Saturday, February 14, 2015

What A Day!

So... here's what happened on this boring day...

We decided to stay home due to the weather and the wind and the snow (more snow to come later on around Monday night) but yea... stayed home. I did went out to get something to eat but that's all.

But... the water went out for almost all day. Literally, no water running. And toilets couldn't be flushed... so it's a struggle... :/

And the toilet in the small bathroom in my room... it made this weird noise that hurt all of the dogs ears. Good thing they are fine.

Finally, about a couple of hours later, the water began to work again. At first, it was a lot of pressure but then it finally calm down... but knowing this... we'll have a boil water advisory (basically, boil water before using it for anything at all.)

Then, Chloe got cold and decided to sit by the heater twice today... Susie got cold and went to bed. So... yea... very cold day.

Tomorrow is going to be even a colder day... not even sure if we're going to my grandma's just yet due to the weather.

But I will let you guys know tomorrow.

Anyways, that's what happened today.

That's all!

With love,


PS: Watching Netflix for the rest of the night... until I sleep... yippie! Oh... might watch Log Horizon in a moment tho... love that anime!

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