Friday, November 18, 2016

Is YouTube Hurting Older YouTubers?

If you do not know what I am about to talk about, then you must watch Ken's video about it. Link is here:

I'll wait here until you are done watching this.





Done? Alright, YouTube is constantly changing. So is the whole world of social media and more. There's Vine closing it's app just this year. There's Twitter changing, Facebook changing, and much more. So, yes, you would be expecting YouTube to do the same.

Except there's a slight problem. In the video, that Ken talked about... YouTube is killing off older YouTubers slowly. The views are dwindling down to almost nothing to the lesser known YouTubers who have close to 2M something subs.

It used to be it's the ad clicking way of getting people to earn you money. Then there's the idea of making 10 minute or more videos. Now... well, we do not know what is going on. It's been going on since early 2016.

We do not know what is going on. And yet, the fear of certain YouTubers quitting forever is happening. I am big fans of such YouTubers.

Cry already said that he is going to stop playing a lot of games and just abridge or play the ones he is sponsored by. Cry is a YouTuber himeself. He's the type of person who doesn't give a crap of what goes on but he notices things that YouTube is not doing right. So does Pewdiepie. Yet, other YouTubers are doing awesomely well. Namly Jack and Mark. They are awesome people.

I do not know what is going on with YouTube but I fear the worst each passing month and year.

YouTube had been phenomenally awesome for the past 4 to 5 years. But with each passing year, there's always something YouTube fails at. This time, there's an unknown failure that we would like to seek out why.

I don't use YouTube a lot but I am planning to upload videos. Not for the views or subs but rather as a hobby. If people do happen to sub or view my video, that's awesome for their part.

And there's something else that does bother me...

Could adsense be changing too? Could the whole idea of Google messing with us? I do not know.

Some things need answers. Especially YouTube. We need to know how to bring in more people to view videos. The same goes with blogs. We need to know how to make people notice us.

I really do hope YouTube gives these YouTubers answers soon because I will miss them a whole lot if they just suddenly vanish because of a mistake YouTube could be making.

Now... to go...

That's all.

With love,


PS: YouTube needs to be saved, guys. Help them realize things are hurting people. Help them find or give us a reason why.

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