Monday, February 8, 2016

Then I Begin To Wonder... Why Am I Here?

I have to always think of why I am even here...

My mom is trying to get well but my dad is trying to be the same as usual.

He expects my mom to the way she is. But she's still healing in every way.

So... it makes me wonder... why am I here? Why do I have to be in the middle of all of this drama? I love my parents but I don't want to be in between their life problems. Especially when it's over something silly.

Anyways, enough of that... I am currently writing in my new black leather bound journal now!

I am writing in it at least, three times a day! Hopefully, using different color pens each time.

I got it categorized like this: Dreams or after awake thoughts, ideas or random things, before sleep thoughts. I am not the type of person that list ever single thing that I do in that day... really, I don't like to do that.

However... I do kind of want to plan out a starter book... So that I can get started on what to write for the first book to sale. Any ideas? I mean... I don't want to do poetry book right off the bat... so I might do a story type first...

Then based on every book on a theme. It would have a mixture of stories, poems and other things.

Then at the end... I would eventually have a novel come out.

Not sure if it's a good idea, but it's worth a try.

For now... I am going to bed. Haven't slept good for a while now... and doubt I'll be getting good sleep tonight...

That's all.

With love,


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