Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Afterlife, The Ghost, The Invisible.

What I am about to say might be disturbing or in a part that might not be real. If you do not believe in ghosts, please do not read. If you are interested, please continue on.

The afterlife is real. At least, to me it is. I have always wonder if our souls are what makes us feel things around us. Ever get that chill you can't explain?

Afterlife, to me, is a place where people go when they die. I have seen people not believe in such things.

While we talk about the afterlife, we go into ghosts and invisible people.

The ghosts are real. Well, to some skeptics, they are just part of our minds. But there's just no science to prove the noises that are capture on camera and many unexplained events.

Ghosts are part of our soul. Say, we died suddenly, what happens to that soul if there's nothing to guide it to the afterlife or to haven or to otherworlds... whatever it may be, it's up to you.

The invisible people are these ghosts. They are the ones that do try to communicate us.

So, what do you say? Are you one of the people who believes there's an afterlife? Or believe there are ghosts among us?

Or are you a skeptic person?

Up to your belief.

That's all.

With love,


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