Saturday, September 29, 2012

And so I write...

There are times that I wonder what I'm doing here. But the answer is always there, in front of me. I must live for a reason. I must live for the world. Whether I'm famous or infamous, I want my words to be heard. That has always been my wish. And so I write... this to you all.

Alright, that strange feeling that I have been feeling... What is it? Why it comes and goes? Well, here's the true story about who I am... I'm not your smart average awesome woman, just so you know.

I'm different. I see things different. I sometimes love to go outside and listen to the wind blowing. When it rains, I will enjoy my day more. It's strange but I like that for my life.

Anyways, back to that feeling? Well, I follow my heart and soul more than I follow my mind. I don't always think before I take actions... I follow what's my intuition. So basically... I'm not psychic ... but something close to it. I am very sensitive to emotions of other people and I do try my best to block that and control it at the same time. ^_^'

And my point? Well, let's say that I know something is going happen but I don't know what that is. I talk this way because it's not meant for me to know what that is but that it is coming soon. Anyways, whatever it is... it's a good feeling. So I'm glad it's nothing bad.

I have had bad feelings before and I do not like them at all. I can feel pain also... and when I get mad, I have a devil side that comes out and just literally cuss everybody out... And if I get really mad, it'll end up with a lot more than words. Yep... physical problems. So... never ever piss me off.

Anyways, that is all I want to talk about. Sorry that I have been slow at updating this but I am going to bed at 1AM and on Eden at the same time, trying to do MB (Monster Battle) xD Anyways... that is all. ta!


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