Friday, January 5, 2018

My Review on "LOST" May contain spoilers so read at your own risk.

For those that don't know... I wanted to watch this a lot but my ex kept spoiling the whole show for me that I quit.

This came on for a long time before the writer's strike happened and it slowly became downgraded to a less than interesting show.

I finally finished all 6 seasons on Netflix and thought it was okay. The story was great, since these are the same people who made Alias and Fringe. Though I was a huge fan of Alias.

Anyway, besides the point of who made the show and stuff... let's talk about spoilers for a bit.

It starts out with a plane crash on an island. Then each passing day, they start to realize something is going on with this island. There's much more going on than they thought. Secrets began to reveal itself and more.

The end of the show... They all never exist. They all died in the plane crash.

So between the first episode and the final episode, there were many events going on. First, they thought they got home. Then they had to go back. Then they all had to save an island.

Everything doesn't really make sense if you just hadn't put things together. The whole entire show was like a big mystery.

So it's like a show that kept you thinking what the heck just happened after you finish the series.

Rumors flow that they were going to make a new LOST series... but I don't think it's needed.

The show would've been better if they hadn't rushed after the writer's strike was over.

In the end, I'm glad of the ending because it actually makes sense that not everybody disappeared. They just simply... moved on.

The island was based on what you could say... the in between? It's hard to put it into words unless you understand mythology a bit better.

All in all... I enjoyed the show. Still think it could've been better but it's understanding since the writer's strike happened during that time. A lot of the good shows went downhill after the writer strike so yea.

Until next time, who knows what I will review. And I only review things that do interest me. I will not force myself to review something that I know I won't be able to watch or read or play.

That's all.

With love,


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