet... so... stay tune, I guess...

For now, go on that site and enjoy all the gifs from the movie Halloweentown.

Praying For This Family

I only share articles that do matter... because politics do get tiring after a while.

This is sad news and I pray for this family. Their mother is missing during the California fires.

I will share this article to you all.

Please share this if you live in California.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Want to know what Fear of Sharks is?

It's Selachophobia... what a mouthful to say...

But it's literally the fear of sharks... I'm sure there are people like that... so here are a few sites that shows what they mean. (read the example part and laugh)

So do you have a fear of sharks?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Listening to a Bamboo Flute

Not much to find out about Bamboo Flutes but they are something you should listen to yourself.

The most famous Bamboo Flutes are from China and other parts of the world.

I will share a few videos for you to listen to yourself.

I'm sure there are more but those are what I found so far... Hope you find these relaxing just as I did.

That's all.

With love,


The photos that tell all.

I am sharing a site that has photo of the day... but instead of just one... there are many...

The one about climate change protests can tell you how I feel about how the world is right now.

Here is the site if you want to look at all the photos of the day:

I think the world is... well... okay... but there are things that you can noticed that is changing and most of the changes are not really good for the world.

We need something to change.

A poem about hate and love...

Write a poem about something ugly—war, fear, hate, or cruelty—but try to find the beauty (silver lining) in it or something good that comes out of it.

 The world is full of hate,
Like it's that type of fate.
Trying to fear something outside.
When it raises the feeling inside.

But... there's always love out there.
Love wins at all the types of fear.
Do not dare what is told to you.
Always let your love show.

Bright and shining, you are loved.

We all know that hate is a powerful thing in this world... and writing a poem about it was what I thought of what it is.

With the president race that's coming next year, there's a lot of hate on both sides... like the governor race... a lot of hate... It really sucks and I want love to win.

Can't we let love win over hate?

That's all.

With love,


Totally random... Fish? Albacore

Here's more about this type of fish:

I would share more but I'm not big on any kind of fishes xD

So just have fun reading that.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Let's Try This Out Sometime: Simple Tomato Soup

The recipe is here:

This looks good with a grill cheese sandwich...

I am doing this as a way to learn to cook one of these days... And well, share it to you all too.

This one looks like it would be easy to do.

Why don't you try it?

Um... The Day I Was Born?

This personal post won't be my life update... just wanted to let you all know.

What should I do for a random personal post?

Well... let's start with from the time I was born and on up... it'll be fun to do this per post...

I was born on May 5, 1986... it seemed to be on a Monday at around 11ish in the morning... I happened to be born due to my mom falling down a flight of stairs... she's lucky, you know? But I ended up being born two weeks early...

Sadly, her fall may have been the cause of my right hip dislocation... we are not entirely sure since it's apparent that dislocated hips do run through my family.

Not much to say... but yea... born during this year.

I could add a bit of history... because this was the same year, two unsolved murders happened... both of the same crime. My family knew these people and well... more to this story later.

Next time personal comes up, I will do my year birthday... and that one is gonna be interesting.

That's all.

With love,


You Never Know What Space Is Like...

Picture here:
This photo was taken from space and this is the source of the photo:

I always find pictures in space interesting to look at... hope that you do too.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 6, 2019

My Fault If I Sleep Late During Nap Time

I almost decided to update this tomorrow because I slept for a long time during my nap time.

My fault. I couldn't sleep all night long and ended up just staying awake after I took my medication.

I am changing a few things that is starting soon.

Then I will talk about my life update.

The changes that are coming.... I am going to set a schedule ahead of time, only to redo them every Sunday so that I can get started for another week.

I will be buying a 2020 planner that would make this a bit easier for me to do.

No more 30 day challenges every 30 days... in fact, I will still keep the 30 day challenges but only do them every so often... rather than every month.

My other blog will continue the 30 day challenge for the rest of the year... but I will be making a list on it too... so that I know what to do for it too.

I feel like... I find myself rushed when doing these challenges... so yea... that's why.

Now for my life update... everything is fine but my medication seems to be not working... again. I can tell because I get too tired on days that I don't sleep well.

So yea...

That's just about all I can say... other than I'm okay... still struggling... but... with this random thing and scheduling my daily life and my blog life and my fitness life... it seems to be able to distract me for my journey ahead.

Alright, I shall get back to my random blog week... so see you all then.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, October 4, 2019

Update Again?

It's been decided that starting on Sunday or Monday (depending on my mood and if I am busy on either day), I will be posting about my personal life and more.

I will be skipping my personal blog for today only and do the drawing prompt on a day that I don't have anything to do.

So, this will be my blog post of today so that I won't have too many days empty... xD

That's all.

With love,


P.S. There will always be a post on my other blog... so keep an eye out for that one.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Small Update

I took a break yesterday... so just wanted to let you all know that I'm still blogging... just wanted to take days off when I am gone almost all day long.

I am going to skip movie and tv and anime of the day posts until I am completed with the challenges on my other blog... once those challenges are done... (yes, there's more challenges to come in the next year... but that's it once the ideas do run out).... I am going to start posting random posts on my other blog... so keep that in mind... there may be off days on my personal blog more.

I am going to do a poll on my twitter on whether you would like to see a personal report monthly or weekly... so keep a watch on that soon.

Also, I am planning to get a planner to make plans better for my blog each day... so that I don't have to keep asking this random thing what I should do the night before... this should make planning on ideas a whole lot better.

Thanks for understanding!

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Prompt Said Something Green For Photo... Okay.

Here's the random picture with something green...

By the way, you are welcome to give your thoughts on here if you wish. Thanks!

That's all.

With love,