Tuesday, September 29, 2020

These Are My 10 Commandments (Sort Of) Of Writing A Blog As A Hobby

 There's a post idea that says... "what is your ten commandments for your career?" And I was like... I don't actually work but doing everything else... sort of is...

What do I mean about everything else? Well, I am doing this blog... even though as a hobby, I still consider it as a job.

So... here's my commandments on... well... my blogs.

1. Don't Worry About Anything... I mean it... don't worry about anything that you do. If it seems weird, don't worry about it.

2. Try To Get Ideas... Just so you can be inspired to write more.

3. Don't Have A Set Schedule.... since you are writing the blog as a hobby... if you are like me.

4. Short Posts Are Okay...Especially if you are like me... who sometimes don't know what to talk about all the time.

5. Be Ready To Be Criticize With No Problems.. I mean... it's okay to be criticize as long it's not in a rude way... I had been rudely told that my way of words are not okay... and I was like... you know... you could just say that... I need to fix a problem instead of telling me how my writing style should be.

6. Don't Stress... I mean it... don't stress if you don't or aren't able to post in that day or length of time.... just explain it in a personal post that you have been busy or you just didn't know what to talk about.

7. Not Everything Is Gonna Be Perfect.... You are reading that right... not everything doesn't have to be perfect so don't let that get to you... perfection doesn't always have to be you.

8. If You're Ever In Doubt, Just Write It Out.... Sometimes, if you don't know what to talk about... you would like to write it out... and then you can figure out from there whether or not to post it.

9. One Failure Is A Lesson Learned... I usually just get some ideas out of the way if I know that I don't like it.

10. Don't Be Like Everybody Else... I mean it... you are you... My blog is all over the place and you think that I care? Not really... I like to try something new a lot of times.

And so... you get the idea of what my commandments are... I don't think it's what I think of... but they are good to follow if you want to write a blog as a hobby.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Not A Whole Lot To Say

 Well, it was something that I never thought that I could pulled off... Making it through this with no problems.

I guess I need better planning and stuff xD

Anyway, I am actually glad to get by this week... I hope that this coming week is much better... but then again... you can't really entirely predict anything that goes on.

I have no clue what will happen next... but hoping that I am able to take a little bit of rest because I got two weeks in October of stuff to do... for one day per week xD

There's a doctor's appointment that I gotta do since I am at that time for some more blood work to be done... yea... gonna be fun, you know?

Alright, I shall get back to my life for now... if anything happens, I will let you all know.

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Aliens Could Be Real?

 There are a lot of conspiracy theories out there... one that I really believe in were... Aliens being real.

It's never proven that aliens were real... but yet... it was proven that UFOs exist... so what is up with that?

I never quite understand a whole lot details but hoped that things will get better with time.

Especially, proving that aliens are real...

I mean... there's got to be something controlling these UFOs, right?

Yea, I may be strange for believing these type of conspiracy theories...

But do you have any that you believe in? I'm sure there's a lot of them that does due to the mystery behind the COVID-19 outbreak... so yea.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Checking This Website Out... Pobble 365 Looks Fun

 I found this website that is just for anybody. It's called Pobble 365.

Everyday, there's something new that pop up... you have questions, story starters and much more.

Like an example... today is Skydive... now you see the picture so you can create a story for that alone... or read the story starter to write from there.

You can draw too of the object that the story starter stated... just something for everybody.

I really enjoy this idea for a website... and may use it as a challenge in the future.

I really hope more parents and adults would use this page as a way to find something to do.

Here is the site that you can go on: https://www.pobble365.com/

You can check it out and maybe... just maybe it would something fun to try... either for yourself or for your children. Also, teachers can get on there too because it's great to have when you don't know what to do.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Having A Bad Week

 Well, I really had a bad week...

I just had to stop writing the blogs at some point of the week... and really... wished that I didn't but I really couldn't helped it.

My stomach had been hurting like crazy and stuff... so I just gave up on the blog for a bit.

Sorry about that.

Just understand that this may happen a lot because of how my health is... it's a struggle sometime to even get out of band and more.

So, if you don't see any blogs for a long time, I am alright, just resting a whole lot.

Alright, shall get to writing the other blog because I want to talk the anime that are ending...

See you all whenever.

That's all.

With love,


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Traveling Solo is What I Want To Do Someday

 I really want to do... is travel solo.

Something that I have been looking into for a long time but I have no money right now. I just have to wait and see what happens later on...

Usually, people would tell you to not worry about money and just go for it... Okay... it does take money... especially if you don't have a passport or realID which is a requirement if you wish to fly a plane.

I just know that it is hard to do any traveling right now. As the virus still continues, many things are slowly opening up.

One day, I do want to try to travel... Starting with Japan, of course, because Japan has been a country that has been on my top of the list... I just love the culture there and more.

What is one thing that you really want to do someday?

Would you like to travel alone too?

Dreaming of Having My Own Website

 One day, I would love to have a website for A Faerie Journey only... because it's all about me.

I am currently writing a story based on A Faerie Journey... but I haven't a clue on how to start... maybe start by a death... I haven't a clue whether to start with a mom dying or an aunt... so I will try both ways and see from there.

I want to base on my life but in fantasy form... so you can see why I wish to do this.

Now... about the website... should I wish to hire somebody... I might try to hire somebody to do some copywriting... for what, I don't know yet.

I know what copywriters do... but I much rather try to do most of the website on my own.

Right now... I am not interested in hiring anybody to do a website as I could not afford it right now.

When the chance comes, I'll be sure to research some ideas on the website and more.

What would you do if I do happen to get an official website? Would you go to it?

Right now, I will stick to blogger.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Taking My Time Blogging

 I think I made it through this past week... despite, skipping two blogs that was planned out.

I did wrote three blogs this past week... at least.

I am hoping that I will feel a bit better for this week... but we just have to wait and see...

I think I will dedicate this week as... just take my time at blogging week xD

Anyway, not much going on this week... just know it will be cooler in the weather finally...

Alright, I am going to get off and get to writing my other blog... I want to plan out my week accordingly... and well... you should know that Mondays and Saturdays are always break days from blogging... Something that I wish to continue.

There will be other break days that will be picked at random just because I can.

See you all when I can!

That's all.

With love,


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Talking About Trends in Blogging

 There's several trends for blogs right now... You can view them here: https://digitalagencynetwork.com/top-blogging-trends-for-building-an-audience/

Let's talk about each one...

SEO (look at the site to see what it means), basically seems interesting enough. You use the option of a search engine within your blog. Though I am not that interested in this problem. It's still something that anybody could use.

Video Marketing... which is something we all do when we're bored. I usually watch videos almost a lot of times during the day. When they use videos to talk about blogs, it is a good sample for people to learn more.

Guest Posting is awesome in fact. I may do this in the future... although if I recalled, I was invited but didn't really do it. I want to learn more before I do this. 

Email Marking is something that I do enjoy having... newsletters are always there to give you something new every day or week or month... depending on the company or what you register. They give you info about the blog or just about anything you can think of.

Long-Form Content... something that I have been doing but it's not easy. So if you have a long post... it's really good for people to stay on the page longer.

Now... if you wish to read more, just go to that link above. 

Also, if you have anymore trends that you know of... you are welcome to comment.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

It's That Time Of The Year For Politics

 Yep... we got a senator and a president race.

I saw the first sign locally and it's already annoying me. Not because of the sign but because I know people would start coming by trying to convince you to vote for this person or that person.

This time, I am going to straight out and say... I'm a democrat and I don't really care who gets in right now because nobody is really that good.

Which is true. Nobody is really that good right now. But you can only get one out that is worse than the other.

I am still going to try to vote but not sure when those ballots are coming in the mail. It is really slow for some odd reason.

Oh, well... we just have to wait and see until November to know who will win.

What is politics like in your area? Just wondering.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

What You Could Do In A Small Town

 I've been living in a small town all my life. There's not a whole lot to do. Especially since this town doesn't have a movie theater or a mall.

But there's still something to do... so let's talk about 10 things you can do in a small town.

1. Go For A Walk: There's plenty of places to walk to. You can walk downtown, up by a hospital or just about anywhere if it's all located in town.

2. Go For A Swim: If you're like my hometown... there's plenty of places you can go for a swim. We have a lake and a creek and much much more. Though you may have to travel by car to get to most place buy they are worth it during the summer.

3. Go Fishing: Again, you go to the lake and river and creek for these. Be sure you have your license to do it. Unless you go around certain weekends in the summer for certain states. Here in Kentucky, it's the first weekend of June.

4. Go To Your Local Library: I really do hope your small town as a library. Ours do but it only serves for whole entire county so it does kind of suck. You can request books from other libraries so that's a good thing.

5. Go Hiking: Not sure if your town has places to hike but ours do... only if we go into another small town xD But our small town is part of a big county so it's all good.

6. Go To Your Parks: Our town have plenty of parks to sit, walk and play. You should be able to enjoy the places more.

7. Support Your Local Games: Not sure if you have these but during some summers and fall weathers... you could go support the local schools or local teams. Believe me... we have small league, football and much more. So there's always something to support.

8. Take a Drive: You really do need a car for this. A small town always have back roads... we have loads of them. I love Wildie, Scaffold Cane, Red Hill, Sand Hill... yea... those are the real names of the back roads that we go to.

9. Go Into The Woods: Be aware during certain hunting seasons... but other times, you could just roam into the woods... just be sure that you have a way out and more. Be careful of snakes and other wild animals.

10: Take a Cruise: No, not a cruise on the ocean... but more like riding back and forth through town. You can do this with bikes too because you just never know what you might see while you're out.

Most people are friendly in these small towns so if you're ever in town, don't be afraid to wave at people. They will wave back.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Addressing A Few Things

 I know some people likes a lot more of certain things but I am not the type of person who just chooses one thing and stick to it...

Sure, I am a big fan of Kingdom Hearts franchise. But I just... don't much about certain things.

So if you're looking more of something, you best to wait it out or something.

Also, I don't really know much about D&D... just saying... It's not like I don't like it... I just literally don't know much about it... other than that it's a role play type of game.

I've seen a YouTuber that done it... but they quit doing it because of things.

I would like to try D&D sometime or another...

But just so you know... my blog may be called "A Faerie Journey"... it has nothing to do with role play and such. I called it that because it's basically, my life journey... Why the word Faerie is there? Because I loved them... Ever since I first read them in YA Dark Fantasy Series books.

So... that's why my blog is called "A Faerie Journey."

Hope you all understand it a bit more.

That's all.

With love,


Friday, September 4, 2020

Asking Forgiveness Even If I Don't Recieve It

 There were moments that I had said stuff that I wished to take back.

It's hard to just pick one.

So let's talk about them.

I think we all have those moments where we had said something that we thought was okay but it wasn't.

I did.... a lot. And it caused a lot of problems to happen to me.

I had lost touch with people whom were hurt by the words that I had spoke of before. I really wish to take them back.

I really hope these people would learn to forgive me eventually because I am asking for it... But I don't mind if they never do forgive me. I learn that it's better to just forgive yourself instead.

It's something you have to learn to do over time because it can eat away in your mind sometimes.

So... be careful what you say to people that are close to you.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Time to Ask My Readers the Questions

 Note: I may add this to both blogs since it's something that I want the readers to answer.

Since I have been writing these blogs for a while now, I figure it's time to ask you, the readers, questions. There's no right or wrong answers here. You can lie, be honest, or anything.

There are rules that you must be respectful, keep hate comments out and more. You are allow to say certain things just be sure to be "nice" about it.

Here are the questions:

What would you like see more on my blogs?

How do you feel about my blogs?

What do you like or don't like about in my blogs?

If I could improve these blogs, tell me how.

What would you not like to see more of in my blogs?

Do you have any suggestions?

What do you think about my blogs so far?

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

2 Different People With The Same Love

 My mom and dad are two different people. I don't mind that really.

In fact, you never knew they are different people until you see how nice my mom is and how weird my dad is around people xD

I love them both and that is all what matters to me.

The topic is how they are similar to each other. Well, they do agree with a lot of things.

The only thing that is hard to agree with my dad is he tries to take work home. Basically, if something goes wrong at work, he will be sure to mention it over and over.

I guess that is just my dad.

My mom is a lovely person. She does have a habit of being annoying but that's because she really can't help on a lot of things. I try to look over it more than ever now.

My mom is a special person no matter what.

But in the end, I will always love both of them.