Thursday, September 12, 2019

9 Random Questions.. Yes... Something Different

Something a bit different... Here are the 9 different questions... Questions are in bold... answers in Italic.

What were the last two books you read? Beasts of the Frozen Sun by Jill Criswell and The Swan Riders by Erin Bow

What's the hardest lesson you've had to learn? Not sure if it means a class lesson or life lesson... but I learn that not everything is gonna be easy. Someday, I'll have to be on my own for real and be alone... I don't mind being alone... but I do mind about having friends that would come by to check on me.

What is something really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed they liked it? Ooo... this one is a toughy... I mean, there's a lot of things that are popular now... like today, I saw a pair of pants where one leg is flared and the other leg... straight... yea... I would see people being embarrassed over that in 5 years. However, there are things that will possibly never go out of the popular stage... who knows... maybe something would come to my mind in 5 years and I would be like.. why...

What simple change in your life would have the biggest positive impact? That would be my health... I'm sure that would be simple to do just by doing small things... it would be a big deal for me and my life.

What three objects you own do you value most? The fire tablet I won, my computer, my PS4... these are hard to get and takes time to get back.

What would you name your boat? Kairi, of course... it means ocean in Japanese and it would be a perfect name.

What happens in real life, but rarely gets portrayed in movies? Oh... everything. Life is never like the movies.. love is not easy like that either. There's always a struggle in how we live. We tell it in the books, but movies always try to skip that. Remember that folks, next time you watch a movie based on a book.

What is the most useful thing your mom or dad has taught you? My dad taught me that you should speak your mind. My mom taught me to never let any BS bother you.

Who's your favorite protagonist from an animated movie? Moana from Moana... There's more movies but that's only one for now.

Thank you all... I will one day have a personal question thing on here but for now... I will do a random one.

See you all later.

That's all.

With love,


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