Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I Will Survive!

I will survive for this year. I will continue to do surveys and do without things for a while.

I need to do this. For those that are saying that I am not, shut up.

I am tired of not being happy all the time. I need to go out and do what I need to do...

So... if I can find a job that would let me work part time and still have moneys left... I am saving up for Japan.

Not only for that... but for a way to stay there for a while to learn Japanese and it's culture. So, yes, I want to go to one of those schools that they have.

It might take me a while but... I kind of secretly applied for a job/type of thing... Doubt I'll get it but if so... I have until Fall. So, saving now!

Anyway, I am not sure what to do... but I was able to survive the day without no bad mood.

That's a first.

Anyway, I will watch one more video on YouTube (and no, I didn't watch YouTube all day, since I have been stuck on Hulu, watching all those K-Drama... some are actually based on anime... which was strange...)

So... that's all.

With love,


PS: Fight-O! My bestie. :D

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