Sunday, August 21, 2016

I May Had Played Longer On Twin Saga...

Each time a new MMORPG comes out, I want to try it out... even if it's in the closed beta sessions.

Twin Saga is worth playing more. The game is set up like Eden Eternal... you can switch to any class you want. You get to gain more classes the more you level up.

The leveling system is a bit like Eden but it's also like Aura Kingdom too.

Then you got the Senshi which are like the eidolon on Aura Kingdom... only difference is Senshi are guardians to this fairy like creature that is locked up inside of you. Long story. You just have to play the game to figure that part out.

As you level up more, you get other items that makes it like Aura more than Eden... Well, except inside the Terracottage... that part is like Eden a little. You have your own house, your own area to farm, and your own area to craft and other things... so basically... you don't actually need a guild to be in this place. I'm sure there are other things that might require a guild later on. We'll see.

Another thing about this Terracottage is that you can allow your own friends to join with you in the home. Also, the coolest feature of it all? The furniture are... interactive! Press the bed... you can lay down. Press the chair, you can sit down! Ok, I'm being weird about this.

Oh, and another part that makes it like Aura Kingdom is the option to get outfits as you get a certain quest. Bet when you do the dungeons, you get more.

Anyway, for the rest of the blog, you shall see the random pictures....

Before I go... this game has Elves... so that part just makes me giggle a lot xD

So enjoy this long post of Screenshots of Twin Saga.

For now... I will take a break from the game and watch some videos and sleep soon.

That's all.

With love,


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