Thursday, February 25, 2016

Today Has Been Cold But Nothing Was Done

Yes, guys, you have been reading the title right. Today has been cold... but nothing was done. I ended up doing nothing really. Not even watching anime xD

I played Minecraft with my bestie for a long time so it caused me to make a late post (not your fault, Rai!) Then after I posted that, I went on... you should really guess... YouTube. omg, this addiction is getting the best of me! ><

Help me!

Anyways, since I want to post an update type of blog here...

I have decided to go healthy with my life by taking out soda from my diet... kind of hard to do when you have parents that keeps bringing home soda drinks almost every week. Great. I have very good parents there =_= I want to be healthy!!!!

And on top of that, I want to lower my intake on sugar to moderation type... which means once a week or less. Then all of a sudden, dad brings in chocolate upon chocolate... yea, chocolate is kind of my weakness. =_= Thanks!

But so far, limited soda drinks to weekly bases as so far helped me a lot. Now only if... it's gone for good...

Also, I've been trying hard not go out and eat but so far... I hate the idea of getting anything with red meat anymore. Always makes me sick. So... I get chicken. I mean... that's healthy right? No... you're right, it's not. xD I really want to learn how to cook more foods from Asia but it's hard to do because I'm the only one that would eat it. My mom and dad hates it. No surprise there.

But... I'm losing weight! I just was almost at that border where I could've gotten diabetes. But I started to take measures and told my mom that I am losing weight. She was like "You don't need it." I looked at her and was like "This is for my health, not for my looks." So guys... if you want to lose weight, don't do for looks, do it for health... but don't be forced to do it. Because some people don't want to lose weight. That's okay! Just be yourself!

If I stop drinking soda completely, I'm sure the fat around my belly would go away completely. So... let's hope that eventually I can stop my family getting soda soon!

Now my second step... try to get healthy snacks. I love this cheese that I was introduced to in my high school french club... ever since then, I just want to buy it whenever I see it or feel like it... I think... I'm gonna start getting it from now on. There are a lot of sweet healthy snacks too for that sweet tooth I have. And chocolate is ok in moderation. Always remember that guys!

Alright, enough about healthy things xD

I have decided to start planning on saving money. No more unboxing blogs/videos. Sorry guys. I know you all want to see those more often but I need to save the money for a have to case. I am really tired of hearing my mom make fake promises or promises that will never happen. She wants to move but she keeps spending money on things that I think she should think before buying... Seriously guys... if you live my life, hearing these promises that are never kept can get old. So I'm gonna have to do it myself to prove that I don't belong here anymore. I really don't want to be unhappy for the rest of my life.

I know my family doesn't want me to go aboard in Asia, but I'm seriously want to. I feel like being close to 30 and all... I need to start a new life. I'm tired of being depressed over the weather, over not doing anything... especially, living in a town where nothing really happens. Sorry... if you think Mt. Vernon is an awesome town... you must be brainwashed or drinking that nasty lake water.

I'm babbling again... so it makes long blogs to type out and possible more people to snore over... Sorry.

I just hope... things will change for me. I'm tired of always not being happy. I want to see my dreams real. I have to work for it. No more waiting around for something to happen.

That's all.

With love,


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