Monday, July 31, 2017

Getting Ready For Another Episode of Midnight?

I am getting ready to watch another episode of Midnight, Texas in about 20 minutes so I just drop this blog off before I get off the computer to go watch it.

What I did today? Well, mostly Goong... which is a good show so far. I have no idea what Goong means so I think I should find out xD

I did 5 surveys this morning.

Then I colored a picture. I am not posting a picture of it yet because I want to show ones that didn't take months to do... Sadly, which is what happened to this picture. Now that I have something to keep all my coloring pencils in so that I can just move them out and pick one and move them back in... Just something easy to do.

Anyway, I know tomorrow will be the first day of August for me and I am not sure how it will be...

I just know that once August hits... the year will pass off much more quickly....

Ah, well... I'll finish the K-Drama tomorrow, hopefully... but I do know tomorrow is a busy day so it might not be finished until Wednesday. I'll let you all know when I'm finished it.

Tomorrow will be okay, I guess...

That's all.

With love,


Saying Goodbye to July 2017...

It's hard to imagine that the year passed by so fast... And such a sad first half of the year too... With my grandma getting sick and breaking her hip. It was all set for her journey to home.

I will never forget her.

This month had been a tough month. A lot of things happening and just another part of my journey. While I haven't been successful at finding an online job, I will not give up.

You should not give up anything no matter how slow or hard it seems.

While tomorrow brings in new hope... only time can be a question of no doubts... We just have to wait and see what happens.

I will write another post later today... The second half of the day, I will have a poll set for 24 hours or so... You get to choose the game that you wish for me to play.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Ready For A New Week...? Not Sure Yet

Tomorrow starts a new week... xD I am being weird.

I am kind of sleepy and I just know that Mondays (tomorrow) will be boring. Today was okay though.

I was happy to see my aunt. Then I regretted not napping at all today... it made me feel like crap all day long.

I am going to ask if you all would like to see the pictures that I color in or dot to dot... xD Just random thought.

Anyway, I might head to my bedroom early tonight and read for a hour. Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight than last night. Bad ears had been hurting lately. Nit sure why.

Ah, well... Who knows what this week will bring.

That's all.

With love,


Taking In Memories

I am just taking in the memories of the place that was my grandma's home...

I guess things can change over time... so yea...

It was good to see my aunt although, we kind of had to bug my dad to go xD

Anyway, I am going to eat and watch some K-Drama until this evening and then watch some YouTube by then.

Hope things go well for me for the rest of the day.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Very Sleepy Now...

I am very sleepy right now... so I might be going to bed early.

I have been reading at night but some reason this book that I have makes me dream strange dreams... last night, I dreamed that somebody broke into my home and my dad shot one of the guys while I used my sword on the other guy... Woke up soon after... only to realize that my dog, Chloe, wasn't in the bed with me xD She's like my little protection when I am asleep.

Anyway, looks like we won't be doing anywhere tomorrow... Dad says so. :/ I know my mom be bugging him all day about going to my aunt's or somewhere else xD I can only say... if the blog is late, we went somewhere... if the blog is early, we stayed home.

I will skip YouTube tonight since I am sleepy...

Maybe I won't be too sleepy by the time the weekday come up...

That's all.

With love,


It Feels Cool Outside

Today, it feels cool outside. I am wearing a small jacket because of it... I get the chills really easy lately and not sure why... Ah, well...

I am not going anywhere today, it seems... Unless my dad changes his mind which I highly doubt it.

Since we are not going to go out or anything today, I will continue on with K-Drama since I find it interesting to watch.

I am a bit sleepy too but gonna try to stay awake through the day.

Hopefully, today will be a good day and that I will be alright.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, July 28, 2017

Making An Announcement Like A Boss...

I'm making an announcement that has something to do with my YouTube AND my blog.

First, let's start with the announcement for my YouTube. I am going to start playing games. How I am going to do it is record it ahead of time and then save it back... I would need the converter to get it to my liking. Then gradually, after recording so many videos, I will release them. I have no idea what game to start so I will let you all decide.

Now... for the announcement to my blog. I have decided to try out some DIY, ideas for beauty (rare), more reviews (rare), and learning stuff like cooking, Japanese and other languages, etc. There will be more stuff on my blog and I should not worry about when I update because that's what I have been doing as of late.

Since the passing my grandmother last month, things have been kind of hard. I should talk about memories and add photos of some of those memories. I can do so now that my grandparents are both deceased as well as other things.

I won't add any other type of photos unless otherwise.

Also, I want to start collecting pictures from magazines of items that I like... Not that I would ever get them xD

It seems things have been off for my life. I should really find something to do.

Of course, none of the things that I mention will happen every single day or what not... Just know there are never given promises for anything that I do or say.

Anyway, I hope that tomorrow will be good for me since it's gonna be a nice cool clear day. So yay...

And it's not even Fall yet.

That's all.

With love,


It's Just A Slow Cool Day...

Today, the weather feels good... so it makes everything seem slow for some reason.

I keep having headaches for no apparent reason so I might be taking an early nap. Usual, I take naps at 2 but today, I might go and take a nap at around 1:30? Not sure yet...

I think my dad is planning to mow tomorrow so we are not gonna go anywhere at all tomorrow... More likely, we be sitting at home and I'll be catching up on some K-Drama xD

Anyway, I am going to go now... my head keeps hurting so I might have to take an IBU for it...

I will update again later to let you all know if I did anything. I know I got a movie in the mail so I more likely be watching it.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, July 27, 2017

When It Finally Rains...

It's finally raining here... It had been a really long time... well... two weeks exact since we had any rain. Good thing, it is gonna cool day tomorrow and Saturday.

I will be busy with some things in the morning and then going back to job hunting and do some surveys in the morning hours... Trying to do those early in case I ever get a movie in the mail from Netflix.

Today, I watched up to episode 6 of Goong... and it was correct for the title. The show is good even though it's made in 2006... I wish I could watch the newer shows but some reason... they require membership which I cannot afford...

I suggest dramafever to those who wants English subtitles.

Anyway, I am getting sleepy so I better just get ready for bed and hope for a good day tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Doing This Post Early Because Why Not?

I'm gonna update this post early because why not?

I am not sure what I will be doing through out today... But I do wanna try to hunt for a job and do other stuff...

Surveys are fun but they are hard to do daily...

I keep having headaches sometimes but I think I will be alright so yay...

Today, while doing many things, I will be watching some K-Drama...

The second post will tell if I completed anything done so keep an eye for that.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wonder If It Will Rain Tomorrow...

Right now, I was just thinking if it will rain tomorrow or not... Good things to wonder about since the weather is about to change for the weekend and more.

I did watch some more K-Drama... I think it was called Goong... but I might have to correct myself for that...

I do have to check Netflix soonish to check if there's anything ending for September or August... because you never know.

My ears are hurting a bit so that means I might be going to bed soonish.

I'll be back tomorrow... because you never know what the rain will bring in your mind.

That's all.

With love,


Another Hot Day But Good Time To Rest

Today is another hot day but good time to rest... and maybe watch some K-Drama xD

I should be able to do some surveys and more. I just have to take my time in doing some stuff.

I think we are gonna go to the store later but hope that things will be alright by then.

I think time is going too fast again but at least, I know how long to wait patiently  for my bestie. Then... not sure what we will be doing when he gets back online xD

Alright, going to go back to this K-Drama... it came out in 2006 so it's pretty much old...

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Pleasant Day

Today has been a pleasant day... to say the least.

I went to the library finally, took the books back. But I didn't bring any books back.

The few things that I don't like about the library are: They don't know how to get after people who has books that are due. There's like plenty of books that I want to read but the library has been careless about not contacting or ordering back the books that never return. The second thing is... there are much more best sellers than they think... But apparently, the library are gets the best sellers... And believe me, there are tons of best sellers out there that the library just avoids getting. The last thing? Almost every book there, I have read already. They rarely try to get new and better books... They don't even bother getting books that are not on the best sellers list. So this library is just a huge downgrade and they don't even compare to other libraries at all.

So that's the few things that I don't like the library locally about... it kind of sucks that they don't change how they get books either.

Anyway, I am finally getting into K-Drama but I won't give you the title until I get into the show... It's hard to find a show to get into anymore... if you know what I mean.

Alright, going to get back to the show and possibly pause it before it ends and go on to bed... Tomorrow, I will most likely be watching K-Drama more.

That's all.

With love,


A Break From Hot Weather?

I think today is finally a break from hot weather. We had the hottest weather last week. But today, it's cooler than usual.

Not sure what I will be doing today. I might be going to the library in a moment... Just to take books back, not to get any books... Since the books that I really want are not there... xD

Anyway, I might start another K-Drama soon. Not sure if it's gonna be a new show yet... Some shows on Dramafever are not available to watch since you do have to pay to watch them... I'm too poor for that... :v

I am going to rest before I decide to go to the library... Just getting over the blah stage (for those who don't know... blah is what I called my period... to me, it's the worst pain ever)

I will write on my second post later.

But first, before I forget... The show Midnight, Texas was actually good... It kind of went all over the place with the story but so far, it's been staying with the books... All three books apparently... which I didn't really like because most of them wasn't suppose to happen at a certain point. Ah, well...

I will be watching the second episode but the way the show went all over the place like that... I doubt it will last forever.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, July 24, 2017

Excited To Watch A Show...

I am excited to get ready to watch a show on NBC called Midnight, Texas. Hope that things will be alright for this show.

Anyway, who knows what will happen tomorrow... and things are just not too well atm... who knows...

I am going to keep this post short because I am keeping an eye on what time it is.

I will try to remember to tell you all about the show in the morning. Library tomorrow too... And more stuff to do.

Just hope that things will be alright for me.

That's all.

With love,


Eyes Are Dilated!

My eyes are dilated so everything I typed might be a bit messed up.

I am correcting them later or as I go but it's alright. I can remember the words that I typed so it's all good.

I always choose to have my eyes dilated because I think it gives better results. The last time that my eyes was not dilated, they gave me too strong of a prescription for my eyeglasses. So... I do suggest to have your eyes dilated. It doesn't mean you have to.

Anyway, I am going to go rest my eyes in the dark for a bit. I hope that for the rest of the day will be alright.

I got a movie to watch tonight from Netflix DVD so I will watch that then. Tomorrow, I am going to take the books back to the library... Sad to know that they don't have the other book I wanna read xD Just have to continue to read the books here.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Off To Bed To Read...

So I've decided that I should read at least one book a week from now on. Even if it means, going to the library getting a couple of books or so... I'm gonna start reading more.

I just hope that I can do it without no problems.

Tuesday, I am taking the books back to the library... Hopefully by then, they would have those fairy books... Really really want to read those. But it might be a hard book series to get ahold of... because it seems everybody is reading them xD I might just have to buy them eventually.

Speaking of buying books... I need to redo my list on Goodreads and only select the books that I do want to read...

The list is all screwed up because most of the books listed there were from giveaways... so basically... not all of them I am going to read xD

It takes too long to do anything so I just have to try my best.

Alright, I am going to go on to my room to finish reading Midnight Texas series... just a few more chapters and I'm done.

Tomorrow, I will be going to the eye doctor... might not be exactly awesome by the time I'm done with that... But... at least, I'm hoping that by the time the show comes on tomorrow night, I'll be good.

Alright, busy day tomorrow...

That's all.

With love,


Visiting The Homeplace... (My Aunt's Home Now)

I guess my dad did do something finally today. We went to see my aunt for the day.

I didn't do anything much there but it was fun anyways.

Now I have been resting all day since we got home. I watched a random movie but I didn't really like it. I need to be in the mood for those drama type of movies.

I will watch YouTube from now until I get sleepy... who knows what tomorrow will bring... I should actually wait on saying that for the second post. Which will be in a few hours or so... Keep an eye out for that.

For now... I will finish this and get on YouTube. I need requests on what YouTuber to watch since I lost my list from the other one... Sowwy...

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hoping For Rain To Come Soon

I really do hope for rain to come soon here. We haven't seen any rain in a few days... so please let there be rain to break this weather.

Anyway, not sure what I am doing tomorrow. Doubt dad would go anywhere tomorrow either. He seems to think every 2 weeks, he should take a break. But the thing is... we don't do anything at all for a whole week. So... yea... things are pretty much boring here.

I really should get back to job hunting soonish. I would watch more YouTubers but I lost who all I watched so oh, well... maybe another time.

I should just finish a list of certain ones first then get into another list... like part 1, part 2, etc.

I might be sleeping early tonight since I want to read a bit before going to bed.

Hopefully... things will be alright for me.

That's all.

With love,


Nothing To Do Today

It appears that we are going to do nothing today... It's gonna be boring but I might watch some anime and movies today... Right now, I am kind of tired and hurting all over xD

Doubt we be doing anything tomorrow either. This is not my idea but my dad's because he just doesn't want to enjoy the day like everybody else. My dad rather be bored than anything. Go dad.

Anyway, I am just gonna go take a nap now since I am hurting all over. Things are just gonna be like this for a while. Especially every two weeks x.x

Ah, well... that's dad for ya...

That's all.

With love,


Friday, July 21, 2017

The Results Of That Testing Games Out?

You wish to know the results of testing games out? Awesome. I really suggestion Revelation if that's your type of game. The story is more Chinese than anything. Though, I doubt the game is from China xD

Anyway, I hope tomorrow will be good... I just hope there's a break in the weather soon. They were giving storms for tonight so maybe that will break the humidity finally.

Not sure what I will be doing tomorrow just yet. Just know if my blogs are late, it might mean that I am doing something. If the blogs are early, I didn't do anything. But plans can change so we just have to wait and see.

I just know this summer has been really eventful. I will be glad when August comes closer because well, too many things happening.

I might rest tomorrow and read all day if we don't go anywhere here... Just keep an eye out on my twitter for any news at all.

For now, I am going move my chair into my room and read.

That's all.

With love,


Should I Test New MMORPGs? Maybe.

Should I test new mmorpgs? Maybe. :D

Anyway, today, I am going to get something done early just so I can relax for the rest of the day... It would take a while to get some MMOs done downloading just to try them out. While there are some that I can't play because they cost money :v

I am going to keep this short as well as start reading the last book to Midnight, Texas. The show comes on Monday so I am looking forward to that.

Yes, I am going to compare it to the book. So you will know if the show is good or not.

Alright, short post today... since I am kind of not feeling too good today either.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Many Are Lost, Many Are Found

It has been such a sad today since we lost another great musician but this one really hits the feels... RIP Chester from Linkin Park. He made many songs sound awesome and great.

No words can describe how much this is such a huge loss to the whole world. They brought us music that make us enjoy and even sing along.

But other than that... there's some news... I think. I think we might be able to get our stuff back. I just can't be sure just yet. Ah, well...

I mostly tried out some games today and well, didn't like RIFT some reason xD

I'm gonna try out a few more games later on... Well, next week maybe. Tomorrow, I wanna catch up on some more anime.

Summer anime has been hugely delayed so you might not actually get a list this time. Sorry, folks.

Anyway, gonna get off here and go read a book... Hopefully, get it finished in time for the premiere on Monday night. Hope things will be alright for all of us.

Keep on praying for us. (a message to my bestie).

That's all.

With love,


Staying Cool While Finding Stuff To Do

I am gonna try to stay cool today while finding something to do.

Also, my bestie finally messaged me to let me know that he's alright; Although, he might not be in contact with me for another month. So I'll be waiting for that.

I can't really mention anymore than that because I want to make sure he does what he wants to do. Saying what you want to do online to other people that are not your close friends can sometimes backfire on you.

So be careful what you say.

Anyway, I am going to take a break from online and go online a game to get some ideas.

Before I do that, I want to mention that I finished another book to Midnight, Texas... too many Easter eggs in the book but it's awesome.

I will try my best to be awesome for my best friend. And give my thanks when he officially comes online.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Staying Cool Is A Good Thing

Well, I am writing this early only because I am staying cool and that's a good thing.

Tomorrow and Friday are gonna be even hotter than today. So I will try to be careful when going outside at any time.

I just watched a movie called McFarland, USA. It's a good movie and inspirational. xD

I hope that things will be good for me tomorrow and Friday since I have to try to stay inside as much as I could. Saturday... is not gonna be that hot so yay.

I might be playing games for a bit since I finally got Steam back. Next time I am going to get Minecraft back and we should start recording soonish. Wonder what games I am going be playing soon. Only time will find out.

I think it helps to clear the stuff out of my computer because yea... hate when things don't work like it should.

Anyway, tomorrow is just another day... Will try to update at some point before noon.

That's all.

With love,


Super Hot Today and Days Ahead

It's gonna be super hot today which is why I was delayed at writing this blog. I get sleepy easily at late afternoon so yea... can't be helped.

Now that I'm awake and it's time to eat some foods...

This is gonna be like this for a few days because tomorrow and Friday are gonna be super duper hot... like close to 100F in the heat index. That's not even the temperature  either so yea...

Anyway, I am going to watch a movie in a moment then possibly... rest and stay cool for the rest of the day.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Well, There's A Strange Noise At The Ceiling Fan

Yep, there's literally... a strange noise coming from the ceiling fan behind me... Not sure why it became a title of this blog but it has... I think it's because it's a very obnoxious sound... Too annoying to my ears.

Ah, well...

Anyway, I did some part of my deed... I am slowly getting back my steam and maybe more stuff tomorrow. Just depends on what happens tomorrow...

I am hurting all over now so that would mean... Blah is about to start anyday and I do kind of dread it.

Hopefully, it'll pass off fast.

I was watching Ken with his Dungeons and Dragons on YouTube... it makes me really want to try it out but nobody to play with sadly.

Well, I shall post this and possibly go on to bed.

Been reading Midnight, Texas series... and loving it so far. I really suggest reading the book before you watch the show. But how many will? Not a whole lot.

Alright, gonna go now and hope to the dear lord that this ceiling fan doesn't make that awful noise all night long.

That's all.

With love,


Don't Wanna Forget This Again

I really don't wanna forget this again xD

Anyway, I am going to try to do some job searching but since I had to redo my computer to get my administrator working again, I have to go through it all over again by alphabet. Great.

I should try to do it fast and not be slow about it. It's hard to be productive when you have nothing else to do.

Also, I am finally doing some surveys... I hope to get at least 5 done today... whether they are good or bad. This should be done daily at least.

Also, I got other stuff to do... like get all the YouTubers that I like back... which is gonna be a mile and half list. xD Go me.

I know that I said also twice. Forgive me for that.

I am still reading and this one is by far just as interesting as the first one. I can't wait to watch the show on Monday, July 24th xD

Alright, that's all for now.

With love,


Monday, July 17, 2017

Need To Read More

I really should start reading more. Why? Because it seems to help my imagination come back.

Like before, I had a strange dream while napping about a boy and his baby sister and a deer... They were all three eating grilled cheese sandwiches... Then it got stranger as the deer was starting to eat glass xD

My imagination is kind of messed up right now so I need to fix it soon. So that's why I should read more.

It helps if I read and then afterwards, get ideas for a story. I hope that this will happen one day.

I can still be an author one day because stories are meant to be written. not forgotten.

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will be better for production and stuff... Need to do surveys too.

Let's hope things happen.

That's all.

With love,


Almost Forgot To Update

I have been completely lazy today because yea... Mondays. I am not sure why but every time the weekend is over, Mondays are just harder to get over with. Ah, well.

I will try to be a bit more productive tomorrow by getting the stuff I need saved in my bookmarks and hope things will be alright.

It's really hard to get woke up on Mondays some reason. I was about to do surveys but... yea...

Oh, well... Just have to wait and see what happens next.

I will update before going to bed to let you all know if I did do anything else. Also, finished the first book to Midnight, Texas series. I'm ready for the show now. I think.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sleepy, So... Going To Bed Early

I am sleepy... not sure why but I am going to bed early. Also, gotta continue to get stuff onto my computer just because.

I am only going to get the main things.

Which is why the to watch anime list of summer 2017 has been greatly delayed. I guess you could say... I need to do some stuff before going on Crunchyroll and other sites to view the first episodes of an anime to figure out what to watch.

Starting tomorrow, I am going back to job searching so yea... kind of wish me luck for that.

It's so hard to find one online since I can't drive and can't hear too well...

Ah, well... I just gotta figure out something somehow.

That's all.

With love,


All Done But Not Just Yet

I'm all done with the reset but still not completely done...

I still have sites to find and setup. Passwords to save on certain sites... Lucky, most of the stuff that I am used to are saved via email. My sound is working wonderful now.

And the administrator is back up and opening programs with smoothness.

I hope this stays this way for a while.

Tomorrow and all the rest of the week, I will be busy with other stuff...

Wish me luck for all of the things that needs to be done.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, July 15, 2017

I Have Decided

I have decided to reset my PC within this week. I can do it on Monday since I have nothing to do on that day. I shall start moving all the necessary stuff onto my google drive (mostly pictures and lists that I will make of games that I played and programs that I need) tomorrow. I hope it doesn't take too much space on my drive... But we have to see tomorrow.

As for other things... that will come as it goes.

Please do wish me luck since I am not entirely sure if I can get Windows 10 back or not.

There's a lot of things that I have to look into before doing this complete restore... Yes, it's gonna clean out a lot of things. So... here's to wishing me good luck on this.

I kind of feel bad because there's a lot of important stuff that I added onto this computer. But it's all for the restore of my Administrator. I've tried every solution and looked up every resolved... All leads up the conclusion that I need to do a complete restoration or reset of my PC. I hope my mom knows that this will mean all her passwords will be lost. RIP passwords.

I hope to complete all of this by the end of this week... and have my administrator back. It sucks a whole lot when things don't go your way...

Right now, I'm just concerned in saving my PC rather than worrying about other things.

Google Drive will be my savior on some pics... so.... wish me luck, guys.

That's all.

With love,


PS: I know there is a reset where to keep my files but I'm doing this for safety and stuff... Because you never know if there's a problem where there has to be a complete reset.

Enjoying The Day Out

Today, I went to see my brother with my mom and dad. We did some things and stuff...

Went to Walmart and found my favorite Donuts... I know, I know, I shouldn't eat a lot of sweets but donuts are the best.

Then, we went to eat at Captain D's... And I finally surrounded myself to eat fish... In return, who knew that fish would be so good.

Came home to find out about Kingdom Hearts 3's new world and the release date being sometime in 2018.

Now I am waiting to watch the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War.... Come on Disney, release it!

Wrinkle in Time is gonna be awesome. They found their Aladdin. Then there's two new movies for next year of two sequels which are Wreck It Ralph and The Invincibles. Those two, I cannot wait to see.

So Disney by far is doing awesome with their announcements. Hope we get to see the trailer for Avengers 3 sooon!!!!!!!

Right now, I am tired and taking a short break... Hopefully tomorrow will be good... But I will try to update a second post tonight to let you all know if I done anything or find anything.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, July 14, 2017

Too Tired For The Rest of The Night...

I'm too tired for the rest of the night... I don't know why...

I might end up reading while watching a show on TV. It won't be long until 9 comes and I might just go on to bed after I take my medicine at the time.

I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow. Hopefully... something. It's tiring to sit at home 24/7... How does people do it? Sit at home all the time.

Oh, well.

I'm gonna keep this post short... and hope for good things soon.

That's all.

With love,


Semi Busy Day, I Guess

Today, I will be semi busy with things... I think.

I had a weird nightmare last night that made me woke up in the middle of the night. I won't go into details but I have a feeling it's why all these things are happening around here.

Anyway, I think I will keep this post short but I don't trust my computer because of all the problems it's been giving me.

I will be fixing it soonish but... like I said, there's a lot of stuff that I gotta save.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Stuff To Do, Lists To Make

So, before I do decide to do a total reset, I have stuff to do and lists to make.

Simply put.... I am just not ready to do anything yet.

If it's possible to get my computer to do a reset in the days before it done that, I can. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

I know that I have been talking about my PC as of late but it's about the only thing I can do since my PC is kind of semi broken.

As long as it works, I'm okay with it.

Tomorrow, we will see what happens next since I have lots of catching up to do.

That's all.

With love,


Still A Slight Error on PC But... Resolving Comes Later

I am still having error problems with my PC. Mostly with the administrator and stuff that includes these words "Extended Attributes Are Inconsistent" While I have been searching for a resolved to this problem, it seems that I might have to do a complete clean up.  Before doing so, I need to save some stuff but that... might take a while in itself.

I have decided to try to complete the clean up in a month or two. provided that if no other serious matter happens.

If the browsers stop working, if things don't open anymore, that is when I have decided to do a complete reset.

I would hate doing a reset but I hope it would be the wisest choice to do.

I will announce the day later on when this reset will happen. Right now, I just can't play any MMO type games. I can open them up at certain times so maybe the problem will be resolved before the decision is completely made.

Also, whoever said that sounds was the problem... are wrong.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Too Tired For Anything... Plus, PC Acting Weird Again.

So far, the person stole other stuff in the trailer park. So at least, we are not the only one. It sucks a lot.

Now my PC is acting weird again. All I can figure out is I need to take everything loose and fix it somehow. Hopefully, things will be alright after that.

I am too tired for anything as of now. So I will have to wait to do it tomorrow at some point.

The weather has been too hot to do anything although, I did go to the store for a bit.

Ah, well... We'll see what happens tomorrow. Also, tonight, I might end up going to bed early because I am too tired.

That's all.

With love,


It's Annoying When People Steal Stuff Out of Your Yard -_-

There's always a strong reason why I hate kids and why I had bimbos...

They stole almost every one of our wired decorations outside in our yard. They left only three and left a note stating they are coming back tonight to get the rest of our stuff. Kids are stupid...

I just wish this town had better security but ah, well...

I did get my mom to call the cops and he said he thinks it might be a bunch of teenagers or kids that done this.

There's a strong possibility that whomever done this... was watching our home. I hope that the cops and sharing the note online is enough to scare the crap of these people.

And seriously... this needs to be stopped.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

When Your PC Acts Weird...

Apparently, my PC has been acting weird just tonight. I really hope it's alright because it's getting older each day and stuff... so yea...

Like opening certain files show up as inconsistent... So not exactly sure what is going on right now.

I am lucky to watch videos and opening a browser but before I go to bed, I am going to restart a few times to figure out if that would help.

I do know one thing... It has been a while since Windows sent me an update so I should really get that checked out at time. I have lots of things to do between now and tomorrow to figure out what is going on.

All I know... something happened to my PC while I was outside and the answer could easily lay inside my home. I won't say anymore than that.

I will get on with figuring out what to do now so that I won't have to worry much.

That's all.

With love,


Trying To Do Something Else

You know it's hard to stay away from social media and chats xD

I don't know how some people can do it but I do need a detox of some sorts. That's why I hope one day to get away from here and go on a detox vacation. That's what I need...

Anyway, today, I need to find something to do. If I can do surveys right now, then I would have time to do some job searching. But lately, I have been going outside to get away from the computer. And plus, trying to catch up with summer anime that are releasing at the time.

Ah, well... We will see what happens in the second post tonight.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, July 10, 2017

Living In A World Full of Lies

You know... growing up, I always thought that I was living in a world full of lies. I guess it's because of all the broken promises and stuff...

I never did like liars as much as people who keeps the truth hidden. If you have something to say or tell me, please just say so. No matter how much it hurts to know.

I just hope that I'm not living in a world full of lies again... It's what got me really bad depressed in the first place.

I guess things do happen for no reason at all.

I didn't do no surveys today but I'll try my best to do at least 5 a day... so I got time before going to bed soon.

That's all.

With love,


Tired Monday....

Tired Monday... meaning, tired as heck and don't wanna do anything.

I really was happy to get out yesterday but not happy about the location and stuff.. I really wanted to go to my aunt's for the day... but dad had other plans. So yea...

I should really get back to job hunting. I've been lacking it for the past few weeks. Hopefully, I will find something available soonish. I really kind of need it, you know?

Tomorrow is just another long day so I will wait until the second post to figure out what to do for tomorrow.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Now I Can Snooze For The Night...

I'm getting better at not leaving a whole lot of messages to my bestie... Though... he might already be getting a whole lot because I think it finally kicked in about not feeling awesome... so yea... I can't wait for him to be back and tell him everything and hope he tells me everything too. We got each other backs as the best friends we are.

So now I can snooze for the night.

Also, sorry for all the weirdness lately. I just have not feeling too great. Still don't and I really just hate it. It seems like that I am not the only one so yay me.

I'll feel a little better when my bestie comes on but... he doesn't know how I really feel. Not towards him. I kind of just like him as a friend, nothing more. But... I never tell him that I feel like I should hate myself and stuff. I just don't want people to take pity. I want people however... take notice and realize the truth behind things. It's hard to get people to listen because they think they should take pity and hurt you or heal you. I just want people to noticed that this is my life. Don't tell me any other thing.

And for some odd reason... while my bestie has charm level high, I seem to have attraction or something level high. Can't really say.

Eventually, I'll stop talking to guys. And eventually, I'll turn away those who do care about me. I'll regret that day when it comes because I am afraid for it.

Never take pity of me. But do take notice of me.  There's a strong difference in the two. Taking pity means that you felt like you should help. While taking notice means, that you feel like you want help but you don't have to since I'm not begging you to help me.

I have no friends in the small town. They never bother to ask me to go out and hang. I guess... they think that I could drive or something when in reality... I can't drive.

So... snoozing time for the night.

That's all.

With love,


Being Outside For A Day

Today, my dad decided to take us out for a day...

We went to the flea market down London.

We didn't really got anything much.

Did I had a good time? A little.

I kind of want to get out more... stay away from the internet more. But that's not up to me right now.

Anyway, not sure what we will be doing for the rest of the day.

I might take a nap... then watch a movie later.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, July 8, 2017

When Somebody Does a Good Deed Even Though They Didn't Have To

This is the title for tonight.

Let me explain it a bit: While at Wal-Mart, we were at the check out, getting ready to pay for our stuff. We had enough but barely. So because of that, my mom was gonna use her Wal-Mart card... then out of somewhere, somebody said this "We'll pay for what they have." We were shock but quite frankly... surprised. So my mom thanked the people who paid for her stuff.

This person done a good deed for today. I'm not sure why but they just done it out of the kindness of their heart. We are grateful for that.

So always be nice to everybody. Never be evil. And don't support evil deeds.

I've been teaching this ideology for a long time to those around me. Some may not understand but there are some that will understand it. That's what I've told my bestie... to always be nice to everybody. If they don't return the favor or say thank you... then you know you can't do the favor twice.

Everyday is still young and old at the same time. We cannot be evil and do evil deeds to those around us.

That's what makes you a great person. Because you don't have to go to church to do a good deed.

That's all.

With love,


Just Another Saturday... Why Not Put Something Else?

Why not put something else? Because it's just another Saturday.

I am semi letting Ragnarok Journey playing in the background.  It's just one of those auto-fight games. So nothing to do there.

Later today, I am hoping that we get to go to Wal-Mart to get the stuff we need. And I want to look for some cereal to try out. I am still half scared about drinking milk again because it was what was making me sick. Here's to hoping it doesn't make me sick again.

I vowed to lay off soda drinks from now on... Kind of hard but I think I can do it.

I lost some weight because of the gallbladder surgery... I am kind glad for that. I still need to some other stuff to help loose weight too...

Anyway, tomorrow is another day... not sure what we'll be doing by then so yay.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, July 7, 2017

Sleepy Already?!

I guess it's just one of those nights... I'm sleepy already... xD

Anyway, not sure what to do but really need to start saving money so that I can get out of here...

I need a break from everything... literally... everything.

I guess because everything is not as it used to be. I miss my grandma a lot and I miss my bestie a lot too... I just don't know what to do.

I think I should really take a break from the internet... something that is hard to do but I can figure out something, I hope.

Tomorrow, I hope to go to Walmart to get some items and maybe a new type of cereal that's out.

Ah, well... Gotta figure out something until August because my mood is all over the place. I just hope my bestie comes back online by then and tell me everything... we get to play games again and more. I really do miss that, you know?

That's all.

With love,


Soon to Watch Summer Anime

I think it's getting closer to watching summer 2017 anime and I hope that things will be alright for me emotionally for that time.

I don't think Crunchyroll got the most anime this time since Amazon took most of them :/ And those I really wanted to watch too but not sure how I am going to since yea...

Ah, well, just have to wait and see what happens.

I will wait until August for my bestie so that means... less messages for him xD

Anyway, just curious what anime is gonna be that good to watch this time.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Things That Are My Hobbies, My Passion, And My Addictions

This is gonna be a random post for tonight because I am planning to go to bed soonish and want to take a break from the internet to look at some things.

The list that is gonna be my hobbies, my passion and my addictions... and maybe more.

Most stuff are something I develop my love for since I was young.  I will start off with a religion that caught my eye for a long time... And I still yet have lots to learn about it. The list will start here... And who knows how long this post will be.

I learned about Buddhism when I was young but because things are changed over time so there's more history to Buddhism than what people would think. I only knew about the religion through school in my younger days and movies by Jackie Chan and other Chinese movies. I recently want to know more about the religion but kind of hard to do because I live in southern Kentucky so everything seems so far away.

Anime have been a thing for me since I started watching them as a child. Of course, I didn't know about the name "anime" until I started high school. Mostly after my grandfather passed away. I wasn't happy and became more of an anime fan around that time as a way to escape my depression. It helped. Because anime became my passion since I grew older. And still something that I am into no matter what.

Japanese Culture: Again something that came when I was in high school. I learn a lot by myself when I was doing a project on Samurai. Since then, I always want to plan a trip to Japan. I am still going to plan this no matter what. I hope this dream will come true one day. And I want to immerse myself in Japanese culture to show the world what Japan is all about.

Chinese Culture: This came first. What do I mean by that? In middle school, I learn about ancient China and just fell love with what I learn about the history. Although some of the history is fading, there's still a chance to see other things that makes China wonderful. I would love to visit this country as well as Hong Kong and other countries that are based on Chinese culture of some sorts.

K-Pop is not big on my list yet but it's something I have at ease listening to sometimes. I think I can get used to listening to K-Pop due it's great raise and hopefully still raising in the years to come.

K-Drama... don't get me started of how addicted I am with this. I rarely get to watch them but when I do, it has to be something that catches my eye with a great story. The only favorite right now is Decedents of the Sun. Only because of the heartthrob Song Joong-Ki whom is getting married in October xD

Faeries are something that I got into after the start of reading YA books. The very first book that I picked up in that genre was called Tithe by Holly Black. I really suggest people to read that book and understand why I love the whole idea of faeries. I always been into faeries but it's grew larger over the years to my passion now.

YA books are something that I enjoy reading. But only fantasy, dark fantasy, historic, fantasy historic, dystopian, and more along those lines. I can go on because each world is fantastic in it's own. It's been hard lately because I am semi depressed with things and stuff... I just wish that I can read more often and hope that things will alright for me that I can get back into reading these books.

RPG or story games... I have a thing with stories that are wonderful.. Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts both have the greatest stories yet. Tales of series have stories that are wonderful too. My dream is to write a story for a RPG. Not sure if this will ever happen but you never know.

Ireland... just because that's where faeries originally come from. I just love to go visit here one day and hope to find an elf or faerie and make friends with them xD Sorry but I kind of believe in faeries and dragons a bit too much.

That's all for the random list. I'm sure there's more but I am getting tired and wanna take a break now. I just hope my mood goes positive soon. It's hard to do because I miss my grandma so very much. I miss my bestie so much too but I guess I have to wait for him to be back in August xD

Anyway, you can see why I try to find escapism in stuff... and why I love Asia so much.

That's all.

With love,


Missing My Best Friend

I'm missing my bestie... He seemed to not be able to get on the internet since he had a vacation for a day and a half a few weeks ago... and now I am worried about him.

I am slowly getting there with money to buy him something for his birthday. I just hope he gets online to tell me that he's alright and stuff xD

I support him every step of the way so I hope to get to talk to him soonish.

Anyway, enough about my bestie... I found Ragnarok Journey... and it's interesting... auto though... but still...

Not sure what to do today... I just haven't been in the best of mood lately so yea.

That's all.

With love,


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Need To Be More Immerse In Asian Pop Culture

I need to be more immerse into Asian pop culture just like I am a bit with American's... (only Disney, some Animated movies, superheroes, fantasy creatures, etc).

I'm into anime and Japanese culture a whole lot... so I am close. But I really do miss K-Drama and some of K-pop are actually really good... so I should get into those more too but... Korean culture is awesome too.

I guess I have a whole lot to go....

Chinese culture was first... Just so everybody knows. It was what made me want to go to Asia in the first place. I always wanted to go to China and visited the Buddha temples and more.

So... yea... there's a random post for you guys to read.

Just not your average white woman, instead... a white women who is a faerie by heart and is in love with Asia a whole lot.

Meanwhile, that would offend people in America... why? Because they are always butthurt a whole lot. I grew out of butt hurting ways and more acceptable that I enjoy cultures just because I am showing the world what this culture is all about. You can't be afraid of something that you never understand.

That's all.

With love,


Finally, Holiday Weekend Over... A Day Late xD

The holiday weekend was quite long this time. But I am glad it's finally over.

Not sure what I am going to do today but after my nap, I'm gonna do a 5 surveys... as well as search for jobs. Slowly but hopefully something will happen someday.

At least, it's raining so that I can get some snooze in a moment.

I just have a rough weekend... I don't usually like them because I don't get to go anywhere that much anymore. Ah, well...

I have things to think about too... just some things about how much time I spend online at the most... that's why I want a job so that I can close down my phone, and my browser and concentrate on work alone. I can do that... just as long I got something to work with.

Anyway, the rain is getting harder and I'm getting sleepier xD So that means it's time to sleep.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

What's The Point?

What's the point of celebrating a holiday when you can't go out and celebrate it.

I'm done with this place. I know my dad is sick but he needs to get out too... he just doesn't want to.

Anyway, I am going to straight to bed after while. I am just a bit aggravated with things right now. I don't like where I live and I need to change that by finding an online job of some sorts to take care of that feeling.

Just not in the mood right now.

That's all.

With love,


Happy 4th of July

Today is a holiday that America celebrates but sometimes I think the joy of this holiday can go so far xD

Anyway, I am going to catch up with some anime either on Crunchyroll or on Netflix.

Not sure yet.

I just have a rough time here during these past few days. Trying to hide is hard... So I am going to try to start hiding more soon... Staying away from FB soon... and more.

I think my dad is gonna grill out today so yay for that.

Alright, time to figure out what to do... Like I said, I am just waiting until all the episodes get released before I decide the anime I am watching this time.

That's all.

With love,


Monday, July 3, 2017

Not Something I Normally Talk About...

This is not something I normally talk about...

Guys... Stop contacting me if you just want me for sex. Please stop...

It's getting annoying so damn much I close to closing my Facebook, my Snapchat and who knows what else. I'm just... tired of it all.

I chose to not have sex. I chose not to "mess" around. I chose not to do anything that involves the word sex... already said it but still... Want to point it out again.

I like dates. Dates are allow. But taking me to a hotel, to your home, etc... Not allow.

Otherwise, I want to stay single for as long as I live. I am not planning to get married. I am not planning to have children. I am not planning to have a relationship.

So... stop. Just stop.

If you wanna talk to me, just be friendly. That's the type of talk I want to see anymore.

Alright... wanna get to sleep before some guy tries to contact me again.

That's all.

With love,


Catching Up With Anime + Netflix Too

This week is important because I will be making a list of the anime that are all coming out. Then I will figure out what to watch next week. While one of them is based on another anime, I am not sure if it's worth to watch yet xD Because it's a different story...

Next week, the list will be updated by Sunday... not to be confused by this Sunday. :/

Anyway, I hope things will be good for me today. I have to say... I do kind of miss my grandma calling everyday and asking how I am. :'(

But... life has to go on... sadly.

All of it just feels weird to me. I'm not sure how to explain it or anything.

Ah, well... gonna get on with the day today... I am already behind on some things.

That's all.

With love,


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Fireworks? Nah...

I have decided not to go to the Blast in the Valley fireworks show due to the possibility of stupid people who doesn't know how to listen.

Sorry folks... but it's really true. After last year, people were going crazy about getting somewhere instead of obeying what the law said. When they said don't go... THEY MEAN DON'T GO.

So, yea... all the more reason why we didn't go this time.

Anyway, short post but I thought I let you all know that I did not go this time. However, I can see them from here... hopefully.

That's all.

With love,


Went To See My Aunt Again

I know it's gonna be hard to convince my dad to go to my aunt's home. It's just hard to since my grandma passed away. I knew this would happen but he listens to me... so that's a good thing, right?

Anyway, I am just home and sleepy... not sure what to do.

I just woke up from a nap so that might be why I am sleepy.

Ah, well.

Tomorrow will be a day of rest, I hope. Not sure yet. I need to get back to job searching online and get on my merry way. As well as do 5 surveys a day, everyday... which I have not been doing in a long time x.x

Alright, might post again later but still not sure what we will be doing later. My mom doesn't want to go down to the Blast in the Valley but meanwhile... I kind of do. Ah, well. Not able to drive kind of sucks a whole lot.

That's all.

With love,


Saturday, July 1, 2017

It's That Time of The Year...

Fireworks everywhere. I knew this would happen since living in a trailer park all my life. And people all round are lighting fireworks. Loud ones.

I don't mind them but my mom kind of does. So she was warned before going to bed early that these people were shooting fireworks tonight.

We need a home. Big time.

Anyway, I bought some fireworks myself but I'm gonna be waiting until tomorrow or Monday night to shoot them off. So yay... not sure if we are going to the fireworks show tomorrow night though but good thing we can see them from here xD

This post is short but... Happy Fourth of July weekend.

That's all.

With love,


Well... Nothing Better To Do?

Nothing better to do.

I hope tomorrow will be better since I really hope my dad would go see my aunt. It would be a nice day to spend time with family and stuff.

I wish that I could go see the fireworks tomorrow but I don't think my dad wants to go because of what happened last year... plus, they are using the fireworks left over from last year. Yes... you are reading that right. Fireworks... from... last... year.

Anyway, I might go buy some fireworks just to shoot off around here. Not sure yet. But I do kind of want to because I am bored and stuff.

I know this post is a bit late but I was busy with doing nothing earlier.

That's all

With love,