Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Two Posts in A Roll? Yes.

Yes, there will be a second post right after this one. I went to Lexington with my mom and boy was she not a patient  person to be with.

It took 4 hours, maybe more, to finally see the doctor. She did had cancer but they were able to remove it all.  They did, however, told her that she needs herself to be monitor at least every 6 months or so due to crohn's disease. So... yea... She needs to obey this doctor as much as she could.

Seriously, though... my mom is just not patient at all. She was up and down, then she was hungry so had to help her get some food. Then she threaten to leave... and the doctor was like 2 hours behind as it was.

But to realize that she did had cancer remove from her bowels kind of made her change her tune a bit. So guys, don't be scared if something is told to you.

From now, my mom has to keep up with her appointments to make sure she didn't need any treatments or anything. So far, they just said that she just needs to keep that one disease watched because it's the big reason why she had emergency surgery.

I doubt it was bad cancer but just wanted to let you all know what was going on and why this post was late... well, that's gonna be explained in the second post... so...

That's all and onward the the second post!

With love,


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