Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why I hate to smell beer and why I don't want to either?

Well, I'm not afraid to say it. But I just don't like to talk about it all the time so I just type it out now and forget about it.

Personal reasons. Well, here's exactly why.

My mom's ex was a big drinker. Yes, the same one who tried to rape me. The very same one that I turned devil towards. The very one that made me the way I am today.

We always fought but you can't tell a drunk anything. And each time, you cannot help but smell beer on his breath. I hate it. I hated him.

I can never forgive that damn bastard for what he done to me. I could almost wish to kill him. But I am not gonna do that. I'm sane enough to not hurt anybody. So... yea...

I'm emotionally unstable right now so I might end up saying a few unpleasant words about that ass if I don't stop now.

So there... that is why I hate the smell of beer nor do I want to smell it anywhere... I'm afraid that if I ever step in a bar, that it'll bring up bad memories. So... yea.. I hate it.

That's all.


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