Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bad Mood = No Inspiration

I always wanted to write but lately, writing stories just has been... blah.

I get into a bad mood because of things that happen here and there. So in return, I get no inspiration to write.

This has happen to my life too many times before. Through my depressing years of being a teen... when the death of my grandfather during that time lost all my hope in everything around me. That was at the same time when I was suppose to learn to drive and dad had moved out on my mom.

So... my life is basically a tragedy each waking moment because my dad still tries to control me, telling me that I will not be able to find a job at all.

This place is a living hell.

In fact, I think it's time to stand up and talk about how certain parents can be dream drainers. I won't stop dreaming just because my dad tries to drain my good emotions away.

Don't become a prisoner like me. Don't be trap in a small town like me.

I won't let being trap in a small town stop me though. I will get out...

Oh, how we are alike... in the oddest ways... oh, um... that's meant for somebody else to read xD

Anyway, Besides All Of That Depressing Stuff

My grandma will be coming out in 2 weeks time... I hope. She might get out sooner but we just have to wait and see what happens.

I won't have a video on YouTube tomorrow but I will record two extra videos tomorrow and Friday to release for Saturday and Monday. Hopefully... I just need to stay positive despite being felt like a prisoner all the time.

My dad is always stuck in the past and expects me to be a woman in the house. I refuse learn to cook for his propose on how he views women. Sorry, dad.

I will fight my dad's prejudice on stuff.

I will fight my right out of here.

I will write poetry for a while by the way... as a way to escape things that surround me. They might all sound fantasy but that's how I view things anymore.

I will eventually learn to cook but only with my freedom.

I will eventually escape from all things that are evil.

I must keep trying to stay positive so should you.

Anyway, I will watch more videos before sleep... I've been really lazy today on things... long story... not gonna say much here.

That's all.

With love,


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