Sunday, March 17, 2013

76 of 365: Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I just thought I'll mention that even though the day is almost drawing to a close. I went down London in hopes to be lucky and get my phone. Sold out. Wow... must be a popular brand. Oh, well.

Anyways, I did however bought Sims 3 Pets. But you know... I'm deeply curious about the pricing: The game I bought was priced 19.95. But yesterday, at a different location but same retailer, the price for the game was 39.95. Something wrong with this picture... So it just proves my face that each Walmart is different. Never the same.

Anyways, gonna end this soon because at 8, I got a show.

Oh, by the way... if the weather doesn't stray away from being what I hope it stays at this week... I'll be busy away from the computer.

There is something else I need to mention: I can't do anything such as moving, etc, until after June 6. I have a very important meeting on that day. I will reveal eventually what that is towards that time or if we can get to go because we seem to be having problems gathering info locally. Do you realize how dumb some of the people are here? They need to get on with the modern and out with the old. xD

Well, that's all.

With love,


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