Sunday, February 22, 2015

Another Long Boring Day!

So today, we stayed home again due to weather related problems. Snow will be melting soon but the roads will be hazardous to get on.

It'll take over a week for all this snow to go away... maybe I'll take pictures of the snow melting as the days go by... And just put it here only instead of my facebook so you guys can watch the progress of melting snow... nothing special but yea... just something xD

Anyways, I did took a picture of my dog looking out, like she was suffering cabin fever... but it started out with two dogs and three cats... then slowly just her looking out xD

I'll post those so you can see too.

Two dogs and three cats... look out.

Then one dog and three cats (Chloe)

Up close to Chloe, who seem to notice me taking pictures.

Then it's just Chloe, sitting higher to look out while all the rest at the time.

Yea, it's in that order. And read the captions so you know what happened. But as for the idea... we opened the door one day during the snow week and since it was sunny, it was a good day to let some heat go out... when we did, every single dog (except Susie, my other dog) and cat (except for a few) went to the glass door and just looked out... I think they were suffering cabin fever.

Yea, winter is just not hard on humans but also on animals too. Hope spring comes soon so I can happily take the dogs out on their walks and more.

But... another boring day for me.

Anyways, that's all for now.

With love,


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