Thursday, June 20, 2013

171 of 365: Remembrance and Maybe a Truth

It's been a year since being on Eden Eternal the game. I haven't been fully on the game since the guild Destiny disbanded but I understand life is more important but it brings out the best in of us. Well, I met very interesting people on there... so yea...

But it made me realize something... I actually became more the person of who I am suppose to be because of some people there. I fell in love, became close to some of them. And miss some of those who left. Life is funny like that. Even the possibility of never meeting one or two of them is there but I vow to meet one.

Anyways, I wrote Maybe a Truth because I want to tell one guy something and I am afraid to tell him how I feel because he pissed me off. But yes, you got a point. And really... thanks.

He quit talking to me because I set my facebook to where he can't see my statuses anymore. Sorry about that. I just don't want you to keep telling me the harsh truth. Yes, I like to hear it but also don't like to hear it in that way. Anyways, the past is the past. I've moved on.

But I'm happy for one special friend. And want to say, let's keep being this way for a while longer. And can't wait to meet you, Rai. :)

Anyways, that's all because since I was busy making plans. What plans? Maybe I'll reveal it one day. Maybe not.

Also a bit of an advance... always tell those who you are close to that you love them, even your friends. After so many deaths of familiar people and close people here, I realize that if you don't be nice to at least once, you will regret it. Don't be that person that just feels the guilt that you wanted to tell somebody something. Tell them now. What they think doesn't matter, just tell them what is there in your heart.

That's all.

With love,


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