Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dreams Can Be Freaky Sometimes...

Before I go off and say anything about dreams, I want to introduce you to a site that let's you explore the internet like you can never know before. Stumble Upon which is a website that let's you explore the internet and choose the interests that you're into.

Now, back to the topic of dreams... what are they? Some say they are your traumas reacting in your memories. Some say it's a fantasy world that you go into. Some even say it's ideas or things you get on your mind.

Who knows?

But what if dreams are like this?

When you click the lights out, you see things you never expected. Memories, monsters, everything all mixed into one big dream.

At the end, it sort of scared me. You'll see why if you watch it all the way. It's pretty long but it's an interesting journey in a black and white imagination.

Alright, I have dreams that sometimes tell me things that already happened... on the day that I wake up. So, who knows why I have these dreams but... the thing about dreams, we can't really change the fate that our dreams shows us... It's wrong and scary and really unfair.

So... what are your dreams?

That's all.

With love,


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