Monday, February 1, 2016

Longer Days Ahead

Well, it appears that my mom will be staying for up to 10 days. That's almost 2 weeks for her.

It's alright, she needs to get well! While at the same time... I'm gonna sneak and learn to cook on this toaster oven of hers... it seems so simple to use and it has a timer! \O/

I made my first grill cheese sandwich... ok, that sounds lame for someone who's turning 30 in May xD

Meanwhile, it's normal everywhere else. So it's alright!

Things are gonna be changing since I am still planning to go to Japan, but first, family must first. Once I know she's well and away from this horrible place, I can start planning. But I am not really gonna live there automatically. I want to visit there to learn some things. Especially the language and more.

Anyways, like I said, family must come first. Once my mom is out of the hospital and well enough, I will be planning for my life.

I'm not sure if anybody would understand my concept in doing this but I still care about my mom, no matter what. She always come first.

Also, since I am alone during the days ahead... I might take this chance to record "Let's Play" videos of some games that I bought. I won't be posting them until I am finished with the games.

I am going to make a special cover for my channel so that people can see that it's not just one thing but many things :D

Alright, I am going to go now... I am not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow, but I do know one thing... I am going to be there for my mom.

That's all.

With love,


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