Thursday, September 12, 2019

Trying My Hand At Random Poems

I try my best to come up with ideas... but I should brain storm things first... sadly, I didn't with these poems... so enjoy these for a while.

Write a poem about one or all of the four seasons. (Some ideas for brainstorming: What does the season look, feel, smell like? What memories do you associate with that season?).

Spring come... a smell of flowers, 
Sweet warmth, soon summer will overpower,
Falling leaves, for what's all about Fall,
Winter is here, as we heard that snow can call.

Write a poem using three of the following words: expensive, lampshade, bruise, convincing.

Life can be expensive,
But love can be convincing...
When you sit under a lampshade...
You're left with a bruise to aid. 


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