Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Don't Give Up!!!!

I'm trying not to repeat another year of uselessness... I have a goal and I want to work for that goal.

Even if I make flyers to put up as a dog walking business! Oh...

There's me a job!

Anyways, I am just trying my best to keep a problem from starting within my head.

I really need to be there for my friend and I need to get out of here.

So yea...

So give me ideas. Anything is fine.

That's all.

With love,


It's Fixed And Need A Job ASAP

Really... Adsense might be fixed finally on here. I hope it is.

Anyways... I need a job asap... trying to find one here is harder than what most people think. Walking a long distance is not for me because I have serious leg problems... not that some people would care about that.

But seriously... why does a small town have a hard time getting a job? And why doesn't a parent like say... my dad, do not want to learn me to drive or even HELP me get a small bike or anything so that I can work?

Because he doesn't want me to go anywhere. =_=

I'm scared to figure out what happens when my parents does pass away... And I don't that to happen just yet.

That's why I need to get out of here while I am able.

In 5 days, I'll be 28 and you figure a parent would just already let me go already especially when they fuss a lot.

It's not that easy.

Anyways, enough complaining... trying to think of a good plan so that I can get out of here.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It's The Calm Before Another Storm...

It seems like that this is the calm before yet another storm. Don't be discouraged. There will be more to come.

Anyways, not sure what you guys think but I'm thinking of getting back to poetry again. Why does things that happen to me?

Because I'm not the same. I chose to be everything.

Well... since it's now getting here, there will be only one blog post until these storms pass by.

And yet, there's more to come. So... welcome to the official signs of spring.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, April 28, 2014

Rainy Monday... and Dreading Tonight

I had a sleepless night because of storms and rain last night. So it made me feel like crap today.

Anyways, I am keeping my eye in the sky because seriously... we just don't know what will hit us unexpectedly.

Well, it's a sad day for our family as we lost a member of the Gadd family earlier this morning. At least we helped them in finding some people to help with the grave arrangements but it seems like anymore, we better try to have money in order to get bury in.

It's seriously just a sad day.

And with these storms already striking some areas in the United States, it's more sadder than ever.

So we need to show as a nation as who we are.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, April 27, 2014

But It Was A Pretty Day...

Then tonight, tomorrow and Tuesday it's gonna bring in storms. They are saying that tomorrow and Tuesday that there might be a chance of a tornado.

I really don't like the word tornado since March 2012. I mean... Really?! Two tornadoes in one state, one night, two places. With one of those places just south of here.

I just want to keep reminding people who live in mobile homes, to please do leave. I hate to see more lives lost because of not listening.

Anyways, I know some people would say that staying in a mobile home and blah blah safe. Here's the thing... During a tornado, you're not safe. In fact, you can't predict the speeds of the winds nor the direction a tornado is liable to go. So be safe.

Alright, I am going to keep my eyes in the skies.

So that's all.

With love,


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Donuts! Wait... what?

Anyways, today has been a boring day, but I'm trying to be patient because my birthday is in a week from Monday. So... hopefully next weekend will be better.

I'm gonna be 28.

Then you're wondering "Wow, she's a lazy *bleep bleep*"

Alright, I'll admit it... but I never quit blogging for a day of my life. I never gonna stop watching anime for a day in my life. If it's something that I am passionate in, I will not give it up for others. If you can't make people happy, then I'm sorry.

Well, I'm going to eat some donuts and watch a movie.

So that's all.

With love,


Friday, April 25, 2014

What Is Wrong With Me?

Well, one thing, I am too sleepy today.

Another thing, I am bored.

Alright, going to go find something to do now.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Trying out "Black Box"

For those that don't know what Black Box is... it's a show that's coming on ABC tonight at 10 EST.

From what I can tell, it's about troubled minds and a doctor who has a troubled mind can be able to help others with such mind.

So... this is a first for me to watch a show like that. But since it's something that I am into, it should be good.

I hope.

Anyways... onward to a new night.

That's all.

With love,


And You Just Realize... A Mistake is A Mistake.

Back when a screw was a screw. >.>

But the most important part of life is knowing when a mistake is a mistake. There's no telling where it goes next.

Anyways, there's nothing wrong with mistakes. We might get angry over it but eventually we must learn how to accept it and forgive each other.

So... take a chance in life and don't screw it up.

That's all.

With love,


My Love For Music...

I guess I got that "No Language" barrier for music. Because I literally love music from Asia, especially Japanese Pop.

And finding out one of them being a voice actress and a singer makes me giggle all over. xD

Anyways, I know this will be posted for April 24th but enjoy for now!

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Disappointment in Mistakes.

So, I'm not sure what is going on with this place or that place, but somewhere along the lines, they messed up my appointment at the hearing doctor making me want to face palm.

Seriously... I just wanted to get it over with.

Anyways, who knows what will happen next but here's to hoping for a new day.

I have been mostly semi bad mood all day so I am not likely the type to be anger about anything.

Well, I'm going to go now.

For I took a long nap and feel like I deserve some type of peace.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

First Vlog In A While And Dreadful Tomorrows...

So, I made my first vlog in a long time. Just go on my YouTube name Ankisal and look for it.

Anyways, why did I put dreadful tomorrows? Well, tomorrow, I am going to the hearing doctor for a hearing exam. Which contains tones that are annoying and they do tend to hurt...

But I have to do it to see how my hearing is.

So... I am going to bed early in a few and waiting to tell my friend that...

Not sure what else to say...

Oh, I finally watched Footloose and it's not as bad people thinks... sure it's not like the older version but... hey, enjoy life a bit more guys?

Also, there is another anime to add on the list and it's called M3- The Dark Metal. And the words that caught me to want more is "red poop" xD

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


I Wonder If There's Hope...

After what seems like 5 years... I really just wanted to go back to college and get my teaching degree. I don't want to be shy anymore.

But seriously... life is just complicated.

Anyways, I am wondering if there is hope.

Who knows...

Well, going to take it easy today...

So that's all.

With love,


Monday, April 21, 2014

Trying To Understand...

I always wonder why I have parents who doesn't encourage me to go get a job?

They say go online and you find one. But... Really?

It's not easy as 1.2.3. as you think.

Anyways... really wish my life is better than what it is now.

All I want is a way to escape.

So yea... let me escape.

That's all.

With love,


More Chances...

I have other websites to try out for a chat agent job. Hopefully one of them will contact me.

Anyways, I am going to take a bit of a rest today.

My dreams brought me something that I wish would go away.

So... here's to fighting my dreams.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter has past...

I was remembering the good old days when we used to go easter egg hunting at my grandma's...

Those days has passed as we got older and since my grandpa passed away... but memories were good back then.

Well, semi good. You can always have bad ones too.

But... right now, the bad ones can remain away for a bit.

And so, tomorrow starts another week.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Boring Saturday...

So, it's a boring Saturday...

And so I am wondering what tomorrow (Easter) will be like.

I remember a long time ago, that my grandma used to have Easter hunt at her house. It was fun.

Anyways, I am waiting for the night to be over. Not yet sleepy and thinking of going online Eden for a brief moment and then watch a movie.

So that's all.

With love,


Friday, April 18, 2014

Number 601~

This actually would make my 601 post. And it's been over a year since I started back to blogging. At first doing a daily blog, now doing more than once.

As far as what this year brought? A harsh winter.

But now that spring is coming I will get back to videos and not care about what anybody says.

I will only do one topic at a time and different videos for each topic.

But as for when I will start vlogging again? It'll be slow at first but it'll be whenever I have time.

Also, I may have a job, just waiting for the results.

And now... let's just hope there will be a new tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Need Help On Two Choices...

Alright, here's the deal, I may have found two ideal jobs that will work out for me but I need you (readers) to figure out what is best for me.

Transcribing or Chat Agent.

Transcribing basically transcribes an audio of anything that is provided, whether a podcast, video, etc. You only get paid by the minute but certain websites provides extras if you do a good job.

Chat Agent is basically who talks to you via chat on certain websites... sounds easy but it's not. You have to be perfect at doing it. And you got to multi task, basically, having more than one chat going at the same time.

Now, I haven't really done anymore research about these two jobs... but I will do so tomorrow.

Today, I got sidetracked because of family issues... seriously, you see what happens to me everyday?

Can't my family ever get along?

That's all for now.

With love,


Alright, Got Ideas!

Got ideas now. I will be limiting my time on Facebook to actually be serious on certain websites...

Actually, my mom gets these magazines that gives you ideas about jobs... and yes, I may had found one but I'm gonna search them down and get serious about them.

If they are successful, I might share the websites to you guys too.

Anyways, I will keep you guys posted.

Btw, sorry about last night, it was one post but I got distracted with anime and games... so yea... xD

I like to keep my guild friends and such posted that I'm still here.

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hello Kitty!

I forgot to mention this yesterday but there is a song by Avril Lavigne called Hello Kitty.

When I first heard it, I almost had a smack in the face with such a weird song.

Now it's a song that just doesn't want to get out of my head. Great.

Anyways, I'm gonna go check out some games then watch some more anime.

So... hopefully I'll be able to do another blog tonight.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What? I Completed the Anime List? YES!

Yes, you read that right. I completed the list of the anime for this spring.

But first: Two anime from last season has decided to continue, they are "Nisekei" and "Nobunaga the Fool"

Now for the spring 2014 anime list:

  • Blade And Soul
  • Captain Earth
  • Daimidaer (xD perverted!)
  • The Kawai Complex (it has a longer name but let's call it this for now, k?)
  • Brynhildr in the Darkness (my friend said it was creepy but it's a good anime)
  • Black Bullet (lolis... lolis everywhere)
  • Riddle Story of Devil
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventures Season 2 (I haven't fully watched the first season so I will... lucky different story)
  • Dragon Collection (At first, I wasn't into it but then found out there are games like it for real)
  • Fairy Tail Series 2 (it basically started off from the last season but I haven't seen it... so guess I'll spending my spare time on catch ups)
  • Kamigami no Asobi
  • One Week Friends (It's sad... she forgets all the good things in a week... no spoil, it's literally the title.)
  • Chaika (She carries a coffin... enough said.)
  • Kanojo ga flag wo oraretara (Shorter title? "If her flag breaks")
  • The irregular of magic high school (or Mahouka)
  • Majin Bone (It's funny. xD)
  • Dai Shogun
  • Is the order a rabbit? (It's too cute!)
  • The comic artist and assistants
  • Mushishi Season 2 (You must watch the first.)
  • No Game No Life (AWESOME ANIME THAT I JUST DON'T WANT TO MISS AT ALL... Caps says it all)
  • Mekaku City Actors (Anime that makes me want to see what happens next after I was mind blown for no apparent reason)
  • Nanana's Buried Treasure
  • Dragonar Academy (Dragons... that's all)
  • Selector infected Wixoss (Reminded me of Angelic Layer some reason)
  • The World is Still Beautiful 
  • Soul Eater Not! (again, haven't seen the original but this one is a different story so it's fine)
And that's the list. I will be watching the second episodes now. So... for now, if you have any suggestions on any anime or have questions on any of these anime, please do comment me. 

That's all.

With love,


Snow... WTF?!

That's what was in my mind when I woke up this morning.

Anyways, today is gonna be to be finishing the last bit of the first episodes, which I think it is two or three more shows... then my list will be complete... it's kind of long but I will let you guys know!

So... that's all for now.

With love,


Monday, April 14, 2014

So... Bored...

And it seems like I don't get anything done... ah, well...

This post is ultra short because I'm gonna go lay down now.

That's all.

With love,


Sleeping All Day... Not Always Good.

Anyways... I'm gonna make this short but I woke up late today... I don't think it's because I slept at a later time, I think it's because I know when the weather is blah.

But you know, it's not always good for your health to be sleeping all the time unless it's a health condition that makes you sleep... wow... can you imagine?

Actually, I can because there are people who just literally fall asleep everywhere... some of those conditions are so dangerous that they fall asleep while walking... Yikes!

Anyways... like I said... sleeping all day is not good for you.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Shows Tonight...

Seems that I am delay again with my shows...

As well as my anime.

Anyways, eating right now so this is the post for today.

That's all.

with love,


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Need to Complete Anime...

So that I can give you guys the list. I am not doing anything today so why not get it over with and do it?

Anyways, my internet refuses to download a certain game so I won't be playing that game. Bad internet... bad.

As for what I'll be doing for the rest of the day? Nothing really. My dad is busy so I have to stay home. It's alright...

But it's such a nice day... so I will take pictures for both instagram and my other blog.


That's all for now.

With love,


Friday, April 11, 2014

Before Midnight Post...

It's just random since midnight is close... and my internet is being crazy right now...

Alright, here's the thing... it seems like my parents are doing that again about me getting a job... they don't want me to. They expect me to find one online somewhere...

Really? So... I am expected to stay at home, work online, with a blabber mouth all day?

Think about it... jobs at homes are not what you think. You still gotta work on it sometimes.

That's all.

With love,


My Life Is...


But hey, my anime list just got awesome since No Game No Life came out. Who knew?

Anyways, not sure what to say for today but... I still got a second post, right?

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Secret World

Although it's just another world. It's a secret place.

I'm not gonna tell you what it is anyways. :P

Alright, this is short...

That's all.

With love,


Need More Shows...

They need more shows on TV. Since it's Thursday, the one show that I was watching was cancelled but I think they met for it to end at first season anyways.

Alright, well, I'm sure you guys noticed that I only made one post yesterday... sorry about that. I was distracted.

Well, this is a short post but if anything happens, I'll let you guys know.

Also, still not done watching first episodes of any anime... so be patient now.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Am I running out of ideas? The answer is... Noooooooope.

Anyways, just a typical Wednesday. Nothing to do.

Nowhere to go.

And tomorrow, I will be heading to the doctor with my mom. Not that I need to go, I just wanna ask something to the doctor.

Since you never know that he might help me find a job... it's hard world out there.


This is a short blog because I still have more episode one anime to catch up. There's just too many!

But still... it's gonna be a great season. Will let you guys know soon!

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

No Life?

Alright, there is a new anime called "No Game, No Life." And it's about people who literally has no life... well... in order to survive, you have to play the game (sounds like something else...) but different... I hope it's different though.

So far, my opinion about this season's anime is some are actually good!

And about last season's anime... there's two that said "To Be Continued" at the end... and you know... *facepalm* Really!?

Alright, enough of that... I will be trying my best to catch up with all the first episodes and actually give you my official list ASAP... so guys... keep an eye out for an anime list after all the announcements are over!

Which is soon.

That's all.

With love,


And so... It's all quiet.

Finally, I am hoping that our neighbor is moving out finally. Seriously... they do drive me crazy you know?

Anyways, not sure what to talk about but I'm gonna watch some more anime and try not to distract myself...

Seriously, guys...

I'm getting out of hand of not having to catch up with anything.

What am I suppose to do?

That's all.

With love,


Monday, April 7, 2014

Slightly Annoyed

I'm getting a slight head cold and seriously can't get any rest...

I don't need to go out in that wind. And try telling that to someone who keeps wanting me to go down the freaking hill to do something...


Really... stop... please?

If I wanna get out, it'll be for a job only. Now, if you don't care... stop asking me if there are any online jobs.



That's all.

With love,


Today is the End... Who Will Win? Cats or Dogs?

I think it's funny that the basketball game ends up being cats vs dogs quite literally... xDDDD

Wildcats vs Huskies.

So... wow.

I don't talk about it much because I don't like to jinx it much. So, I won't be watching it tonight until I hear the news.

Also, I will be watching some anime today... need to catch up with some as well as watch some on a random list.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Sunday, April 6, 2014

And So Today....

Well, today has been a long day and didn't get my nap like I thought I would... but Pocky is really great (I know, random... sorry).

Alright, I got a list to keep up with recent and old anime so that I can know what to watch for and know what not to watch for. Some I think I will wait until later to watch. Some I will keep watching for.

Daimidaler is the most perverted anime ever. And I think I will keep watching it. xD

Captain Earth has an awesome beginning so it's worth watching.

Blade and Soul, an anime based on a Korean MMORPG, is very different and awesome to watch.

So... let's continue to watching anime of this season until there is none to be updated. xD

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Confused Person

If I don't eat right when I should eat... I get grouchy, confused and many things.

Today, I ended up being both grouchy and confused...

Almost lost myself a couple of times xD

But it's alright.

I'm gonna watch this one movie and then get lost in the anime world instead...

So that's all.

With love,


Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday! We All Know It's Friday!

Well, we do!

Anyways, though we expect a lot of things this week and still nothing happened.

Instead negative things happened.

Wow... it has been a fast and long week.

Who knows what will happen next. Anyways, I'm gonna be going to go around to ask for jobs... starting with my family doctor. Hey... you never know.

So... here goes nothing!

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lightning Tonight!

This will be a short post because of the storms. I can't risk lightning for anything... so yea...

Anyways, nothing new... except hearing my mom snore the first time... yea... that's odd...

Ah, well...

Gonna read now!

That's all.

With love,


Rain!!!!! Oh... wait... I'm Sleepy Too...

Alright, it's raining again. So I might sleep later.

I don't really feel good because I sort of hurt my lower back yesterday... now feeling the pain more.

So, I have to be careful not to walk or stay on my legs a long time. And try not to lift anything.

I'll be alright in a week, depending on the area...

I had gotten hurt there before years ago, by falling off the edge of the bathtub and straight (lower back first) into the toilet... I stayed bruised for weeks at a time. Lucky I didn't break anything but still...

I shouldn't never twisted like that but it's too late now. It hurts and it would've come back eventually anyways.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Storms Are Coming... And I am Waiting.

So, storms are coming in for this week... starting tonight.

I am waiting because we actually do need this rain. I'm sure there are other places that needs rain just as well.

I just hope that I don't complain for this summer...

Anyways, after my mom gets out of the hospital, I am gonna go around, looking for a job.

So, again, I will keep you guys posted for anything new.

That's all.

With love,


Too Many Things Happening At Once!

Alright, here's what's been happening:

As you guys already know, I came home from my grandma's Sunday.

Monday, I got sick so I felt bad all day and even had to rest a hour which messed up my sleeping hours (going to bed at 2 in the morning now!) Also, my mom got sick. Went to the ER but they sent her back home...

Tuesday, I woke up sick again but gotten a little better through the day, even though I didn't sleep again until late. My mom though... had gotten very bad sick so her family doctor forced the hospital to put her in the hospital for tests and stuff. So I had a stressful April Fool's Day... so that's why I avoid any pranks, jokes, etc. Seriously... sorry about that.

Today, I am alone in the home. I don't trust the stove so I won't bother trying to cook. I do love making sandwiches so I'll do that instead.

Though, I hate taking care of a bunch of crazy cats... yea, they are crazy cats that will one day make me famous for video taping them xD Not.

As for how I am feeling? I don't trust my stomach with certain foods... and I don't really like it here so that's a downer.

And the worst part... They are giving storms for tonight, tomorrow and Friday... some of those storms are already listed as a danger. Great... just great.

If I have to, I will go to my grandma's. I will keep my eyes on the sky and on my gut feeling... because after all those tornadoes... staying in a mobile home isn't quite a good idea.

That's one of the reasons why I want to move. If this place had a storm shelter, it wouldn't bother me as much but since there is none and the land owner doesn't provide one, it's not a safe place.

Anyways, I will keep you guys posted on here for any new updates.

Also, I may not care about religion as much but I do respect those that does... so please do pray for my mom. Thanks.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Not The Time...

I know today is April Fool's Day but seriously... It's just not a good time for me.

I've been going through a lot of moods these past few days. And all I want is a break.

A break from it all.

Anyways, I have to go and get ready. I hope that I can sleep but I think I want to read all day and night until I feel better.. It's my world in the beginning and will always be my world for a while.

That's all.

With love,