Monday, December 4, 2017

Frosty The Snowman Theme With Narration

The movie is a classic. We all love that loveable snowman with his magical hat. He sings and dances. And he gets to go with Santa.

Here's a longer version of the song and narration.

However, if you really want to listen to the one I did, just skip towards the end to where you hear Frosty the Snowman.


I think too many things are happening here. While I was taking a shower, the faucet in the bathtub broke off... I barely even touched it when it happened... and boy did I panicked...

Not fun, let me tell you that.

Anyway, I am going to find something to do while waiting to see what dad is going to do. I really hope he doesn't fuss by the time he comes in x.x

That's all.

Happy Holidays,


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