Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mind Drifts Away

I keep having these random headaches during the day... and my bestie suggested to use a program called mind fitness... Yep... mind slowly drifting away xD

Anyways, I recorded a video today... it will be available tomorrow in the morning.

I am going to go now because my mind is now getting sleepy... oops.

Hope tomorrow will be better for me though and hope I can write more on here.

That's all.

With love,


Moments You Want To Get Away

There are moments you want to get away.

I hope that today will get better each passing hour. I noticed that I am feeling a little better... I think it's because of my blah that is causing it.

Anyway, I still don't know what to do here. I need to record a video but I am not sure what to do yet.

I've been thinking about things. I'm not gonna stop recording a video but I need more time to do videos like that... meaning... I want to be alone when doing them.

I will find something to do until later. Hope everything will be alright. I might end up sleeping though.

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Don't Know Why I'm Tired

I don't know why I'm tired. Well, one thing, I am one day behind with Melissa and Joey but almost done at least.

I wish my head stop hurting though so I might be going to bed early in a moment... like maybe 11ish?

Anyway, I should be able to still get a head start on Fringe tomorrow and keep watching it until the 11th of September.

Gosh... can't believe it's already September soon... It won't be long until me and my bestie celebrate our 4 year friendship day... September 14th is the day! It's amazing how long we came around and we still talk like almost everyday too!

I'll save the special notes until that day so yea...

I will watch some videos and then get to bed before my head tries to hurt me even more.

Tomorrow, I should be a little better so I might record a video. We'll see, ok? Just keep an eye out here or on my twitter for any news.

That's all.

With love,


Finding Something To Do

I am going to find something to do. Then hope that it would help my mood...

I am not feeling good so I might take a nap soon.

Anyway, I am not sure what to type here because it's just another day. I hope that the day will get better through the day.

Alright, I am sorry that this post is short and will take a nap in 30 minutes.

The second post might be better than this.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, August 29, 2016

It's Been Raining And Now... Not So Sure?

It had been raining earlier... so it caused me not to take my nap today much. Joy.

However, not so sure about now... I am kind of sleepy but not sure yet?

I do know that there are just two more days to August... Isn't it funny how it comes closer to the end of the year, that time gets faster and faster? Yea... hope I'm not the only one.

Things this year had been a rough time... seems like it passed by slowly... then right when August hits, it's passing by like flying colors.

Not a good thing for a mind to get used to either.

Anyway, I am still not gonna record tomorrow... I will let you all know when I do record again.

I just can't make any promises right now.

I guess I will go now and watch a few more videos on YouTube... also... I finished season 3 of Melissa and Joey... dang, so glad they got married finally! I mean... it's a good show to watch!

Alright, binge watching can be tiresome...

I will continue to watch more shows tomorrow and hopefully get them done soon! I really want to watch Fringe!

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


No Recording Until Later This Week

I am not recording until later this week. Just not feeling well right now... I'm sure you all don't want to hear me moan or groan for no reason at all xD

Anyway, I am going to do surveys and watch Melissa and Joey until later tonight... I might take a break to take a nap and watch the movie that came in the mail today.

I hope my stomach doesn't hurt a lot.

I am happy to say that I will be playing Twin Saga after the open beta comes... might be a week delay but it should be awesome.

I want to watch some shows on Netflix just to get it over.

Alright, time to do surveys and watch that show... and thinking about what to do next.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Getting To The Point Here...

I will just get the point here... I am sick. Because the unexpected blah has started.

So there you guys go.

Today was a long day. I am really tired and still feeling tired even after that nap earlier.

Now just waiting for tomorrow... so yea... that means I should sleep in a moment.

I will watch more of YouTube and get to sleep soon...

I should be finished with Melissa and Joey soon too. I'm gonna go total binge watching on Fringe because I heard it was an amazing show... well, that's what I heard.

Yea, this post is just gonna be random... sorry... I will go now.

That's all.

With love,


Head Hurts A Lot..

I am home finally and gonna update this before I decide to lay down and stuff...

My head hurts a lot... I went to see where my brother lives. Which was interesting to see.

Anyway, now that I am home, I am going to take a lot of time to sleep... not sure why I am feeling sick and stuff... Might be a lot of heat that was causing it.

After the nap, I will watch some stuff on Netflix... might not get it done but just hoping it would be alright.

Alright, I will take a nap now. Hope later will be better.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, August 27, 2016

Better At Night

Maybe I am such a nocturnal person. Nah...

I am always sleepy by the time a certain hour come... which is soon. xD

I used to be a nocturnal person. I used to stay up at 4AM in the mornings... so it kind of sucks a lot now that I don't do that anymore. Getting old sucks... not really. xD

I feel better at night because it seems to be the only time I actually get to be alone... it drains me whenever I am around people... I am such an introvert... oh... wait... I am.

Anyway, I am not sure what to do but hope to sleep after some videos on YouTube...

Tomorrow will be another long day but hopefully it won't be half as bad it was today.

I should be getting my headphones hopefully on Monday or Tuesday... speaking of which, I'll check where they are before going to sleep.

For now, I will get back on YouTube.

That's all.

With love,


Not A Pleasant Start

This morning, I woke up and already can feel the day going wrong... mostly my family.

I just got done with going to the store with my mom and dad... Bought some food for myself too :D

Anyway, I am sure we are going to go see my grandma. I'm sure that would calm somebody down a bit.

I think I will watch this show on Netflix and hope to get it done by early this week and get started with another show.

So for now... that's all.

With love,


Friday, August 26, 2016

Several Updates

I am not sure where I'm gonna start first...

I didn't record any videos at all this week. I am thinking of recording another game besides Eternal Senia and try to upload at least every day or stuff... Some might have voices and some might not have any voices.

Also, I am waiting for a new set of headphones because the one I got right now... well... only one side works xD

Then next month or so, I am going to get a headset...

Still trying to save money for that desk chair... which kind of proven that it's harder than I thought.

I really should stop spending my money a lot x.o

Lately, things just have been really... down for me?

Anyway, I am not sure what game to play...  I will figure that out eventually. I need a random generator to pick the next game to play xD

Then keep playing it as a hobby while recording it until I complete the game.

More tiny update, my grandma got to go out for the day. She had lots of fun and got to see her brother, my mom and me and more. I'm sure she had lots of fun too.

Alright, I will watch some more videos and get to bed soon. I might be getting up early in the morning because it's... Saturday. Yea... I really should being so obvious about things.

That's all.

With love,


Things Keep Confusing Me?

I keep feeling like I am being confused for no reason.

Anyway, I have been behind on a few things today. I will not have a video on my channel for a while. It seems like I took a week off without noticing it.

I am kind of not sure what to do right now. I think I will be fine though. I think I'll go take a short nap and then get back on Netflix to watch some more shows... they are due in a week O_O/

Alright, I'm gonna go do that now...

Another post later.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Now For Bed?

I will sleep now... Just keeping aware of things for now.

I hope I will be able to sleep with no weird feeling in my chest xD

Anyway, I will try to record tomorrow but again, no promises. I think I'll be alright... hopefully.

Tomorrow will be a short day so I will try to do surveys and watch some stuff on Netflix.

I am going to keep this post short so don't mind me.

That's all.

With love,


Yes, I Know About Why There Is No First Post...

Ok, here's the thing... I woke up after just falling asleep from a fluttering of my heart. But I didn't felt the shortness of breath or anything. But it was enough to scare me. I stayed awake for most of the night... finally able to breath to slow my heart...

The sensation of burning and stuff started after I woke up. I am not sure why...

Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore so I went to the ER. Told them I was having chest pains but no shortness of breath. They took me on back. Stayed there for a couple of hours only to find out that Obamacare and our governor decided to stop giving cat scans and stuff... Great...

So I have to keep an eye out on my chest tonight and pray that it won't be worse and stuff.

I will try my best to post a second post but we'll see after a hour or so.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bad Mood = No Inspiration

I always wanted to write but lately, writing stories just has been... blah.

I get into a bad mood because of things that happen here and there. So in return, I get no inspiration to write.

This has happen to my life too many times before. Through my depressing years of being a teen... when the death of my grandfather during that time lost all my hope in everything around me. That was at the same time when I was suppose to learn to drive and dad had moved out on my mom.

So... my life is basically a tragedy each waking moment because my dad still tries to control me, telling me that I will not be able to find a job at all.

This place is a living hell.

In fact, I think it's time to stand up and talk about how certain parents can be dream drainers. I won't stop dreaming just because my dad tries to drain my good emotions away.

Don't become a prisoner like me. Don't be trap in a small town like me.

I won't let being trap in a small town stop me though. I will get out...

Oh, how we are alike... in the oddest ways... oh, um... that's meant for somebody else to read xD

Anyway, Besides All Of That Depressing Stuff

My grandma will be coming out in 2 weeks time... I hope. She might get out sooner but we just have to wait and see what happens.

I won't have a video on YouTube tomorrow but I will record two extra videos tomorrow and Friday to release for Saturday and Monday. Hopefully... I just need to stay positive despite being felt like a prisoner all the time.

My dad is always stuck in the past and expects me to be a woman in the house. I refuse learn to cook for his propose on how he views women. Sorry, dad.

I will fight my dad's prejudice on stuff.

I will fight my right out of here.

I will write poetry for a while by the way... as a way to escape things that surround me. They might all sound fantasy but that's how I view things anymore.

I will eventually learn to cook but only with my freedom.

I will eventually escape from all things that are evil.

I must keep trying to stay positive so should you.

Anyway, I will watch more videos before sleep... I've been really lazy today on things... long story... not gonna say much here.

That's all.

With love,


It's Just Gonna Get Harder But Better

Things around me is just gonna get harder but it will get better too.

I woke up really early today but talking to my bestie made me feel better and I stayed up longer xD

I really wish I lived in another timezone so I could talk to him longer xD

Hawaii sounds good... right? xD It may be expensive like Japan but it's a good place to live too. Along with Nashville and stuff xD

I find out that passports by themselves isn't high at all. Well, $150 is still high but it's worth the price then.

I still wish there was a job online that would hire me. I might not be good at sentence structuring and stuff but I know the basics of word, excel and stuff.

Maybe one day. Just hope it's not too late.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Home Isn't Home When You're Not Happy

My home doesn't feel like home anymore. I'm not happy at all. And it's becoming a habit of doing nothing... literally.

I miss the moments of when dad would offer to go out for a little bit during the weekends... he doesn't do anything anymore. Basically, we are stuck here 24 / 7.

Nothing seems to make it any better.

I want to record more videos but I am close to quitting because of my mood. It really sucks.

I wish I was somewhere else every single day.

Until my mood gets better, I might not record anymore videos for a long while. Sorry, guys.

I miss talking my best friend too. I blame the time and stuff... I just don't know what is wrong with me.

I really want to stay in the bed forever and never wake up again. I am tired of things here.

Maybe when my grandma gets out soon, I will feel better since I will be staying there for a bit.

Hopefully things will be good sooner or later. I think all of this stress and stuff is getting to me.

I hate not being happy a lot.

I need a break from family.

That's all.

With love,


Sun Can Be Too Bright

Or maybe it's because I don't go out much. But I went out for a couple of minutes just to get a few minutes of sun soaked into my skin? xD

Anyway, I will get back to watching Melissa and Joey again... Need to take a break from something just to binge watch it xD

I will try to record a video but no promises again xD

Today is just another day that takes a while for me to get into doing something or another.

I am getting hungry but it's almost time for lunch here... so I will fix me something to eat. Wish I had a salad but sandwiches are just as good.

I will get off here for now and get on with the show watching and other stuff.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, August 22, 2016

Weird Vibes Going On In My Head

I keep having weird vibes in my head. It's not a pleasant feeling.

I decided not to record a video today. I did however watch some more of Melissa and Joey. Got one season done and started another season xD

I then took a break and played Twin Saga until I got to level 30. I think that would be enough for now.

I am going to try to record tomorrow... but no promises.

I really need to record videos in a private room where I wouldn't have to worry about the strange noises in the background and more.

Anyway, I am not a fan of Mondays so I might watch some videos on YouTube and get to bed.

Sooo... I'll do that now.

That's all.

With love,


Worlds Collide?

It seems to be true. Worlds can collide.

With the internet being amazing these days, we connect to many worlds around us so that we can play games and more.

Anyway, I am not sure what I'll be doing today since it's another Monday...

I didn't get to record another video but it's alright. I'll just take a break today. Record on Tuesday or Wednesday for Thursday.

I will find something to do but will keep this post short.

I need to find some games to play on Minecraft tho. We'll see.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Sunday, August 21, 2016

I May Had Played Longer On Twin Saga...

Each time a new MMORPG comes out, I want to try it out... even if it's in the closed beta sessions.

Twin Saga is worth playing more. The game is set up like Eden Eternal... you can switch to any class you want. You get to gain more classes the more you level up.

The leveling system is a bit like Eden but it's also like Aura Kingdom too.

Then you got the Senshi which are like the eidolon on Aura Kingdom... only difference is Senshi are guardians to this fairy like creature that is locked up inside of you. Long story. You just have to play the game to figure that part out.

As you level up more, you get other items that makes it like Aura more than Eden... Well, except inside the Terracottage... that part is like Eden a little. You have your own house, your own area to farm, and your own area to craft and other things... so basically... you don't actually need a guild to be in this place. I'm sure there are other things that might require a guild later on. We'll see.

Another thing about this Terracottage is that you can allow your own friends to join with you in the home. Also, the coolest feature of it all? The furniture are... interactive! Press the bed... you can lay down. Press the chair, you can sit down! Ok, I'm being weird about this.

Oh, and another part that makes it like Aura Kingdom is the option to get outfits as you get a certain quest. Bet when you do the dungeons, you get more.

Anyway, for the rest of the blog, you shall see the random pictures....

Before I go... this game has Elves... so that part just makes me giggle a lot xD

So enjoy this long post of Screenshots of Twin Saga.

For now... I will take a break from the game and watch some videos and sleep soon.

That's all.

With love,


Home For The Rest Of The Day

So, this morning, I woke up early and we decided to go see my grandma. She's doing really well but we are not sure when she'll be out just yet.

I am home for the rest of the day. I might be playing Twin Saga in a few. I really enjoy the game.

Anyway, I am going to watch some Melissa and Joey for a few more episodes then hope to have time to play some games.

This is a short post but it'll be alright.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Good Vibes?

I think there are good vibes that are coming.

My grandma might get to be home this week! But that's only if her doctor says she can.

Other than that, I am just thinking about getting on to play about a hour of Twin Saga... This game is too much like Aura Kingdom and Eden Eternal combined... and strangely... not a lot of players.

Anyway, this is a short post because sadly, I am not feeling too good either. Not sure why.

I know tomorrow, we will be staying home for no reason at all.

Dad just loves to stay home... too much.

That's all.

With love,


Busy Day Today...

Today was a busy day indeed...

I went to the grocery store early this morning. Then after we got home, we ate breakfast only for my dad to decide that today would be a good time to go to Hastings.

While the sale was good... I didn't get to buy anything because it wasn't a good sale like I intended. Oops.

Anyway, I might not get to go back to Hastings but at least I got to say goodbye to it.

I will try to go back if the sale continues to go down.

I am not sure what I am gonna do now... but... I am finally playing Twin Saga Closed Beta...

It combines both Aura Kingdom and Eden Eternal together in this MMO...

Also, found out that this cute elf... is actually awesome.

I am complete... because of his cuteness.

Alright, gonna take a small break from the game and get back onto it either later tonight or tomorrow.

Don't worry, I will try to post before I sleep again.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, August 19, 2016


Yes. That's the title for today. Because... meep.

Actually, I didn't do anything much today. Pretty much walked with my mom to the bank then came back home and watched some more Melissa and Joey on Netflix.

Gonna get into another show eventually but not sure when that will happen yet. I'm not like everybody that could binge watch a show all night long x.x

Hope things be alright later.

Tomorrow Will Be Busy?
You got it. I will be getting up early and going to the store to buy some more food.

Then rest for a while until I go out again to see my grandma.

I kind of wish that Dad would take me straight to Richmond to Hastings but no hope for that.

Oh, well. Just know the blog will be either early or late tomorrow, depending on when I'll be back from the store and the time dad waits in between.

I will watch some videos while Twin Saga is downloading in the background. I would've gotten it done early but some reason I kept getting an error. Thanks to somebody in the forums for telling me what the problem was.

Alright, that's all.

With love,


I Did Nothing For Nothing

I did nothing for nothing... it's strange to say that but it's true.

I thought we were going to get out of the house finally but nope... mom decides to change her mind.

Oh, well. I am going to try to find a way to get to Hastings at some point since the sale has gotten better now. It might be hard because of how my dad is acting. He always make me miss out of things and thus make me depressed... the ultimate fault is dad.

I was thinking about how people thinks I'm only asking for attention because I have asked for help so many times. Then to only decline it. This was a making of mind crushing moments.

I am really close to snapping at my own dad because he refuses to tell me why in front of me... but only to tell it to my mom. Why is that? Oh, well.

All the reasons to plan to move on my own.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Why Am I Bored?

I have no clue why I am bored.

I have been watching Melissa and Joey for a bit... then watched some videos.

I think part 3 of Eternal Senia is out. Part 4 will be out on Saturday. I will make part 5 tomorrow, most likely... If I can figure out how to dodge Death... you will noticed in part 4.

Anyways, I am a bit absent minded too so I feel like things are about to be turned around but yet... not sure what will happen next.

Tomorrow will be finally another day pass...

Yea... it won't be long until September and then it won't be long until October... strange how the months seem to pass by quickly.

Alright, I will go now... watch more videos and stuff... then sleep.

That's all.

With love,


It's A Quiet Rainy Day

Today has been really quiet and I like that. Not so sure about my mom.

She's resting right now so I will let her sleep.

I might not record just yet since she has asked me to wake her up at 1 xD

Anyway, I am still keeping an eye out on any news about my grandma. They said it's based on the doctor there. So we'll see.

Right now, I'm just thinking about going on Netflix and watch some shows until 2. Ah, well.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Today Was An Awesome Day...

Today was an awesome day! Why?

Well, you see... I had fun with my bestie and his friends... they were all celebrating an Indonesian holiday. Which is by far the most interesting thing I ever seen... well... in Minecraft sense.

The most fun was playing trivia for no reason at all xD

But another thing that makes today an awesome day? Getting good news.

It's beyond the greatest news I ever heard since my grandma going into the hospital at the end of May....

She's coming home in 2 weeks! Providing if she doesn't have a relapse or anything else.

She's took all her antibiotics, she doesn't need anymore blood thinners, she has no blood clots, no more infection. She's walking on her own, eating good and much much more.

This has made my day better!

Anyway, I will be recording another video either tomorrow or Friday and have it uploaded by Saturday. Might do it both days if nothing else happens. Sometimes I like hanging out with my bestie rather than on the videos and other stuff xD

Alright, gonna watch some videos and then get to sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Haven't Done Anything?

I haven't done anything at the up most importance  xD

Anyway, short post... will post again later when I'm more awake. Lucky, I wasn't planning to do anything else today.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Wait for the second post.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Why Does Things Seem Too Fast?

It seems like time is moving too fast for me... again.

Summer is gonna be over in 2 months... 2 MONTHS... I'm so ready for a vacation.

Anyway, things are happening, not sure what to say but really hope that things be alright soon.

This post is gonna be short... but hey... if you all wanna see a random song for each post, just lemme know!

I will go now.... and let this be a short post for tonight.

Oh... I did record a video. And I'm gonna see if my mom order me a headset... no promises but we'll see.

Video time.

That's all.

With love,


A Random Idea?

So I got a random idea for my blog... since I do them daily and listen to pandora... would you like to hear the first song that it posted via link or video? If you do, it would be posted as a poll on twitter so that you could vote that.

Anyway, I am semi feeling better and semi feeling bad... so not sure how that would go once 2pm comes later.

I won't be taking a nap today. Yesterday, I took a nap early... like 10 minutes before my normal nap time.

I hate when I don't feel good all over.

Alright, this is a short post but should get on with the day...

I have started another show on Netflix and it's worth the binge watch... it's called Melissa and Joey. I'm sure some of the readers know that show.

So... on with the day, I guess.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, August 15, 2016

A Very Dull Day

Today was a very dull day.

I will try to make my day better tomorrow. Since I didn't do anything today.

I will try to sleep early tonight since my whole mind and body has been nothing but tired all day.

There are moments that I feel blank and just stare into nothing.

It's just... I feel like everything that happens takes a toll on me spiritually, mentally, and physically. And it really sucks a lot.

In Another News...
I may be recording tomorrow instead of napping... the only problem about not napping... is well... it drains me a lot xD

But I will work on part 3 and part 4 of Eternal Senia. Hoping it won't take me long to do. I will get back to recording only 20 minutes each instead of a hour like part 2.

These will be released for Thursday and Saturday.

I just hope I can do it without nobody calling me in the middle of it.

Anyway, I will continue on with watching some videos until I sleep. I will try to make myself sleep early tonight because last night, I stayed up worrying about strange things.

I think things can be weird.

That's all.

With love,


Really Not Feeling Good

Because I don't feel too good, I'm gonna skip recording a video today. Sorry. I really need to plan recordings better but when you don't feel good, it's hard to do.

I will be taking a nap in a moment. I was gonna take a nap earlier but I have been distracted a bit... x.x

Guess that's why I don't feel good right now.

Anyway, this is a short post today since I wanna go nap now.

We'll see what happens next for recording a video and other things.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, August 14, 2016

When Things Seem Calmer?

At least, I hope things are calmer.

But that could never be told about what tomorrow brings. I have a mission to sleep all day tomorrow... well, try to xD

Actually, I will sleep early tonight so that I can have a good mood to record. No video will be up tomorrow but maybe on Thursday and Saturday. Only time will tell.

But first, I finished all of those books at the library. I am proud of myself. Although, it took a lot out of me just for reading xD I already took the books to the book drop off box so they should be getting their books tomorrow in time.

I won't be checking out anymore books for a while. At least until they get Cinder series in because that's one books series that I am wanting to read. Ah, well.

So What Will You Do Tomorrow?
Like I said, rest and hope to record a video to be released on Thursday. I will continue on with Eternal Senia. The whole game is a beautiful story waiting to happen.

Anyway, I will take a short break from reading books. Then get back into reading in a few days.

Today, my grandma was really out of it when I got to see her. I really hope she feels better soon. I hope tomorrow brings a lot of rain because I need it.

Alright, I will watch some videos and then head on to bed. I am not sure what I'll be doing today yet but hope everything goes well for me.

Also, before I do go... I think I should end this with a memory. My grandfather's birthday was today. August 14 1914 was when he was born. Interesting...

May his memories would always be blessed. By all of us.

John Hayes Gadd, hope you are having a wonderful birthday wherever your soul may be.

That's all.

With love,


When Things Are Over The Limit

Just to say, things don't make sense anymore.

I don't think my dad is going to go anywhere today so I am in a bad mood.

Not only that is that the problem. It's that one side of family that seems to love to cause problems. I won't say much about it here because again, there appears to be spies.

Anyway, I will read all day until this evening. I might finish the books from the library too. And return them before tonight.

For now, I will go find something to do.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, August 13, 2016

Keeping Positive Shouldn't Be This Hard

It's time to think about a few things a bit.

I'll admit that while things are hectic for these past few months. With my grandma getting sick and bitten and more. It was a long journey but I believe my grandma will be able to make it through.

But there's other things that kind of make me confused... I won't go into details because I'm certain that there are spies everywhere in my own family. And well... that's sad.

I am in no mood to deal with problems right now because what goes through my mom... sadly goes through me. Why? I do not know.

Anyway, I will return the books tomorrow since I am in no mood to read tonight. I was gonna but now I'm just gonna forget about it and just go on with life...

I hate it. I hate people sometimes. I hate everything.


Because of someone's action, we are gonna see my grandma to see how she is doing. It appears that we are the only ones that do care about her right now. I think it's sad to treat an elder like that.

I will record a game on Monday after a full day's rest tomorrow night.

It sucks that I lose my mood in reading like this. I was gonna... but yea...

Nothing I can do. I just wish people stop asking me things and more. I have my own life...

I will watch some videos until I get sleepy... Just no mood in anything tonight.

That's all.

With love,


Another Busy Day But Not Long

Early today, I went to the store. Got food. It came out cheaper. So got some donuts. I am addicted to those mini glazed donuts by Little Debbies... help...

Anyway, aside from that fact and stuff, I will be going to see my grandma again today.

It won't be until later today so I will let you all know more details about it until later.

My mom has told me to try to read all day tomorrow. xD So I guess I'll have to do that xD

But the books are due on Monday so I have to try to take books down there on Monday... might be in between a clear hour... meaning when there's no rain.

Alright, gonna go now... I am just waiting for my mom and dad to get ready to go.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, August 12, 2016

Moments That You Get An Idea?

There is a moment that I get an idea for something... I will write it in a moment.

Today? I was gonna record a video but decided to wait for a bit. I haven't been feeling good day some odd reason. Might be my sleeping habits xD

Dang these books always taking over my life xD

I think I will skip reading the last four books from the library just to catch up with my sleep. Sorry. :o

I don't think I'll make it with these last few books.

I might try to go to the library at Berea soon but I have to ask my dad kindly. xD

I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow yet. I know I have to wake up early. Hint why I don't think I'll make it through my challenge. But hey, I've read 5 books! So that's good.

I will keep reading for a while now since this was a challenge telling me to read more. I will continue to buy books whenever I get a chance. Thanks to Barnes and Noble being able to accept Paypal... but I'm not gonna order any books until next year. Why? I wanna see how this year turns out first.

Anyway, I will write the idea now. I will try my best with it.

The Idea...

It was the memory of him that me start to cry. I stood there alone after a long day of working outside in the fields. He was here but when they wanted able body people to go out into the war. They took him.
They would've took me but my body was not able to handle anything. Yet, I work in the fields... I could only pick the crop when it's time to harvest. This world is dark enough. At least, in my mind it was.
Tears flood my cheeks now as I wiped them away slowly and just stared at the sky. I need to get out of here. This darkness inside of me screams out.
No escape, they said. They are wrong. I will find him. I will save him.

And So... 

That was the idea. I am not sure what to think about it yet. But I have an idea about it... I think the reign of the end of an era is coming. That's just how my mind works.

If I do not escape to that world, I might not be able to make it through the ages around me.

Anyway, I am being random right now so I will get on with watching more of YouTube. Not sure what tomorrow will bring yet (repeating!)

So... That's all.

With love,


Stuff To Do But Things Happen?

I really need to get some stuff done early so that I could have some time to do something else.

But things happen a lot. And it makes me a nervous wreck for the rest of the day.

I really need to move out of here so that I could just be calmer.

Anyway, short early post because I'm gonna take a nap while mom watches her show. Yay.

I really hate how I feel right now... so yea... nap early might help it.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, August 11, 2016

First Time For Everything? Nah...

I have completed a binge watching show... which was Death Note. I've started sometime last week but only to finish up to 15 episodes today. That was a long road but it was most enjoyable. I didn't expect an anime to end in a way that makes you think "Wow." It doesn't surprise me none that America wanted to make a movie based on that anime. Sadly, I feel that the movie will be shorten.

I think this was a first time to binge 15 episodes in one day. But it's not the first time I binge something... I had binge read a book all night long until 6 in the morning before. That was a good book. Of course, I took breaks to get up and stretch and more. But the book just couldn't be put down xD

Anyway, I got another book done today. Actually started it today and ended it today... it was just a book that I really wanted to know what happens next. Speaking of it... I need to go on goodreads to update the status of the book. Three more days... so I have to try to read more tomorrow and so forth.

I won't be getting anymore books from the library in a while unless my dad happens to stop by the library at Berea at some point which is hard to say because of how my dad is.

Tomorrow will be a fast day for me... I will try to sleep early tonight so that I won't feel so sleepy tomorrow.

I will be recording on Monday but no video will be up on Monday. Hopefully, Sunday, will let me sleep early xD

I think that's all I have to say. I will watch videos until 10:30 tonight.

That's all.

With love,



Not really a finally that I posted but more of "Finally! They Post My Money!" So I got money on my paypal.

Anyway, I am continuing with Death Note but gonna take a quick break right now to take a nap.

I was reading so my words and sentence structure will sound a bit confusing. Yay me.

Alright, short post so that I can go rest.

Hope the rest of the day will be good for me.

I might just complete Death Note today too.

I will let you all know in the second post. And there is a new video on my YouTube. Go watch it.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Wait Dares Me?

The wait... dares me to rant a bit.

The survey site that I do just to earn a little bit extra money has been pending since yesterday. I am waiting for it to be transferred into my paypal... I got on my paypal, nothing says about it being pending. Go on to the website: pending.

So this never happened to me before and now I wonder why now. Is there like a delay? If so, the website should update the reward page stating such delay.

I'll give it a week while at the same time, I will continue to do surveys.

I really hope there's nothing wrong with paypal and other stuff. It would really suck if all of a sudden, my paypal stopped working.

Oh... if my paypal did stopped working... why is there no email about that too?

All in all, I am confused by the whole situation. Where's my money? *sad face insert here*


I watched more of Death Note. Almost done so that excites me a whole lot. Not gonna tell much about what happened on the show because by far... it is amazing!

I will continue on to finish that up soon. And hope to continue on with another show on Netflix.

Also, Hulu is gonna stop having free things... so I am back to square one with things. But not really... since I had found a solution to that. I will watch one show a week after the shows are done on Netflix. Starting with Skip Beat. I really wanted to know what happens at the end of that show xD

Alright, video coming tomorrow... I will watch a few more videos myself until I go to bed... which is soon since I wanna read some more.

That's all.

With love,


Hope Things Go Well For Everybody

Here in the US, most kids are going back to school today. Hope things goes well for them and everybody else today.

Anyway, today is my mom's birthday. She is now 60 years old! Wow time sure goes by fast.

I am going to watch some Death Note today and get some nap done at 2. Then after a nap, I will continue to do 10 surveys a day. That's my goal for every single day now. No matter how boring they are.

Also, it appears the website didn't let my $10 go through. So I have to fix that problem now.

Alright, gonna go now. Hope all goes well for me and everybody (repeating for no reason).

Short post so yay!

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

There's A Storm Coming?

So I'm typing this because it appears there is a storm coming... it's been lightning and stuff so I'm gonna go read and stuff.

Anyway, I am not sure what to do tomorrow just yet. My mind is kind of drifting away because I'm not thinking of anything so it's so hard to concentrate on anything. Apparently, I'm not the only one so... not sure if that's a yay or what.

I'm gonna keep this post a tad shorter than usual...

Also, good news, my grandma is walking now. She's getting better but she won't be released just yet. She just has to get over that staph infection first. Hope all goes well for her.

Alright, then... I will go now. Will type again tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


I Wanna Travel The World One Day?

I wanna travel to the world one day. Hoping that all goes well for me today.

I recorded yet another video but it's not Roblox and it's longer than the other video xD

I am not sure when I'll do another recording yet. But I got part 1 and part 2 of Eternal Senia. This game is free and is made to be casual and stuff. It's got a good story so I wanted to record myself playing just for the story.

Anyway, I am uploading the second part right now. Then I will get to watching Death Note. I was out walking yesterday that I didn't had time to do it or anything.

I will try to do some surveys at the same time.

I need a little bit of money in my paypal just to save up and buy some items for myself. With a headset that is useless to me now because of the area where the ears go looks horrible. I know one that I want but it's not easy to find.

Since Hastings is closing down, I am hoping to find a headset at a good price. But I doubt it.

I need a desk chair too so things are proven to be harder for me to save and buy stuff x.x

Anyway... I will go now and hope this weekend will be good for me.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, August 8, 2016

I Made It Through The Day! (It's Just A Boring Monday)

So, instead of doing what I was going to do on the first post... I ended up walking with my mom.

Caught a few pokemons, and lost two battles :v

I suck. Well, it just shows that I need to get more levels up and more. Then slowly work my way into trying to take over a gym eventually on Pokemon Go.

Anyways, I will be recording only one video tomorrow and it will be released on Saturday. It's gonna be part 2 of Eternal Senia. Since I really want to continue this as a series of some sorts.

Hoping that I get to do two or three videos tomorrow too. Each only for a different story part xD

Alright, I am gonna watch some more videos on YouTube and then head off to bed. I doubt I'll be reading all night tonight but we'll see.

That's all.

With love,


Another Book Down, Another To Go!

This is the last week to read those books from the library. I have been doing good at reading one at a night... but just gotta keep going as far as I could.

Since Hastings is closing down, I am sad that I won't be going back there. I was even planning to get manga too! But now that's down the drain (still hoping to get there to buy some stuff soon but have to wait and see what dad says... If not, then it should be alright).

I will try to get to Berea library as much as possible to get their books. I really love that library more than Mt. Vernon's xD Sorry, Mount Vernon but Berea has more books and a better selection.

Anyways, today is going to be Death Note and reading day. And after I take a nap, I will get back to YouTube maybe.

Hopefully everything will be good for me today.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, August 7, 2016

There Will Only Be One Post Today...

Not gonna do a second post today. I guess it's because I updated three posts yesterday. Sorry.

What did I do today? Well, watch videos, eat, then helped my brother move. That's all.

Right now, gonna rest some more and watch some games... so this is a very short post.

Don't worry, tomorrow, I will post more and hopefully be able to do it twice daily from now on until there's another quest to do xD

Alright, back to watching videos and games... then I will sleep early tonight.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, August 6, 2016

A Normal Blog Post And Good News!

First thing, I post a review blog post with a video of the product. So you would know that is just an extra post.

Second thing, I was busy all day and was glad that I done the post before I left to go out again.

Anyways, got those out of the way. I am glad the video finally released. I hope to do more random unboxing type of videos like that soon. I am going to be recording more videos on Tuesday! It might be just one but it'll do for a Saturday video.

I will try to do videos every other day just to stay active on my channel. There will be small breaks but it's worth a try since the game recorder I have just updated to something more awesome. I hope it updates to where I can add a webcam... if so... that would be awesome!

Now For Something Even More Awesome!

My grandma is feeling a whole lot better. She's in a good mood, eating more, talking more and much much more. Whatever is going on to her, is helping her get healed faster now. It might took a while but she's on the journey of getting better and better.

I will keep you all updated on any new info about that later.

Tomorrow? And Other Things.

Tomorrow, I am not entirely sure what I will be doing yet. I know it might involve staying home all day long. x.x

I hope dad just pops up and say we are going somewhere. But not keeping high hopes either.

Now for the other things... my mom's birthday is coming up on Wednesday, the 10th. She'll be the big 6-0! My mom is lucky to be alive at this age. So hope she lives for another 10 years and so forth.

Anyway, right now, I am going to watch some YouTube videos and then get to bed. Might end up reading half a book and then sleep. But I will let you all know.

For now... That's all.

With love,


Revive VoxBox!

Note: I don't always remember to take the pictures but I will share my video here and a quick review of some of the items without photos.

I received another free box from Influnester!!! It's called the Revive VoxBox. I done a quick unboxing here. Also, all the items that you see in the video have been received for free for me to try and review. This blog won't have any pictures, sadly, but I will do a quick review of some of the items.

I did the video here:

Not in any order, I did enjoy the snacks that came with the box. I think we all know that we get a bit of a craving for chocolate. I think it's awesome that Snack Well's has an awesome and yummy treat here.

The bottle that came free... well, let's just say my mom has already been using this more than I have.

We haven't tried the powder shakes just yet, but I'm seriously thinking about it at some point. I'm not so sure about having cookies and creme flavor though. Just not my favorite. I won't do a review of this just yet and might not ever do a blog about again because yea... I forget. Sorry.

The coffee pods has got my mom and dad rolling with joy. Not literally. But they enjoy it. And it makes me happy because I can just take the empty pods outside and plant them so the soil be happy and healthy. :D

My mom loves the shampoo and conditioner from Shea Moisture! I haven't tried it yet but I know from my mom's point of view, she's really happy with the results.

If there's anything that I forgot, I'm sorry. But I think about cover so much that's what is in the box. I will be happy to do more of these whenever.

Any questions, there's a contact me page above. You can fill out the box and send me questions or other things.


That's all.

With love,


Traveling Along The Lonely World

Traveling Along the Lonely World... yea... that's me today.

From things happening here and there... I am not sure what to do anymore.

Anyway, this is a short post because I am about to head out again. And thought it would be best to update this before I go.

Went to the store earlier... now going to go see my grandma then go straight to Walmart afterwards...

Along the way, I will get all the pokestops there are :D Happy Hunting guys.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, August 5, 2016

Updates? And Other Tiny Details...

So, the updates are... three videos coming soon. I hope to have one up tomorrow (late) so it will be posted here as a way to show off an unboxing from Influnester.

I don't have much details about it yet but I will let you all know once the video is up and posted here as a way to complete the task at hand.

More Updates?
There are two other videos coming soon after tomorrow's... They will be up on Monday and Thursday. More details will soon follow for those as well.

Now For Other Tiny Details?
I will be busy tomorrow from the time I am awake until the time I get back home late afternoon. I will be going to the store in the morning. Then after a small rest, I will be eating lunch. Then we head on out to see my grandma which unfortunately, she has MERSA, aka staph infection, now. Not sure how long we be there because my mom doesn't need to be around any bodily fluids at all because she also has sores on her body. I will get more details on that tomorrow whenever I get a chance to update the blog.

Then soon after we go see my grandma, we will be going to Walmart to get some personal stuff. So... yay for a busy day tomorrow.

Back to my grandma, I do not think the nursing home is doing any good to my grandma. The whole time she has been there, they had delayed on tests, canceled out things, and now she has an infection that could be good or bad if they treat it right or not.

So it sucks a lot right now.

For now, I will go and watch a few videos before sleeping.

That's all.

With love,


What To Do Today?

I am early once again but I am not sure what to do today...

While I am waiting until 12 to come, I might just watch some videos on YouTube instead of watching Death Note. Just wanted to leave time left for later this evening for something else.

I will try tp record several videos today and then figure out how to record them at a certain time each or every other time.

As long as my mom is here, I cannot record a video in complete silence. She always has to have her words in some way.

I am getting a box coming in from Influnester for free. That's a yay.

Anyway, I will sit here and wait... and watch videos in silence.

To tell you the truth, I really don't like how I am feeling right now so I think YouTube is a better escape than anime right now.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Still Trying To Figure Out What To Do Next?

I will continue with the surveys as scheduled... which is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. With that in mind, it will start tomorrow. Yay!

Hopefully, this time it is fixed to where I can do some.

I have completed another 10 episodes of Death Note today... yes, I am sort of binge watching it but it's getting good for no reason at all xD

Now my mind is thinking that as I am typing this, my body is in a white void and words are appearing before me as I type this. Yes, my mind is strange.

What Else Have You Done?
Reading. I did read during a small break. I am going to take another break in a few minutes to go get ready for bed.

Tomorrow is going to be my day... because I am going to record several videos so hoping it works out fine for me.

I hoping that I will feel like recording more than one video, each would be 10 minutes long.

Anyway, I am starting to not feel good right now so I will finish watching a few videos and go on to bed to read and sleep and dream.

That's all.

With love,


Back To Reading?

I am back to reading books. I went and got some books on Monday from the library. It's prove to be harder than I thought. But the weekend is coming which makes it seem like the day seem longer.

Anyway, I am watching Death Note right now. While reading too xD Seems like a weird combination but is it worth it? I'm not sure yet. I am only reading during breaks so that helps a lot.

I'll be glad when this week is over. It's just not been my week.

I'm sorry for all the strange posts everywhere. I am in pain and only show my pain. I do not ever show it out to other people xD Maybe a few...

Alright, I will continue to do nothing because watching and reading appears that I am lazy and doing nothing. So yay.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Head Feels Sleepy... Ugh.

These days are not my favorite days. I might end up sleeping early tonight because my whole head not only feels sleepy but it hurts too. Thank you nature, thank you.

Anyway, I forgot what I done today so maybe that wouldn't matter. This is what I get for forgetting to take a small nap at some point of the day. Yay.

I know I did watch a strange movie. Not gonna get into the details about it.

I know my blogs as of late haven't been too much entertaining lately, but just bear with me once again.

At least, I have been updating my blogs at the right time.

Right now, I am not feeling too good due to my head being sleepy and hurting a bit.

So, yes, sleeping early tonight. I just need a huge break... so I will watch a few more videos and let the bed be my guide soon.

That's all.

With love,


My Mind Drifts Away

I think it's because it's a Wednesday and there's nothing better to do.

Also, it distracts me from the pain that comes with the monthly nature that makes me a woman. And it sucks.

Anyway, my mind keeps drifting away. I wanna go to a far away land and never to return.

A moment of reality still dawns light to my heart as it breaks. I am not alone. I am never alone. Although, the feeling of being alone is pleasant. Hope tomorrow never lies to me.

I am being really random at this moment so yea, it's fine and all.

I think today, I will get away with just wearing PJs because at this moment, I hate being a woman.

Random again.

Back to letting my mind drift away into an empty box.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Sleepy Me~ Yay~

I finally did a few surveys, read a few pages in a book.

But right now, I am really sleepy.

As for Death Note update... I am 9 episodes in... still gonna continue onward tomorrow. Episodes 10 and so forth are the ones that I haven't seen so hopefully get those done soon.

I am not sure what I will be doing tomorrow yet...

Right now, I am going to sleep soon after I upload this on my pages and mostly twitter.

It's a short post because I am not feeling too good... (it's that time of the month... xD)

Alright, that's all.

With love,


Finally, A Chance!

A chance to do surveys, that is. xD

Anyway, my bestie went to sleep so I was talking to him for a bit. Before the blackout came there where he lives. :/

I am watching more of Death Note until 2. Gonna take a nap at 2 xD

Not sure what else I am going to do yet. I am going to go do something really quick and get back to anime watching. Hopefully, get a lot of episodes done before today ends.

Hope that all goes well for me.

Not sure what else is going on yet. I will let you all know later in my second post.

For now, onward with the day! Also, sowwy, Rai :D

That's all.

With love,


Monday, August 1, 2016

Not Sure What Is Going On Anymore

I am not sure what is going on anymore... oh, well.

My grandma ish not doing too well, it appears. I mean, her health is good but it's her wound on her leg.

If they don't do something, she may lose her leg... which is not good at all.

So having a hard time trying to get ahold of my aunt to call the place and stuff. Really hard to figure out what to do next.

Btw, Where Is Your Video on YouTube?
Oh... good question... um... yea... I still have to figure that out.

There might not be a video out this week. I guess you could say... things are kind of making me feel like crap lately...

Not gonna say way.

However, if I do feel like it on Friday, I will record several videos to upload for the next week. Hopefully, my mood will be good on Friday.

Alright, I am gonna watch a few more videos then hit the bed.

That's all.

With love,


Hello First of August?

Well, I just got back from the library. It was an interesting little walk there.

Why was I at the library? I was hoping to get pokemon but my phone really hates me there. :( Bad phone.

Anyway, I have gotten some more books to read. Hoping these books will give me the motivation to read more. Because I have to take these books back at a certain time.

I got to thinking about something... Since my dad passes by the Berea library everyday... maybe he could take me there to check some books out there. I should've thought about that a long time ago too... dang...

Alright, I am going to rest for now and get back on to watch some shows on Netflix... and other stuff.

I wanna get Death Note done early because it's one of those shows that was suggested to me to finish... so I will get to that ASAP!

I might watch one anime or TV show until I complete it... not sure yet.

Right now, nap time calls to me.

So that's all.

With love,