Tuesday, November 29, 2016

When Wildfires Become Deadly

I have been keeping up with the news of a tourist destination called Gatlinburg, TN. Yesterday, there was a report of wildfires in the Smokey Mountains. Then towards the night, wind had caused the fires to get worse. It has spread to caused devasting damages through out the whole city of Gatlinburg and parts of Pigeon Forge.

I read so far over 100 homes and businesses had been destroyed by fires. Just recently, I have heard there are 3 deaths caused by this wildfire.

My prayers go out for these people. Gatlinburg is home to many people as well as a tourist destination to many people all over the US, including Kentucky.

If you are looking for a reason to give on this Tuesday, donate to the red cross and more for Gatlinburg to start help for the recovery. For this will be a long journey for them recover over.

As of right now, there is a high wind gust warning and even more people are being evacuated due to this warning because there could be a potential more wildfires to spread.

Be safe out there guys.

And if anybody that lives close by to the shelters there, please help the pets and people there.

I am glad that many people thought of their pets and had brought them with them.

Tennessee is known as the Volunteer state so they welcome anybody to come and help. Please do not go until they announce for help and such.

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


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