Tuesday, January 22, 2013

22 of 365: My story idea

Today I'm going to lay off with my random rant and go into my story idea... so lately, I've been inspired to write but I've been too lazy to get started with it. So, I'm going to give out an idea... but I really want people's opinions on this, ok?

Remember, this is only an idea.

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As a child, I often wonder if I would ever be allow to have friends. My dad never let me had any come over. So I never experienced sleep overs or parties or anything such. So I didn't really had fun a child like anybody would think. Actually, I experienced death in my family at that time instead. Since then, I began to grow closer to my grandfather. He told many stories about ghosts, aliens, nature, etc. He was the one that got me into actually believing in ghosts. So I kept to myself because I had fear that people would think of me crazy... The only way to communicate was just be a nice, quiet girl at the time. But... I lived in another world at the same time. I matured faster, I grew wiser, I noticed things more. I kept this way even to this day. I wanted to tell everybody that I'm not like them. I don't want to be like them. This was my choice. As I grew older, I began to open up. I made my first real friend in 3rd grade. Sure we were awesome friends. But I grew to love him. When middle school came, he grew to only being a friend. I kept my crush away from him. Slowly, I began to grow up more, and opened up more to other people. But as I lived in this other world, I am somebody else. I am protected by an unknown person who took away my pain, my fears, my doubts... but I was always a loner. Of course, I knew that I was being tested... Tested for a future that is yet unknown. When my grandfather died when I was 16 and a sophomore at the time. I grew weak in my emotions. But by the time I turned 17, I knew it was time to become something... something I should have been a long time. This... was when my story truly began. I knew how to fight. I knew how to dance. I just... began to know things that I haven't knew before. My awakening began during that time. And so will my desire. My journey... started then. So I welcome you... my journey to a new life.

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Anyways, it's just an idea but what do you guys think? Should I write this idea into a full blown story/book? Of course, the reason why I chose 17 is because that's actually when my journey on the Internet started. :)

So... yes... everything that has happened to me is connected to the world somehow.

And so... I welcome you once again to my blog: A Faerie Journey.

That is all for the night...

My mom fixed my cake finally... Yes... I said cake. Who wants cake? I do!

Anyways... Thank you for reading... And YES, I welcome comments, opinions and other things. So... please, please, comment me anything you want. Let it be questions, ideas, pictures, whatever. Thank you.

With love,


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