Sunday, January 19, 2014

Expecting Lies

Always wonder why your parents tell you something but always end up another way? We are expecting to learn that later in life that things don't go well as planned.

For me... it is far worse than that. I live in a world full of lies. So I'm always expecting lies. Don't know why. It just shocks me for any truth out there. Though I really want the truth to be out there.

It's why when I see criticism out there towards me, it hits me harder than anything. I don't like it but I don't like to hear lies either. So don't try to sugar coat anything. If you really have something to say, tell me. Even if I complain about it, tell me anyways.

I'm just that strange about how I take in things. Personally or not, I am still strange about it.

So that's all.

with love,


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