Sunday, January 27, 2013

27 of 365: Night Without Once Upon A Time

Yea... that does sound like a good title for a book but I'm just saying that this is a first night without the show Once Upon A Time being on. I can't wait until Feb. 10th comes around and then, we'll see...

Alright... that just reminds me... I am going to make a topic about a day in February that I'm sure you all are aware of. Valentine's Day. So far... I did get cards from my ex... but that's long time ago. I wasn't happy with that relationship for 6 years... It would've been 7, but seriously... how was I gonna survive another year? I... believe I hated myself for many things.

Anyways... I'm happy for another reason but I won't tell you guys. It's a secret. ;)

But I will hate Valentine's Day. I never like the color pink. I always love the color red. Red... Blue... Both makes purple. Yes, I'm random. But seriously though... I just hate the color pink. It's not me. Sure I have shirts that are pink but I only wear them because they are graphic shirts... I mostly get shirts that has awesome graphics on them. I might take one everyday so that you guys can see. xD

I... want to change my style... I am getting bored of wearing jeans all the time. I'm a female... I should be wearing skirts! >_< Damn that trauma...

Anyways, not sure what else to type here because... well, tonight is just a completely random night.

A night without Once Upon A Time...

I'm gonna go now.

Hope you all have a good day or night, wherever you are reading this at.

With love,


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