Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Time is Weird...

I keep forgetting to update twice daily but it's alright.

Anyways, trying to catch up with a lot of stuff...

Hulu has loads of stuff...

I'm gonna keep this short now.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 29, 2015

Bad Day, Plans Go Up To Smoke...

So, I woke up at 4AM in the morning with the sense of nausea that made me go to the bathroom... I felt really sick to my stomach. I brush it off as being hot because I do not like to get too hot (especially for the night time). But after 30 minutes, the pain began... the pain was exactly like what I had before when I had a kidney stone on my right side. But this time, it was my left side. I couldn't use the bathroom either even though I kept having the urge to go. 

Finally, I just couldn't stand the pain and went to the ER. That was at 6AM. I waited and waited... Finally at 8AM, the doctor finally came in. I got tested and got the CT scan. But by then, the pain subsided and I was able to use the bathroom fine.

At 10AM, he concluded that I had a cyst that was causing the whole ordeal... I was like... "Ok..."

But after the whole time there, I finally got better... but after I got home, I still feel ill in my tummy...

So, here I am trying to survive the whole entire day.

My plans was foiled because I was set to watch stuff and move stuff around in my room. Ah, well, there's always tomorrow for me.

Right now, I am gonna go and watch some live streaming on twitch.

I'm slowly feeling better now but I still have to back and forth from the bathroom.

I'm sorry for worrying my bestie to dead but I'm glad he stayed on to talk until I got out. so, thanks!

For now... I will end this. I hope to talk to my bestie later and give him my thanks. :3

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Home, Finally!!! And... Wow...

So I'm home now finally.

The things that I missed... well, a lot.

America has made history by making love a much better place! <3

Anyways, I am not sure what to put here but I did a lot of random things at my grandma's...

First, I started to get bored... then my cousin said that I might need a new battery for my phone.

But because there's a lot of newer apps coming out, I will have to get a new phone for that.

I watched hummingbirds fly by and almost attack me.

Chloe wore her diapers and actually did peed in them xD

So... yea, it was actually a good time there... but all in all... we all missed being at home.

I am glad to be home and missed everything about it.

I even missed my bestie... so...

It's time for things to catch up on.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Me Be So Glad To Be Home....



I should be getting home by tomorrow hopefully but each time, my mom would say she would stay longer. My family don't expect me to survive alone? Really?

This is not right for me...

So I will be home tomorrow for you guys to have any new updates that these auto ones didn't put.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, June 26, 2015


I'm sure by now, I am thinking...

Why am I here? Why do I belong here?

What should I do?

I do not know anymore.

Soon the weekend will be here and soon these days will be over.

Just one more day, for this automatic update for you guys...

Too bad.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wishing The Days Go By Faster...

Time is just slow. But time is also fast.

Either way, I am sitting around and having many thoughts about what to do next.

I seek answers in the nature around me but nothing yet to prepare me for what is yet to come.

I really need an escape from everything around him.

Sadly... I hate being in this town anymore. There's just no hope for this town anymore.

So, I'm just wishing these days to go by faster and faster...

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Another Day, Another Time...

My mind always wonder how my family always treated me like a child. But then I realize that my disability makes me weak.

Then I fight it back trying to show them that I can be who I am. But they don't want to open their eyes to see the truth. I'm stronger than what they think.

It's just another day, another timer, being away from home... without no laptop around still.

And my phone being an ass...

So... yea... I will be bored as heck for these days...

So, this is automatically being added so that I won't forget any days ahead.

Chloe is with me right now. She might be evil but she is always my baby...

I guess the rain should be here this week. I hope so... because rain gives me ideas of what to write for a new story to come.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Well, I'm Off...

I'm gonna be gone for up to 5 days...

So that's all for you guys to know.

There will be updated automatic blogs for the next days... so enjoy them.

Then Sunday, I will update what all happened while there.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 22, 2015

Too Much Stress!!!!

It's not something that I want to wake up to but damn... I woke up always wanting to rest but nooooooo, not this morning...

As soon as I walked into the room, my mom wanted me to do this and that... finally I just told her that I just wanted to rest.

So yea... my right leg is still hurting like crazy...

Anyways, I think I got an idea of what to write for the schedule blogs...

Not saying what they are yet.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Any Ideas?

So, I'm accepting ideas for what to write ahead of time to the scheduled blog posts that I am making for June 24 through 27. I should be able to make one for June 23rd and on June 28th.

Anyways, I had a bad night and now a bad day... my right leg is hurting a lot.

So, I will write long boring things for those days and you all can read them once they are posted.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Really Rainy Day... Then It's Dry!

Well, it was a rainy day... then it got dry fast.

Anyways, I went to Richmond for a exploration and found three tiny figurines xD

And now I am tired... so I will begin to scheduling my blogs starting tomorrow. I will make them longer than these so you guys can have something to read at least.

But don't worry, I will be back on June 28th. I won't be sure what time so yea...

So, just thought I'll let you guys know now.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, June 19, 2015

So... To Plan What To Write...

I'm gonna be gone from June 23rd until June 28. Then it's back to being a busy week in July...

All of these things, I am dreading because really... I want a break.

Anyways, I'm tired of how my family are right now. Dad fussing and wanting to move out. Mom saying this or that...

And you know... it does gives me headaches.

Well, I'll figure out what to write from June 23rd until June 28. If anything happens, I'll be sure to tell you guys.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 18, 2015

I Really Need An Escape...

Just things from time to time just gets on my nerves too much...

Sometimes I just want to escape from everything.

Anyways, something bad happened at a neighbor's home... will not post anymore than that because this town is known to spread rumors fast as a freight train.

Because of everybody knowing stuff in this town... I'm beginning to want to move somewhere else where nobody knows who you are.

It'll be best for me... at least, I would think so...

Anyways, I'm heading to bed because I am tired of everything... so sleep is all I need.

That's all.

With love,


Headache... x.x

So I woke up with a weird headache, and I stayed that way for a long time.

Today, I feel like my mood is better but my head wasn't because it was hurting.

I hope to have more time to see or talk to my bestie soon.

Anyways, I'm gonna go now.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Today... is totally not a good day.

I feel like I just want to wash away from the world by listening to whatever is on my headphones.

I am just tired of how people treats each other. And they try to treat me the same thing... nope, not gonna work.

I just need to escape somehow, somewhere... don't care where.

I really need to talk this through with my bestie and see what he thinks but he's busy... so I can't really tell him just yet.

Anyways, I will rest today... but I wish people stop saying stuff to me during these blah days.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

So Much Hype...

So Nintendo was a little off but Square Enix beat them to finding out awesome games.

Star Ocean 5, KH3, FF7 Remake.... so much good ones.

I almost died from excitement when I saw Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer. The voices were in English too! Which makes me think that this game will be out both in Japan and here at the same time! I cannot wait!!!!

Anyways, not much going on today. I finished Kimikiss finally. Now need to go and watch more stuff.

That's all.

With love,


Too much hype for PS4

So, it appears that yesterday had too much hype. Final Fantasy 7 remake, Shenmue 3 finally wanting to be made, and much much more.

And to no avail, we await for more news from Nintendo and Square Enix today...

Too much hype though... but ah, well.

For now, I will try to update twice today after I watch for Square Enix and stuff.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 15, 2015

Anime, Books, Games... What Am I Doing?

Well, I am reading, while listening to E3, while watching anime.

So much new games coming out. And anime to catch up.

And much more.

I am almost done with the book and be reading to start another one soon.

Anyways, should get ready to eat soon.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Catching Up With Books...

I'm catching up with books right now...

And I need a website that would buy books... does anybody know where I can do that?

Amazon uses credit but I must prefer to get cash instead... so yea...

Anyways, that's all for now.

With love,


Saturday, June 13, 2015

What A Boring Day...

If my days are like this during my stay at my grandma's... I just know my head will explode.

Anyways, everybody else went to bed. I'm not exactly sleepy but I hope that I don't end up waking up in the middle of the night with a weird feeling again...

So... that's all.

With love,


Friday, June 12, 2015

Days of Wonder...

I am updating another post to tell you of days of wonder...

I want to fly high...

Anyways, I'm not sure what else to put here but I did promise another post...

Don't worry, I will figure out what to put on these in the next few days... hopefully to keep things updated for a while.

That's all.

With love,


Introducing Streamers...

I'm gonna start introducing streamers from twitch every once a while. This won't be often because I will admit that I am lazy at some things xD

Anyways, the streamer that I am watching right now is www.twtich.tv/lainzero

Well, rather waiting to watch in a moment. He is celebrating 1 year of steaming on twitch... so go and congratulate to him.

I promise you all that I will be updating later just before I sleep.

Alright, time to go.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 11, 2015

So... Movie, Stream Watching... What Else?

So I was watching a movie on hulu... but then I was watching a streamer live.

Now I'm gonna be watching a movie. Also, steam has a sale...

Not too great but it's not gonna end until the June 21st xD

Anyways, I wanna keep this blog short. Tomorrow, I'll update twice... hopefully.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

It's Been An Odd Day.

Alright, I'm planning on what to write for 6 days starting on June 23rd. So.... any suggestions?

Though I can't share them on twitter because my evil phone...

And I'll be bored because I want to play games at least once a week x.x

Anyways, it's been an odd day today so yay...

But after that week, I may not be going to my grandma's for a while because of lack of things to do there.

Seriously, she lives in the middle of nowhere. I'm glad she has internet there but I do not have a laptop and my phone has to stay charged in order for it to work proper... if it starts going off while it's being charged, that's it... my phone is gone.

My mom is trying to make me spend more money on junk... and here I am trying to SAVE for a freaking phone... I can't stand people begging for stuff. I don't mind gifting people but begging is different, ok?

I mean... doing nothing for 6 days straight will basically make me go crazy. I love that place but I need something to do... like activities...

Yea... can't tell anybody anything.

I'm fine with being by myself but mom really don't want me to be here by myself... I mean, really, mom... I'm 29 years old... do you think it's time to stop treating me like a kid already?

Sorry that I am complaining here guys... just I can't see why I have to go too.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Finally Home!

I can finally post on my own without not problem.

But here's the thing... my mom wants to go back to my grandma's on June 23rd and stay until Sunday. To me... that's gonna be a bit annoying to me because I get bored sooooooooooooo easily xD

I'm close to being 30 years old and get bored? Well, yea... I am always a gamer so I kind of don't want to stay from games that long x.x

I'm keeping an eye out for any new games on steam. Especially if they are about faeries or like Child of Light. I really love that game. I want to stream it one day but in hard mode. xD

Anyways, not much going on. Just really tired from being at my grandma's... just think for staying around 5 to 6 days.... dread it because I do not have a laptop and my phone is a huge ass.

But I hope that I can make it through that week without no problems... just hoping.

For now, I'll be catching up with loads of Netflix and anime and movies so that I can be ready to roll on that week xD

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 2, Not Home Again But Boring and Missing Chloe...

As for why I am not taking my second dog, Chloe with me... well, she's not happy in vehicles.

When she first got in a car, my aunt hit a huge bump and ever since then, Chloe just hates riding in cars. She'll start whining before we get our location.

Also, she ran off twice while I was at my grandma's the last time she did go there. Yea... she loves to run and chase ducks and geese >_<

She would really love farms xD

Anyways, it would be boring here, but can't help it. Have to be here for my grandma...

Hopefully my aunt be back on Tuesday so I can update these by myself instead of having to make schedule ones.

Alright, that's all.

I'll update on twitter while there to get you guys to read these >:D

With love,


Sunday, June 7, 2015

While At Grandma's, You Can Read These Automatic Posts.

Day 1 at my grandma's.

Well, I won't be here to tell you guys anything.

The reason I am not updating on my phone this time is because my phone is about to go bad. So updating anything online via through internet will shut down my phone automatically. However, small apps like BBM and Steam app and Line doesn't shut off.

I am planning to get a new phone around Christmas or earlier, depending on how much I can get saved... and if mom stop begging for stuff xD

As for what phone I'm getting... I am not sure yet. I am thinking of asking the guys working at Radio Shack at some point of what type of phone works awesome with games xD

Alright, that's it for this random blog for Sunday.

With love,


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Tiring Day, Yard Sale Day... Eh... Free Fishing Weekend?

So it's a tiring day going out in the sun all day almost.

Yard sales don't have anything good like they used to though.

Also, we went to Walmart and got some food for here.

And we got home and were tired as heck. I didn't take a nap but oh, well.

I will be watching some anime tonight and might go to bed early.

I will set up automatic blogs for tomorrow and Monday so that you all can keep reading my blog.

I will be going to my grandma's tomorrow and Monday night. Will be back on Tuesday to update once again.

I dread going tomorrow night because my grandma doesn't have anything on TV anymore, which is a long story.

Anyways, will go now. So that's all.

With love,


Friday, June 5, 2015

I'm Trying, Ok?

It's hard to try to keep an update twice a day, but oh, well.

Heads up though, I will be updating tomorrow for Sunday, Monday... for one reason. I won't be home Sunday night and all day Monday and night. Will be home on Tuesday though.

I can make a schedule blog thankfully so will just write a random long post for each day so that you all can be entertained.

For now... I am trying my best.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 4, 2015

I Will Play Games!

I'm gonna go play a game called Echo of Soul for now.

And also, not sure what to do.

I should turn my phone back on now just in case xD

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


Ooooooops.... Forgot again... x.x

Guys, you all need to remind me when to post xD

Anyways, I'll update again today... hopefully twice for tomorrow and many other days...

I should just update twice a day anyways.

Well, my plans that I was gonna do may change until tomorrow. But for now... that's all.

With love,


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Surprising Moments...

Ever comes a time where things just happens and then you're like... oh, well.

Surprising moments right now? Getting to level 70 soon on Eden.

For now this post will be short... but will you all know what happens tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 1, 2015

Wow... Just Another Wow.

So today has been more of an off day for me because I am having so much stress that games are about the only thing to relief that stress.

Anyways, I am keeping this short so... that's all.

With love,