Tuesday, March 3, 2020

10 Things That Are Interesting To Answer

Time to answer random questions... haven't done this in a while... so today, there will be 10 questions to answer. Most of these are completely random.

1. Do you read reviews about a movie before deciding whether to watch it or not? To be honest, I don't really care about reviews. Some movies can speak for themselves once you are able to watch them. I never bother trying to read the reviews because I just want to see it for myself.

2. What do you do when you're bored? Whatever I can do. I have a lot of time during the day so it's either this or that. But never the same each day. I like to draw, write, read, watch shows/movies, play games... so yea... I am constantly doing something different.

3. If you could choose to have any useless super power, what would you pick? You know... I don't really know. I know a few of those useless powers can now be useful so it's weird to think about this question. I have read a few... so I guess... knowing where bathrooms are... or turning into an useless object. So yea... this is a weird question to answer.

4. At what age would you consider someone to be old? This one is a good question to ask me... because I don't see age as age... but rather a level. Sure you might feel it as you get older... I'm 33 right now and I don't think I see that old right now. Some children might see me as an old lady... but yea... I guess you could say... I considered old to be anything older than 60.

5. What is your favorite sports team? None. That's just it... I hate sports so yea... none.

6. What's better, having high expectations or having low expectations? Either way, it seems like you shouldn't have them. I like having high expectations even though I know it might not happen or whatever. But that's just me.

7. Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? I wouldn't wish this upon myself but if I should answer this question... it would be a leg. I love my arms... but a leg... you could always get back up somehow.

8. What is the best thing about living in your city?  Um... I don't really like where I live xD So... let's say, I live in a small town where there's not much to do. They try but most people just go out of the county to shop so yea... nothing is best in this town.

9. What was the last thing you bought? I think it was writing journals... they have prompts in them so it's fun to have when I don't have anything to do xD

10. What is your favorite thing about summer? The weather. The sunshine. And yea... that's just about it. xD Not much to say about summer because we don't really go anywhere that much like we used to.

Well, that's it... anything you like, you are welcome to comment. Thanks!

That's all.

With love,


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