Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Behind On Things But I'll Catch Up With Them Eventually.

I always get behind on some videos on YouTube that I really enjoy watching a lot. Ah, well... I just have to do what I can do for now.

Today has been a rainy day... and apparently, primarily election day here in Kentucky. So yea... so far it's just been an interesting day so far.

Anyway, I hope that tomorrow, I will be feeling better because today, I have been feeling sick to my stomach almost all day long. Ah, well.

Tomorrow will be another day of surveys and I hope this time, I am willing to do them without no problems. I tend to get panicking if things are wrong. It really sucks a lot when this happens.

Sadly, I am a bit in the paranoia stage about something but I just hope this goes away by tomorrow.

This paranoia might be the reason behind my stomach but I doubt it since it's close to that time of the month.

Dang, I was just getting used to not having blah for a bit. But I know... it has to start at some point. So I'm just waiting for that to start and just be over with.

I am really a woman with a man's mind some reason. I like things that are not too girly. I do like Disney movies but not just princess movies... I like anything Disney comes out with xD

Ah, well... I am who I am.

People should learn to find themselves before committing with a bigger thing in life.

That's all.

With love,


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