Monday, December 28, 2020

My New Year's Resolutions

 Hey, it's just another Monday for me... I usually write these earlier but today, I just wanted because I wanted to catch up with some stuff.

Before I go on with my new year's resolutions. I will talk about the past week.

Let's just say... it's was a snowy weekend xD We had a white Christmas first time in 10 years. Also, on Christmas Day, we had a small dinner at home which was good. So in a way... it was a good week.

Now this week will ring out the new year... so when I do post again, it would be a new year xD

So... with that in mind, as promised... I will give you my new year's resolutions.

  • Be Healthier: I noticed that the pandemic caused many of us to gain weight and much more. This new year, I vowed to be healthier... so that includes eating better, drinking more water, and trying to exercise... but you must remember... I have no thyroid so my weight will be a heavy battle for the rest of my life.
  • Keeping My Blog As Is: I felt like this is a better idea so that I can keep writing what I want on a weekly bases... now there will be challenges that may change my blog times a bit... but only when these challenges come up.
  • Keep Reading: I have been reading more... but not enough... I want to be able to finish a book within a week. While that seems hard to do, it is doable since I was able to read a book in one day when I was younger. I miss doing that but I know I can't do that again. 
  • Being More Creative: This includes writing and drawing and much more. I love art and writing a lot so I wish to do this more.
  • Play More Games: I love games but I haven't been playing enough since Final Fantasy 7 Remake... so I may try to play more games this year... if I don't, then that's alright.
  • Finishing Stuff That I Started: There's a lot of stuff that I started and just never finished... I realized this when I finished Gossip Girl on Netflix... and I need to up my game and get things done more.
  • Save Money: A big goal I always wanted to do but due the pandemic... I kind of went and spent all of the money that I planned to save... maybe this time will be different... I hope.
  • Worry Less: Yea... the pandemic made me worry more this year. I guess I wasn't the only one. So I will work on activities that would make me try to worry less. Those activities vary from meditating to journaling to yoga. 
  • Plan More: I've started to use planners more... it's especially important for my health because I need to see a doctor at least every 3 months and my thyroid doctor every 6 months... so I can keep track of other activities that I do in that day. It will be helpful for other things. 
  • Enjoying Life: This is very important to add in almost all my new year's resolutions. I would like to keep living life like I have no care what comes at me. 
  • Do More Challenges: I've decided to do up to 10 challenges per month... but those are not going to always be 10. They will be a random number every month and those will be chosen at random. I don't plan on doing these challenges all the time because there are usually challenges that lasts only a week or challenges that are too tough to continue so that's why I would like to do more. Gives me something to do.

So... those are my new year's resolutions... Now I won't be doing all of these right when the new year comes... Most of these might start later or have already started... so I just like to keep these in mind in case I wish to figure out what my new year would be like.

Like always... things can change. Don't fret on things that never works out. Especially in my case... When you have no thyroid, you usually have no motivation to continue on with certain activities in life xD But it's alright, I won't try to give up too easily xD

Alright, what are your resolutions? And what do you think of mine? Comment down below.

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, December 21, 2020

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas! I know it's early to say this but just wanted to say it since it's this coming Friday.

Also, Happy Holidays to everybody else... since not everybody celebrates Christmas.

The past week has been pretty much... weird for me. I am alright, just been having problems with my right hip and knee... which I can't figure out why.

Unless it's where I'm doing the squat challenge... who knows.

As it was weird, it was also a boring week... I will be glad for this week to be done with.

I am going to do a special blog next Monday that will talk about all my resolutions for the new year.

So... just wanted to let you all know that is what is coming up next week...

So for this week to be nothing going on... I am just going to leave most of my blog journal blank but with ideas for my resolutions... what are your resolutions?

Alright, shall see you all next week with my full list of resolutions and their explanations behind them.

See you all on Monday, the  28th!

That's all.

With love,


Monday, December 14, 2020

It's Just A Boring Week

 I never gotten to the point to find a topic for this post... so this post will be really short...

Mostly because I didn't do anything much this week.

Unless you want to hear about me washing my hair and all that jazz...

Anyway, I did go to Walmart on Friday afternoon... of course, that's when my acid reflux or GERD started to bother me.

Sunday morning before everybody got up... Another attack... what it does... it attacks the back of my throat and burns a whole lot. It's annoying as hell.

I did go on a little rid on Saturday to find a foundation that was built with rocks... and no house there... that was fun to find. I may go back on day to do a small video of it.

Alright, since I didn't find a topic to talk about, I will keep this short... I should find a topic later today to post for next week... so keep that in mind... maybe. xD

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, December 7, 2020

It Was A Long Week, IMO

 Good Monday day... it is late morning and almost the afternoon here... strange how time sometimes feel non-existent, right? I think there was a scientist who proved that... not sure.

Enough of that... let's talk about what happened in the past week and today... well, I chose today (Monday) because I don't really do anything today... nothing that's important so it's a good chance to do my blog, right?

Tuesday was the first day of December... man... 2020 seemed to wanted to drag on... and so... I've started some challenges... those challenges were... photo of book challenge and a writing challenge... as well as an added bonus of using a website called drawspace. ( ). It basically teaches you to draw... you have a few free options and you guessed it... I am using the free option because I am dirt poor xD Might I add, mom fell hard this day... and well... she's alright but that's a long story.

Wednesday was a long day since my mom had to go to the doctor. Not because she fell but because she needed to refill her anxiety medication... for those that don't know... my mom suffers from panic attacks... they rarely happen but she does have a nerve problem that causes her to shake... so taking this medication keeps her from getting any worse. But I am glad this day was over with...

Thursday was finally a day that I was glad to take a break... I did search for a topic to talk about... so keep going to after I finish the next two days to see what I will talk about.

Friday, we went to Walmart to get our personal shopping done... what I mean by personal... it means that we needed to essentials for our daily living... whether it's toothpaste to vitamins... just stuff that you need for a healthy lifestyle. Gotta keep trying to take care of ourselves.

Saturday, we decided to watch the local Christmas parade... unfortunately... I didn't take any photos for this because it was very short and had mostly... firetrucks... believe me... you wouldn't like it.

Sunday, we mostly had a lazy day... we took a drive down to Mullins Station Road... a road that is where my dad works... but we just went to the coal yard and I tried my phone out for that... and well... you just have to check out my Instagram for those photos...

Now before I go into the topic... I am going to ask people if I should make a special page for this page... but I think I'll wait xD Alright... let's get to the topic in hand.

My topic is... NY Times 1,000(+) writing prompts... for those that don't know, I love to write...

You can view the page here:

So... instead of doing all of the prompts, I might try to do one of them for this post...

What Challenges Have You Overcome?

Let's think about this... I guess I could say... grief, health scares and depressing scares. Let's talk about each one... grief is a big one here... for those that don't know... I lost three family members to cancer... My grandpa had melanoma in his eye... and it spread to all over his body... but that's not what really killed him... he died from his bowels busted due to a colonoscopy test. That is scary to think about but it does happen very rarely. My aunt passed away from cancer that had spread all over her body. It wasn't long after she was diagnosed that she had passed. My grandma had cancer of the mouth... she suffered the most, but when she passed, I was sad but glad that she no longer had to suffer. Grief was different for these family members... I cried at most of them... Health scares is something that you have to deal with all your life... if you are not healthy like me and my mom... I had cancer on my thyroid and was lucky... since it was only stage one and didn't spread. My mom, however, has all kinds of problems... mostly she does have the tendency of falling easily. Last year, she had hurt her hip and broke her pelvic bone. She was lucky to not have any surgery but she did had a long month of recovery. Depressing scares... I wanted to say I was depressed for most of my young adult life... which I was... but after my aunt's death... I sort of snapped out of it... and rose to get away from that mood in one way or another. So... I had realized that you can get stronger... no matter what comes at you. A challenge just means something to face towards a good recovery.

And Another News...

I will keep my blog as is by weekly basis. I am going to start using bold for the days of week starting next Monday... and the topic will have a line go across to let you know that I am talking about something else. That way you all won't be too confused. Now I won't do these random topics every week... since there are some that I won't do xD

Alright, shall see you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, November 30, 2020

Mondays Are Now My Update Blog Days

 After a few agreeing... I've decided to only do a weekly blog post for this one and the other one.

And the days are changing too... Every Sunday, I'm still going to update on what I'm watching, listening to, reading, playing a game of... or anything really that's involve with pop culture and entertainment.

Mondays are going to be all about my personal life... my goals of the week, my past week... and more.

So.. let's get started with this post...

As of you all know... last week was a holiday week... well mostly on Thursday, November 26th. I went to my aunt's home and ate Thanksgiving dinner there...

And well... that's about it. I mostly feel alright... just my aches and pains... which has gotten to be normal.

I am going to start writing down little notes everyday to let myself figure out what would be best to talk about for next week's post...

Also, still going to do the random topic/post but on this blog...

Which I will pick random at some point of the week so that I can start planning for it.

See you all next week!

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thinking of Doing More Breaks

 I have been actually enjoying my break... and might do this again... actually, this week, I will be taking a break until Sunday xD

Anyway, I may do a poll about if you all rather see me do a weekly blog where I talk about the week and stuff... rather than doing random blogs for the week.

It's a choice that I must make up too for the new year... if weekly blog is all that I can do... then so be it.

But if I do end up doing that... I will pick a day that's different than Sunday to do my weekly updates so that I can actually have time to write stuff out instead of hurrying about.

I do enjoy the freedom of the idea of doing weekly blogs...

But before I make the final choice, I will do a poll on my twitter about it.

Alright, I will get back to doing other stuff and hope for the best.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Taking A Break Until Next Update

 I have been taking a lot of breaks lately, haven't I? That's... actually one purpose.

I think I deserve breaks whenever I can... just because of how my life is.

It may not be the same so I have to take on new normals.

I will be alright just as long I am able to adapt to it all.

I think this week... I will take another break... Since planning out for the week ahead is a bit tough when you aren't sure if you're able to do anything at all.

I hope to get back to normal as soon as the holidays are over... so keep in mind... I'll still be doing weekly updates if I can't update something during the week...

This is a good choice and I hope to continue on with this idea for a long time.

I hope to continue on with my blog as long as possible too.

Alright, I shall get on with scheduling for the week... but remember... I am not going to do any blogs until Sunday... I think I deserve this type of break... just so I can do a lot of catching up with other things.

See you all next week.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Once More... I Just Have To Do My Best

 So I didn't write any blogs this week... but you know... that's alright.

I actually was only schedule to write twice this past week but things did come up so I skipped them.

I did find a good idea for a post though... but it's going to be on the other blog xD

I am going to be busy this week... but this time it's all my mom... she's gotta see her lung doctor (she has both asthma and COPD).

Then the following week, I have to take the week off again... mostly because my mom has an appointment on the 19th... and I have a very important phone call on the 20th.

I just can't catch a break but it's gonna be alright... I got time to write some blogs... if I chose to do so.

I love to take breaks, you know...

Also, they finally called Biden as President-elect... but there's still a long road to go... just so you know.

Alright, shall get back to doing other stuff before I get off the computer for the night.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Next Few Weeks Are Gonna Be Busy

 Well, it's that time of the year, where we move back the time on the clocks one hour and it's annoying as heck.

I never really like the idea of having to do with DST (Daylight Savings Time)... or rather... I like the extra hour in the day better.

I wished the government would've decided what to do about DST but... eh... time just got the best of them... get it.

This past week has been fair... but kind of still on the mend.

The next week... is gonna be rest week... so will be the next few weeks... I got things to do and stuff to plot down...

I am going to make a commitment to write everyday... even if it's a short writing session... and if successful... I will continue to write as much as possible.

I've tried doing this back in September as a way to write a story but nothing ever came...

So... wish me luck I guess.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Relaxing After A Long Day

 So... you are wondering... what do I do after a long day?

I always try to find something to do through the day... but there are days that I have to do other stuff...

Going to the store, going to the doctor, etc.

These days are tiring for me because I really don't have any energy by the end of the day.

So what do I do?

I usually take a nap... but in the end, I usually skip doing anything else. Oh, well.

I think playing games is relaxing... reading books... watching movies... especially cute movies.

What do you do to relax after a long day?

You are welcome to comment down below to let me know.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Just Need To Try My Best To Do Better

 Not much to say here... just having an another bad week...

I wrote one post and that's just about it.

I guess I need to try to go to bed at a decent hour... so yea...

Anyway, I do have a lot of catching up to do... so keep this in mind next time I post another update xD

I still gotta try to look through my books and much more.

But... things seem to always stop me in my tracks... so I just have to take my time about things.

Alright, I am not sure what posts I will be making this week... if there are none... just keep in mind that I have good days and bad days... just at random.

See you all sometime.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

My Life Mascot... is a Fox

  It might be weird to say... but my life mascot is... a fox. I know... I know...

Foxes are the symbol for almost anything...

But I love them for the color and for the cuteness of them.

I'm sure you were thinking dog or cat... but right now, it's a fox.

There's a Japanese saying... "It's raining on a fox's wedding." which is basically rain on a sunny day. I just like this better than having to say sun showers...

Foxes are known to take away bad spirits in Japan... which I do love the whole idea.

Here, foxes are known to be mischievous and sly... but... you know... we all have something bad going on in our lives.

I just have those good and bad days in life... and that's why I take random breaks when I do have a blog idea planned...

Keep in mind... maybe this is why I chose the fox as my life mascot...

What is your life mascot?

Sunday, October 18, 2020

I Learn To Take Breaks When I Am Not Feeling Good

 Well, it's to be expected that I actually skipped this week...

Mostly, it's hard to do anything when you stayed up too late xD

So it's mostly, my bad...

Anyway, I can't always promise whether or not I'll do more than one blog a week... so you all just have to bare with me.

I want to plan out to clean out my room out soon... mostly getting to some books so that I can be ready for them when the time comes... so yea...

I got too much books but I am reading more... except, I gotta learn to stop reading bad books...

Oh, well...

So if there's less blogs for one week or more... it's usually because I decided to take that break.

Alright, I got lots to say for my other blog... so if you want to learn more about what I'm playing... you just scroll over there.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Wanna Do Some Stuff

 I decided to take a break after Wednesday... which I didn't had no doctor's appointment or anything... and well... that sucks a lot.

I hope that this week will be a bit different... but you just never know what might happen next.

I am planning to move my books around at some point... possibly start some of it tonight... and finishing it tomorrow. I mean... it is a lot of books to deal with...

I always try to change out the books every 10 books... just so that I can get through the books that are in the boxes.

Later on, I am going to tackle a few more boxes full of boxes so that I can have them stacked to where I can reach for them when I am ready for them.

Also... checking them for sequels again.

Right now, where the books are located... it's kind of a bad place... so I need to move them out soon... at least before winter starts... Something about that location hates winter... in fact, my home hates winter all together... kind of hard to explain why.

Alright, I am going to do some stuff now... since I need to try to not to do too much since Wednesday is doctor's appointment day... hoping they don't cancel it or anything really.

See you all when I can.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Using Writer Igniter For The First Time...

 Note: These come from Writer Igniter... you just search it and it's a prompt generator.

Today, I will be using the character that it chose for me... Which is Taxi Driver.

So... here we go.


"So you wanted to become a taxi driver for a living" The women on the video began.

Jimmy sat there in boredom... why did he chose such a boring subject to get into...

"You get to meet people from all sides of the world." The woman kept on.

Jimmy shook his head. "Not..." He wanted to say but shut up real quick. There were things that people didn't know about being a taxi driver... especially this one. Your job is be a taxi for the unknown. 

What are the unknown... Well, Jimmy thought, they are creatures of the night. They can vampires, faeries, werewolves... you name it... it could be part of the unknown group.

Jimmy was lost in thought when he heard his cell beeping... He pressed paused on the video he was watching and looked down.

It was time for work.

To be continued...?


I didn't really feel like writing a whole lot... but you can see what I was going for. What did you think of it?

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Less Blogs Planned Next Week

 So... you see... things can change from one thing to another...

While I am glad to actually more blog ideas for my other blog... I realized that I need to just find something different to do for my blog...

I will continue to add ideas to my blogs... I will figure out whether or not if that idea is something that I wish to do... If not, there might not be a blog for that day...

Alright, I am going to explain what I have been doing for the past few days... Simply put... nothing really. Just been here and there... mostly at home xD

This coming week, I will be writing even less on my blog because I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday... I seem to need more medicine refills... and maybe ask her to figure out what the heck is going on with my stomach...

My stomach has been a mystery all my life... and I wish to be properly diagnosed before I assume what it could be.

Alright, I am tired because I didn't sleep until way past midnight... and it's not fun to do that... since my body is like... nope for the next day xD

Shall get to my other blog to talk about some stuff now.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

These Are My 10 Commandments (Sort Of) Of Writing A Blog As A Hobby

 There's a post idea that says... "what is your ten commandments for your career?" And I was like... I don't actually work but doing everything else... sort of is...

What do I mean about everything else? Well, I am doing this blog... even though as a hobby, I still consider it as a job.

So... here's my commandments on... well... my blogs.

1. Don't Worry About Anything... I mean it... don't worry about anything that you do. If it seems weird, don't worry about it.

2. Try To Get Ideas... Just so you can be inspired to write more.

3. Don't Have A Set Schedule.... since you are writing the blog as a hobby... if you are like me.

4. Short Posts Are Okay...Especially if you are like me... who sometimes don't know what to talk about all the time.

5. Be Ready To Be Criticize With No Problems.. I mean... it's okay to be criticize as long it's not in a rude way... I had been rudely told that my way of words are not okay... and I was like... you know... you could just say that... I need to fix a problem instead of telling me how my writing style should be.

6. Don't Stress... I mean it... don't stress if you don't or aren't able to post in that day or length of time.... just explain it in a personal post that you have been busy or you just didn't know what to talk about.

7. Not Everything Is Gonna Be Perfect.... You are reading that right... not everything doesn't have to be perfect so don't let that get to you... perfection doesn't always have to be you.

8. If You're Ever In Doubt, Just Write It Out.... Sometimes, if you don't know what to talk about... you would like to write it out... and then you can figure out from there whether or not to post it.

9. One Failure Is A Lesson Learned... I usually just get some ideas out of the way if I know that I don't like it.

10. Don't Be Like Everybody Else... I mean it... you are you... My blog is all over the place and you think that I care? Not really... I like to try something new a lot of times.

And so... you get the idea of what my commandments are... I don't think it's what I think of... but they are good to follow if you want to write a blog as a hobby.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Not A Whole Lot To Say

 Well, it was something that I never thought that I could pulled off... Making it through this with no problems.

I guess I need better planning and stuff xD

Anyway, I am actually glad to get by this week... I hope that this coming week is much better... but then again... you can't really entirely predict anything that goes on.

I have no clue what will happen next... but hoping that I am able to take a little bit of rest because I got two weeks in October of stuff to do... for one day per week xD

There's a doctor's appointment that I gotta do since I am at that time for some more blood work to be done... yea... gonna be fun, you know?

Alright, I shall get back to my life for now... if anything happens, I will let you all know.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Aliens Could Be Real?

 There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there... one that I really believe in were... Aliens being real.

It's never proven that aliens were real... but yet... it was proven that UFOs exist... so what is up with that?

I never quite understand a whole lot details but hoped that things will get better with time.

Especially, proving that aliens are real...

I mean... there's got to be something controlling these UFOs, right?

Yea, I may be strange for believing these type of conspiracy theories...

But do you have any that you believe in? I'm sure there's a lot of them that does due to the mystery behind the COVID-19 outbreak... so yea.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Checking This Website Out... Pobble 365 Looks Fun

 I found this website that is just for anybody. It's called Pobble 365.

Everyday, there's something new that pop up... you have questions, story starters and much more.

Like an example... today is Skydive... now you see the picture so you can create a story for that alone... or read the story starter to write from there.

You can draw too of the object that the story starter stated... just something for everybody.

I really enjoy this idea for a website... and may use it as a challenge in the future.

I really hope more parents and adults would use this page as a way to find something to do.

Here is the site that you can go on:

You can check it out and maybe... just maybe it would something fun to try... either for yourself or for your children. Also, teachers can get on there too because it's great to have when you don't know what to do.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Having A Bad Week

 Well, I really had a bad week...

I just had to stop writing the blogs at some point of the week... and really... wished that I didn't but I really couldn't helped it.

My stomach had been hurting like crazy and stuff... so I just gave up on the blog for a bit.

Sorry about that.

Just understand that this may happen a lot because of how my health is... it's a struggle sometime to even get out of band and more.

So, if you don't see any blogs for a long time, I am alright, just resting a whole lot.

Alright, shall get to writing the other blog because I want to talk the anime that are ending...

See you all whenever.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Traveling Solo is What I Want To Do Someday

 I really want to do... is travel solo.

Something that I have been looking into for a long time but I have no money right now. I just have to wait and see what happens later on...

Usually, people would tell you to not worry about money and just go for it... Okay... it does take money... especially if you don't have a passport or realID which is a requirement if you wish to fly a plane.

I just know that it is hard to do any traveling right now. As the virus still continues, many things are slowly opening up.

One day, I do want to try to travel... Starting with Japan, of course, because Japan has been a country that has been on my top of the list... I just love the culture there and more.

What is one thing that you really want to do someday?

Would you like to travel alone too?

Dreaming of Having My Own Website

 One day, I would love to have a website for A Faerie Journey only... because it's all about me.

I am currently writing a story based on A Faerie Journey... but I haven't a clue on how to start... maybe start by a death... I haven't a clue whether to start with a mom dying or an aunt... so I will try both ways and see from there.

I want to base on my life but in fantasy form... so you can see why I wish to do this.

Now... about the website... should I wish to hire somebody... I might try to hire somebody to do some copywriting... for what, I don't know yet.

I know what copywriters do... but I much rather try to do most of the website on my own.

Right now... I am not interested in hiring anybody to do a website as I could not afford it right now.

When the chance comes, I'll be sure to research some ideas on the website and more.

What would you do if I do happen to get an official website? Would you go to it?

Right now, I will stick to blogger.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Taking My Time Blogging

 I think I made it through this past week... despite, skipping two blogs that was planned out.

I did wrote three blogs this past week... at least.

I am hoping that I will feel a bit better for this week... but we just have to wait and see...

I think I will dedicate this week as... just take my time at blogging week xD

Anyway, not much going on this week... just know it will be cooler in the weather finally...

Alright, I am going to get off and get to writing my other blog... I want to plan out my week accordingly... and well... you should know that Mondays and Saturdays are always break days from blogging... Something that I wish to continue.

There will be other break days that will be picked at random just because I can.

See you all when I can!

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Talking About Trends in Blogging

 There's several trends for blogs right now... You can view them here:

Let's talk about each one...

SEO (look at the site to see what it means), basically seems interesting enough. You use the option of a search engine within your blog. Though I am not that interested in this problem. It's still something that anybody could use.

Video Marketing... which is something we all do when we're bored. I usually watch videos almost a lot of times during the day. When they use videos to talk about blogs, it is a good sample for people to learn more.

Guest Posting is awesome in fact. I may do this in the future... although if I recalled, I was invited but didn't really do it. I want to learn more before I do this. 

Email Marking is something that I do enjoy having... newsletters are always there to give you something new every day or week or month... depending on the company or what you register. They give you info about the blog or just about anything you can think of.

Long-Form Content... something that I have been doing but it's not easy. So if you have a long post... it's really good for people to stay on the page longer.

Now... if you wish to read more, just go to that link above. 

Also, if you have anymore trends that you know of... you are welcome to comment.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

It's That Time Of The Year For Politics

 Yep... we got a senator and a president race.

I saw the first sign locally and it's already annoying me. Not because of the sign but because I know people would start coming by trying to convince you to vote for this person or that person.

This time, I am going to straight out and say... I'm a democrat and I don't really care who gets in right now because nobody is really that good.

Which is true. Nobody is really that good right now. But you can only get one out that is worse than the other.

I am still going to try to vote but not sure when those ballots are coming in the mail. It is really slow for some odd reason.

Oh, well... we just have to wait and see until November to know who will win.

What is politics like in your area? Just wondering.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What You Could Do In A Small Town

 I've been living in a small town all my life. There's not a whole lot to do. Especially since this town doesn't have a movie theater or a mall.

But there's still something to do... so let's talk about 10 things you can do in a small town.

1. Go For A Walk: There's plenty of places to walk to. You can walk downtown, up by a hospital or just about anywhere if it's all located in town.

2. Go For A Swim: If you're like my hometown... there's plenty of places you can go for a swim. We have a lake and a creek and much much more. Though you may have to travel by car to get to most place buy they are worth it during the summer.

3. Go Fishing: Again, you go to the lake and river and creek for these. Be sure you have your license to do it. Unless you go around certain weekends in the summer for certain states. Here in Kentucky, it's the first weekend of June.

4. Go To Your Local Library: I really do hope your small town as a library. Ours do but it only serves for whole entire county so it does kind of suck. You can request books from other libraries so that's a good thing.

5. Go Hiking: Not sure if your town has places to hike but ours do... only if we go into another small town xD But our small town is part of a big county so it's all good.

6. Go To Your Parks: Our town have plenty of parks to sit, walk and play. You should be able to enjoy the places more.

7. Support Your Local Games: Not sure if you have these but during some summers and fall weathers... you could go support the local schools or local teams. Believe me... we have small league, football and much more. So there's always something to support.

8. Take a Drive: You really do need a car for this. A small town always have back roads... we have loads of them. I love Wildie, Scaffold Cane, Red Hill, Sand Hill... yea... those are the real names of the back roads that we go to.

9. Go Into The Woods: Be aware during certain hunting seasons... but other times, you could just roam into the woods... just be sure that you have a way out and more. Be careful of snakes and other wild animals.

10: Take a Cruise: No, not a cruise on the ocean... but more like riding back and forth through town. You can do this with bikes too because you just never know what you might see while you're out.

Most people are friendly in these small towns so if you're ever in town, don't be afraid to wave at people. They will wave back.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Addressing A Few Things

 I know some people likes a lot more of certain things but I am not the type of person who just chooses one thing and stick to it...

Sure, I am a big fan of Kingdom Hearts franchise. But I just... don't much about certain things.

So if you're looking more of something, you best to wait it out or something.

Also, I don't really know much about D&D... just saying... It's not like I don't like it... I just literally don't know much about it... other than that it's a role play type of game.

I've seen a YouTuber that done it... but they quit doing it because of things.

I would like to try D&D sometime or another...

But just so you know... my blog may be called "A Faerie Journey"... it has nothing to do with role play and such. I called it that because it's basically, my life journey... Why the word Faerie is there? Because I loved them... Ever since I first read them in YA Dark Fantasy Series books.

So... that's why my blog is called "A Faerie Journey."

Hope you all understand it a bit more.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, September 4, 2020

Asking Forgiveness Even If I Don't Recieve It

 There were moments that I had said stuff that I wished to take back.

It's hard to just pick one.

So let's talk about them.

I think we all have those moments where we had said something that we thought was okay but it wasn't.

I did.... a lot. And it caused a lot of problems to happen to me.

I had lost touch with people whom were hurt by the words that I had spoke of before. I really wish to take them back.

I really hope these people would learn to forgive me eventually because I am asking for it... But I don't mind if they never do forgive me. I learn that it's better to just forgive yourself instead.

It's something you have to learn to do over time because it can eat away in your mind sometimes.

So... be careful what you say to people that are close to you.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Time to Ask My Readers the Questions

 Note: I may add this to both blogs since it's something that I want the readers to answer.

Since I have been writing these blogs for a while now, I figure it's time to ask you, the readers, questions. There's no right or wrong answers here. You can lie, be honest, or anything.

There are rules that you must be respectful, keep hate comments out and more. You are allow to say certain things just be sure to be "nice" about it.

Here are the questions:

What would you like see more on my blogs?

How do you feel about my blogs?

What do you like or don't like about in my blogs?

If I could improve these blogs, tell me how.

What would you not like to see more of in my blogs?

Do you have any suggestions?

What do you think about my blogs so far?

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

2 Different People With The Same Love

 My mom and dad are two different people. I don't mind that really.

In fact, you never knew they are different people until you see how nice my mom is and how weird my dad is around people xD

I love them both and that is all what matters to me.

The topic is how they are similar to each other. Well, they do agree with a lot of things.

The only thing that is hard to agree with my dad is he tries to take work home. Basically, if something goes wrong at work, he will be sure to mention it over and over.

I guess that is just my dad.

My mom is a lovely person. She does have a habit of being annoying but that's because she really can't help on a lot of things. I try to look over it more than ever now.

My mom is a special person no matter what.

But in the end, I will always love both of them.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

What A Strange Week...

 Well, I could've gotten this done earlier if things didn't come in the way.

So... I am alright with that.

This past week has been a weird one since I didn't write a blog on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday... Mondays and Saturdays are days off anyway... but yea...

Tuesday, I went to see my doctor for my missing thyroid xD My blood work so far is wonderful. He's waiting for the other one. So I don't know if that one is good yet or not. He should call me by Tuesday if they did get it... if not, I may have to call to make sure that they got it.

Anyway, I think this week, I am going to start writing everyday... it might be hard to do but... even if it's just a hour or less a day... I will try to write something,

Alright, I got lots of other stuff to do. Who knows what this week will bring but I will hope it will be all good news.

See you all whenever.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats? (Cats Are Cool Too)

 Oh, boy... this is gonna be... odd to write or type out...

But... dogs are better than cats.

Well, they are loyal and can listen to you when you need to talk.

They don't run away from you when they go out (unless it's my dog, Chloe... that's... um... a different story). They are easily trained (Again... Chloe is different).

Come to think of it... cats are cool too... because at least, they are not all like my dog Chloe.

Chloe runs away when she's out on her own. Chloe doesn't listen when I try to tell her to sit or get off the table while we are eating.

I wonder... if Chloe was supposed to be a cat instead? Who knows.

However, Susie, my other dog, is a different story though. She's more a listener than a runner... except when she gets jealous of Chloe... well...

You know what... Cats are cool too. Dogs are cool because they do still love you in the end.

Blog of the Day: Adventurous Kate

 I have been holding it off but I have decided to share blogs from other people.

I miss the days where you could use the random blog button on blogger... but now... it has changed a whole lot.

Today, I am sharing a blog that is about a solo female traveler.

Now before you go and say what it's about... I don't know either... but that doesn't mean that I won't share it anyway...

So... here's the site:

I like blogs like this about women and travel... so I am going to save this blog and in the future, I might share my favorite posts from these different blogs.

So... go on... you can go ahead and read this blog yourself.

Maybe, it will inspire you to travel in the future.

Well... I had to put in the future for a reason because of what all is going on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Grateful For Doctors

 Most people have trouble believing in doctors... but I did. And well... I'm grateful for them.

It's been over a year since they discovered that nodule on my thyroid.

Never expected it to be cancer... and never expected to live for the rest of my life without a thyroid.

Sometimes, it takes a lot to actually listen to your doctor.

I am glad that I listen to my doctors instead of people online. Most people really expect that you should almost always have a second opinion. While I agree... but if the numbers are above 50%, then yea... it's best that you should listen to them.

I am the type that never waits because of how the world is right now.

Afterall... life is precious to me.

I may had change some things in my life but I hope that I continue on letting people know that you should listen to your doctors... and you should be grateful for them no matter what.

Are you grateful for your doctors? Or you really don't rely on them at all? It's up to you.

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

 It seems that it's important to thing about all the blacks who brought us inspiration.

Today, we shall honor Martin Luther King Jr.

His words will forever be in the history books and much more.

I believe the blacks deserve to have their voices raise above.

And I was just telling my mom that while she may not agree with the burnings and such... sometimes, it takes something to make something listen.

Whatever happens, I just hope there's no violence involved. Crime doesn't always solve crimes. Always remember that.

Riots can go so far... but what will you do if there's nothing left to burn? You can't go around and burn people's homes... Not at a time like this.

I hope that one day, we will get a leader that would actually listen and make things right for all the blacks out there.

So... let's honor Martin Luther King Jr. once more.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

What Happens When The Internet Goes Out

 Well, I'm gonna try to hurry up and type this up before the Internet decides to go out again...

Yes, the internet went out for almost 3 to 4 hours...  I would've gotten this done earlier... but nope... the internet outage had other plans...

Anyway, I am going to get back to doing what I was gonna do earlier but might take me a while to do so.

So... this week is gonna be a busy week for me because I gotta go see the Endocrinologist on Tuesday... which is simply a Thyroid doctor.

Then I am resting for most of the week...

I can't say much of what is going to happen since I am not writing on these blogs for Monday, Tuesday, Saturday... and who knows what else day because I will always pick at random from 0-2 every day that I do write a blog... so it would be nice if I happen to get a break all week but... It would be alright to write on those days I do want to... so we shall see...

See ya when I can.

That's all

With love,


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Finding A Good Reason To Start My Podcast

 Often, I love writing but I love talking too...

The thing about podcasting... is it's hard to do it alone.

But I would love to start it back...

Now to find a good reason to start my podcast back...

Well... I just need to find time and the topics to talk about... And only release it weekly...

I rather start it back and talk about something that's about a journey or story... that is books, video games, movies, tv shows and much much more.

A Faerie Journey doesn't mean just one thing... it means different things.

So... would you like to see me start my podcast again?

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

What's Important Right Now?

 We all know what the current events are right now.

The election is in a couple of months... this is the big one.

The virus and race for the vaccine of the virus.

The wait for something that might not ever pass.

Then you got the events that involves the video game world.

Just too many stuff going on at the same time and it's hard to figure out which one is more important than the other.

All I can say... who knows what might happen next.

And with all the bad going on... I really hope that we can fix all the problems.

The police officers should be charged with murder for killing people who don't have weapons... yep... you are reading that right.

Everything needs to be fixed right now and it's hard to figure out what current event is relevant for our lives right now.

Do you know anything that's important to talk about? If so, you can comment or contact me...

I will be making an announcement on Sunday... so keep an eye out for that.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Setting Up A Somewhat Of A Schedule

 I am always late on some Sundays with these... it's because there's always something else to be done...

But I am in no hurry to talk about what's going with my life and such.

Anyway, I am going to be setting up a small schedule... it's not gonna be that exact schedule but something close to it? I'm not sure how to explain it all xD

I guess what I'm saying... is...I am writing down what I want to do in the day... and try to check it off if it's done or not.

I will be doing free sites and surveys all through the week but only in the order that I have them saved.

Alright, I shall get back to doing other things as well as catching up with a lot of things through this week too.

I will let you all know all of that in the other blog.

For now... see you all later.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, August 14, 2020

This Is Why I'm Socially Awkward

 I'm always... weird when it comes to being social.

I'm quiet... don't really want to strike a conversation out of no where... unlike my brother who would be talking to a stranger almost anywhere... I mean... he could be talking about anything... And it makes me feel awkward!

But what made me socially awkward?

Well, one it might be how I was raised... but another...

I think... it was because of the social blunders that happened to me in my life xD

It all started with me... accidentally punching a guy in the nose... because I threw my hands up in a fist like because I didn't get anything from Santa... that was when I was 7 or 8 years old. I'm sure the guy who got the punch didn't feel great either.

Then I can never find anything good to talk about.

This is me... I'm the one who goes into tears if I lost somebody.

It's been an unusual time when that first happened to me.

I do freak people out too... back in the day... I used to stare at people while my legs were... yea... let's just say I lived an awkward life growing up.

What were your social blunders? Most of mine were growing up... and... it made me the way I am today.

I think I'm glad to be an introvert sometimes...

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Worship With Caution Seems Weird For This Title

 We all know people who worship somebody... or something.

There are anime, game and more fans that literally worship a character or idol.

But since I am not going to talk about those... maybe on the other blog, I would... let's talk about worshiping in general.

Where I think it's okay to worship? Churches, places of worship, stuff like that.

Where it's not okay to me? That's a hard question to ask... but rather let's ask what is not okay to worship...

Leaders in political should not be worshiped. They are not a god. They are not something you should go around, begging people that this person or that person is awesome and they should be worshiped. I mean... it's okay to idolize them but to go beyond that you would literally pray over this person is a bit... crazy. I mean... you see dictators who are being worshiped. You see these false prophets being worship... you know what I am talking about... There are cults out there where the person that makes the rules that are being worshiped.

It's okay to worship religion and more. But... be sure it's not the one that restricts and makes strict rules... like many types that are hidden.

I have no doubt that... worshiping should be something that should be tread lightly...

What's okay to worship? Preachers, real prophets, pope... etc.

But with that idea in mind... it's okay to worship people as long it's not for the evil or... as long as they are looked at like a god.

Do you worship something? If so, what is it?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Why I Don't Search For Templates Often?

 I know there's a lot of great ones out there. I won't share them because I only saved them for myself to try out first.

Most of the time, I rather not use templates... but if they make sense for me, then I would be using it.

So... why I don't search for templates often?

That's an interesting question to think about. I would say that... I don't like to. I just feel like it might be something that I may not be interested in.

Would you?

If you do, then you could always comment to my page here and let me know what you think would be best for me to use.

Alright, I think I will keep in mind that if I ever want to find any templates to just find out if it's the one that I want.

Again, comment if you find any that would work for me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How Would I Interview My Family?

 I often wonder why I never got to interview some of my family members before they passed away.

My grandfather would've been fun to interview with. So would my grandma.

Actually, every one of them would've been interesting to interview with.

But life always got in the way.

One of these days, I may just sit down to talk to my mom and dad about their lives.

I often wonder what questions I should ask them. The stories they may tell me.

Then again, who would have the time to tell me everything that I would ask them?

How was their childhood? Was it good? Was it bad?

I already know the stories of how my mom lived and how my dad lived...

So again, it would be interesting to see how they answer certain things.

If you all have ideas or questions for me to ask my parents, you are welcome to comment below.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Thinking It's Time To Keep A Journal For Blogs

 Hi, it's that time of the week where I talk about what I've done this past week...

Let's just say... Friday, I was in a hurry to get the last two posts done and they ended up short... which is not good if I want to do a good job with my journey.

So I will try my best to start the idea of keeping a blog journal just for blogging and such...

The thing is... I haven't bought many journals lately because there hadn't been anything that's caught my eye. I do have notebooks which I could be using as a way to keep up with my blogs and such... so I will think about that in the future.

Really, I just need to write down my ideas.

Or rather... supporting the topics that are picked at random xD

Alright, I am going to get to picking out the journal and then well, I should be doing nothing today but help my mom cook later on.

It's one of those Sundays where we don't have to do anything at all... but things can change... so you just never know.

See you all sometime this week.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, August 7, 2020

Why Things Should Matter

 So... let's talk about why I did what I did with unfinished stories...

Sometimes, you never know what your day is like.

After my surgery for over a year now... I was always having a bad day.

I still do have bad days... and that kinda of sucked a lot.

I should really try to get up and be proactive on a lot of things... I should just get stuff done and not worry about what matters to me...

Life does matter... so does listening to what matters to my life.

So... why... why are some of the things you do are the way they are?

The question should matter especially when you have a lot to think about towards life and much more.

What I Start Should've Been Finished

I think I had so many projects that were left unfinished. I always start with one thing but never to finish it. This topic asks for only one... so I will start with the big one.

It is writing stories... I always start writing them but never really finishing them.

Half of the stories that are written out there were ones that I loved and enjoyed.

As for why... that's for another time.

I think I will try to complete the stories because I should have a plan of what might happen or comes next.

Alright, let's think about what the whole question for this topic...

What projects or stuff that you started but never finished?

I know some of you want to try to finish something so let's think about how for now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

5 Things That Make Me Happy Right Now

I might have a hard time to think about what is making me happy right now... but... here we go.

1. My Family
I am happy with my family right now with the state we are in at the moment. We are living in the moment and hoping for good things to come in the future. While right now, it's all in the planning stage, I'm in an alright place.

2. My Friends
I have a best friend and many other friends that are mostly online. While only my best friend that I talk to the most, I am alright with that ideal life. We are fine and I'm happy with how much we do talk to every once a while.

3. My Layout in My Room
This is a funny thing to add to the list but you had no idea how stressed I was feeling because I was not happy with my room... After getting rid of the table and adding more shelves... my room began to feel a lot better. I am able to move around in there with no problems.

4. My Future Plans
This adds to my family more... we have an idea of what we want. I may not talk about it much because it involves with moving and much more. There's no exact plan yet but I do have ideas of what to do in case we do move.

5. Understanding and Being Open-Minded.
Might not be an object but this... makes me enjoy life more because it makes me feel happy that I stand by more people no matter what skin they have, no matter what sexual orientation they are, no matter what they do or think... life should be more acceptable... and more forgiving instead of always worrying about the past.

So... what 5 things are making you happy right now?

Sure... we can't always be having happy days every single day... and I know this... because I don't always have to pretend to be happy... just have a good day and that makes me alright.

Being happy shouldn't be forced... and I don't wish for people to try to tell you how to be happy... because it's not okay... only you can find what makes you happy.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Is It Okay To Hate Football?

I hate Football... I'm talking about American Football...

I am not sure why I hate it... but I find most sports boring.

Even though I wanted to watch Tokyo Olympics before it was delayed.

I guess I am just a weird person... hope I don't get hate on for hating football xD

I was never into that whole school spirit back when I was in high school.

So... that's how my life has been.

What sport do you hate?

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Giving Myself A Pat On My Back

Whoo... what a wild ride this week... but I've got the blogs planned out and done... so I should pat myself on the back.

Things are interesting though because I am going to continue to make up my journey as I go forth.

This week will be the same... with random times for no blog days... However... Thursday will automatically get a day off from blogging because I got an eye exam and stuff...

So gonna get back to my normal timing with stuff.

I will plan out my week like usually... until a challenge says to do it for the whole month xD

Alright, I shall get back to doing what I do best... well, you just have to read that part on the other blog.

See you all sometime this week.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, July 31, 2020

Random Writing Prompts To Write or Practice To Write

Languages are full of surprises... but writing... English is kind of weird... even though I am a native speaker of it.

But right now... let's share some prompts that you can use to write or practice to write.

What Do You See Yourself As A Person?
What Are Your Goals or Dreams?
What Do You See Yourself Doing in 5 Years? 10 Years?
Do You Have A Bucket List? If So, What Is On The List? If Not, Why Not?
What Do You Think About What Is Going On Right Now? (This Can Be Anything)
Where Do You See Yourself In Life Right Now?
How Do You Feel Both Emotionally and Physically?
Do You Have Favorite Foods?
Who Is Your Favorite Idol? Real or Fictional Are Okay.

Now I could go on but my mind is a blank right now. So which of these prompts are your favorite? Or do you have a prompt that you would like to share yourself? Just write and practice to write a lot of stuff.

Writing can be everywhere and anywhere... just as long you're careful where you are writing at.

So... write. It's like a virus to some of us... we just can't stop writing a lot.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

My Plans For August

Usually, I just walk every day... mostly, taking my dogs for a walk.

This weekend, I'm gonna change my exercise schedule a bit...

It's a 30 day challenge, of course... but I think I will be able to do it.

I just know that I can do this... but hoping that I am able to keep up with this challenge and stuff.

How about you? What will you do?

Here's a sample of what I'm gonna do:

Now you are welcome to follow what is on this site too... but that's up to you.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

My Hallway Isn't Worth To Estimate The Length

You know... I don't even know how big is my hallway... but it's short.

There's only two bedrooms and a bathroom that way... and well... the dryer just gets in the way of everything.

I think it's not worth to estimate of how short it is.

Especially how small it is...

I hate it because of how it looks...
This is how my hallway looks

And well... one of these days, if we ever move... I do hope that we have a hallway that does not have items such as this... so it could be room to walk to and from the bedrooms.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Back To Square One

I did it again... I got distracted with something else and only wrote one different blog other than the one I wrote on Sundays...

Oh, well...

I will do this week a bit different... instead of one or two... I will add the zero just so that I can have more days off besides just Mondays and Saturdays... so that I can figure out when I could just write ahead.

That was the mistake... I didn't write ahead of time.

So I will get back to doing that now... so that I can work on my blog again.

Alright, see you all whenever.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Wear Your Mask

You know what frustrates me? People not wearing masks.

It's a simple thing to put over your nose and mouth... just to walk into a store and walk out... that's all you gotta do.

I mean, are you going to stay inside a store all day long? No? What's only 20 minutes or less?

People gets offended because of a silly thing that could change the way we think of masks.

I mean... come on... it's not that hard!

So... yea... I really don't understand why people freak out when they are forced to wear a mask... it's not something to be afraid of. And it's not going to kill you.

Yes, I'm looking at those who believes that a mask can cause you to lose oxygen... seriously?

So... it's frustrating me... I sure hope people would learn to make masks normal.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Back and Ready For This Week

I am finally back. But with more ideas... and still more ideas to add xD

I guess... I was trying to figure out what to do.

So... every week, I will be adding more ideas to my random blog thing....

That goes for both this blog and my pop culture blog....

This is going to be interesting to do...

So... just wish me luck when I start this week....

However, I will not be writing a blog on three days this week... Mondays, Thursday and Saturdays.

The ones with s at the end will be the new norm... giving me time to write the blogs and have them ready for the next day... as well as having Saturdays as a rest day for me.

I just hope that I am able to do this without feeling burnt out.... but then again... you just never know what will happen on these two blogs...

See you all starting on Tuesday...

Oh, yea... only one or two blogs will be on the days that I am writing a blog.... just your typical fyi.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 12, 2020

I'll Be Back Next Week

So I have decided to keep my blogs personal but depending on what topic it is... so that you can get more blogs...

Through this week, I will be going through the topics and adding more to it... I just hope that it won't be too hard to do xD

I am keeping it on blogger with a future of owning a website with the same name as this blog...

I will be deciding whether or not to keep it at one or two blogs per day and having off days on Mondays and Saturdays... as well as days that I have something to do.... whether it's a doctor's appointment, a sudden trip to the store, etc.

So... there you have it for how often I am writing my blogs...

I am still waiting for an answer about my other blog, A Faerie Pop... but for now... I'll think about that one for this week with this final break.

I will be back on Sunday with more announcements and hoping you all will understand what is coming next.

I may do a weekly what I am doing that week thing... so you will know what book I am reading, what movies or anime that I am currently watching and much more.

I just have to figure out on how to do that... so just keep in mind... I am trying not to get burnt out on my blogs...

Alright, shall get back to doing stuff...

See you all...

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Taking A Few Weeks Off But Still Post Weekly

Well.... I guess I just effed up my week there...

I did had it planned out but you know... I just didn't do any of the planned posts that I did planned...

In fact, I just took a break and decided to wait a bit before I did do them.

I am going to take a few weeks break from any other posts other than my weekly posts... mostly because I do need to catch up with a lot of things...

As well as... figured out a few things out.

I always wanted to plan a website that is exclusively for my blogs only... but as a brand for A Faerie Journey... as well... find a place where I could sell my books that I don't want to my fans...

And have a place where I could offer charities of my choice so you can help donate some stuff. And well... life happened.

I am going to start working harder on some stuff.... by taking a few weeks of break from posting a lot on my blogs... I will still keep you all updated weekly...

So... hope you all don't mind... because I need this break... I don't want to get brunt on writing on the same old thing over and over.

So during these few weeks... I will do a poll on some of the ideas and see if you think it should go on my blogs or just one blog... so yea... be sure to go on there right now to answer something that I have been thinking about lately right now.

See you next week.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sometimes You Have To Think

I guess you are wondering what I mean by the title of this blog... well... you see... sometimes, you have to think about things.

I am always keeping an open mind for everybody and everything around me.

And I realized that some people refused to let other people have their way in the world... so that's not good at all.

So... with all of these things on my mind... I think it's time to get back to YouTube... especially, I think my dad is working full time now. He doesn't work all day so I have to plan things accordingly.

It will take me a few days to get everything out of my mind... then I will edit it... and make it several parts...

Just hope that you all will understand the struggle of my own mind.

Alright, this week will be mostly recording off and on... all depending on when my dad works through the day xD

See you when I can.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Loving Myself

There's a time in life that you do hate everything about you and yourself.

Then... it takes a death to realize that maybe it's time to love myself.

I know it sounds horrible to say that but that's how life is... life and death seems to be a trigger for something that happens to you.

I just... woke up.

When my aunt passed away, it got me out of my depressed state... I really just... got fed up laying around... wearing PJs... but that never stopped me from staying all the way to 4 am in the morning and such.

My first major surgery... which was talking out my gallbladder made me realized that life is too short... and it taught me a lesson about some things.

Then my grandma passed away that same year. It was a struggle to cry because I was beginning to get used to death... this seems really weird to me to deal with.

I loved my grandma. I just felt like... getting older means death is waiting at some point in your life.

After my second major surgery... I realized that life is too short. I wanted to change.

And that's my choice in life right now...

I want to start loving myself even more.

It's not easy, you know? To get to loving yourself as a person. There are no easy steps to anything. And that's me being honest.

So... how would you love yourself?

Monday, June 22, 2020

Vampire Hunters... Could They Make Great Stories?

I'm used to reading stories about other types of hunters but there are rarely stories about vampire hunters... so let's talk about them.

You do see them in movies and video games a whole lot... they sometimes part vampire... or humans who despise vampires... whatever they are... they hunt down vampires.

I think of them as a good idea for a story...

Yes, I know there's already loads of stories like them... but it could be a story that I could be interested in writing...

While they are part of our folklore and now... fictional world.... we still see them as something awesome.

If you want to read more about them, you can go here:

What do you think of vampire hunters?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Buying A New Planner

I bought me a new planner yesterday.

Might be a good thing... but... I kind of wished it only started in 2021 only.... oh, well.

Anyway, I am alright, just a bit tired...

This past week... I only forgot one thing but that's only because I forgot to plan ahead for that one.

I keep thinking of what I should put here and what I shouldn't... but... only time can tell.

Right now, I think I am finally going to get back onto YouTube... it'll be a long time before I can fully say what's up and stuff... so yea... gonna try to make it a short video xD

Alright, I will get back to doing stuff... this week is full of movies and anime... wish me luck.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, June 19, 2020

I would love to learn how to play a guitar.

Today, I want to talk about a few things... (while I am typing this the day before but it will be out today... yes, it can be confusing but you can do that.)

The main topic is what I would love to learn how to do... and well... that's the guitar.

Here's the history of me and a guitar... I had a few of them when I was younger... most of them broke or later on break when I gave them away.

But I never knew how to play the guitar... now before you ask how these guitars break... they were cheaply made... where you bought them for little as nothing on this certain site... I prefer to have a Gibson someday... which is a better quality guitar that would last if taken care of.

Why did I never learn to play? I was young... I was never patient enough to sit down and just learn.

And growing older... made me learn a lot about being patient... and I think I am able to sit down and just pick at the guitar while learning.

So... who knows... maybe someday in the future I might get myself a guitar.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Poem That Sounds Deep

Today's poem will be here:

There's a few things to note about this poem... it's translated from the Chinese... that's all it says... so I don't know where it is from entirely.

From what I noticed about this poem... is the way it keeps saying "by the way" over and over...

Here's my interpretation of this poem: It's about life... of a couple that never really had children but they grew old together. And when they passed away, it was when they realized that maybe they should've took things serious... even though the title of the poem is not in the poem itself... but you can almost tell it does.

In case you don't know... I have been known to understand poetry a bit more... just by reading past the contents of the poem... and this one is surely about how short life is.

Alright, I love putting poetry on my main page because they can be inspiration to read...

So what do you think of the poem?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Today's word is another way to lecture.

This is where to word is at:

It seems like this is all we ever see anymore. Speeches all around.

Let's talk about Harangue... which sounds weird as itself... so we will call it a speech at a public assembly.

There's been important matters as of late... the virus, the BLM movement and more.

So... what do think of this word? It would be a good idea to use this word for a book so you don't have to say speech at a public assembly all the time.

Alright, I am going to get away from the subject of this... and will be mention what books I am reading as well what I am listening on certain posts...

Right now, I am not listening to anything... but reading a Dragonlance book... so yea.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Hoping This Week Will Be Better

I am glad this past week went by fast...

There was a few posts but it's alright.

I am hoping to have a break from a lot of things this week... and write more of the blog. But I always choose at random so yea... it'll be different to get through it all.

I am going to start my 30 day challenges starting next month. And only will do them for 30 days unless otherwise.

It'll be different than doing the monthly (Jan through Dec) challenges.

I will still do those but it will be rarely.

Ah, well...

I am tired because I seem to ate too much xD

I will be alright... so... let's hope this week will be better because it's my blah week.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, June 8, 2020

Today's Holiday is... National Best Friends Day

No point in explaining this holiday.

We should always honor those who are best friends to each other.

Mine lives across the oceans and on small islands with millions of people.

It's good to have a friend who would talk to you about anything... even if it's not much xD

So... National Best Friends Day... is awesome.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Voices Needed To Be Heard

First things first... let me say that this is the most earliest that I ever wrote a blog in real time...

Now... let's talk about a few things...

I decided to not post any blogs this past week because I felt like there were voices that needed to be heard more than ever.

I think it does matter... police officers had been getting away with everything far too long.

And yea... life is just kind of strange right now. Especially for everybody else.

I totally agree with a lot of things out there... and there's some I don't.

We all do.

Anyway, I am about to do some stuff today... because I want to get started with other things some point this month or the next... will let you all know as it gets closer to that time.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 31, 2020

Trying To Keep Up With Things

I've done what I am able to do... but this week, there might be more blogs scheduled...

I always try to do them the day before... so that they can come out automatically for the next day.

But I had things to be done in the past week... so I didn't really get much done...

Good thing, there was just two blogs scheduled.

Oh, well...

I think this week, there are more blogs... so I hope to get some of them done.

I will start working on some of them tomorrow and have them scheduled through the week... if some are done, then I could be able to work on some more.

Most of the time that is needed... are doing some research xD

Alright, I will get back to doing other things...

See you all someday.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

10 Hobbies That I Want To Try

1. Gardening - Not really a flower garden because that's easy on it's own. But I want to do more... grow a garden full of veggies and fruits... I don't have a good location right now to do this but if I ever get a home, you bet that I would start doing this.

2. Geocaching - All you need  is a GPS device and ways to go about places. Something that I really love to try because you just never know what you might find.

3. Learning an Instrument - I've tried this before but just never bother to try. But now videos exist where you can watch somebody teach you how to play and you can follow along. This is something that I want to do. I would love to learn the guitar, banjo and more.

4. Hiking - Love to do this every weekend. The problem? I am not the driver and I don't like bugs.

5. LARPing - Basically... live action role playing... it's like you're telling the story... but acting it out for real. I keep seeing people doing it online and would love to do it!!

6. Sewing - I've tried this when I was younger... always kept messing it up. I don't think I will mess it up now so something that would be fun to try again.

7. Writing for a Video Game - Something along that line... I really love the stories in video games so much that I just wish I could do the same.

8. Crafting or Making Stuff - Crafting is something that I was interested in... but I just don't know if I am able to do it.

9. Jewelry Making - Another thing that I would love to learn to do but really don't know if I would have the patience to do it.

10. Karate or Martial Arts of some sorts - I always love the moves and just want to try them out one of these days. Who knows...

These are all the things that I would love to try... maybe one day I will.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Why I Took A Break This Past Week

Monday, I decided to start cleaning my room because I had ordered shelves... I was tired of having a filing cabinet and a coffee table as storage in room.

I was right to get rid of those two things.

But I still have a mess but it's all books... yes... books... you are reading that right xD

Anyway, I am still tired from yesterday so that means I will be taking a break for a few more days... who knows what else is next.

Alright, I will get back to life... and it's almost time for my daily nap... I've skipped napping for a few days so yea... kind of feeling the affects of it now.

See you sometime this week.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 17, 2020

I've Done It! I Think I Done It?

I did it! I actually done some blogs over the past week... there would've been more but... my dog has been waking me up waaaaay early in the morning so it's making me sleepy through the day.

I already do have to get up early but my dog decided that I shouldn't sleep anymore... so... yea...

I'll be alright, just have to figure how to time my stuff a bit better.

This week... I think I only have one show to watch.

Now I wonder how they are going to make up all of these delayed shows for next year... just have to wait and see until then.

I am going to have more free time to do stuff and I am going to try to do some YouTube... sure you might hear noises in the background but it'll do...

Anyway, I am doing alright... just been bored a whole lot lately... might be because of the weather... not sure really.

I shall go do some other stuff as well as get my other blog done.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: The French Artist Who Didn't Care What He Made

This artist had a disability which made him short. I will share the reason why through here:

It was told that he got into art due to his disability so... his art later on became... interesting.

This site shares what his art does look like:

If you want more info about this artist:

This site tells more about Henri is in his life as well as his views on women:

You can look here for more of his art:

Some things that didn't know about this artist:

Henri had many ideas about women and other people. He didn't really care what he made... he just wanted it to shown. Even though he died at a young age... he was already gaining popularity with his art. Especially since his mother and his art dealer continued to support him long after his death.

He made over 700 paintings... which you can view online. His style of art is inspired by another art style... which is interesting. One of the sites does tell what he was inspired by.

Do I like his art? Some of them... but not all of them.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Language today: Korean... should I learn this language?

First, it has been a while since I actually post anything different than my weekly update. Today, we get to talk about a language.

Korean is a lot different than most languages... especially all of Asian languages.

There's a whole history behind how Korean became known... North and South Korea both share the same language while both uses different methods of learning the language.

I'm not going to go into details about the history but instead... I will share two wikipedia pages about Korean Language.

There are different sites that teaches Korean... as well as books... you can search the books on your own but I will share the different places where you can learn the language yourself online.
This site is really popular... you can learn the basics in 5 minutes. But really, this is just a simple way. You can try it out yourself and see how you would like it.
You really don't learn the language here but it does teaches you a bit how the writing system works in this language. Something you should check out yourself when you get a chance.
They are the same company. While the website has more detail courses that you have to pay. And the YouTube channel gives you lessons. I don't think it has all of them but it's still good to go through and check it out.
Again, the channel above... it gives you bits and stuff about the language... they have a website where you have to pay to learn more. I won't share the site because it's right there on the page. Again, if you like to check out, you can go there.
This is actually free... with the option of paying for a certification for completing the language course. Oh... and it's actually starting today so if you are interested... go right over there while you can.

There are many books and other ways to learn this language... you can watch K-drama or listen to K-pop... but whatever way you wish to learn... just know there's many options out there.

Now... let's talk about why I am interested in learning this language... writing stories and more... can always include languages of all kinds... you can travel just about anywhere. So it's always good idea to learn something new if you're writing about something you have a passion about.

So to my answer to the title of this blog... yes... I should learn this language... especially since I am into K-pop and K-drama a lot lately.

What about you? Are you interested in learning Korean? If so... go on those sites to learn more... or even search more about it yourself!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Some Changes Were Made

I had added some more stuff to my list of random topics to talk about...

Also... I am only going to do 0 to 2 blogs from now on... why I went down to one? Because I want to have time to do more stuff during the day.

That should be no problem since I can work on those blogs a bit more... adding more detail to them and such.

The topics are... well... things that I feel should be important for both blogs.

Like A to Z of different things that could be interesting... I will find out what type of lists for that later on.

Some lists will have up to 100... so that's going to be fun to work on through the week if that one gets chosen...

So... as you could tell some blogs will be worked on through the week... just like I did with the Kingdom Hearts series...

I might be doing the same thing for the Final Fantasy series... someday xD

It would be fun to do a series for a blog... so we shall see one day.

Alright, keep in mind of the changes... because this is a way for me to not forget about it and if I am tired, I don't have too much to worry about.

See you sometime.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Um... Yea...

Oh, hi....

I... seem to forgot to do something last week... after I posted that I would.

So... um... things happened.

Okay, okay... I forgot... and had it all planned out... only for it to go out of the door.

I guess I could blame the game... but you know... it's my fault as well.

I don't really have anything to explain why I neglect to update this blog... and yes... there were things planned out for this blog.

This week... for sure... I will be updating.

Once most of the shows are done... I will have more time to do stuff... while still have the time to go out and sit.

Right now, I am just aiming to finish a movie off before 6 or 7... because I got loads of email to go through xD

We'll see... just don't be surprised if I do neglect anything at all.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, April 26, 2020

When Something Else Happens.

I think my blah (period) chose the wrong time to start hurting me...

That's why I haven't add a new post to this blog this past week...

I am  thinking long and hard about what to do for this blog... but... I'll just update it depending on my mood... that's about all I can do xD

Also... I kind of want to stay home more... my mom just wants to go on a ride for... almost every single day!

Yea... I need to rest soon after I finish a game.

Anyway, I will get back to life soon...

But I just don't know when that will happen yet xD

Ah, well...

I'm alright, just tired... it's close to my nap time but I am hungry too... so... just have to figure something out soon.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Just Trying To Get Back Into A Habit

I am thinking of gradually getting back into the habit of updating my blogs... starting this week.

I sort of have a schedule out now.

These past few weeks has been weird since the virus came through.

I'm not fussing about the lockdown but I do know a LOT of people are... and it's stupid... Seriously... just shut up about this and that. We are not the only state that has to deal with this, just so you know.

Anyway, I am not going to stay on here to blab about all of this BS...

But we... are going to get through this together, okay? It will be alright. Just hold it out just a few more weeks.

Alright, I will see you all tomorrow... hopefully.

Again, these are going to be random blogs... also... my other blog will explain more about something else.

See ya.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Taking A Break For Another Week

It's time for the weekly update...

I know it's been a while... well, since last week... but things have been weird.

I have been trying to catch up with anime which has been tough since one of the anime that I was planning to watch has been delayed until July... but I don't mind at all.

However... I am hoping to play my game finally this week...

Yes... I know that I should put what I am talking about on the other blog... but it's alright.

I have decided to start watching anime on two days of the week... including the weekend... so that I can finally catch up with other shows and more.

Then after my list goes down to only one month... then I can be able to go watching shows full time.

Alright, I hope that everything will be good... I got other things to do this week so again... my blogs will be on a break.

Don't worry... I'll be back in a week to update what's going on.

See you all then.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Taking A Break But Still Weekly Updates

I've decided to take a short break from my blog from other things... other than this personal update.

I am fine... just allergy season and it sucks a lot.

I have been trying to enjoy going outside and stuff... So... pretty isolated here... believe me... there's nobody that hardly walks these streets where I live so I'm okay xD

Anyway, I am going to keep this short and let you all know... numbers are expected to raise and much more... as long as we are in this surge... we have to be prepared for anything.

I am glad to stay home all week long since we only go to the grocery store once a week... except my dad was hoping to go to Walmart but he didn't know they were doing this thing where only a certain amount of people goes inside... so yea... no surprise there.

Also... things are gonna get harder and stranger in the weeks ahead but I don't mind... not so sure about my mom and dad... oh, well...

We just gotta stay strong, okay?

I will be back to normal blog sometime towards the summer so keep a watch on that.

My other blog will continue the Kingdom Hearts series on days that I don't have any shows being watched... that's now two days... yay...

See you all next week for this blog.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Too Many Cases

I'm sure our governor is going to point out another idiot or tell people to stay out of a certain state.

Things are serious right now... since USA alone has over 100,000 cases of the virus.

Our president is not doing a good job, you know? We lost a country music legend due to the virus and that's sad... really sad.

I am so proud of the governor of Kentucky for he is doing his job at stopping the spread.

There are states that are not taking things seriously... and well... it's because they are listening to the president who is constantly giving out false information... ugh.

I know my dad wants to listen to the president but I rather listen to the governor of KY... he tells more what is going on and isn't afraid to say who the idiots are.

As of right now, we may have over 400 cases... because we are expecting a surge... which are from the people who didn't listen at the first sign of this virus in the state.

So... yea... we gotta try to flatten the curve even though there might be more deaths and such.

Anyway, that's all for now.

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting anymore on this page... mostly because things have been weird since my recovery from strep... I'm okay but I keep feeling dizzy xD

Alright, see you all another time.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Staying In Is Important Right Now

We now have up 99 cases... but that could change by 5PM EST time here.

We already have that one asshole who posted something online as a joke. They don't know how serious things are...

Actually, this time has brought the light of people. There are people who are the most wonderful people. Then there's those who think you have money all the time.

Seriously, just stop being those type of people who doesn't care about you. If you don't have money, don't give out suggestions. That's the point of asking for help, 'kay?

Ah, well... I am done asking for help... but will share things that might help people. Even if I do win... I still want to share it to people that needs it to.

Anyway, I am alright... just got strep... not even sure how I ended up with that xD But I have to be careful... because things are just gonna get worse.

Just staying in... but it's driving my mom insane... I just have to keep reminding her that she will be alright.

I do worry about her a lot... because she really don't need to get this disease at all.

For now... I am gonna stay quiet on this blog for this week... I need time to recover from lack of sleep and having strep...

Just enough to get better...

I might limit what goes on these blogs... so keep that in mind.

See you all another time.

That's all.

With love,