Monday, October 31, 2016

Night 13 and Final Night of Halloween Creatures: Zombies!

Zombies... known world wide to be the undead creatures that lurks either day or night. Either by a virus or by science or by some force of magic. They will eat you and infect you.

Zombies are not a pretty sight to see. They can be without legs or arms, they can have their skin torn off. Just as long they are undead, they will be there. However, the most effective way to kill a zombie is by hitting their head hard enough that the brain is smashed.

Zombies vary by looks but this is most common for zombies:

Bloody, white eyed... literally a walking dead person.

There has been a theory that zombies could be a thing in the future so be prepare if this ever happens.

Zombies are widely popular around the world. So don't them get you. Best if you are good runner or fighter. Beware!


Thank You All

I really enjoy doing this 13 days of Halloween Creatures! I've done a poll on my twitter and people voted yes.

This is coming back next year! I think my readers enjoy this just as much as I did. I might be using a different theme next year too. But that's just yet to be planned.

I had a good Halloween by dressing up as a modern day warrior. Haha... I am not posting a picture of that but you can see them on my twitter via instagram because I share everything there.

Anyway, for the rest of the night, I am going to watch YouTube until I get sleepy... I am sleepy right now but hey, who knows...

I will be a little lazy on my blog for a few days but will get back to normal pace for the next holiday. I am not doing a "I'm thankful" days post but I will be doing a holiday version for Christmas. Each title will be a Christmas song. And there's a lot of them. So can't wait!

Now that Halloween is over, it's time for winter to finally come and bring in all the Christmas delight.

That's all.

With love,


Happy Halloween!

I am sorry that this post wasn't early. But my mom wanted to go to the bank for a bit. Then I got distracted with other things.

I will be wearing my outfit for tonight. Just gonna get things ready before tonight. It shouldn't take long to do anything at all.

Anyway, tonight's final Halloween creatures post will be zombies! Hope it's gonna be a frightfully post.

I am a bit sleepy so I might taking a nap soon. Then after nap... Halloween!

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Night 12 of Halloween Creatures: Vampires!

Vampires are the most notable creatures of the night. They do not dare to come out into the sun and they suck the blood of humans to survive. They are not your typical vampire. And no, they do not shine when they are in the sun. (Yes, I'm talking to you, Twilight books).

This is your typical vampire:

Vampires are known for their pale skin, afraid of the sun, craving blood type of creatures. Bats are strongly associated with vampires because of their teeth and ears.

There are many different stories of vampires but the one that is notorious to all is Dracula.

The vampires that are well known for Halloween are the ones that turn into bats, sleep in coffins and much more.

There are a load of books about vampires such as Twilight, Vampire Academy, House of Night, etc, etc.

Be careful for what you wish for when you say you want to meet a vampire. They are not always controlling their craving for blood.


Nothing To Do But Fight The Sleep

I think my dad just doesn't want to go anywhere at all. I was gonna buy some more make up in order to make my idea complete but since he was a meanie, I didn't go anywhere else today.

But hey... Happy Halloween.

Anyway, since Halloween is not here yet for USA, I hope that tomorrow's post will be awesome. I will be watching Gotham at 8~ Yay~

Then, yea...

Sadly, we don't have any candy to give out this year (Everybody kept saying they would but they never did go out and bought any). Guess... I'm the only one that's in the mood for Halloween... poopie... I really need to move out of this place so that I can have my own Halloween stuff and give out candy and more.

But hey... I will be posing with my sword. I originally gonna do it last year but because of some unexpected plans, I wasn't able to do it. This year, I can!

Alright, gonna go now... and hope tomorrow will be a good day for me. Yes, I am going to post a picture of me on here... if I can.

That's all.

With love,


A Beautiful Day?

A beautiful day today...

We went to my grandma's for a bit. Got to ride around with my cousin for a bit so my mom could spend time with my grandma.

I really had fun today. :D

Anyway, home now and just a bit sleepy.

Also, somebody is reading my blog posts again... Did the website change it again?

Eventually, I will not be sharing posts via Facebook... so yea...

Ah, well.

Tonight's post winner is vampire. Yay!

Can't wait to find out what won for tomorrow's post.

I'm too lazy to go find the website so just go on my twitter and vote.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Night 11 of Halloween Creatures: Windigo or Wendigo

Wendigos or windigos are not a creature you want to come across. Mostly known in North America and other places, these creatures are created from humans who turned to cannibalism. Soon, they would slowly turn into a hideous creature that only craves for human flesh.

This is what a windigo looks like:

There are many games that are based on these legends. Basically, when a human has no choice but to eat other humans in order to survive... Slowly, they turn into these creatures with horns and keep craving human flesh for eternity. They are not a pleasant creature to stumble upon.

However, Windigo or Wendigo can be a real thing but only mentally. There is a disease called Wendigo Syndrome that affects a human and makes them eat flesh of their own kind. Creepy to know, right?

Known places for a wendigo to appear are mountains, deep forests and caverns. The reason being... for these humans to stumble in these areas with no way out and they began to turn to cannibalism. They are often never found for they were turned into this creature.

Be careful what you do. Always remember that if you do not want to become a wendigo is to never succumb to eating humans.


We Went Out But Nowhere Else

We went to see my brother but we went straight home. My mom wanted to stop somewhere else but dad kept on driving by. By then, it was too late.

I am sitting here, watching YouTube for the rest of the night until I get sleepy.

Anyway, I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow besides going over to my grandma's for a bit.

Today seem like it had been a long day. I was glad to get out even if it was just for a little while. I just kind of wish my dad wasn't the way he was. Ah, well.

Alright, back to YouTube now until I sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Am I Home Now?

I went to the store this morning and bought lots of foods with my family. Then we went to a few yard sales.

Finally, after sitting for a hour, dad decided that we should go visit my brother. So we did.

The kids there all were so happy to see us. Although it was a short visit, it was so good to see my brother and his girlfriend and all the kids.

Anyway, for tonight's post, the winner is Windgo. They are scary to think about. I think you might have nightmares too.

For the rest of the day, I am not sure what I will be doing yet. I know my dogs are in need of going out so I will do that now.

Hope today will be good for me.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, October 28, 2016

Night 10 of Halloween Creatures: Faeries/Fairies!

Faeries are always suppose to be this creature that's beautiful but you can say they are your worst nightmare as well.

Tonight, we are going to talk about two types of faerie courts... Unseelie and Seelie... The cold and the warm. The summer. The Winter. Whichever you decide for them to called, it's entirely up to you.

Unseelie Faeries are more dark and are known to have a portal in graveyards. They tend to cause you to do acts of trouble if you are ever out in the night. They associate with winter because of their icy attitudes. They are pale and hideous. They can even make you stay in faerie land just by simple temptation.

This is what unseelie faeries look like:

And like this:

Seelie Faeries are suppose to be the lighter side of faerie realm. But they are no better than any other faerie. They commit to mischief and much more. They associate with summer and more warm. The portal to Seelie courts are located in meadows and flower fields.

Not much can be said about these faeries but they do not like unseelie. They almost are always in war with them.

This is what Seelie faeries look like:

Please understand, Seelie are not really well known while Unseelie are almost well known.

Faeries are a delight to get to know but only if you are on their good side. Don't strike a deal with them because they could take your soul at any given moment.

Do not be tempted if a faerie lead you into a graveyard or a cave or even a meadow with lots of flowers. Because, you might end up in the faerie realm with no way to return. Time in these places are slower to almost non existent.


YouTube Is My Way Of Life.

I guess I am watching YouTube once again. I have to say that now.

Anyway, I just want to mention that the pictures all come from google images. So keep that in mind.

I just got done watching Hawaii Five-O. It's a good show so I do recommend it to you guys.

I am not sure what I am doing tomorrow besides going to the store early in the morning. I will save a draft for another poll so be ready for that.

I will share the poll one more time on my twitter before I sleep. I know my first post will be late tomorrow. But that's just in case I go anywhere.

Right now, I will continue YouTube and hope that things will be alright for me.

That's all.

With love,


Delightfully Happy For This Weekend

I am delightfully happy. Why? Because this weekend is Halloween weekend with Halloween on Monday. How awesome is that?

Tonight's post winner is faeries. Different than changelings because we are talking about all things fae... Full of deep, dark secrets... and there are too many types of faeries out there. The one we will be talking about tonight is the faeries that are dark and part of a court that is cold as ice as well as another group that are warm but purely their purpose is evil and always at war.

Anyway, I am not entirely sure what I will be doing today. It's a Friday that means to be lazy.

I might end up watching YouTube videos all day and begin watching the anime next week, maybe. Or start them tomorrow. Who knows... Netflix is always weird.

Alright, go vote here for tomorrow's post:

I will let you all know what I've done at the end of tonight's Halloween creature post. Just read past the page break that is way long. :V

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Night 9 of Halloween Creatures: Changeling!

You ever wonder if you belong or not... But you just don't know how to explain why you feel drawn to graveyards or forests...

You might be a changeling. A changeling are children who were replaced by faeries so that they could be raised by humans to have education and much more. Where does the real child go? There's no answer to it because some of these children are never returned.

Changelings are like this:

Interesting how legends came to these creatures. And you might think faeries are pleasant to look at but no... you are wrong. Changelings are not like faeries at all. They can appear to be normal but if they are found out, they will turn hideous and they will disappear while your child will die.

There are other types of changelings whereas the child would be a demon instead of a faerie. I much rather be a faerie than a demon.

You are welcome to read more at this page here:

If you began to question your existence, know that you might be a changeling and may never return to your true nature.


Why Is My Little Pony A Part Of Changelings?

I may never know why but it's kind of disturbing. I am glad I know about changelings a bit more but sadly, the folks that grew up now days will only know about Butterfly being a changeling... Wtf...

Anyway, aside the sad fact that people are obsessed with that...

I finished a show on Netflix... But it kind of ended weird. Not sure what that was all about. Oh, well.

I will get on Netflix tomorrow to watch the anime that are ending there. Yay!

Right now, I am going to watch some more videos on YouTube. I've been doing it since 4PMish. Or was it later? Forgot the exact time because we went out for a little bit to get some cat food and cat litter. :v

I hope that I can sleep tonight without anything weird waking me up for no reason.

Alright, back to YouTube land.

That's all.

With love,


Annoying To Sleep

Last night was just annoying to sleep... I've tried and yet I kept hearing things. x.x

For tonight's post, the winner is... Changelings! Ooo... this is gonna be an interesting thing to post because there's many types of changelings... so haunting to tell.

Anyway, I am still kind of sleepy so I might end up taking an early nap sometime today. I really wish I could slept better last night but like I said above... I kept hearing things and it kept waking me up.

It was only three times but seriously though... I kept hearing sounds of cats in my own room. But the cats are not there. So what the heck...

Another tale to tell, I guess... But then again, I may have been dreaming of those things and they kept waking me up. x.x

Bad sleepy me.

Alright, I will figure out what to do and stuff...

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Night 8 of Halloween Creatures: Boogeyman!

Never look under your bed... for the boogeyman is gonna get you. Now there's different ways to spell boogeyman... this is just one of the ways. We are not going to talk about the movie but rather the other term which is spelled like bogeyman.

Bogeyman creatures are known to come out at night and scare children that do not behave.

Bogeyman are different in each country so the views of what they look like are random.

This is one of the images:

If you wish to know what each country has called their bogeyman, just go to this website:

So parents, keep telling your children to behave or else the bogeyman will come and get them!


Why Can't I Find Something Else To Do?!

I keep getting distracted by other things... If I had a duel monitors, I'm sure I could do more than one thing. Right now, I am having problems with other stuff as it is.

Anyway, I am not sure what to do anymore but will figure it out eventually. I think for now, I will watch YouTube until I get sleepy.

I want to write something some day and might eventually do that too.

Who knows what the world will bring soon. We only got two months of 2016... Make ever second count, you know?

The end of the world could be near, our lives could be cut short. Just live for the now and be happy. And be forgiving. We won't forget the damage that was done to us but we learn to forgive.

So, I really need to find something to do and get on with living. Just so you know... Things can change at any given moment.

That's all.

With love,


Just A Little Late

I wanted to do these early or right after I post the new poll for tomorrow's Halloween creature post. Except on the weekends... Those are hard to do because I am almost always busy during those two days.

Anyway, the winner for tonight's post is Boogeyman.

You can vote for tomorrow's post here:

I am going to open up Netflix today and watch it in the background while finding something else to do for later after my nap time.

I think I might start binging the show soonish so that I can finish it. I will take a break from YouTube sometimes just so I can watch those shows.

Time to go... and hope today will be good for me.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Night 7 of Halloween Creatures: Ghoul!

Ghouls are another form of zombie type of creatures but they are ghostly and feed on flesh... They mostly live in graveyards at night. They come from Arabic mythology and are very terrifying.

Though, the term never was used in English until 1786 in a novel written by an author.

Ghouls look like this:

They only come out in the full moon at night. And only sought to kill those who dare to lurk in graveyards at that time.

In reality, ghoul actually means somebody who associate with death such as a gravedigger.

Ghouls are something you should fear for they are just another version of a demon.

Careful if you decide to go into a graveyard at night... I mean, why would you? Ghouls could be lurking for somebody to be their victim.


Deciding What To Do...

So... I decided to play a game for a hour or two. I screwed up and had to start all over again xD

Now... I will wait on that. I might be playing another game tomorrow, maybe.

The game I was playing was called Lineage 2. I hate that I messed up and forgot where I was suppose to go next xD Oops xD

Anyway, I am going to watch some videos on YouTube for the rest of the night and hope that I can sleep well tonight.

That's all.

With love,


Days Are Gonna Get Shorter

I think next month is when the time is turned back to whereas there was longer days, it will be shorter with the darkness coming in at around 5, 6 and 7ish at night. Great...

I am not really looking forward to winter. Why? Just every winter, I felt stuck inside and my energy draining because of the coldness. I will try to be more active no matter how cold it gets.

It's hard to do anything when you have a mother that tries to prevent chu from doing things. x.x

Anyway, the winner for tonight's post is... Ghouls. They are more creepy than ghosts so should be able to get pictures and more for them.

Not sure if people expect movie explanations or something but I already said that I wasn't. Next year, maybe. But I am not big on horror movies so that's why I want to avoid explaining movies.

I hope that I can keep doing these night posts until Halloween night.

Again, this is giving me awesome motivations to do stuff. So I should try more challenges next time. Maybe a... complete the game and stuff for one month xD I know that would be hard because I always find something else to do. We'll see though.

Gonna watch some Netflix now.

You can go vote for tomorrow's post now:

That's all.

With love,


Monday, October 24, 2016

Night 6 of Halloween Creatures: Poltergeist!

We are not going to be talking about the movie Poltergeist. However, we are going to talk about the spooky things a poltergeist does. I could share an imagine from the movie but I decided to not to do anything movie related.

However, what is a poltergeist? They are an invisible deity that attacks a person, move objects, and even throw objects across rooms. They are never detected but their actions can be recorded.

There are many explanations of what a poltergeist is... one well known is a human using psychokinesis. Especially to teenagers who suffer from deep depression and are never shown but kept inside. When they sleep, their inner most conscious becomes what can be called a poltergeist.

There are, however, poltergeists that actually ghosts from people who passed away suddenly.

Since there is no picture of what a poltergeist looks like, I will post a video of random poltergeist activity. Whether it be real or not, that is up to you.

And there are many more videos on YouTube showing other types of poltergeist activities. So, whether it's disturbing or whatever comes to mind. A poltergeist can be the only thing that could make a non-believer become a believer. That is... if you think it's real or not.


Mondays Are Boring

Today, I have been so bored that I entered into a bunch of contests. Sometimes, I wish it was just a simple as just use an email and they can contact you that way. But no... most requires you to retweet this or share on facebook or follow this person.

Oh, well.

I am going to take a break from entering into some contests for now and go watch some videos on YouTube before I sleep tonight.

I also would recommend that you go read <Unknown Caller> on Line Webtoon... I mean it... go on there.

Anyway, time to go and finish some videos.

That's all.

With love,


Not Sure What To Do Today

I am not sure what to do today yet. Since it's Monday, it's gonna be a slow day.

For tonight's post, the winner is poltergeist. These are invisible creatures and no known knowledge about these creatures of whether they have a body or not. However, they are spooky enough to be called a creature because they are ghosts nonetheless. 

Anyway, for today, I am going to try to find something to do so that I can feel like my day went by fast.

Tomorrow's poll is up on my twitter:

I will try to make tonight's post good. I don't know if there are any pictures but there is a well known video of a poltergeist. So that will be posted.

Right then... on with the day.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Night 5 of Halloween Creatures: Banshee!

Banshee, from Irish folklore as a creature that comes to collect the dead of it's own family members. So each Irish family as their own Banshee of some sorts. Though... Banshee came from the Fae side, they can be ugly and quite scary.

Banshee are women such as this:

In some parts of folklore, it is said that the first Banshee was a Goddess from the name The Morrígan. There are different stories about the Banshee.

Just be sure that if you hear a screeching of a woman, to never seek where it is coming from. It is consider bad luck to see a Banshee.

For more information, you are welcome to go here:

Don't go in a room once your love one has passed away. Especially if you are Irish decent.


The Rest of The Day

Banshee is a bit shorter to do, I've noticed. But wikipedia explained it a lot better than I did. So go on that website that I've listed because it has interesting details about Banshee.

Today, I was at my grandma's as you read in my first post. I didn't really do anything much while there.

I hope that things are differently... It's too long of a story to explain so I rather wait.

I am really enjoying the 13 nights of Halloween Creatures~ I think doing the polls daily is giving such a lot of motivation on writing these blogs. I should listen to them more often xD

Also, I fixed a few things on another website so my ads should be a bit better.

Anyway, I will watch some videos on YouTube before going to bed. It might be a while before I sleep so yea... Hope tonight will be good for me.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Good luck to my bestie~

Back Home To Rest.

I went to see my grandma's and they were still in bed when we arrived xD So I had to wake them up to let them know we were there.

We stayed for a bit but it was time to come home.

The winner for tonight's post is... Banshee. I love Irish ghosts and the banshee is just one of those creatures that only appear if you are dying...Creepy... They say it's really bad luck to see one too. So I will talk about it tonight.

Anyway, since I am home now...

I will give you all a chance to vote again for tomorrow's post:

Poltergeist is ahead but you can still vote on something you want to see!

I will watch some stuff on Netflix and get tonight's post ready.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Night 4 of Halloween Creatures: Creepy Dolls!

Dolls are a girl's (or boy's) best friend. But you would be expecting this:

When it comes to Halloween, we would be expecting something more creepy. Ever since Chucky came out, dolls became creepy. A doll craze come around the world for having been the most creepy and scary things to have.

Here's Chucky!

Although, I have seen much creepier dolls in my lifetime... Being one from my grandma... She had a doll that just all of a sudden went "Mama!" I never trusted that doll. Now days, the doll is gone forever. But will forever haunt me.

Playing games, watching movies and having creepy dolls... This is not the life you want.

Especially these dolls:

I really hope a doll won't come alive on me one day and try to murder me...

I also remember as a small girl, going around with my family to find a new home... We were looking at this home that had a chair with a doll inside a closet... Never could figured out why. Until my brother told me that the doll would come alive and try to kill you... Darn Chucky...

Be careful if you find a doll an old store. You never know when a doll might be lurking for you to take home and come alive.


What Did I Do Today?

 Since I was in a hurry on the first post, I ended up doing nothing for the rest of the day.

What I did earlier this morning was... Went to the store. That's all.

Then we went to Walmart for a short time. I really wish I had the money to buy all the stuff they got and try them out... And make a video out of it xD Would that be fun? Nah...

I am going to get back into doing Minecraft videos... I am going to go onto the Minecraft forums and find some stuff that are asking for free video reviews and make a video of them.

Also, finish Eternal Senia.

Anyway, tomorrow, I am going to my grandma's again. I think I have decided what I am going to do with some of the money that I will try to earn... Basically... find a damn good headset or Microphone so that I can record a decent video. I realize that my webcam doesn't record loudly on the game recorder I have so yea... time for a change, yea?

Alright, I hope tomorrow will be good... and yes, the first post will be late... But I will be on my twitter if you need me.

Right now, I will watch some YouTube videos and get to bed.

That's all.

With love,


Busy Saturday!

Today has been busy for me so I been doing everything... Mostly going to the store and buying lots of food.

Anyway, since nobody voted on the poll for tonight's post... I've decided to do a random picker thing...

So the winner for tonight's post is... Creepy Dolls. This is what you get for not voting! Muahaha

Alright, for tomorrow's post, the choices are: Ghosts, Banshee, Cyclops, or Wizards.

So get on here to vote:

Alright, I will go rest and figure out what to do today. If we don't go anywhere, I will play a game. If we go somewhere, I will watch some more stuff on Netflix.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, October 21, 2016

Night 3 of Halloween Creatures: Chupacabra!

Chupacabra known in Latin America as a vampire beast that comes out at night and eat animals (mostly goats). It's literal term is goat-sucker.

Known only to appear in 1995 (such a recent thing, right?), many people around the world began reporting seeing the creature.

What exactly does this creature look like? Well... Like this:

Then somewhere, somebody decided that they had killed one of these creatures.

They took a picture so here is what it looks like:

Alright, then maybe the legend of these creatures may have a bit exaggerated.

To me, these creatures look nothing more than a fox mixed with dogs.

Sadly, most people doesn't think so since they do kill goats and drink the blood out of them.

How does chupacabra come to play for Halloween? Simply because of how scary they can appear in people's minds when they are out there killing in the middle of the night.

I once read a story about how people say that children are turned into these creatures. So who knows exactly what the truth makes it out to be.

Chupacabra may remain a legend or a truth to people. Just be sure to keep an eye out on your goats.

The Rain Went Away!

Well, the rain is gone but the cold has come. I am wondering if the NOAA is true about how winter is gonna be. Ah, well.

Anyway, I am going to watch a few more videos on YouTube then head on to bed.

I am still not sure what I am doing tomorrow. But I will be writing the first post of this blog late. However, I will be doing the poll at between 8ish to 10ish. So the poll for tomorrow night's post is still on.

Hope you enjoy tonight's post.

That's all.

With love,


Rain Will Go Away Soon But I Don't Want It To

Yes, long ass title. But I do not want the rain to go away.

Anyway, the winner for tonight's post is... Chupacabra. Now I don't know much about this creature but I know they eat things. Oh... and they are really creepy. 

I hope I can make this post good and interesting. I doubt it'll be good but I hope I can keep the nights up.

For tomorrow's night, the choices are: Frankenstein, Manitcore, Incubus, or Creepy Dolls.

You can vote here:

But since tomorrow is the weekend, there might be a huge delay on posting things. So in order to keep doing the polls at a right time, I will do them a bit later in the day. However, for the post of Monday, I will try to do it early but the first post won't be out until later.

Alright, not sure what I'll be doing today, but hope it's gonna be a good day.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Night 2 of Halloween Creatures: Clowns!

Ever wonder how a friendly clown can be so scary? It's because murderers decided that it is alright to dress up as a clown and kill people.

Before we go on to talk about how clowns come to play for Halloween, we will look at the friendly clown.

 Now that's a good clown, right?

Well, since the movie IT came out, we are wrong. Now what is IT? Well, it's a clown named Pennwise that is pictured here:

Seems harmless, right? Wrong. The movie is marked as horror. I haven't seen it but I don't really want to.

Now we come into why clowns are always famous for Halloween...

Well, because of... this.


Clowns have always been the kind of thing that's friendly. But not so. Clowns are scary because behind the mask or painted face could lay a deep, dark secret.

Just recently, in this year alone, there was a town in South Carolina that had been terrorized by clowns. Clowns deep inside the woods close to an apartment complex started appearing trying to lure children into the woods. Good thing children are taught to never trust a stranger. Soon, all over the USA and possibly the world, clowns began to appear out of nowhere. Let's just say, clowns just got a bit more creepier. 

So beware of clowns around you. For they could hide a deep dark secret.

Note: Not all clowns are scary so please do not harass somebody who dresses up as a clown as part of their job, thanks.


On With The Day?

 I really don't know what to say. This area is meant to be personal but after all the creepy clowns, I think I will not say much more.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the night 2 of Halloween Creatures with small details about clowns.

Tomorrow night should be interesting, I really hope.

For now, I will watch Farscape on Netflix until I get sleepy. Since they are pretty long episodes, I think it would be soon.

That's all.

With love,


It's Another Day... But Hope It Rains!

It's just another day of warm weather but I do hope it rains soon.

Also, the winner for tonight's blog post... Clowns! Somebody voted at the last minute so thanks for that whoever voted!

Tomorrow's poll is up:

Your choice is demons, chupacabra, succubus, or Dracula. So choose wisely because you never know what you gonna see on the post.

Today, I am going to watch some shows. After my nap, I will get the post ready for tonight.

How do clowns come to play for Halloween? Well, they are creepy. Especially since recently, many clowns began to appear out of nowhere in one town in South Carolina. More details will be later.

Alright, on with the day! 

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Night 1 of Halloween Creatures: Bats!

Bats! Yes, you are reading that right, bats.

Seen here in this picture:

They are creatures of the night and are harmless unless you disturbed their homes inside caves and other homes.

However, this was not the case when it comes to Halloween.

It's stated that bats are known to be scary... Believe me, bats are not at all scary.

But people sees this instead for bats

Dark and scary.

Most times, bats are associated with vampires because in stories and some other fantastical stories.

So what to do you think? Are they scary or not?

Stay tuned for tomorrow's night of Halloween creatures!


And Now The Personal Stuff

 I am posting the above thing early because I might have to do something before sleep and stuff. Anyway, I watched The Book of Life finally. Interesting movie but more interesting is how the music is not really that amazing. Ah, well. Good story though.

Tomorrow, I will be doing another one of these things.

You still have a chance to vote too!

Vote here:

Also, I realize that I've done this before just things happen... Yea... I hope that I can complete this small challenge for myself.

I am going to go do that stuff now and get right back to YouTube.

Hopefully, tomorrow I won't be so lazy about things.

That's all.

With love,


It's A Lovely Morning

I woke up hoping to talk to my bestie before he sleeps but it turns out, he may had fell asleep xD I will wait for him later tonight.

As it turns out, the winner for tonight's first Halloween Creature is... Bat. I know the poll is not done but since nobody else is voting, bats win.

I will be setting up the other poll right now. I will post it here soon as the other one ends. So this post will be edited and added at the end of this post.

For today's choice, they are: Black Cats, Davy Jones, Sirens, or Clowns.

Also, I asked that you do not choose the first one that you see. I think that is why bats is the winner for tonight's post. Somebody just thought that it's okay to choose the first one. Just choose the one that you like the best.

I am going to go ahead and called the poll an end and start the new one now.

Alright, here is the poll for round 2 of Halloween Creatures:

The same goes like the one before, one vote is all it needs. No votes, it will be put into a random picker program.

But please choose what you like best.

Coming tonight, for the first Halloween Creatures post... Bats! How do they come to play for being part of Halloween? Only the second post will tell you.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Busy Days Ahead But Gonna Be Fun

Starting tomorrow evening and every night after, I am going to be writing about one Halloween creature. Of course, I couldn't choose so I decided to put up a poll a day ahead. Tonight, we have a poll for bats, gremlins, Cerberus, and The Grim Reaper. Nobody wants the others so the bats are winning.

It's not gonna be creepy but it's gonna be interesting to find out how bats come to play for Halloween and much more.

There will be another poll of 4 different Halloween creatures that you will be picking. So be ready for that.

Don't worry, you still have a chance to vote so if you want the other creatures to win, just get on here:

One vote or more is all it counts. The winner of the poll will be announced tomorrow on twitter.

So... Go vote!

Anyway, for the rest of my night? I will be watching YouTube.

That's all.

With love,


It's Here!

Starting tomorrow, I will be posting one Halloween Creature of the day... Sadly, there's loads of them for myths, folklores, urban legends, movies and stuff. So for this thing to happen, I am excluding all the movie related creatures. However, the last day will be having a choice for one urban legend creature that got famous through games and more but since it's still an urban legend, it's included.

There are more but I decided to go for 52 (I think) and my twitter will a poll on 4 of those creatures for the next 13 days. They will be a day ahead at around 10 in the morning. So you have until the next day at the same hour to vote. That way I can make an early draft for the creature and have it ready to publish before I sleep.

If you want to vote, you can go here:

What Happens if nobody votes?

I will be using a random generator for that. Whatever wins, I will be using that creature.

I'm just hoping that I can share the tweet over and over to get people's attention to vote at least once. One vote is enough to make a post. So just vote! If there's a tie, I will go on that random generator for the winner.

So... I just want one vote. That's all it takes.

Now on with the day. I hope people gets to vote.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, October 17, 2016

Finished Gate Season 2... Yes, Review Time!

I didn't really do anything else today so I decided to finish watching the rest of Gate season 2.

This review is going to be for both seasons since it's the same series but aired at different times. I think one was spring or summer 2015 and the second season was Winter 2016.

Gate: A soldier named Itami Yoji who only worked for his hobby which is collecting mostly manga and other otaku stuff. A gate appears out of nowhere and these people from another world came out of the gate and attacked Ginza in Japan. Soon the soldiers were called out to fight back. Once entering into the other world, they find out about many magically creatures and more. Since this is based around Itami more, he gets into finding more and more adventures while in this world.

I'm not going to spoil anymore than that.

When I watched the first episode of the first season, I thought it was interesting... Especially since Itami saying that he is just working to keep up with his hobby. So guys... if you don't have money but need some for your hobby... Go be a soldier. Sure it might be hard work at some point but at least you get money for your hobby.

The opening is fairly good in both seasons. I don't really pay much attention to them if they repeat. I only like certain openings and endings so I won't bother talking about them unless I like the song. In this case, I didn't really like the songs.

The story of the anime? Well, the whole idea of a gate appearing in the middle of Japan and having soldiers show exactly what we would do if something unknown comes into play. So much death. You really have to watch both seasons to get why the gate actually appear in the anime. It's interesting how they were able to figure out how to destroy a dragon. Then learn of a legend of how that world came into play.

The art is beautiful. I really love the design of the characters in this anime.

Overall, I give this anime a... 5 out of 5. I rarely find anime that are that awesome. The story shows the truth of the unknown and learning what is to be unexpected and much more.

Do I recommend this anime? Yes. Especially for those who are into soldiers and magical creatures.

This concludes my attempt in a review for an anime. I'm sure there will be more like this soon.

Also, keep in mind, tomorrow I will bring out a list of Halloween Creatures and the voting will start tomorrow on twitter. Get out your spookitaclar fingers and click that vote button tomorrow!

For now, I will watch some videos and just head on to bed.

That's all.

With love,


Nearly Forgot This... Oops.

I nearly forgot this but then something reminded me... Not sure. I think it's the laptop the anime Gate reminded me. xD Strange.

Anyway, I am still not feeling too good so I am drinking lots of water to keep myself safe from dehydration and more.

I will be ending this one short and post again later. Tomorrow will bring the list of the 13 days of Halloween Creatures and you guys get to vote what comes first each day.

For now... I will go now.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 16, 2016

We Could Be Warriors?

We could be warriors and try to build things that never been built before.

I guess there's stories that are to be written and I think it's time to sit down and start writing out the story I have in my mind.

For times are different and we need more diversity in many things around us.

Alright, enough of that... Just wanted to let you know that Green Day's new song is interesting... Also, Jimmy Eat World has a new song too and it's good too.

I think I need to listen to the radio at least once a week or maybe more... I just been so caught up with distractions that it's not funny anymore. I think the world is slowly becoming a ghost within themselves.

Anyway, I will start the 13 days of Halloween Creatures this week so the polls are coming soon on twitter!

Just be sure to check my twitter for a way to vote the day before I write the blog next day. The 18th will be the first poll. And yes, each poll will be a day ahead so that I can plan and research things and add pictures for you guys.

Besides, I love Halloween!

Alright, for the rest of the night, I will be on YouTube. Tomorrow will be a day of research and more.

That's all.

With love,


Hate Being Sick Suddenly.

I hate being sick all of a sudden... basically, yesterday, I was dealing with a fever a lot.

Right now, I can feel my head feeling a bit weird so it makes me know that I am sick.

Anyway, I might be taking a nap for a bit then figure out what to do afterwards before Once Upon A Time.

This will be a short post.  So yay...

Nap time now.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Finished With Gate Season 1. On with Season 2!

I had finished with Gate season 1. I am not really going to do a review on it just yet but I can tell you so far... this anime is really good to watch.

Itami-san, the main character in this anime just works in the army to pay for his hobby... so there you go guys... A reason to go into the army!

Anyway, I am not sure what's going on with my body but I think I need to rest because my right middle back (below my shoulders but above my lower back area) is hurting like crazy. It only hurts if I twist my back or arms... So it's almost like it's a muscle problem more than a bone problem. I will rest until that goes away...

I think tomorrow will be a short day because I will be going to my grandma's.

Alright, I will get off now and rest.

That's all.

With love,


After A Huge Delay... The Last Anime List For Fall 2016

Before I go and put down the list... I just want to say that today was the busiest day ever.

We went out, we went to a church and got some clothes. Then we went to the store. Then a guy came by to check our tub and said he can fix it for $150... Take the deal! Afterwards, dad took us to Walmart where he bought us a new microwave... Let's see how long before mom breaks it!

Alright, now to the list. Oh, a small note... I forgot what was the last part so I am going to start with what I think I remembered...

The List is Here!

  • Occultic;Nine
  • March Come In Like A Lion
  • Matoi the Sacred Slayer
  • Natsume Yujin-cho Go (Marathon soon)
  • Magic of Stella
  • Soul Buster
  • Cheating Craft
  • Long Riders!
  • Sound! Euphonium 2
  • Flip Flappers
  • Classicaloid
  • Girlish Number
  • Kiss Him, Not Me!
  • Keijo!!!!!
  • Lostorage Incited Wixoss
  • Poco's Udon World
That's all. So enjoy the list and I will go and watch some more Gate until 7 or 8.

With love,


Friday, October 14, 2016

Am I Afraid?

There are things that we expect our life to be but something deep inside keeps us from doing what we want.

I don't think it's always something to do with being lazy... I think it's more of being afraid...

Am I afraid? Who knows.

Anyway, I am not sure what I will be doing tomorrow. I can't say if the first post will be delayed or not because I really do not have a clue what's going to happen yet.

I need to take a break from being distracted and from being afraid... I need to find something else to do.

Alright, I am going to go... Might be sleeping at a certain time tonight...

Hope that whatever happens tomorrow will be good.

That's all.

With love,


PS: A life adventure happened today... Our microwave broke. Yay! Not really yay... just we are without said microwave until further notice.

Late Post But Anime Rules

I have to say... I know this is a late post... but anime rules.

Anyway, I am going to take a break soon since it's early evening.

I will put out the list tomorrow since I have been delaying it too long. I already watch all of the first episodes and chosen what to watch. So just keep an eye out for that tomorrow.

Right... should go now... been a weird day as usual.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, October 13, 2016

It's Only The Beginning

Things are never an end for me. In fact, it's only the beginning of new things to seek.

I am going to try to start writing again. This time, it's an experiment with a romance story type... I am going to post it on Wattpad someday and figure out if it appeals to readers yet or not.

The story is a bit modern and I am basing it out of Asia... but it's not about an Asian girl... rather it's about a white girl falling in love with an Asian boy. Things gets complicated between them. A curse breaks them apart but soon the white girl sees a vision of Buddha telling her that fate can be changed. The girl learns of the boy's culture as they face the struggles of love between two different worlds.

Before you go on and say that I am basing it on something... which is semi true... But I've been wanting to do this for a while now.

I just have a hard time getting it started. The one thing I did learn... not all stories have to be based on the every part of the day... just the main story part.

So I can skip anything about taking a shower, waking up for the day, etc, etc.

Yea... I've been meaning to do some free classes into how to starting a story and making characters stand out more... so I might be looking for something like that.

Anyway, I am going to watch some videos and do some planning for the 13 nights of Halloween Creatures~ I might start the voting process on twitter soon... Just saying, for example, "Do you like Fairy or Mermaids?"  and more.

Just be sure to keep an eye for that if you can.

That's all.

With love,


Not Feeling Great

Today, I am not feeling too great. So I might be taking an early nap... well, maybe the nap is usual time. Not sure.

I might not be able to eat much either... It seems like every time my period gets ready to start, I feel the worst way possible about a week before it happens x.x Curse this period.

Anyway, I think I will take that nap. I just got done with a movie but had to go away for a few minutes for something else...

I will watch 2 to three episodes of an anime... Either Gate or something from Crunchyroll. So this will happen after I take my nap.

Right... need to go... starting to be weird some reason.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Suddenly Not Feeling Good

All day, I have been completely out of it. Mostly not feeling too good.

Anyway, I finally watched all the first episode of the fall anime.

I will put the list out tomorrow if I don't forget and stuff.

Right now, I am getting sleepy because of not feeling too well... so this post might end up shorter than usual.

That's all.

With love,


We Have A Parcel... Card?

It says the words parcel... and the mail carrier handed it to my mom. I told my mom that it means a package delivery is required.

Apparently, our post office has hired a stupid person because I knew what parcel means... and anytime you have a parcel card inside the mail things, it means you are suppose to delivery. But nope, the mail carrier handed my mom the card.

You had one job... x.x

Anyway, I am going to watch some movie and anime today... Hoping that nothing else bad happens today.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Getting Tired For No Reason?

I am getting tired for no reason. I think I need more stuff to do everyday so I would feel less tired.

Well, maybe.

Anyway, I watched a few more anime and so far... most of them, I do like. I will continue to watch the rest of them, hopefully, tomorrow.

I wish I lived in a better place. And the more that I think about it, I am going to start saving money and just do it.

Alright, enough of this or that... wanna get to bed soon.

That's all.

With love,


Neighbors That Wait Until Now To Do Something

Having to live on this hillside for 10+ years, I had no problem with my dogs going on this small stretch of sidewalk using the bathroom and stuff without cleaning up after them. Now this neighbor that moved there for over a month or two ago has decided that we should clean up after our dogs. I was like... "Ok..."

My mom went over to confront them and they told her to clean the dog "presents" then preceded in telling her that we should not take our dogs out on that sidewalk anymore. So much for a free country.

But here's the thing, Mt. Vernon, KY does not have an ordinance on cleaning up after your dog. So that makes things easier.

However, I do support the idea of cleaning up after a dog only if it's influenced or enforced. But having a neighbor telling you to stop going on the sidewalk is just downright wrong. So... another reason to move away from this place because of bad neighbors thinking they can do whatever they want. But again, I am willing to clean up after my dog only if it's enforced by law, etc, etc. To me, that is only in places in Berea, KY and more. Which I would love to live in those places but if I had a home with a big back yard (fenced of course) because there are some days you just want to let your dog go out without worrying about them running away or going behind somebody's home.

During the winter, I know there will be days I can't go out due to sensitive ears (even if I do wear a hat to cover said ears, my ears are still sensitive) so I will just let my dogs run out except Chloe.

So for now, until Mt. Vernon does pass the clean up after your dog ordinance, I will be taking my dogs somewhere else.

Also, to the neighbor, I will not be held responsible for stray dogs and much more. If there happens to be presents on your lawn, just know they are not my dogs.

Don't get me wrong, I do support the idea of cleaning up after the dogs. If Mt Vernon passes it, I am going to do it only then.

That's all.

With love,


PS: On a lighter note... More Anime Today!

Monday, October 10, 2016

When You Have Things To Do... You Rest After.

I think I had done too much today. So I rest after doing everything.

If I repeat the things again, please do not mind me. I am rather tired at this moment.

The first thing we done is gave the dogs each a bath. Chloe being the worst because she moves a whole lot.

Second thing we have done is moved some books out of my dad's room to my room. Some of the boxes were wet but lucky no books were harmed. So I ended up moving the books out of the old and stacking them on top another box.

Third and final thing, we decided to move all our summer clothes out and put them up until next year. But at the same time, get all our winter stuff out.

I think the hardest thing of all is having to move everything all at the same time. Hanging sweatshirts up, putting short sleeves in the drawer... And stacking the books.

We... as in... me and my mom... are both tired. My mom is asleep right now and I am due for bed pretty soonish.

Tomorrow, I am resting all day long with anime and more.

And maybe a movie from Netflix.

Right now, I am watching YouTube so that I can sleep a bit better.

That's all.

With love,


When You Gotta Get Things Done

Each time a season changes, I have to put all my seasonal stuff up. Like this time, I have to put my summer stuff up and get my winter clothes out.

I did a little cleaning out too and got rid of a few clothes. Mostly stuff that I got tired of and stuff that don't fit right anymore.

I am going to go take a nap now and watch some anime afterwards.

This will be a short post so just to put a heads up here.

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hearing Noises?

My dogs are barking like crazy. It's past 10PM and I sneaked out to see what could be a possibility that they are barking at...

It appears that somebody has a big huge mouth here in this neighbor. Yay.

Anyway, I got some anime done but I have movies to watch on Netflix too... some reason, Netflix wait until close to a week before they announce shows or movies going away x.x Good job, Netflix.

I won't do that until tomorrow. And should be able to watch anime after the movie. Or watch anime before the movie. Not sure yet.

I have noticed that some blogs start out saying "So..." I might be stopping myself in writing like that. It's not really professional so it's time to stop that.

I'm trying to make my blogs a bit more readable to many people. This might be a personal blog but it still needs to be a bit professional in some way. Go me!

Alright, YouTube until I sleep... and hope the dogs doesn't bark anymore.

That's all.

With love,


When You're Sleepy But Don't Wanna Sleep...

I am sleepy but I really don't want to sleep... x.x

I have loads of anime to watch to get done...

Also, a small rant: I won't be watching Scorpion because CBS decided that it was best to put it at 10pm on Mondays... x.x Ugh... why...?

Anyway, I am going to watch the anime and maybe YouTube before watching Once Upon a Time tonight.

Hope everything will be alright for me.

Oh, yea... went to see my grandma too. Also, another bit of news... my mom has colitis so she may or may not have to have surgery. I will keep you all updated when that time comes.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Things Happened Can't Be Stopped

Things that happened cannot be stopped... so the title is not right, but I am sleepy so I'm not gonna change it much.

Anyway, here's the thing that happened... my mom started to feel bad and had to go to the ER. After being there from 3:30PM until 8:50PM... my mom got to feeling better. The cause of her problems is a hernia. A hernia is a growth that takes over your stomach...

I have a small hernia and I need to get myself checked. I am going to a different doctor because my family doctor has become a person who doesn't want to do tests to make sure you're not having this problem... Begging a doctor to do something? Then for him to fuss if you go to the ER for a health problem? Geez.

So, I am going to try to go to a different doctor to see what's up with my body and get myself fixed.

I'm gonna go now and hope tomorrow is better for me and for my mom. Glad she is doing well.

That's all.

With love,


PS: I know there's a post before this one... just bare with me... things don't always go as planned.

Finally... The Anime List of Fall 2016!

After a huge delay due to family emergency (nothing too serious, thankfully), I can finally put down the anime list.

Yes, there will be another post later after this so... enjoy for now.

  • Dream Festival
  • Kaiju Girls
  • Bungo Stray Dogs 2
  • Magical Girl Rising Project (looks like another Magika Madoka type)
  • Bubuki/ Buranki 2
  • Izetta: The Last Witch
  • Www.Working!!!
  • Magic-Kyun! Renaissance
  • Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans 2
  • Blooivores
  • My Wife is the Student Council President 2
  • Tsuken Ranbu-Hanamaru
  • Show By Rock 2
  • Drifters
  • Trickster
  • Yuri!! on ICE
There will more anime to come later. Just wait for a few more days or so. The list is still continuing so might be a while.

Anyway, gonna go now and hope to show the second post before I sleep tonight.

That's all.

With love,


PS: Tomorrow's first post will be delayed as well... I really don't like weekends too well but it does gives me something to do instead of sitting at home every weekdays.

Friday, October 7, 2016

More Anime To Pass The Day

I've watched more anime to pass the day...

I am good so far. The list is fairly long but not too long.

I will post the list on the first post tomorrow after I go out to do stuff.

I am not sure exactly what time I'll put up that post but hopefully soonish after I get home.

Anyway, I am going to watch a few more videos on YouTube then go to sleep.

Hopefully tomorrow will be good for me.

That's all.

With love,


Annoying People

We all have those type of people we just get so annoyed with to the point that we want them to stop bugging us.

I know I had a person that used to annoy me so I eventually just stop talking to that person.

Now my bestie is not annoying so I'll keep talking to him no matter what. If he wants to be alone, he let's me know first.

Most people does not let you know... Most people does not want to be alone... Most people doesn't want to leave you alone x.x

Here's a small example:

Person: Hey, you wanna talk?
Me: No.
Person: So, I have this thing.
Me: ...
Person: This thing blah blah blah.
Me: ... what part of no that I do not wanna talk do you not get?
Person: I know, this only something I want to show you.
Me: Fine... *annoyed*
Person: Yay! Here this.
Hour Later...
Me: *frustrated* I think I should go.
Person: What? No! I have this other thing.
Me: *signed off*

I used to had to sign off a chat service because this person annoyed me too much. I have gone into stressful emotions because this person annoyed me so much.

So it's best to just walk away if somebody like that doesn't know how to leave you alone.

Anyway.... That's my small little rant of the day.

I am going to watch anime after nap today. Then get off at 7 or close to 8 to watch MacGuyver and Hawaii Five-O today.

That's all.

With love,


PS: My bestie is awesome because he doesn't annoy me and he tells me when he wants to be alone. I do abide by his wishes. So that is what makes us awesome. If you don't have an awesome friend like that, just hope you won't have a friend that annoys the heck out of you. Not good for your emotions and more. Thanks!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

What? It's Night Already?

Yea, it's night already here... and I'm trying not to get sleepy early since it is a bit early for me.

Most people are going to bed early now... like my mom and dad o-o/

Anyway, I watched more anime but need to narrow down the list more xD

There's a lot of anime coming out that's making my list longer and longer.

I will have the list on Saturday. So keep an eye out for it.

I might take a small break on watching anime on Saturday. Tomorrow, I might record... I know I keep saying that but something always distract me x.x

Alright, I am going to watch some YouTube and get to sleep soon.

That's all.

With love,


Not So Sure Why I Am A Little Late?

I am not sure why I am a little late on this post today... I guess I was sleepy and woke up a little late today xD

Anyways, gonna watch anime after I watch this movie that came from Netflix. Not gonna say much about it but it's from the Ghibi studios.... Different than what I am used to.

I am sorry that this is going to be a short post but always expect that from time to time but not every day.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Better Things, Better Hopes.

Better things, better hopes... Ah... I think sometimes I run out of titles that they don't really make any sense sometimes. Deal with it.

Jk jk, but seriously, titles are hard to come by sometimes. I was thinking the other day about how I should start writing a romance type of story... It was inspired by something that I read but it's a bit different. The future mix with magic seems to be awesome in my opinion and doesn't always have to require a lot of science stuff. :D

But anyway, I really want to get into writing stories again. It seems like it should be easy but writing is not easy. A pro tip for those who wants to be a writer. Don't force yourself into it. Just sit down and write it out.

Also, a small rant is coming...

Rant Time

For those that doesn't know. I live in Kentucky. We have a governor that seems to want to make Kentucky go back in time. He tried to raise tuition but he got in trouble for it.

Now he wants to go and dismantled the health care system for Kentucky. People keep saying it's screwed up and people are abusing it. Which, I could say is true. But there are people that does not abuse the system, which is people like me. I do need it because I get sick and lately, I have stomach problems which would be required a visit to the doctor. Usually, I just try to change my eating habits in order to avoid the stomach problems.

But our governor is wanting to do that and to me... I don't think it's fair game for anybody. The whole system might get screwed up thanks to him.

We'll see what happens when the dismantlement starts.

End Rant Time

For now, I'm just sitting here and waiting for my body to slowly sleep...

I did watch some anime and the list isn't really that long, surprisingly.... I'll give you the list on Saturday after I get home from going out that day. Yes, it'll be the first post but I just want to be sure that I get each post twice daily, something different to read about.

I am still going to do the October thing at the end of the month. I'll be doing research soon so be ready for a random post on twitter for polls and stuff.

Oh, there's one more thing... I am going to start planning for my blog next year... What am I going to do? Well, there's still gonna be twice daily blogs but I am going to try my best to not be so short again and again... I'll find a topic to write about for each post while being personal at the same time.

Also, I'm gonna do more anime, movie, tv shows, games, books, etc reviews on the blogs next year too. Might not be everyday, but it will be in a blog sometime. I might mention them in the title so you know... Not every title will say Review but it will be based on what I am going to review. So... before next year starts, I am going to start doing that little by little.

Another thing, I want to do... More pictures. There are more ideas so I won't post much about the ideas until around January. While some ideas will be slowly implemented into this blog before then. But I will list the ideas on the first week of January. So yay.

Alright, gonna go now... I am watching some videos on YouTube... so yea...

Tomorrow, another day of anime. I am watching one movie every other day... like today, I was watching Coma (freaky show!) while tomorrow, I might be skipping Netflix to watch more Gate season one. I might be doing a review on it so keep an eye out for that if I do!

That's all.

With love,


Loooooooooong post!

Netflix and... Relax...

I will be watching Netflix momentarily. But I won't be watching it all day. Since I have more anime to watch and try out xD

Right now, I can't add anymore to the list... but I will watch out for them anyways.

I think I need to do some type of marathon on Cruncyhroll soon. Especially on an anime that has like 4 seasons and the fifth one just came out this time. Yikes...

Anyways, gonna get on with the anime watching and figure out what to do next.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

New Pajamas.

I got new pajamas today. Not gonna say much about them nor take pictures of them xD

But they are really comfy to wear. My mom got them for me. I am happy for them. So thanks mom~

Yes, this post is just gonna be about my new pajamas... Jk jk jk jk xD

I didn't get into any anime today. I will do those tomorrow at some point. At this moment... I am hearing my dog, Susie, making some noises. So I have to get off here for a bit and check on her.

I will go now.

Sorry for this short post.

That's all.

With love,


Always Feel Tired Some Reason...

I always feel tired some reason... especially on Mondays and Tuesdays...

Maybe this will change over time. Anyway, tomorrow or this evening, I will record yet another episode to Eternal Senia... not sure if it will be the last one or not... Still a long way to go.

I know it's not getting much views on my YouTube but I am just doing it to have something to do. And something to rewatch on YouTube xD

Anyway, anime later today. The list won't be posted until Saturday. Also, there are sequels that I am going to watch so yea...

Alright, gonna go now... hope today will be good for me.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, October 3, 2016

Coming In A Few Weeks?

It might be a week or two before Halloween but I am going to do a random Halloween creature of the day. Last year, I did the same but it didn't turn out right...

So, this year, starting either on October 18 or 19... whenever 13 days of Halloween starts. Oh, just now looked on the calendar via Google that 13 days of Halloween starts October 19. So on October 18, I will post a list of what's to come for each night. I am not going to do at the day time because that doesn't make sense, right?

I hope to get 13 creatures for you all to enjoy. Some might not be scary but we'll see.

I will do a poll on twitter for that purpose. And for November, I might do something different. We'll see.

However, for Christmas... from Day 1 until Christmas Day, I will post one Christmas Song as a title of my blog. It'll be something of a challenge for you guys to enjoy.

Alright, I'm gonna go make that poll now on twitter... then get on to doing some research of picking out the 13 creatures (both not so scary and scary as hell types).

So... be able to catch up with that coming in a few weeks.

Oh, yes, there is an anime list coming this weekend on Saturday. I am giving it enough time for all the anime to be released.

Alright, that's what's gonna happen now...

That's all.

With love,


When There's That One Word...

There's a one word that's stuck in my head. It's Triumph.

Not sure why the word "Triumph" is stuck in my head today. Guess something is about to change involving that word. Not sure yet.

Like yesterday, I was watching Left Behind that uses the word Rapture... Read the bible if you do not know what that word means. Or just use google. Yea, google is your best friend sometimes.

 Speaking of words, there are word of the day emails that you can get every day. I was using them on an old email... Just last week, I decided to use my new email to get those words... So... gonna be a mass amount of new words coming in everyday... hope it'll be interesting.

I will get some stuff done and get on with the day.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Nothing To Expect On A Short Day?

Soon, time will really be changing and I'll might be sleeping at this hour xD

Anyways, not sure what to say much but fall is really here! Halloween will be soon and I really.... don't know what I'll be doing for this Halloween. Since last year, I was forced to miss it x.x

I want to experiment with makeup and get some ideas for what I should do for this year. It's always been my favorite time of the year because I really love to wear costumes and much much more.

So... I will end this post in a short way because of this short day.

Of course, like every night, YouTube until I sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Anime Day Coming Soon

It's that time again for anime. New season, new shows, new interests. Each season brings something different, something awesome. So I will spend all week and bring you a list this week at some point.

I will add it in the title so that you guys would know that I am talking about anime for that day. So, just keep an eye out, ok?

Right now, I just started with Gate season 1. So far... this anime is really interesting. Just think about having a gate to go through and boom, you're in another world. You brought the guns to that world and just started an all out war to that wold. Haha.

I finished another movie on Netflix and yea... not sure what that's all about.

Had a good time at my grandma but it was a short visit since my dad wasn't feeling too well. Wished we stayed longer.

I will write another post later... just wanna rest for a bit before Once Upon a Time comes on tonight.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Final Time At Festival... Plus Three Random Pics

So, there are three random pictures I am going to show here.

 My mom can be a nice cop. :D
 Cops getting dunked. Sounds fun, right?

Chief Tomahawk jumping on Outlaw... this is a random wrestling match that they decided to bring for people to enjoy during the festival.

I am surprise by how well this last picture turned out because it catches him right after he jumps... awesome phone.

Anyway, I really need to take more photos on my phone and post them either here or on my instagram. It's the same as my twitter Alastabdk if you wish to follow me there for random selfies and dog pictures and many more.

Alright, that's all I had done today.

Tomorrow, I will be going to my grandma's. She hasn't been feeling well but I think it would be taking time for her adjust to her home before she gets well... so hope she does get well.

Also, I hope that I get to talk to my bestie tomorrow night his time too... his words mostly but I'll make them mine too. xD

That's all.

With love,


PS: Please let me know at twitter if you liked the random pictures. I might be doing more of them if you do... I don't go out much but I do like to take random pictures sometimes... so if you like them, they will be posted here and on my Instagram... Yes, there will be a twitter poll if you would like to see more pictures on my blogs. Thanks!

Bittersweet Parade Delight

The parade was actually better than the festival. I might be going back into the town for a bit to check out the other stuff. We'll see.

Right now, I wanna eat something and get some energy before walking down the long road (hill) to the festival. It's convenient to live close to town but it's not convenient to live on a hill.

I went to the store today too. It wasn't too early when we went but we did get more food.

Anyway, I think I will concetrate on eating my food before talking or anything. Might watch a video on Netflix too.

Just glad I am caught up on stuff now.

That's all.

With love,