Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Just Being Random Here And There

I am always attracted to other countries, especially Asia countries. And I am always curious about something... Do they believe in past lives?

Just curious.

Anyway, I am being random tonight because my head is hurting a bit. I didn't record the game since I came back a bit late.

And the wind doesn't help a bit either.

Things to do, things to seek...

I really want to write this story. But in a way to figure out something xD

The idea is well, far out... because it's something that I felt that needs to dropped in this world. White people (I am white but I am talking as a whole nonetheless) should stop being prejudice about things. Well, mostly Americans.

Also, people... learn to work to earn money. If you're gonna travel to other countries, learn to earn money instead of begging people from that country. You are too interested in thinking about things.

I want to go to Asia but not for enjoyment... but rather for experience and to live there. I feel like I belong there some reason. I do not know why. I just kind of do. Is that wrong to do?

I am just curious how fast people would get offended if I said that I want to write a story about a white girl whose past life was a Chinese girl with special powers. And she just remembers one memory so she makes her life goal to go to China as an exchange student to explore ancient worlds that is completely hidden to the human eye. Only she sees it.

Yea... that's my story. And I want to end prejudice. And racism. I want to end it by writing a story that is conversity. 

Alright, time to go now. I might be sleeping early tonight because of last night and lack of nap xD

That's all.

With love,


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