Tuesday, January 8, 2013

8 of 365: Reaching for my dreams...

I'm a woman of dreams. I've had so many all my life that I settled for a few dreams. You want to know what they are? Well continue to read as I list all of them and the reasons behind the dreams.

1. Travel the world.
Reason? I always wanted to get out and travel. But I didn't want to limit just the US alone. One day, before I get to the merry age of my 50's and 60's. I want to travel the world. Japan and Ireland being the main two places world wide, but if it were to be in the US: California, Hawaii Tennessee and Florida.

2. Become a full fledged writer:
Reason? I love to write as is. I love the world of fantasy so much that I want to turn everything that I experience into a book. I will one day do so. I'm inspired to write though. So maybe before the end of this week, I will write a story that I might share with you all. But I only said... might.

3. Find my own happiness.
I will no longer rely on a man or a boyfriend. I will wait for that to happen on it's own. I had heard that life is not a movie... well, I am going to treat my life that I'm hard to get. I'm not going to let myself fall for anybody anymore so easily. After all, my destiny lies beneath the true reality. I doubt I would go back to him either. But... I am not going to say no if it happens. Anyways, enough about that. I'm such a sappy woman when it comes to love and I just... want it to be over already. This is why I am taking my silence from Facebook as my real self.

But I do have other dreams but those will come to me a little at a time. I think I'm going to take a break from love for a while longer. I'm not getting any younger and who needs a man in their lives anyways, right? Anyways, my point is... I want people to teach their children that their dreams are actually worth it. I'm not letting my dreams go down the drain just because I'm at this age. Even if my dreams will end up being part of my bucket list, I will not give up!

So, people... don't be the human that devours dreams.

With love,


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