Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Nothing Is Changing... Yet

I am still keeping my goal of trying to do stuff. Later this month or the next, I am planning to buy a new headset that goes completely around my ears and for one hour a day or two, I am playing a game.

I don't want to speed too long on a game because I want to focus on finding an online job to help me with my life later on. This is a long process as it is so I just hope that one day, I can find something awesome.

For the videos to come on YouTube, I got ideas. But because I have been sick lately, I can't record those videos. I knew I was getting sick like two weeks ago, then a week ago, I gotten sicker. So right now, my main focus is trying to get better.

I am not worrying about my blog as much because I chose to update whenever I feel like it. The number of times is unlimited. Not limited.

I am going to do a different recording session with Torchlight 2 later on to add onto my channel eventually.

I will still do live streams whenever I feel better.

I haven't started writing stories just yet. I have ideas but I want to be able to make chapter cards so that I can add ideas through that way. With a climax to make things feel better for a story.

What happens if I do get an online job? Well, nothing will change. I will be working at a certain time part of the time. Not all the time. I will still focus on my blogs and other things.

The reason why I want to get a different headset is to make it less noisy to appear in the background. I can only find those either at another store or online.

I do want to play some Square Enix games but after reading up on some things... I have to be aware on those.

I guess I will have to wait and see what happens next before I do decide anything. I think the only thing that I did broke for my resolution is reading more. I will get back to reading soon. I hope!

Anything else... I think that's about it. For now, I want to focus on getting better completely. That means, no dizziness, no coughing, no stuffy nose, etc.

 Again, keep an eye out on my twitter if you want any news of anything. The way this year has been going... anything can happen suddenly.

Alright, sleeping time for me now.

That's all.

With love,


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